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Joined Mar, 2009
Last Seen Jun, 2018


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11 years ago
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Could you say no to Angelica?
Nope I couldn't
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11 years ago
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Chicas Locas of Cabaret Royale
10723 Composite Dr Dallas, TX 75220
I've been to this club many...
I've been to this club many many times over the last few years. The place is neither in the higher nor lower end of…
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12 years ago
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Ritz Cabaret & Cafe
1952 S Yale Ave, Tulsa, OK 74112, USA*
Not impressed is how I'm going...
Not impressed is how I'm going to start this review. I ventured out to this place on a weeknight not knowing at all what…
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13 years ago
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Déjà Vu Colorado Springs
2145 B St Colorado Springs, CO 80906
There's nothing really wrong with this...
There's nothing really wrong with this club its just that its expensive to get into on a weekend night - It cost $20 for…
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13 years ago
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3 Weeks of SC Exploration
Thanks all for the tips. Never really even thought about Toronto so I'll have to do some more research there. And I'll probably…
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13 years ago
3 Weeks of SC Exploration
If you were free of all work and personal life obligations and determined to go on a multi-week stripclub tour around the U.S. where…
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13 years ago
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Flight Club
29709 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141
Was recently in my old haunts...
Was recently in my old haunts in the upper Midwest and magically found myself in Inkster, MI. What luck!! Though my primary review…
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13 years ago
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Perfect 10 Cabaret
404 E Highland Mall Blvd Austin, TX 78752
Third time visiting Sugars in the...
Third time visiting Sugars in the last several months and have had some mixed experiences. On this last trip I was surprised at how…
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13 years ago
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Escort Review
Depends on where you live/hobby. Eccie is a great one...especially so if you're in TX. Somewhat of a presence in NY.
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13 years ago
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Perfect 10 Men's Club
16511 Bratton Ln Austin, TX 78728
My previous Austin club experience wasn't...
My previous Austin club experience wasn't that great and I actually ended up at this club for just a few minutes at the end…
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14 years ago
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Palazio Cabaret
501 E Ben White Blvd Austin, TX 78704
I thought this was the club...
I thought this was the club I had visited on my previous visit to Austin - but was mistaken. This was a longer…
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14 years ago
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The St. James
555 Rankin Rd Houston, TX 77073
Let me preface this by noting...
Let me preface this by noting I've had many positive reviews of this place over the last year+. Have been away from the…
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14 years ago
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The St. James
555 Rankin Rd Houston, TX 77073
My favorite club in Houston. Had...
My favorite club in Houston. Had visited Centerfolds earlier in the evening and had to come here to finish off the night. I have…
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14 years ago
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Centerfolds Houston
6166 Richmond Ave Houston, TX 77057
I've been away from the hobby...
I've been away from the hobby for a little while and this place and my favorite (St James - review to follow) were my…
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14 years ago
Why I'm Quitting Las Vegas
For nearly 20 years I've been going to the Las Vegas clubs – usually 3-4 times per year when I'm there for business or just taking some time off. I recall…
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14 years ago
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2801 Westwood Dr Las Vegas, NV 89109
Visted what used to be one...
Visted what used to be one of my favorite clubs in Vegas from the last several years. I gave this club a raving review…
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15 years ago
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Treasures Houston
5647 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX 77056
While this club has some great...
While this club has some great talent - better than the other clubs in Houston including the St. James - it lacks some quality…
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15 years ago
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North Houston Heads Up
Interesting. I was a mere 1/4 mile down the road at the St. James on Friday night.
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15 years ago
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The price of FS...
Well I'm embarrased to admit that, several years back, a continuous session in the spearmint rhino in Vegas (3+ hrs) cost $400/hr x 3…
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15 years ago
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ATMs for ATFs?
<p>Ah yes the Flight Club cash advance counter. Drank a bit too much one night and ran out of cash, argued with some tart…
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15 years ago
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The St. James
555 Rankin Rd Houston, TX 77073
Been to this club a few...
Been to this club a few times so this is somewhat of a combined review. My first trip lasted perhaps 20 minutes - was…
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15 years ago
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Quality versus Mileage!
I liken it to&nbsp;your dating standards when you are 20 years of age versus 45.
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15 years ago
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What is a good Chicago club to go?
Chicago is stripclub hell. Don't even bother with the clubs in-city. You'll get more action out of a Victoria Secret catalog. Clubs out South,…
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15 years ago
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Rate The GurlZ
To me these girls would rank among the top talent at any club I've been to. And this includes Spearmint Rhino in Vegas. But…
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15 years ago
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What's your definition of a "TEN"?
Misha - who formerly worked at Club O in Illinois.
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