Comments by Electronman (page 82)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit on a weekday
    My recent visits to Penthouse have been disappointing---- characterized by OK talent (mostly 6-7s with a few 8s) and inflated prices (for Detroit) that seem to have become standardized and non-negotiable across all the dancers. In recent visits, I've had good experiences at reasonable prices at the Coliseum and at BTs and the talent was comparable to Penthouse. Of course the talent at any particular club seems to vary from visit to visit but the good thing about Detroit is that if you don't like the talent at one club, just motor over to the next club-- assuming that the wheels are still on your auto (just kidding, I've never had a safety problem but then I tend to visit clubs with safe parking areas).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Worst night you've ever had at a strip club.
    In my world, a tip is a voluntary contribution for exceptional service rather than an unspoken demand for payment. If a club wants to charge one price for access to the VIP and another charge for the dancer's services, that is fine but make it up front. If a dancer is willing to provide exceptional service (maybe even extras?), this price should be negotiated prior to the service otherwise if falls into the voluntary tip category and the customer can decide whether to tip and how much. If a dancer is disappointed with the percentage of their earnings that the dancer gets to keep, they should not blow up at the customer. Instead, they should take this up with the club management or go find another club that treats its dancers better. Of course, if I was a club manager, I would never hire a dancer who treated her customers like crap if the customer did not provide a voluntary tip. Now if a customer failed to pay a charge that was clearly negotiated and agreed upon, that would be a different story. The bottom line is to be clear about mandatory and voluntary charges when purchasing or providing any service.
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    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Tick....tick....tick.....Time is running out!
    Great stuff Motorhead. One more suggestion. Take your ipad to the club and show her the personal goals thread. Tell her how she can contribute to the Make a Wish Foundation for strip club patrons who are longing to realize some personal goals before they die in the next 5 to 70 years. If the stripper has a social conscience, that will work, if not offer her a receipt for her tax deductible contribution to your Make a Wish Foundation.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    People that Talk Down about Strip Clubs
    Jack defends strip clubs because of his commitment to free market capitalism. I agree. But more important for me is the concept of individual rights. With some constraints, people have a right to make a living or pursue happiness in whatever manner he/she chooses, even if it involves activities that some people find offensive or distasteful. The constraints?----- one person's rights end where another person's rights begin and you need to have consenting and capable adults to stick up for his/her rights. Assuming that strippers and customers are consenting and capable adults and respectful of each others rights, they have the right to make a living or spend their money in whatever manner they wish. For me, this logic also applies to prostitution-- sex should not be the only activity that is perfectly legal between consenting adults that becomes illegal when money is exchanged.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what has been your fastest champain vip fuck ?
    Was this a drive through Champagne VIP service?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another first for shadowcat
    Are any of these "elder services" covered under medicaid?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Which is Most Important to You When Visiting a Strip Club (Dancer Attractiveness
    Most important to me? Reasonably attractive face and body (not fat), good eye contact, flirtatious attitude, high mileage laps and extras.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Friday Night 8/31 - Detroit Club Jaunt - Any Takers?
    Caution on Hustler Club-- there are recent reports that the doors on the VIP rooms have been removed and that the "fun" has been curtailed. The Silver Cricket is reasonably economical (no parking or VIP access fees) but it gets mixed reviews on the extras scene. If extras are a priority, there are better choices in the Detroit area than Hustler and SC.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You might wanna stay out of the Tampa clubs for awhile.
    Let me get this straight. Money for sex between two consenting adults=BAD Money To buy (or influence) votes that impact 250 million non consenting citizens= GOOD and let's have a convention Now which one needs to be regulated by law enforcement?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    There is something fishy about this lap dance.
    Where do you put the tip? Do dolphins have blow holes??
