
That big wet spot on your pants(or shorts)

Avatar for vincemichaels

Thinking about the topic (You got me wet) got me thinking. Do you stick around afterwards to get more dances. Ever get the feeling everyone is staring at you, including the bouncers? Ever get tossed out of the club? How much do you tip the dancers? If you stay, do the other dancers stay away from you and not dance for you? Does your SO comment on it after you get home?How soon do you wash your clothes? Etc., etc.?


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Avatar for sandman74

Sometimes I do stick around. I'm usually wear dark colored pants or jeansso it rarely noticable. I've never been rejected by dancers after I've busted one in my pants. I've been asked and accepted to go for round two from the same dancer. I usually patronize the same dancers and lately one particularlly will ask "are you gonna cum for me?" so so hot!

Avatar for CTQWERTY

Vince, my first five minutes in Henry the VIII in Inkster, I grab a seat opposite the bar with a stage inbetween. Plainly visible at the bar is a rather large guy sporting a light blue summer shirt with a very large and obvious splotch located a little south of the belly button area. Said conniseur seemed the least bit concerned about his "spill" and meerily downed his beer. It was then I knew I was in a FINE establishment. Well that, and the door guy telling me about the upcoming "hog on spit" grill out.

Avatar for Drippy

I might stick around for a little while just to finish my beer and enjoy another stage dance or two. My trip to the VIP area is usually the climax of my visit to the SC, so I usually leave fairly quickly. Like Sandman, I wear dark colored pants so the wet spots are not very visible. Since all my clubbing is done on business trips, I usually rinse out my SC uniform in my hotel and let dry on the shower rod.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Fortunately, I haven't had that problem for the last little while. In addition to age making it less likely to get off on just grinding, I've been fortunate enough to get direct contact lately. I've been able to clean up before pulling my pants back up.

Avatar for sinclair

Can a "spot" on your pants get a dancer knocked up?

Busting a nut with a pussy in my lap scares me. I don't want to be paying 18 years of child support.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

sinclair: Technically, yes. Likely? No. Exceedingly unlikely. Like, "struck by lightning after receiving the new panacea for all STDs while picking up your lottery winnings from the super model who has agreed to fuck you on the first flight to the moon" unlikely.

if you're done having kids, get snipped. I've been shooting blanks for 15 years now, and it's liberating knowing I never have to worry about that ever again.

Avatar for neoguy

Last time it happened to me I had to leave right after and go to a meeting....in a well lit hall with hundreds of people around. Very embarassing to say the least. Lucky for me when I got home, no one was there....i was able to throw them in the washer and get the all clean before anyone came home.

Almost busted a nut tonight though and I had tan pants on...thankfully the song ended and she was very prompt ending her dance...ha. I have gotten better at not getting close while getting a LD, but tonight she was very small (100lbs 5ft tall...mmm), this was her first day (or so she said..her LD skills WERE lacking some, but getting two hands full of tit and ass from a new girl made up for it) and it was a new club for me to visit. All of this made it so much more exciting.

Avatar for TTIME

Wet spots can be a bit awkward I remember going to the Toy Chest in Dearborn when I first started going to clubs.

I had never been to more then a Deja Vu before,I see this blonde 10 dancing on stage so I go up and tip her she ask if I was busy if she could come set wuth me when she got down.I say sure thinking wow this is my type of place,well she has one more song and in walks this kid maybe 20 years old with a $1000 suit on walks up to the stage and tips her a $100 bill they talk a while.She gets done with her set comes over to me and says she has to take to kid in the back "sit still he cant last a full song".I am like ok never had this happen at the vu,anyway before the songs over the "kid" comes out carrying his coat covering his crotch. Tiff comes to my table and says you ready I say sure I get up leave my coat on the back of my chair she quikly turn around and say " might wanna bring your jacket unless you already have a jacket on" I am like ready to pass out my head is spinning .As I am setting down and she is pulling her top off she reaches in my pants and says if I get you off in one you owe me for two and if It takes two you owe me for one.And sha says I have never been paid one song sofar. I say ok thinking never would a middleage old fart like me bust a nut in 3 minutes.Well lets just say she got her two song rate and said you glad I had you bring your jacket with you now!

Avatar for CCRiderm

TTime, that is just about the funniest thing I have heard. I can sympathize. Us old farts tend to take a while, but when you get a determined sexy young thing, all bets are off.

"Stand back, she's a gonna blow!"

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