
What is a pasty/pastie?

Breathe, breathe in the air
Forgive my dumb English ignorance but what is a pastie/pasty I see mentioned sometimes in reviews? A small piece of cloth/material that covers nipples? If so is it local law that means girls have to wear them or the rules for the specific club? Over here pasty has an entirely different meaning.


  • nj_pete
    15 years ago
    Yoy are correct, I've seen bandaids used, but apparenty the "professonal one" are some sort of cloth that is generally flesh colored and stuck on.
    Generally these are due to local laws. I don't think they are that common.

    Sometimes the girls have to wear them on stage but they come off in the private dance booths/area.

    Horrible things!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Here in Columbus because of local law, majority of clubs require "pasties" the little band aids that cover the tits of dancers. Of course it varies because some clubs follow the law better than others. Some dancers pasties look better than others (one dancer uses heart shaped red pasties instead of just a band aid)

    Also even if the dancer does take off her pasty, the adhesiveness of the band aid is still on there so her tits taste funny. I hate the pasties and have declined buying lap dances sometimes because they can be so distracting.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    I once saw all the dancers with duct tape as pasties. The law had just changed to require them and they were protesting. They wanted to get the customers mad so they would force repeal of the law. Strange logic, to me. I would also think that taking them off would be somewhat unpleasant. It was somewhere in north or central Florida many years ago.
  • steve229
    15 years ago

    In Virginia, state law requires that dancers be “clad” both above and below the waist, so pasties are a creative way around the rule in “topless” clubs.


    The trend I see is flesh covered pasties as small as humanly possible while still covering the areolas.

    Oh, and for a bit of irony, Virginia’s “Great Seal of the Commonwealth”, in use since 1776, features a bare breasted woman.

    15 years ago
    London, Indiana clubs generally require them. Detroit clubs? None that I can recall.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    As I suspected, and as you say steve, very ironic. Thank god they don't have them in Detroit or Vegas. A pasty to us is something you eat, traditionally comes from an area of England called Cornwall (the bottom left hand bit of UK), it's made of meat, potato and veg in a pastry and shaped in a kind oval. Shame about the Indiana clubs though, could be there and in Ohio before March is over.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Here in the Omaha area, the Council Bluffs clubs require them (if you are taking off your bikini top). I have known girls who work there and they don't like them at all. But it's the law there.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    The Detroit city council is considering requiring them. The debate then turns to what kind--flesh colored, clear, see through, covering the entire aerola or just the nipple. And watch black dancers scream if the law requires flesh colored, because those are hard, if not impossible, to find in the wide range of skin tones of African-Americans. The silliness of this is a holdover from America's Puritan heritage. 90% of the breast is not arousing or sinful, but the entire breast, available to any ten year old in a public art museum, is too much.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Here in LA it appears to be a zoning thing. A club in zip code "A" will require pasties, but if you go 2 blocks away into zip code "B" it's topless or nude.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    In ATL they are not required. Nor are they required in SC clubs.Or for that matter in any SE club that I know of.I have a favorite that will pull up my shirt and rub her tits on my bare chest. For a $1.00 tip. For $!0 you get the whole package in the back room. Wonder why my favorite club is the top 10? Why I drive 240 miles to get there?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Londonguy, we call them pot pies. I don't know of any restraunts that serve them but they are avialable at most grocery stores. Chicken, turkey or beef. Just pop them in the oven for an hour.Much less in a micro wave. Marie Calender is the best.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    PA used to be a pastie state. No longer. Towards the end some girls at some clubs bent the rules a bit. They would wear clear latex pasties. Not sure if the law specified them to be opaque, regardless that's what they wore.

    Often 5-10 minutes into their stage routine they'd remove them. Then have to put them back on if the House Mom caught them in the dressing room.
  • neoguy
    15 years ago
    Pasties are required in Ohio, but some of the girls will go without wearing them and just stay outta sight the best they can. Those are the dancers I want to have around me as they expect a good nipple sucking...and let me tell you, her nipples tasted great.

    Could it be then that when she seen me, she turned around and went into the bathroom, then came out and straight over to me? Knowing I love to suck her nipples...and that i will pay her for several dances, could she have taken them off and washed up just for me..??
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Pasties are NOT required in Ohio, only parts of Ohio (apparently). In Toledo it's completely nude w/alcohol.

    There is one club in Detroit area I know of that has to use pasties - John's Hot Spot, and it's due to a local ordinance. Club provides the pasties at a $5 charge to the girls. Different shapes are available, from hands (funny) to skull and crossbones, hearts, etc. Often they come off "by accident" in the VIP, and have to be reapplied.

    BTW, REAL pasties are available all over in Michigan's upper peninsula, due to the influx of Cornish miners in the 19th century to mine copper.
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