Racist SC's
Strip Club Nation
Anybody know of any clubs where ethnicity matters in terms of whether you are welcome there or not?
For example, Cheetahs in Vegas used to be infamous for keeping blacks out of their club. The bouncers would either tell them they were not in compliance with the dress code or give them an extremely inflated cover price. The same went for Mexicans. I don't know if this is still true as I haven't been in a while.
For example, Cheetahs in Vegas used to be infamous for keeping blacks out of their club. The bouncers would either tell them they were not in compliance with the dress code or give them an extremely inflated cover price. The same went for Mexicans. I don't know if this is still true as I haven't been in a while.
There was a VERY LARGE African-American male who used a walker and had to come in sideways through the back hallway/entrance. He tipped a petite (4'10" and thin) white dancer during Finale time, and sure enough, she led him across the bar and up into VIP, albeit at .00000000000022 mph. The guy delighted as he passed, "I'm going to get me some p*ssy!" I later talked to the gal and told her I'd like to see the video of her and him. [That guy had to be 400+ pounds, maybe 500...]
There was a kid hanging out in the parking lot of the club @ my last visit. From a distance he looked like Kirk Hammett from Metallica. When I took a closer look, it turned out the kid was some weird hybrid of goth and Juggalo(Insane Clown Posse fan). He had one contact lens that was had a vertical pupil. Lots of ugly jewelry around his neck. Trenchcoat decorated with studs and spikes. And he was white. He told me the club wouldn't let him in becaue they were "anti-Juggalo".
So what's up with that?
Some strippers are really stupid in going with gang members. The only future those guys have is prison or the grave. A lot of them don't even have the IQ to keep a job. I used to see a gal that bragged her BF was a gangster. When he beat her up so bad she spent some time in ICU and she almost died it stopped but she would still defend him at times. "Its not really his fault bc he is bipolar," she would say. There are some really sick bitches out there.
I have to say that of the clubs I visit regularly, I think I've only seen three or four black dancers total. Favorite club doesn't have any. Well, every so often one will show up but they don't last long. I don't think the clientele likes black girls, as a rule.
I know one dancer who absolutely will not do a lap dance for a black customer. I've seen her turn them down cold. Of course, she's very Southern. I mean, she dances to country music and carries a knife in her boot. You would think the Confederate flag bandana she carries would send a message. LOL
That is their right. To say otherwise is to condone rape.
As far as the clubs being racist, I don't see it (of course a white 45yo guy is pretty blind to this). I do see it in the dancers. I've felt more than once that a dancer approached me instead of the black guy sitting next to me. When they leave, they don't move on to the him.
That said, the metro Detroit area is the most segregated city in the USA. Lots of reasons for that, starting with the little incendiary event in 1967. As a white man, I do not feel particularly welcome in Detroit. At the same time, I think young black men in particular have a lot of legitimate reasons to be mad at "the Man".
The clubs I visit in the Detroit area have black dancers and black customers, but definitely in the minority. Is there racism? I'm sure. I had one dancer tell me she was a little racist, but she said it was based on the percentage of bad experiences she had in the vip with black men. She pointed out a few in the room... "see that guy, the one all the girls are ignoring? His finger wants to go where it shouldn't, and it doesn't matter how many times you tell him not to." I don't think that is racist at all; the racism comes in if you then generalize that to all black men.
There was a black dancer at Leggs who I later saw at Bogarts after the Leggs fire. She told me she had trouble getting dances from any of the white guys. That was pretty shocking, because she had an incredible powerful athletic body - her body was actually a work of art. I would have taker her upstairs myself right then and there except I was waiting on my fav. Never saw her again after that.
There was also a daytime manager at H8N who was fired for pulling a bunch of stunts... one of which was charging the black dancers a much higher tip-out than the white dancers in an effort to drive them out. But hey, he did get fired (although maybe not for that specifically).
In general, I'd say in the Detroit clubs I visit it is not unusual to see black men in the vip with white dancers, or white men with black dancers. I don't think there is any institutional racism. Everyone seems to get in the door, unless they are obviously quarrelsome. Once inside, the choices people make may be motivated by racism or just "preference". Probably some of both.