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tijuana experts help
    Do some research on TJAmigos (.com). You'll find a guide for planning a trip to TJ.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Sex is a physical need although it has emotional overtones for some, but not all, people. Some people need more sex (or more adventurous sex!) than their partners need or than their partners provide in a relationship. I maintain that it is still possible to love your SO and remain emotionally committed to your SO even if you meet some of your sexual needs outside the relationship. Think of the parallels with other biological needs--- people differ in how much and what kind of food that they need and want. Is it possible to still love your partner even if you have friends other than your partner with whom you share an occasional meal--- of course. So why should sex fall into a different category than other biological needs such as food, sleep, exercise? I think that a more serious relationship threat occurs when you start seeing the same person (other than your SO) for sex (or food or exercise, etc.) and you begin to establish an emotional attachment that undermines your commitment to your spouse. But this perspective depends on your ability to detach casual sex (the biological needs aspect) from the emotional bonding aspect of sex.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Tuscle hall of fame
    Not sure if there is an easy mechanism for sorting the members by the number of reviews or by the number of different clubs reviewed. If so, minnow, shadowcat, and vincemichaels have pretty impressive counts and others (motorhead, clubber, GMD) are not far behind. I know, of course that quality and usefulness of the post is just as important as the count. I use the counts to provide credence to the content of most posts-- I don't ignore posts from neophytes but they don't get as much weight as posts from proven "experts."
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    12 years ago
    washington dc
    Talking strip clubs with a rookies and non goers
    I don't talk about SCs with anyone outside of TUSCL and one friend who I know is a SC fan-- and we're pledged to confidentiality about the hobby. If you want to show a newbie around a club, be cautious about where you go. If you take a newbie into your favorite club and three peelers approach you to say hello by name and offer VIP dances, then any semblance of naivete on your part will be completely blown.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Risk Assessment?? Requesting extras from a dancer
    Dougster: It took a bit of research but I did discover Pandoras on my visit to Seattle. It looks like the 2008 raid shut down some of the more interesting strip clubs in Seattle but the dancers found a new home. I posted a review of Pandoras. Jerikson: Based on my experience, I assumed that the risk of propositioning a dancer for ITC extras is minimal but one way to get an assessment of risk (beyond your own experience) is to ask others for their experience. It appears that the Seattle busts focused on the owners and did not result in any legal action against customers but that does not mean that the customers who were named and interviewed did not experience significant "hassle." I got a chuckle out of your image of the lights going up and cops descending on a strip club customer who asks for extras---- but note that is what can happen to a "customer" who propositions an under cover LEO on the streets--rare but it does happen. By the way, if you click on my user name and scan the clubs that I've reviewed you'll note that I've reviewed a number of Detroit area clubs--- possibly the best collection of ITC-friendly clubs in the states.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Risk Assessment?? Requesting extras from a dancer
    Club-goer: I heard something about these raids during a recent visit to Seattle. Does that explain why the Deja Vu chain seems to run a disproportionate percentage of the strip clubs in Seattle? Were the "fun" clubs closed down and taken over by corporate owners (Deja Vu) that strive for squeaky clean and boring? Regarding the dancers turned informants, did they implicate the customers or just the owners and other dancers? What spurred the raids?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Risk Assessment?? Requesting extras from a dancer
    All good advice. Thanks. I posed the question for two reasons: A dancer was very concerned that customers were asking her for extras. She said something like "extras are illegal and could get both of us (referring to the dancer and the customer) busted. Who knows if a person is an informant." I've inquired discretely and politely about extras and never encountered any problems (other than a very rare situation where the dancer told the other dancers to be wary of that customer, he's interested in extras-- well that would include about 90% of the male population). It did get me thinking that police sometimes pose as street prostitutes and bust johns who proposition them. So what are the risks of some a similar scheme (a bit like entrapment) happening in a strip club. Unless a strip club was under extreme duress (a threat to close the club or arrest the manager), I cannot fathom a situation where it would knowingly allow a LEO to work undercover as a stripper at the club and bust its customers, the very life blood of the club. As is the case with street prostitution, it appears that the dancer might be at greater risk than the customer for being "busted" either by an undercover LEO or a club informant. In any case, life has risks, some of which can be managed. And most of us break one or more laws at some point in our life (think speeding, jay walking, income tax and more). My rule of thumb is that it is OK to proposition a dancer if the proposition is discrete and polite.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Reviews naming names on undesirable dancers
    I had some money stolen from my wallet during a two girl VIP session. I complained to management and it became apparent that club management would not be taking any action with regard to the dancers (or the recovery of my money, about $100). After some thought, I decided to post a review/warning on TUSCL and another web site. These reviews named the two dancers and gave a description. On one other occasion, I posted the name of a dancer who did not deliver on promises during a VIP session-- a ROB. I did this for two reasons: 1) illegal/unethical behavior should have a consequence to deter it in the future (short of a physical altercation, the best consequence that I could arrange was a public report that might have some impact on the dancer's future earning potential) 2) I wanted to warn other club goers so that they'd avoid these dancers and more generally not make the same mistake that I made (losing track of the location of my wallet during a two dancer VIP). In the above instances, I had DIRECT experience with the objectionable dancer (I don't report based on second hand here say) and the dancer behavior was down right deceptive or dishonest. I would also report on dangerous dancer behavior.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    high school friend works at a SC!!!
