Comments by Electronman (page 83)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What do you pay attention to?
    The reviews for any hints of extras.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Negotiating in Detroit
    What VM said plus a few extra pointers: Be willing to decline unreasonable price quotes but be aware that there can be major discrepancies between acceptable price points at the upscale clubs (Flight Club, Penthouse) versus the blue collar clubs (Henry VIII and Bogarts). If you leave the door open for negotiations, sometimes a dancer will provide a counter offer or return to accept your offer. Do not pay up front. That can be a formula for a dancer to renege on promises and it will be difficult to demand a partial for full refund once you've paid. Have fun.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do you tell the stripper that you write reviews online?
    I never volunteer information about my postings on this or other strip club review sites to dancers. Web sites such as TUSCL serve a customer to customer communication function. This discussion does make me wonder if a positive dancer review actually translates into an uptick in business for that dancer?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just Learned that there is Sex in the Champagne Room.
    Sean: A slightly different perspective. Are you happy with your regular club, in spite of the apparent absence of extracurricular activities. If yes, then I 100% agree with the other posters that you should not "brag" about your ITC experience to the dancers in your "regular" club. If your experience at the other club has re calibrated your expectations for your "regular" strip club, then you might work on a strategy to nudge the dancers in your regular club in a more permissive direction. It would be appropriate to open a discussion about extras, either ITC or OTC---something like, "I know of clubs where two consenting adults can have more than just a lap dance in the club; do you think that might ever happen here in this club? Several strategies, depending on the dancer reply Dancer: No way, that's illegal. Customer: So why should that be illegal? After all, sex between consenting adults is legal. Besides, are you telling me that you've never, ever done anything that is illegal? Have you ever exceeded the speed limit? Do you report every dollar that you earn in tips to the IRS? etc. Dancer: That's OK for those ***** at the other club but I'd never do anything like that. Customer: Why not, don't you enjoy sex, after all your body is a product of 20 million years of evolution, why not take advantage of some of the pleasures that your body can provide. etc. etc. with the goal being to gradually move the dancers to a more favorable disposition to either ITC or OTC activity. good luck, but don't be reluctant to find a new favorite club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit Club Veterans: Hustler vs Flight Club vs Penthouse
    Sorry that the PH visit did not meet expectations. On more than one occasion, I've left PH without buying a lap dance and not because the dancers were sub-par and not because I didn't let dancers know that I was interested. So I agree with the others who rave about the quality of the PH dancers but I've found that the PH dancers are less willing to negotiate price than dancers in other Detroit clubs. Sometimes the price quotes are so consistent and so firm that I suspect that the dancers have signed an agreement to enforce a minimum price point. Some of the dancers seem to wait around for a regular, probably a high paying regular, and bypass other offers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Wait for it...
    Airport! What better way to kill some time between connecting flights than to hang out in a strip club--- of course the number of missed connections would probably go way up.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    cheezy songs at the SC!?!?!
    One of the cheesiest songs of all time is "Having my baby" by Paul Anka. I bet it would clear a strip club in minutes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hot bartenders
    It was a slow afternoon at BTs (near Detroit) and the waitress was the hottest woman in the club. I struck up a conversation with her. She had just started working at the club. She sat down at my table (the other waitress was coping pretty well with the other three customers) and we chatted for 10-15 minutes. Complimenting her one her body, I asked her if she was too shy or inhibited to dance-- she replies "no problem. I'd even try the VIP if I had the opportunity." So I asked the bouncer/manager if I could take the waitress back for a VIP dance. Looking around at the sparse crowd, he said yes but there will be a $20 up charge on the normal VIP entry fee (also $20) to allow the waitress to take some time off. Turns out she was not shy-- one of my best ever VIP sessions at a club noted for extras. Went back a couple weeks later and she had moved to a more upscale club, now in a role as a dancer. The moral of the story-- it never hurts to ask, politely of course. Every now and then, you might just recruit one more beautiful woman into the peeler work force (not that this particular waitress needed much persuading).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Where does your City rate in the 'smut-census'?