There's an aspect of trust that's necessary, and if a dancer doesn't feel safe with a customer then she should trust her judgement.
I've had dances with black dancers, mostly out of curiousity. The ones I chose were petite and didn't have the stereotypical "bootylicious" bodies. I found them attractive, except for the hair. Neither could afford weaves so they just had chemically straightened hair, which didn't move. I like when hair whips around. But the dances were fine otherwise.
The big Tampa clubs(Mons, 2001, Penthouse) I've visited were overwhelmingly white, both in talent and customers. I think there are black clubs, hispanic clubs, and white clubs there. The black club is on MLK---I doubt too many white guys venture down there.
My fav club has several white dancers who are in relationships with black guys. They tend to gravitate toward the occasional black customers.
why i now avoid clubs that have a 98% white clientele/dancer ratio.
because of my size and race i am discriminated against at any club i go
thats outside the inner city area of detroit
at centerfolds i got ignored like the plague by all the dancers, i know
that its their right to choose who they feel comfortable with but
my major pet peeve is being lump into a category of something that i am not, but its ok because i know that there are other places where im not
judged but it would be nice if they at least open their minds up a bit
it don't matter what race the customer is im sure that the white customers have caused just as much trouble for some dancers in suburban clubs.
so if they are gonna judge me then fuck them clubs, i will stay in the city where i belong.
doesn't mean they are racist, but that they have good taste
I doubt, as I've said, that a black guy dressed in Abercrombie would be turned away.
As far as your perceptions of my friends, how about we get a drink at Bogarts sometime? You will be able to better judge the character of the friends I keep by my character.
I can't speak for the cities you mention but I have lived in Lincoln NE, Kansas City MO, Denver CO, Portland OR, and Lacey (Olympia) WA. Ann Arbor ranks second to KC on my short list for worst race environment.
One of the problems in A2 is the UM students. Since UM has lower the bar for black students, other students assume all blacks are there because of lowered standards. Those perceptions came from a student that worked with two black students in a lab. He gave a lot of insight to what black student s go through. As my friend said, one of the kids was valedictorian but many on campus think he's not qualified to be there.
Now I applaud UM for trying to bring more Detroit inner city type kids to campus but I deplore the method. UM should be on the ground in the grade schools, middle schools, and high schools. They should be connecting with the parents and the student as well as facility and staff. Raise the expectation and the goals of the community. Be a part of helping those people meet those goals. Help more high school seniors achieve the entrance requirements.
Probably the most disheartening event was some professional people at the UM hospital who didn't know I was in earshot. It wasn't off color jokes, just pure hatred. I couldn't believe it, I was just so set back by it. It was a twilight zone moment.
Now I don't believe A2 has a horrible unsolvable race problem. A2 is far from that it isn't nearly as progressive as Olympia or even Lincoln with regard to race. I guess the small pockets I've seen have been so blatant and from young people.
I don't have the prospective to understand why like you do. I've only been in the area 10 years and was 2 when the '67 riots took place.
> she had an incredible powerful athletic body - her body was actually a work of art
I think I know of this work of art of which you speak. I only saw the girl I'm thinking of once at Bogarts, maybe a year or so ago. If I remember right, she was wearing a Scottish tartan skirt. Just beautiful, and I too regret not getting a dance as I was preoccupied.
Actually, the only time I've experienced racism is when Asian strippers ignore me. They tell me that Asian guys don't usually go for Asian strippers. I tell them I'm in equal-opportunity pervert.
My favorites are white, I can't help it. But I will say I just found a black dancer that is absolutely beautiful. And I want to find a way to make her a favorite also. Her shifts do not coincide with my visit times, I just lucked out one night.
I can believe that Ann Arbor, or the University of Michigan, is racist. The dirty little secret about most colleges, and college towns, is that all of them basically practice segregation. It's not like people go out of their way to be racists, but at least within my college experience, which was between 1991 and 1996, they always tried to preach diversity. Well, you can't have diversity without separation.
