Are you a sex addict?

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So what are some of the symptoms? Are you a sex addict? Is your partner a sex addict? Read on to learn more about the signs of a true sex addiction.

1) Compulsively cheating on a partner or spouse.

2) Engaging in multiple extramarital affairs that have almost nothing to do with intimacy.

3) Masturbating excessively and/or obsessively.

4) Getting involved in unsafe sexual encounters despite knowing they're risky.

5) Compulsively engaging in phone sex.

6) Making a habit of having anonymous sexual partners.

7) Turning to prostitution -- either soliciting sex from prostitutes or becoming a prostitute or escort.

8) Engaging in sexual behaviors that interfere with other obligations like work, family life, and school.

9) Trolling classified ads online or in print for sex partners.

10) Getting irritable, anxious, or angry without frequent sex.

11) Spending an inordinate amount of time planning (often deviant) sex fantasies.

12) Feeling a great deal of guilt and remorse after engaging in sexual behaviors.

13) Frequently arguing with family and loved ones about the hypersexual behavior.

14) Engaging in unhealthy or compulsive sexual behavior despite knowing the risks of physical harm to self or others involved.

15) Repeatedly trying to curb the sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviors without being able to.

16) Habitually having one-night stands.

17) Knowingly compromising personal relationships (including marriages) in order to fulfill sexual fantasies and urges.

18) Performing sex acts that tend to be precipitated by a depressed mood.

19) Engaging in exhibitionism (a desire to expose parts of the body), in public.

20) Getting pleasure out of voyeurism and frequently engaging in it.

If you recognize a good number of these traits in yourself or your partner, seek out a therapist in order to get some help. Sexual addiction can be treated.

Written by Aunt Becky on CafeMom's blog, The Stir.


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Are you a sex addict?"


No MORE or NO less than any other man on this Forum.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Really? A blog post from CafeMom on my tuscl?

This must be jokes.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
Can't you get a treatment at the nearest club de la nekkid.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Doc your back ! Hell ya son !..................and juices answer : yes I agree with all but 12 and
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
WHEWWW !! I read all 20 traits and I am delighted to say none apply to me. :)
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
Same for me VM :)
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm with Juice here: I don't feel remorse, and I'm not constantly trying to stop. Other than that, great list!
avatar for dallas702
13 years ago
I read the list . . . and thank God, I am not a sex addict. Shoot, barely more than half of those symptoms apply to me!
avatar for SnakePlissken
13 years ago
You're really only an addict if whatever you are addicted to starts to adversely impact other areas of your life.

And that would only apply to PL's who are getting ripped off.
avatar for Electronman
13 years ago
I recall that Tiger Woods reportedly checked into a clinic that specialized in treating sex addicts. My thought ------ what a great place to meet women with similar interests!

Why fight 20 million years of evolution and attempt to "overcome" your interest in sex?
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
I think I am one sick dude....hell yes to test, I am a sex addict!
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Isn't there a drug for that? Oh yes, Viagra.
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
I would say yes, like joesparty, maybe 14 of the 20 apply. Not the exhibitionism, voyeurism, or the guilt. Also not the mood swings or phone sex. People still engage in phone sex?

Pretty much all the rest, though. ;^)
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Hey, everyone needs a hobby, right?
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I'm fuckin jacking the fuck off right mother fucking assnutting now ! Sons of bitches !!! Beeeeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!
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