
avatar for Dain
Besides being a voyeur, I'm a first-class exhibitionist. A strip club is the best place to take care of that need. Tuesday I have the best exhibitionist experience in a long time. I sat at the bar, the dancer (21 yo) comes up to me and shakes my hand. I direct it to my cock and she grabs. She jacks me thru my stretchy pants for a song, then turns her ass toward me. I take out my dong and start rubbing it against her ass, barely concealed. This goes on while three dancers do their two songs. All three look and enjoy, one of them even stares and smiles a lot. Later, in the private booth, we do UHM, and a fourth girl in the next booth reaches around and jacks me. Incredible! So--what has been your most memorable exhibitionist experience?


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avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I don't know of any club in the US that would/could allow that at the bar and that goes for Nevada and Detroit. Sounds like a video set to me. I have an aversion to getting my ass kicked by the bouncers so I keep it in my pants at the bar.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I'm TOO fucking old to be pistol whipped by a bouncer! LMAO
avatar for Prim0
13 years ago
I'm too fucking old to have 21yr old strippers even interested in my dong!
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
Unless you count the old open "VIP" room at Bogart's in Inkster, I haven't done much exhibitionism in my day. As the others have said, I don't enjoy the prospect of getting kicked out of a club.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I've done pretty HOT Sex in the old Bogart's VIP. Community Sex was GREAT Fun. I didn't mind others staring at me getting BBBJCIMs or intercourse! And it was a great way to scope out other Sex Talent at Bogart's! LMFAO
avatar for Bonesbrother
13 years ago
Evidently 'Tiredtraveler' has never spent a day at the old Blue Diamond (now closed) in Columbus, OH. The Blue Diamond was my last regular 'jack joint', with The Exotic Pearl and Rumor's preceding. Unfortunately, all these clubs have been shut down due to naughty dancers! :-) I was known to all the dancers at the Blue Diamond and if a new dancer started, she became familiar with me rather quickly, as all the other dancers knew that I enjoyed 'breaking in' the new dancers! During my afternoon visits to this club and sometimes during the evening, I might have two dancers sitting on each side of me at the bar, jacking me off. I was pretty well known to be the only customer that would have his cock out of his zipper more than having it inside. But, the dancers and female bartenders didn't squabble much because I took care of them with buying inflated priced dancer drinks. One evening, I was out on the clubs patio sitting on a stool getting a BBBJ from one of my FAVs. The door to the patio opens up and we begin to put things away, but the dancer says to me, "Oh, don't worry about him, he's ok." It turned out to be a black friend of hers to furnished her with her 'meds', so to speak. She goes back to blowing me. This dude gets out his cellphone which happens to have video capabilities and asks if he can film us. I told him sure, I didn't give a shit and neither did her. So for the next few minutes he's filming me getting my cock royally sucked with close-ups and all. About a year ago, I had spoken with this old FAV who told me her friend still had out XXX-rated video on his cellphone. I told her to tell him to post it on a free amateur porn site. Never did find it yet. LOL During the afternoons, the club never had a bouncer and besides I knew the evening bouncer very well and bought him beers at bar prices, so he was on my side and knew all what I did in the club. I just wasn't allowed to be with his dancer girlfriend, which didn't stop her from yanking on Mr Happy every once in awhile. One other afternoon occasion I had a friend stop in from Arizona on business and I got him hooked up with a dancer named Jade. I suggested to my FAV dancer Ree Ree, that the 4 of us adjourn to the patio deck. We sat on the side portion of the deck which gave us pretty good privacy from any other dancers and customers. I asked my out of town buddy and Jade to watch out for intruders while Ree Ree gave me a BBBJ. As they were keeping their eyes peeled, I scooted over toward them so they could watch me getting blown. In return, Ree Ree and I kept an eye out for them while Jade sucked off my friend. These were just a couple of the more outlandish but true incidents that took place inside and outside the club. I even used the dancer's dressing room to fuck a couple of them while they were changing back into their street clothes to leave work. Fond memories."
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Damn this is a good story !
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
Nope, never was in the Blue Diamond every Columbus OH club I have ever been in has been disappointing. I have been in the VIP room at Bogarts and you best not be shy the girls sure aren't, plus watching is half the fun. I have had the Henry's Handshake outside and inside the zipper at HS8. But always discretely when at the bar or table. I have been watched in the back at HS8 by Suzy Q who decided that we needed a cheer leader which pissed off the dancer I was with more than me. At a club in NW PA I got led to the VIP room by 'Mr Happy' through my pants. If you like community sex try CT's Adult Supperstore in Gary (not a regular club Read the reviews before going). I hear the "Theater" is open to all that buy a ticket. The rest is no charge as the participants are voluteers. The dancers charge $53 for three nude HM dances.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
GOD I miss Suzy Q! She sure was FUN! LMAO
avatar for mlx
13 years ago
Being naked on the beach...doesnt compare to that
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I once posed for Playgirl magazine.
avatar for Electronman
13 years ago
The "romper room" at Bogarts was always fun. It was a raised stage area with 8-10 padded metal chairs on which lap dances would occur in a public area. Most of the dancers would pull their g strings to the side and ride cowgirl on their unzipped customers--- fun to watch but still reasonably discrete by Bogarts standards. In contrast, one trip to the VIP I was amused to find two side by side dancers bent over at the waist while their still seated male customers did a public rim job.

The romper room has been replaced by more private booths-- the industrial strength metal chairs are still there.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
When I was still new to strip clubs and living in the Chicago area, Chicago had a place just west of downtown which was essentially a place to jerk yourself off to the stripper. I once went there and jerked off. After a certain point, I don't even think you notice the dancer. I'm not sure that place even exists anymore. They had a similar place in Cicero (it may have been the same owner and I know that place is gone).
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
" The "romper room" at Bogarts was always fun. It was a raised stage area with 8-10 padded metal chairs on which lap dances would occur in a public area. Most of the dancers would pull their g strings to the side and ride cowgirl on their unzipped customers--- fun to watch but still reasonably discrete by Bogarts standards. In contrast, one trip to the VIP I was amused to find two side by side dancers bent over at the waist while their still seated male customers did a public rim job.

The romper room has been replaced by more private booths-- the industrial strength metal chairs are still there."

Indeed the "Romper Room" at Bogart's in all of its Glory was great FUN and a interesting experience! LMFAO
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Bogarts is a fun place indeed, so is Henry VIII South. Many many times, there would be some dancer who'd slide next to you at the bar and start giving the handshake to you and some would open the zipper to do it. RIP, a dead dancer that I knew who worked around the Detroit area at various clubs. She'd unzip you at the bar and pull you out and start to work you there before a trip up to the VIP area.
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