I also find it surprising you think Lincoln, NE is progressive, because all I ever hear about it is that the cops in Lincoln are racists.
As far as clubs themselves being racist, never seen it. Management, bouncers, doormen have always been cool at all the clubs I go to. I will say contrary to what someone else said, white customers get great attention at all the local black clubs here. My guess is the dancers figure if he's in there then he appreciates black women so they spend time with those white guys.
Now, at UMASS--Boston, it is assumed that because he transferred from a Black college he was admitted on lower standards, despite finishing Grosse Pointe South with 3.0 GPA and a varsity swimming letter. I have told my children, now adults, that there will always be a segment (how large?) of the American population that secretly or publicly believes that Black people just don't fit or belong in this country and our entry into elite institutions, professions, Fortune 500 leadership or the White House must be the result of lowered standards or some politcal abberation. I have no desire to distract this board with some Black History Month lecture, but I do know that honest opposition to Obama's policies is one thing. Demoninzing him for racial reasons is an entirely different thing. And, yes, dancers avoiding a Black customer, dressed in a suit and tie with $500.00 cash to blow is their loss. I've been that guy.
...then don't try to sit in any VIP seating areas in any downtown Montreal strip clubs...because you have to pay (and usually tip in addition) to sit there. No matter though, since there is almost always plenty of free seating that's closer to the stage anyway.
"To say otherwise is to condone rape."
Holy shit...like all combos of white women & black men lead to rape...my goodness...what a racist statement, from a well-known racist of course...ugh...
"Well, you can't have diversity without separation."
They have the right to choose.
haha...pathetic..as usual...
let's throw a pity party...
Of course it is...just look at this guy's history when it comes to racial remarks!
Case in point from this very thread:
A fellow black strip club patron bares quite a bit about his experiences with racial discrimination in SCs, and this Right-wing Troll responds with:
"let's throw a pity party"
"Forcing a dancer to give a lapdance to a customer with whom she does not comfortable IS a sort of rape."
Really?? An unwanted LD = rape now?? Please, you know how many ugly, nasty, smelly, old customers an average stripper does LDs with in her lifetime? Come on now...you're over-reaching here...
"But making it policy that a dancer has to do it for anyone who asks is quite another."
No one that I can see (including me!) is saying that a dancer cannot legitimately refuse to give someone that they don't like (for whatever reason) a LD. However, to think that racial issues don't come into play even a little bit in these kind of decisions is just wishful thinking. This is America, and America (like a lot of other countries) has problems with race people.
"The perception of young, urban, African-American males as 'gang-bangers' and 'thugs' is not without some valid reasons, but often leads clubs to adopt draconian dress codes and racial profiling policies based strictly on appearence."
Agreed. I've seen this first hand, but only at a few strip clubs so far...mostly in the Albany, NY area.
So strippers deserve to be raped in your opinion MisterGay. You really are a twisted perv.... with a rapist streak.
Someone should track MisterGay's internet address. Your daughters (and sons) are at risk from this wingnut
LOL...nobody's advocating for the rape of strippers, you stupid Right-wing Troll. However, YOU are the one that is trying to equate "White dancers" giving "Black customers" LDs as "condoning rape"...because you're a racist, period.
Someone should tell mitciv that this website exists so that a useful discussion & exchange of information about strip clubs can occur...not so one can spout off a bunch of racist, Right-wing nonsense from the likes of Michael Savage. Run along now Troll...
Now go ask founder to ban me because I'm making you look like a fool!
MisterGay...seriously twisted...ugh
Nope, that would be YOU, Mr. Right-wing Internet Troll...and for quite some time now! As I've said to you many times now (in your silly, moronic attack posts on other portions of this website), it really does HURT to be schooled over & over again eh??
"Now go ask founder to ban me"
I've done nothing of the kind. This is founder's site...it's his rules, not mine.
"But I guess left wing tunnel vision wingnuts are OK?"
No, the FACTS of the matter are what's "OK" my Right-wing friend. Live & learn...
Law Enforcement needs to be aware of him.
