What do you pay attention to?

avatar for inno123
A review has three ratings, Atmosphere, Dancers, and Value? They are averaged to make the overall rating.

But do you really rate them all equally when deciding on going to a club?


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Dancers & and what they bring to an interaction in a Club is ABSOLUTELY all important. I don't give a shit about a Club's social atmosphere. Value can be nice, but NOT all important!!
avatar for canny
13 years ago
Dancers are number one and value is number two.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Atmosphere 2nd and I would consider non-dancer staff in this. A nice, clean club with an attentive staff beats a dirty shit-hole with bartenders, waitresses and restroom trolls who would rather not be there any day.

Dancers are obviously #1 and then meet that without exorbant bills and you got value.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
None of the above I read the review
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago

if the dancers suck – I don’t care if the place looks like the Waldorf Astoria.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
I would agree with lopaw, I avoid nude clubs in red tide.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
The rating criterae are so subjective that they are of marginal value. Only a well written review can provide true insight into whether a club is worth visiting. Maybe its value is that it's the only place for miles around that offers a look at titty and a cold beer.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
To me the most important thing is the reviewer. How many reviews has he done & on what clubs. The rest of the numbers don't mean a damn thing.
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
I could care less about the atmosphere. I'm interested in dancers and value.
avatar for Electronman
13 years ago
The reviews for any hints of extras.
avatar for Corvus
13 years ago
"If the dancers suck -- I don't care if the place looks like the Waldorf Astoria"

I though some of you guys liked dancers that suck! LOL

The value ratings do not influence me. I read the reviews and balance those on the experienced of the reviewer as best I can. And dancer quality is most important.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Value is the number one priority. I want to know where I can get the most for my money. And most importantly, I want to know where I can get the best lap dances prices. When you're use to paying for over-priced lap dances like I am thanks to living in Virginia, you appreciate reasonable lap dance prices even more. Hot dancers can be found in almost any club.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Dancer performance is key. Are they a good value? Dives are interesting places too, as long as I don't get mugged outside.
avatar for ScottyW
13 years ago
Review is most important but there are too many to read them all so I first sort on value. The hottest chick in the world does me no good if I can't afford her or she is an air dancer. If a club has more than 3 value stars, I look at the dancer stars because all the extras in the world can't hide the fact a skank is a skank! Finally, my objective is high mileage from a reasonably attractive dancer -- the rest just doesn't matter. I see value as the product of mileage times dancer quality times cost.

Again, stars get me to read review, review gets me to try a club. However i do find that i mostly visit with 4 or better value stars and 3 or better dancer stars. For example, i'll take 2001 over Mons any day because of the better value (mileage, dancer quality & cost) at 2001 even though the hotter dancers are gennerally at the Mons.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
None of them matter until after I read the reviews that set them. That gives me some notion of what went into them from any individual reviewer. Then, and only then, can I have any hope of deciphering what, if anything at all, the various ratings me.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I read the reviews. Ratings can be bogus and it takes a long time for a club with many old good reviews to drop in the ratings when they have gone to the dogs. Schills can prop up ratings. I only look at them as a small part of the process.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Most important is what is typed by the reviewer and how the reviews stack up against each other. Has yet to fail me.
avatar for Otto22
13 years ago
One of my pet peeves are the long reviews describing the ambiance of the club in great detail, the drink prices, and everything about the physical aspects of the club, then they conclude with "I didn't get any dances." What do I care what a PL who doesn't even get a single dance thinks about a SC?
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
The three categories are not equal IMO.
Dancers #1, Mileage #2 if it was a category, #3 value, #4 atmosphere... and atmosphere is misleading. As long as the club meets some minimum standard I have a high tolerance for club atmosphere. The other factors, I have specific goals.
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