
A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When the Stripper is . . . Talkin'?

Monday, February 1, 2010 1:14 PM
I ran into this very chatty dancer the other night. I liked her, she was funny and sexy and easy to listen to. She keep talking as we made our way to the back and when she straddled me waiting for the next song to start. I expected her to stop when the dance started, but she never did, just kept on talking the whole time. Didn't seem to affect her dancing skills, she was grinding and touching me in all the right places, and I really wasn't paying attention to what she was saying; just saw that her lips were still moving. Ever happen to you?


  • imnumnutz
    14 years ago
    beautiful girl at Rhino in Vegas wanted to hold a conversation while she danced. Nicely requested that she not talk during dance, we could talk later. she complied and gave a wonderful dance.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Strippers should dance, not talk.
    14 years ago
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I hate it.I love Nickys dances but she ruined them the last time. Kept asking these nonsenicule questions."Bitch my brain does not need stimulation". She is off my list of favorites.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    That's happened to me a few times, it's relatively rare, but still bad. Personally, I like to have a nice conversation at the bar, with one and two sentence answers. If I like them I'll let things get deeper. But I don't like it when dancers don't know when to shut up.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Conversation is just fine, as long as it's on the subject I'm interested in. Dirty talk while she's dancing is great. Talking about her baby's diaper rash is not.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    My old frat cry (back in the days of being crude) was to tell the "date" to "shut up and fuck."
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    If dancers want to talk, they should do it at the bar.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I do like it when a stripper is talking as long as she is funny or romantic and not bitching about her bills "oh gosh do you think we can do a couple more dances after this one I have my rent coming due" fuck you bitch this is not about you it is about me right now!
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    One of the girls at my favorite club has a tendency to talk too much, but I let it slide with her since she ought to be a comedian and I enjoy her on a personal level. But the dancers who talk too much need to shut up and dance.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    If they talk dirty I find it enhances the experience. A little small talk is ok for me.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Al Bundy: "At the nudie bar, where you see their butts and they keep their traps shut. At the nudie bar." She can moan, hiss, or pant, but talking is out of the question.
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    This is a close to a unanimous concensus as I have seen on this board and I totally concur with the group. As a guy who both talks and listens to dancers out in the bar, I fear that I have too many keep talking during lap or table dances. Some catch themselves and stop, some read my reaction and stop, and a few just keep chattering. If it is a newbie who just might be nervous, I might even gently tell them that they should avoid this mistake; but with girls who ought to know better, it's either put up with it and avoid another dance or actually tell them to be quiet.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Yes, a lap dance is so much better when the stripper is cryin' Well I find it's quite a thrill When she grinds me against her will Yes a lap dance is so much better when the stripper is cryin'
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    sinclair, Don't hear the "when the stripper is cryin" song much (maybe the dancers don't like it) but I did hear Bloodhound Gang's "The Bad Touch" in the club the other night. I was singing along and the dancer gave me a funny look when she saw I knew all the words.
  • brewerfan
    14 years ago
    My question about that is, "What's the catch in the dancer talking during the dance?" I mean, there has to be a reason behind it. Are they trying to keep you from following the song in hopes of them getting you to do another song without notice? Or, do they want them to get you to concentrate on what they are saying instead of their nakedness? I dunno, just kind of weird.
  • neoguy
    14 years ago
    I am ok with a word or two, or if they laugh due to some odd moment. But I will wait to talk afterward...time is money and I want some grind when the meter is running.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Any yapping during a LD is unacceptable, especially ridiculous attempts at over-the-top dirty talk. If a dancer has a need to keep her mouth busy during a LD, I'll gladly find something for her to keep it busy with.
    14 years ago
    Lopaw! My "talker" proceeded to explain to me why she moved from Florida to Seattle (everyone leaves the sunshine state for the fog and rain of Seattle, right? No, it was for a guy...) Listening to her gripes only cost my $35 (one dance), but hey, I was willing to check out VIP at a new club (to me); and me and my money soon parted ways.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Sure fire way for a dancer to lose business--talking about money troubles during a dance and then asking for a tip.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    sinclair, don't give DickJohnson any new topic ideas LOL. I didn't think steve229 was talking about dirty talk but the life non lap dance related chit chat.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I don't have a problem with some limited "dirty talk", but anything else, not the place!
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    "Over the top" dirty talk is bad, but a little, done well, goes a long way for me. Most male oriented porn dirty talk is an example of over the top. A significant portion of the dirty talk from female oriented porn is very much appreciated by me.
  • FinalLap
    14 years ago
    I love to talk to them before and after. But during the dance, I'd prefer she concentrate so I can concentrate. A few hot comments would be fine, but not a real conversation during the dance.
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