Are you serious? This gratuitous attack on a national treasure shows what an ignorant scumbag you are, MisterGAY !!!
Where is your evidence wingnut?
From now on, only MisterGuy can spout HIS nonsense. He is the greatest!
"has a rapist streak"
...in your own highly warped mind that is...
"Law Enforcement needs to be aware of him."
LOL...cyber-threats are really a HUGE sign of weakness yanno...
"Where is your evidence"
Hmmmm...from this wacko's own website:
"The Savage Manifesto
D. Cut off all public assistance for immigrants for five years. Repatriate those who are not working, after two years."
Those nasty, dark skinned immigrants need to go home, eh Savage??
"F. Have illegal aliens build a wall between the United States and Mexico, and then, repatriate them. Pay them a one-time worker fee."
LOL...slave labor followed by "a one-time worker fee"...sounds very "American" there Savage...
"G. Fire any unmarried military person becoming pregnant while on active duty."
Fire pregnant female soldiers! Very, very "American" indeed Savage...
"H. Require Norplant for all women on welfare of childbearing age."
Effectively sterilize women on welfare...their human rights be damned, eh Savage??
"I. Close all houses of sex and massage."
So much for TUSCL!
"M. Encourage all other illegals to self-repatriate through double taxation on wages"
Double taxation without representation! Once again, sounds very, very, very "American" there Savage...
B. Iran. One, sanctions embargoes and mine their harbors. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out.
C. North Korea. Destroy their launching platforms, impose a Naval blockade on all goods coming in or out, except food."
Open War with BOTH Iran & North Korea! We sure as heck can "afford" that, eh Savage??
As for being against so-called "rapists", one might re-consider supporting a thug like Savage, especially after his September 21, 1999 broadcast where Savage said that female students who came from a Marin County private school to feed & provide services to the homeless "can go in and get raped by them because they seem to like the excitement of it..." On the March 18, 2003, Savage called Elizabeth Smart "Snow White", then he then went on to say that if he were writing a newspaper article about what had happened to Elizabeth Smart that the headline would be, "Snow White Gets Raped By Bum In White Robes."
Welcome to obscurity mitciv...you've earned it! LOL...
Savage is 10 times smarter than MisterGay. You've outdone yourself here pervert, taking mudslinging to a new level. But that's the only arrow in your quiver.
When a conservative source is listed, he bashes it, yet uses his liberal sources as gospel. When fact checked and when people are asked for trustworthiness, conservatives sources win hands down. Not even close!
A real recent example and from this "administration" no less. The fabricated "jobs" numbers. Jobs in districts that do not even exist. They had to admit their lies!
LOL...as IF all of the sources that I listed above for Michael Savage were "liberal"...including his very own site! LMAO!
"When fact checked and when people are asked for trustworthiness, conservatives sources win hands down"
...in your own highly-biased, Right-wing opinion that is...lol...what a fool you really are clubber...
"The fabricated 'jobs' numbers"
...which were, of course, never "fabricated" in the first place.
"Jobs in districts that do not even exist"
...which were an extremely tiny number of the data that was used, period.
What a surprise clubber, you've been caught again telling half-truths & lies with absolutely ZERO facts to back up anything that you claim...just like always...LMAO!
""Jobs in districts that do not even exist"
...which were an extremely tiny number of the data that was used, period.""
A good start, but he has a long way to go.
Someday, we may even get him to admit the PROVEN lies. Of course, proving that they are lies doesn't deter his misguided fervor. Sad, very very sad!
I see those types all the time in clubs, regardless of ethnicity. At a local club I visit, they have a large Mexican customer base, and my bartender and dancers tell me they rarely spend any money other than on a few beers.
Times have apparently changed, while the dancers probably consider the guys deadbeats no one is stopping them from patronizing these days.
No, that's the entire unvarnished truth of the matter, moron. You'd know that already if you weren't so busy telling lies & half-truths yanno...ugh...
"Of course, proving that they are lies doesn't deter his misguided fervor."
LOL...like you've ever even tried to "prove" anything that you've said here old man...LMAO!