Comments by Electronman (page 69)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Amateur Flashing Pictures
    Amateurs flashing and any fantasy about sexy civvies is a turn on. But these particular women are only OK. If fantasies about civvies is of interest, you might also check out Motorhead-- which club? Presumably in metro Detroit?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Do you gentlemen really like anal?
    Ditto Subraman! If you've never tried oral, anal, two or more girls, various positions and locations for sex, etc., etc. (I'm always amazed at the remarkable range of sexual activities that people try), then don't judgmental with those who are more adventurous in their sex lives (as long as we're dealing with consenting adults and no one is getting hurt). If you've tried something that you didn't like it, then don't do it again--- just that simple. No need to get church lady (a SNL reference for the younger readers) and condemn those who enjoy something that you did not enjoy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I gave up black and asian girls for Lent...
    I gave up moderation for Lent.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Aging and the pursuit of strippers
    I'm a few years behind you Gawker but I find that variety is the spice of life, or more specifically of my sex life. Nothing like the aphrodisiac effect of an attractive new partner, a new routine (in the car) or a new position or two. Keep up the good work!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who does anal in VIP?
    Many men (and maybe some women but I don't presume to speak for women) have an attraction to something different in their sex life, as in a little variety. For some, that variety takes the form of a different partner, or a different sex position, or a different sex act (remember your first blow job?) or a different location for sex or maybe more than one partner. For some the attraction might extend to anal. If there is growing interest in anal, I suspect that it might be a product of porn, where anal is increasingly common place. As long as we're dealing with consenting adults, I don't tend to be judgmental about what others do in their sex life. I've tried anal, including in the VIP room at strip clubs, but I'm certainly not fascinated with it. There are a few illogical comments in this thread. Former-stripper: Sure you can get a disease from unprotected anal, just like you can get disease from kissing, BJ and vaginal sex and any other activity (coughing, handling food, mosquito bites) that involves transmission of microorganism from one person to another. Of course, condoms greatly lowers the risk of disease from every sex act (including anal, which is clearly riskier than oral and vaginal sex) although a condom does not completely eliminate risk. For me, life is all about risk management-- take steps to manage/lower your risk but not at the expense of enjoying life. I guess I could opt for a zero risk life style, but I'd probably die of boredom. Up to you as to what level of risk you'll tolerate and for what kind or return on "fun." For estafador-- doing anal with a woman does NOT mean that you want to do anal with another man or a tranny (although I am not judgmental as long as they are consenting adults). By that logic, getting a blow job from a woman would mean that you might as well not limit yourself to women, after all, men and trannys have mouths also.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who does anal in VIP?
    I would estimate that 10-15% of the dancers in Detroit will do anal in the VIP (not sure about other areas of the country but some of the Brazilian dancers that I've encountered are quite experienced), often motivated by a slightly higher compensation. I strongly recommend a condom and suggest having some wet wipes (but I've seldom encountered any problems). Some of the girls love it as an alternative to vaginal.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Tampa clubs
    I recommend Scarlett's in Ybor City. A club in Chicago where you had fun? Must be the outlying suburbs?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The already lean SE states scene is drying up....
    During a recent trip to the Penthouse club in NOLA's French Quarter, I was required to sign a statement acknowledging that sex would not occur in the club during a private dance. That's pretty pathetic practice for a city that has made a fortune on rowdy, horny tourists and developed a reputation for debauchery. Needless to say, I didn't waste much money in the French Quarter strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Witness Protection
    Too Much Fun?
    Too much of a good thing is --------- never enough.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    $200 minimum at Flight Club Detroit?
    Flight Club seems to go through some periodic cycles of price fixing, often initiated by the dancers (less often by management) who are trying to keep prices inflated. Don't be reluctant to say no to an unreasonable price quote. And don't be shy about leaving for a different venue (and tell management why you are taking your business elsewhere). If you're in the airport area, try Landing Strip, especially during the afternoon shift. Prices are not as cheap as Bogarts and Henry VIII but with a little negotiation they are reasonable and the VIP area is pretty decent.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Civilian women
    Too many civilian women want monogamy, if not initially then eventually. This clip from Trainwreck explains the problem with that stipulation perfectly:
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    NOLA strip club scene
    Thanks for the advice. Visions and Passions sound like they have some potential. But given the pretty bleak reports on the French Quarter clubs this might be a good time to check out the civvies who want to flash some skin on Bourbon Street.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Shortest duration visit for LDs and ITC extras at a club?