    Michigan doesn't register in the top 100? Understandable, why rent fantasy when you have access to the Detroit strip club scene.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    3 Weeks of SC Exploration
    Are extras important? If so, then I'd put TJ at the top of my list, followed closely by Detroit, Toronto niagra falls , coi. Never been to Houston or Miami clubs so they might belong on this short list along with some other notable gems (follies, pp). I'd move Tampa lower based on this criterion, not saying it doesn't happen just not so prevalent and affordable as TJ or Detroit.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    3 Weeks of SC Exploration
    Are extras important? If so, then I'd put TJ at the top of my list, followed closely by Detroit, Toronto niagra falls , coi. Never been to Houston or Miami clubs so they might belong on this short list along with some other notable gems (follies, pp). I'd move Tampa lower based on this criterion, not saying it doesn't happen just not so prevalent and affordable as TJ or Detroit.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The "romper room" at Bogarts was always fun. It was a raised stage area with 8-10 padded metal chairs on which lap dances would occur in a public area. Most of the dancers would pull their g strings to the side and ride cowgirl on their unzipped customers--- fun to watch but still reasonably discrete by Bogarts standards. In contrast, one trip to the VIP I was amused to find two side by side dancers bent over at the waist while their still seated male customers did a public rim job. The romper room has been replaced by more private booths-- the industrial strength metal chairs are still there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Is ass the new vagina?
    Given a little prep time by the dancer, no objections here. Becoming mainstream? Interesting video featuring a song from "Get him to the Greek." <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Just in case this doesn't embed correctly, google "Jackie Q, ring around"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    When in Rome (or Columbia)????
    Interesting point mjx-- is the secret service really "on duty" 24/365? This doesn't seem realistic even if they implicitly or explicitly agreed to this type of assignment. When you travel on a business assignment, are you pretty clear about when you're "working" versus when you have personal time. Are you willing to visit a strip club while on a business trip as long as you are not incurring any additional expenses for the business (they are personal expenses) and you are not compromising your ability to discharge your business obligations? Should the secret service be held to a different standard? Good point Papi (and better retort Ermita)-- surely Colombia has better strip clubs than the relatively lame strip club scene in Columbia (as in the District of).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Maybe some of us who are less well endowed (or maybe less delusional), should request a discount on extras?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Cops having Sex with Strippers?
    Super Dude-- tell us more. female cops moonlighting as strippers? Should we ask to see an ID before we invite a peeler for a trip to the VIP?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Additional Services
    I've been to a strip club that sold condoms. The condoms were over priced compared to my local CVS and Walgreens. No idea how the strip club managed to stay in the condoms business with prices that were so much higher than their competition.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are you a sex addict?
    I recall that Tiger Woods reportedly checked into a clinic that specialized in treating sex addicts. My thought ------ what a great place to meet women with similar interests! Why fight 20 million years of evolution and attempt to "overcome" your interest in sex?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancers just won't leave me alone!
    Advice for the tortured soul: Move to Chicago, Washington, DC or Grand Rapids, MI or any of the other cities that seem to be candidates for the most boring strip club award. That should take care of your "problem."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Duo's in TJ?
    Yep. While sitting in Hong Kong and enjoying the shaving cream show, I was accosted by three beautiful Latina women. I took all three upstairs for a very reasonable fund investment. It was a unique experience but the session consisted mostly of me having a good time with hottie #1 while the other two cheered; then changing out condoms and having a good time with hottie #2 and then once again changing condoms and having fun with hottie #3. Like silky's experience, there was very little girl-girl action and the condom change routine took some of the fun out of the experience. Had fun checking this off my "bucket list" but I would not repeat unless I was pretty sure that more girl-girl action was in the mix.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Extras? Naaaah
    Even when I go to a club not looking for extras, it only takes a few sexy dancers on stage or erotic dancers in my lap before my interest in extras is peaked. That said, I know which clubs in my area are noted for extras (thanks to tuscl and a few other web sites) and which ones tend to be "dance only" experiences (think Deja Vu), so depending on my interest in extras, I'll select different clubs to attend. On rare occasion, I've gone to "dance only" clubs and ended up with a surprisingly good time. To each their own but for me, going to a strip club without thinking about or pursuing extras is like window shopping in a bakery without ever sampling any of the edible delights.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    so how much pussy have you paid for ???
    Wish I could get a bit more for my investment but those penis enhancers don't really work. So I typically only use about the first 6 inches of the pussy that I "purchase." So, I guess I pay for about 50-75 feet per year.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How common is doing strippers up the tail pipe
    Of the dancers that I've encountered, probably 70% have been comfortable with a finger or tongue in the ass but only 10% have been OK with anal sex. But several of the women in that 10% really, really loved anal and preferred it over vaginal penetration. One claimed that anal was an automatic orgasm for her. For me, always covered-- too many STD risks to go bare.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Extra Indicators
    In addition to wise advice offered above, I also take note of whether a dancer's VIP clients return to the club and look for another dancer (probably no extras but no guarantee especially for the younger customers) or whether the customers head to the bathroom (to clean up) or simply leave the club (heading home happy).