
dollar dollar bill y'all - ever pay for a dance in ones?

I had spent all my 20's on drinks & dances and was ready to leave. But I was having such a good time with this hot redhead that when she asked if we could do one more dance, I said yes, if she didn't mind getting paid in dollar bills (since I had a stack of singles left over from change for drinks, cover, etc.). I felt a little awkward, but of course she didn't mind, and even helped count it out.


  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Well it beats paying for one in nickels!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Dollars? Anyone remember back when you used to give the dancers a couple of dimes or a quarter for the jukebox?
  • neoguy
    15 years ago
    I never worry how I pay them...it all spends, so yes.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Dance prices at kahoot's is $30/song. I did once pay with a $20 and ten $1 bills and she made a smart ass comment about "are you seriously paying me all in ones?" I was like "no not all, just ten of them sorry". She was fine with it.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    That's something I do when a dance is $25, for example, but all I got is $20's. Knowing how some dancers can be ROB's, they don't always give back change like they ought to.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    Is the time drawing nearer when $1's will be withdrawn from circulation? Over here we did away with 1's some time ago and now have coins for 1's and 2's. Suppose $1's are handy for tipping?
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I doubt we will lose $1's over here. They still haven't got rid of the penny and they ought to do that, considering it costs more than a penny to make one. And yes, $1's are handy for tipping and in many clubs, you tip $1. Some demand you tip $2, but you just use 2 dollar bills for that.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    They've tried a $1 coin in the U.S. a couple times and it has never caught on like in England.
    That reminds me of a business trip I made to London a few years ago. I got some money exchanged and started spending those coins like they were small change until I suddenly realized they were actually 1 pound coins. Ouch!

  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Is the time drawing nearer when $1's will be withdrawn from circulation?"

    I don't think so. There have been rumors for years of the govt. wanting to get rid of pennies, but that's never happened either. In fact, there's a whole new set of re-designed pennies out there.

    $1 coins have been tried several times in the USA, and they've failed miserably every time. Even Wal-Mart got behind $1 coins once in the recent past and that effort still failed.

    Like DD above, I've used $1 bills to pay for LDs that were oddly priced only. I did pay a $10 cover charge in dimes as a joke once at a former favorite strip club where I knew the door girl. :)
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "They still haven't got rid of the penny and they ought to do that, considering it costs more than a penny to make one."

    That's true of nickles as well though. The U.S. Mint estimates it costs 1.23 cents/penny & 5.73 cents/nickel. The Mint still makes hundreds of millions of dollars in profit on making coins in total, but it's been losing more than $45 million/year on pennies & nickles alone for a while now.

  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I remember paying a dancer in ones. I told her right away that I was almost out of money but she still wanted to dance for me. She didn't care if I had twenty one's or a twenty.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    interesting article Misterguy,
    I wonder if big business has anything to do with pushing the government to continue to make pennies. So many items here in the US are marketed at price points like $3.99 or $0.99. Even Arby's (a fast food chain) has started a marketing campaign of selling combo meals for $5.01. Our US economy and marketing depends on the penny! lol

    I think it will be interesting when we can start using our cell phones to pay for something. SImilar to the way we can now donate to Haiti funds with our cell phones via text. Imagine being able to text message a number for Target stores and text the amount you want billed.

    I also have to agree with Dandydan about how ROBs will not give change back to you. Also it feels awkward asking a stripper to give you change.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Interesting note...

    I have seen that ATM's accepting cash deposits and are near clubs, often have an abundance of $1 bills in their depositories. I wonder why? :)

    Certainly adds anonymity for the dancers, if you don't count the video.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Our US economy and marketing depends on the penny!"

    Something like that. Getting rid of pennies and/or nickles would just re-set the price points that things are priced at. Instead of $1.99, you'd see $1.90 or $1.95. Just think of how different gasoline prices would be without the penny and/or nickel! There really is something to pricing things with a lot of 9's in them...it just "seems cheaper". :)
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