
from ATF to ROB in 15 minutes

OK, she wasn't my ATF, necessarily, but she probably would've been if I had met her first -- definitely was in top 3, regardless. This girl makes me drunk with desire. I've gone nearly catatonic just watching her on stage before. (Granted, her ass and kitty were about 1" from my face at the time.) ;-)

We'll call her Sharon for this story.

Half a dozen VIPs, who knows how many floor dances -- and frankly, even now, I think every penny was worth it. But we just hit the end of the line with Sharon.

We had texted earlier in the day. Sharon was going to be working that night; I told her when I'd be in to see her. When I got there, she was with another guy, so I went to the bar, but passed by the table she was at, so she'd know I was there. After about 5 minutes, she came over and said that she needed to spend a bit more time with the guy, but that she'd be back in about 20 minutes, if that was OK with me. I told her it was, and she even pressed me if I really was OK with it. I told her she was worth the wait. She smiled, flashed me, and went back to the other guy.

True to her word, she came back about 20 minutes later. We hung out for a little while, then she got called to stage. After her set, we went back to VIP.

Now every VIP so far had been better than the last -- it was pretty clear that we were "ramping up" and the limit was still far away -- but this one was a big leap. Afterwards, she said she needed to go freshen up (I know she was soaked -- wink, wink). She asked if I was staying longer and where I'd be sitting, so she could find me. I pointed to a nearby table -- didn't trust my legs not to give out any further than that.

A waitress came by and I ordered a bottled water -- I don't drink in SCs -- boobies lower my inhibitions enough. A couple dancers saw me by myself and hit me up, but I was in a semi-daze and was waiting for Sharon anyway.

About 15 minutes after the VIP had been over, a shot girl came over to my table. Now every other time a shot girl has approached me, only to see my water, she smiles, says "you don't drink, do you?" and moves on. But this one was a bit persistent, wanting me to at least buy the dance part of the shot/dance combo. While she's still there, another shot girl comes up on the other side of the table. She taps my arm to get my attention, which turns me away from the far side of the club (relevance of that statement in a second) and starts the same routine.

Between the fact that it was clear that I wasn't drinking, and the fact that the 2nd girl violated the unwritten rule that the first girl already "had dibs" on me, I thought this was really weird. Like I said, I was in a semi-daze, so I didn't think *too* much of it at the time.

When I finally got them to leave, I glanced over at the far side of the club and saw Sharon winding her way over to a fairly dark corner to sit down with another guy. I walked over that way to make sure my old fart eyes weren't bad and that it was really her -- it was.

No "thank you", no "good night", no "I'm gonna go milk this guy's wallet now", no "f*** you and the horse you rode in on". Pretty damn obvious now that the shot girls were supposed to be a distraction (and failed -- I hope Sharon didn't tip them too much).

I'm not to the Dougster "all dancers are sub-human" point, but my cynicism radar is gonna be pegged for quite a while. Live and learn.


  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    I'm not getting the point of this story. You buy dances from a whore. Afterward she has to go change but then she's onto the next guy without saying "bye" to you. You end up pissed and feel this trivial story is somehow relevant enough to post on TUSCL?

    Also I don't say all dancers are sub-human. Maybe only about 98% of them: i.e. those that are lying, thieving whores.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Switch to a fugly – she’ll be glad to spend lots and lots of time with you.

    Seriously, I don’t get the ROB part – seems like you got what you paid for. If “Sharon” is as hot and talented as you suggest, she’s going to be in demand. It sounds like she was trying to juggle several regulars during the time of your visit. It happens.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Sharon is not a ROB based on this story. She was a bit rude, perhaps, but she's on the job...
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    While it might have been nice of her to tell you she was going elsewhere, your expectation of same was misplaced, IMNECTHO. This is how she makes a living, and letting a live one slip away to be snapped up by someone else just ain't gonna happen. As well, the other guy might have specifically requested her company. At at least one club here in Louisville, the waitresses will watch for a girl to be free and snag her for you before she commits to someone else. For a tip, of course. :) Management approves of that practice, and actively disapproves of the dancer not cooperating, as long as it results in drink or dance sales, of course. And if you were done spending money on her, or if she thought you were, then I think your expectations are *way* too high.

    Nor does it particularly sound like you got ripped off, frankly, so the ROB moniker doesn't appear to be appropriate, either. Unless you left something out of your story, she didn't make any actual commitment to seek you out, or promise to do it within any specific timeframe.