    Meat72: Gotta love her sales technique! Shadowcat: The rest of the day-- work on converting some of the other not-so-fine clubs in Atlanta into the Follies franchise model!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My definition of a perfect ass
    I prefer round and fit with a gap, also known as "factory air."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    An indecent proposal
    Tell her that $2000 for 24 hours calculates to an hourly rate of $83.33 and that you'll pay double her hourly rate but for only one hour. Of course the hourly rate is really irrelevant. You should probably base your decision on the number of orgasms that you might expect during a 24 hour date or the amount of time that you'd be actively engaged in some sex play during 24 hours. Even as a younger man, my limit was probably 5 orgasms within 24 hours.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    25 rules of the hustle
    You missed a crucial pointer: Find out what the stated VIP rules are and then find out what the enforced VIP rules are-- there is a difference. Many of the customers and some of the dancers will push the boundaries of the "enforced" rules and you should know something about your competition and the customer expectations.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    My System to Avoid Being Part of a 2amer
    Resolution to this problem might require formation of a special interest lobbying group: "PLs opposed to being shot." It could be a more focused subsidiary to this group:
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Best overall strip club in the United States!
    We're going to have different criteria that we use to define the "best" club in US. For me, attractive dancers and extras are essential components. But, I have three additional criteria that have not been mentioned above: a) the VIP must be private enough to allow both the dancer and the customer to get "comfortable" and large enough to allow multiple positions, b) the club must be either non-smoking or have a restricted smoking area with good ventilation, and c) the club must be welcoming of people from different ethnicities and ages. That said, I'd probably rank Detroit's Penthouse at the top of my list (with lots of competition from other Detroit clubs such as Flight Club, Landing Strip, Player's Lounge, BTs Dearborn). I would also include Club Desire (Providence) and Scarlett's at Ybor Strip (Tampa). If the prices were more reasonable, I'd also include Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater (San Francisco). I have yet to visit Follies, Tootsies (and other Miami competitors), Baby Dolls, Electric Blue (CT) and other Providence clubs. Looks like I need to plan some more travel to strategic locations!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Breastaurants ? What is your opinion.
    I've been to a Twin Peaks breastaurant; the food was quite passable and notably better than the food at Tilted Kilt. The Twin Peaks eye candy in short shorts was also quite enjoyable. I'll have to see if OTC is on the menu next visit. I'll also check to see if a gang shoot out (as in the El Paso Twin Peaks) is scheduled so that I can avoid the crowd and the stray projectiles.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The Hi-Liter is good. The Detroit clubs, including those mentioned above, are great. I'll add BT's Dearborn, a mid-tier club in a Detroit suburb to the recommended list. If you don't see talent you like at your first stop, simply relocate to another of the Detroit metro clubs.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Penthouse Detroit
    Mississauga is a Toronto suburb. I'm not shy but I stil prefer Detroit to the Mississauga scene.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Your previous stripping misconceptions
    Biggest stripper misconception? That a BLOW job was an accurate description.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    San Antonio Clubs
    I've only visited San Antonio a couple of times in recent years so take this with a grain of salt------ more frequent visitors or locals might have a different perception. For a major city located in a state that seems to pride itself in personal liberties (e.g., gun rights issues), San Antonio is remarkably restrictive on the strip club scene. In addition to the requirement that dancers wear pasties, I recall reading a recent news story about dancers getting busted for showing too much of their "butt crack" and now wearing granny panties. This seems like a very strange set of incompatible values--- you can pack heat but you cannot allow women to expose their bodies inside a building that has zero windows and is frequented by patrons who often paid an entrance fee to view and interact with sexy women. With low expectations, I visited two San Antonio clubs during a recent visit, San Antonio Men's Club and Sugar's. The Men's Club was nicely appointed but the dancers were only OK and the stage set up (lacking a tip rail and seating) did not promote any interaction between the customers and the dancers. I did chat with a couple of OK looking dancers and got one private dance, located in a very public area of the club. I was told that $50? would get you a one day VIP membership so I took a tour of the upstairs area. There was a slightly more private dance area upstairs where some semblance of mutual contact might occur but certainly nothing worth a $50 membership fee. I also visited Sugars--- a more crowded and energetic club than the laid back Men's Club. Dancers really worked the crowd. I did arrange for a lap dance, once again in a cranny of the club but very much out in the open. I also arranged for a more private dance (for an upcharge) in an area with some sheer curtains. It was a bit more private but still did not feature anything above some mutual groping. Overall, my recent visit to the SA strip club scene was very disappointing. This was especially disappointing because I did see some lovely Hispanic women while I was hiking around the town. Maybe some of the locals can shed some more light on what adult entertainment options are available in San Antonio.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The top 50 U.S. cities for number of strip clubs per capita.
    The number of strip clubs in Portland is surprising because the reviews that I've read about the Portland strip club scene make it sound like mileage and extras are pretty restrictive (someone correct me is I'm wrong, maybe via a PM--- I've never visited Portland). Said another way, many of the other top ranked cities (in terms of strip clubs per 100K population), have a reputation for offering more than just a tease. Providing services for every type of customer (including those interested in more than just a dance) would seem a prerequisite for supporting as many strip clubs as are listed in Portland.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Stripper names that SHOULD be used more often
    Good Stuff! A Vegas dancer named Poker Face would be cool. I'd like to enjoy Poker Face in a private dance.