    I don't see the problem. Last I checked, it was legal to enter a strip club so why are you worried about stopping by the club to say hello (or to proposition) to a former high school friend? We must be missing some background. Are you married? Are you a priest? Are you concerned that her father, a former high school teacher, would be shocked or think less of you if you tapped his daughter. If no to the above, stop by and say hello. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then my advice changes. If you're married, call up your friend and ask her work schedule on the pretense of getting together for a coffee or drink when she's not working-- that way you can go to the club when she's not there and still see her for a drink outside the club. If you're a priest, well stay away from the underage boys and think of yourself as enjoying one of God's wonderful creations--a well proportioned woman's body. If you're worried about her father's opinion of you, quit worrying. It sounds like she's open about where she works and it would take a naive father to believe that most of the boys in his class would not want to fuck his daughter or any other reasonably hot woman. I'm curious as to why she elected to tend bar in a strip club and why she is so open about her place of employment on Facebook. I'll offer three hypotheses: She dances part time She likes naked women as much as you do She supplements her income with take out If any of the above are accurate, then they can work in your favor. If, on other hand, this is the best paying job she can get and working there has convinced her that all men are over-sexed scum bags, then you're SOL.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    15 customers of Warren massage parlors ordered to testify in prostitution probe
    GMD-- @Electronman: "I seem to recall some important documents that talk about rights--- such as the right to remain silent and the right to not provide self-incriminating evidence and the right to assembly." Most courts consider an offer of immunity in return for testimony to be protecting the right of no self-incrimination, so you can't legally invoke it. In other words, if they offer you immunity, you *must* provide the testimony, even if it *is* self-incriminating, and failure to do so is a crime. I'm not a lawyer,but LEO would need have very compelling evidence, beyond seeing your car in the parking lot, in order for this immunity deal to make any sense. As written, it is not at all clear what evidence they have to implicate the men whose cars were seen in the parking lot. I do agree---If you accept immunity, then you must testify. But why even agree to immunity-- it is legal to park at a massage parlor last I checked.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    15 customers of Warren massage parlors ordered to testify in prostitution probe
    So these men are being subpoenaed because their car was observed in the parking lot of a spa that is suspected of allowing prostitution? I seem to recall some important documents that talk about rights--- such as the right to remain silent and the right to not provide self-incriminating evidence and the right to assembly. I guess the "gestapo" in Warren are not familiar with the Constitution. I hope the men being subpoenaed get a decent lawyer.
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    12 years ago
    The church and invading the strip clubs
    I worry that it might be a "slippery slope" from the tactics of the Lexington church, to the Taliban, to imposition of Sharia law and on to the Inquisition. All examples of religion attempting to impose a set of values on other people only with varying degrees of state-sanctioned force.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Do you want to play a round?
    I've never attended but I've heard stories of fund raisers at golf courses where strippers function as caddies, cleaning the golfers balls and checking the flex of their shafts.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Review of Detroit's legal battle on stripclubs
    Sloppy sentence construction is the problem. Read the parenthetical clause as "according to The Ultimate Strip........" and place the parenthetical clause after the Flight Club reference.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hustler club near Detroit has a range of private rooms, some small but two of which are reasonably large and have their own bathrooms. Mystery the other end of the spectrum. Bogarts, also in Detroit metro area, had a very public group area where several couples might be at various stages of a lap dance----a voyeurs smorgasboard. Bogarts has sine added more private booths but when the booths are busy the group waiting area still features some interesting warm Up dances.