    Bottom line for me is if she's just finished giving *me* value for my time and money, I'm not gonna stress her doing the same for somebody else.
  • rockie
    15 years ago
    So Sharon didn't sell you that total image of you and her being something special. She did you a favor. I understand that you were disappointed in your treatment on your recent visit, but you weren't ripped off. As a matter of fact - If a ROB has financial needs, she'll milk you for every dime you have and beyond, instead of working the club for her money. If Sharon does it for you, dial down your expectations, and enjoy your club visits - with or without her. If you paid for a promise, don't make that mistake again!
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Next time you will have to tell her cuddle time is part of the deal. :)
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    Never go to a club looking for love. Sounds like that is what you were doing, IMHO.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Nothing out of the ordinary here. She was done. She moved on to someone else to make more money. All dancers want you to stay after you've finished a lapdance or private dance session. That way you're always a backup if business fizzles later in her shift. If you tell her where you'll be sitting she might try to hit you up for a drink and possibly more money--but later, after she's worked the room for regulars and others who catch her eye. She's not an ROB, it's just the way business is done. Get used to it. You just didn't know her well enough to have expectations beynd her acting normal at work. It was business, it wasn't personal.
  • LeeH
    15 years ago
    Sigh. Interesting how everyone ignores the shot girls. Maybe I have a different idea of what a ROB is. So take off the "RO" part.

    I don't even mind being a "backup" as gk suggested. I regularly tell other dancers that are sitting with me that if they need to go work the room, to go for it. But dammit, if I'm gonna be a backup, tell me so. I thought (wrongly) that Sharon and I were past the game-playing sh*t.

    BTW, Dougster, the main reason I told this story was to give you something to jack off to. Was it good for you?
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    Yeah, don't think the ROB part really fits, nor do I think she was that horribly insensitive.

    Points for the pot-shot at Dougster, and extra points for making laugh with the last line of above post.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Gee, LeeH, you sure talk tough for a guy who acts like a big baby just because a whore didn't say "bye" to you.
  • neoguy
    15 years ago
    When I first started back to the clubs I would have thought like this, but now I know how the game is played. The strippers always have to go freshen up or smoke and it seems to take 20-30 minutes. I never go looking for them, but always think they are on the other side of the room grinding on another guy. Well I figure if they don't want to come back over to me, I will just find another dancer to spend my time and money on.

    A ROB is someone who tries to get you to pay for something you didnt ask for, you got what you paid for. If you want more, pay for more. Easy as that. Find out how much she wants for her whole shift and pay her that, it is the only way to guarantee her time with you..haha.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I see that you think Sharon paid off the shot girls so they could cock block you and she can go see another guy. I know this sucks, but I would not hold hard feelings against her or a grudge especially if this is just the first time it has happened. I would give her a second chance if I were you.

    A ROB is someone who says something like "i'll give you a BJ if you go to the VIP with me"...and then when you get to the VIP she collects the money and never performs and just makes up excuses. At this point there is nothing you can do to "force" her into giving your money back or performing the BJ. Just chalk it up as a loss.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Interesting how everyone ignores the shot girls."

    That's because the shot girls have basically nothing to do with your story! I know that you'll likely never believe that your ATF likely did not pay them to "swarm" you, but that's beside the point. As has been stated several times before, many, many dancers ask if you'll be hanging around longer after you've done with a set of LDs with them, but it's basically a meaningless bit of small talk. Your ATF likes to make money, and she has other regulars besides you...time to start getting over it my friend...
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Back in for a couple more comments.

    Yes, she wasn't your ATF. You got caught up in a fantasy of what might happen instead of knowing what would happen, which is normal, it can happen to all of us. But an ATF is pretty dependable and consistent, the term "ramp up" wouldn't apply to an ATF, not because she always does your bidding, but because she's predictable.

    Does a dancer really need the drama of a distraction to move on to someone else. I don't think so, she just takes a time out to freshen up and makes the shift. So be easier on the stupid shot girls (even though they are the parasites of strip clubs). I just don't see this big conspiracy.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Funny how the title here was "From ATF to ROB", but in the end, LeeH has to admit, well she wasn't an ATF, and come to think of not the "R" or "O" of "ROB" either.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    I mean it, Dougster, quit sending me the posts begging for gay sex.
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