
Civilian women

layin low but staying high
What's the point of dating civilian women?

I mean that as a serious question. Ok I get three purposes although none really applies much to me. First, if you want long term female companionship, then I understand going that route (assuming of course that you decide against a blow up doll). Second, if free sex is critically important to you, then I get it (again, assuming no doll). Lastly, if you don't have a DS, then you might choose a civilian as your best bet for less risky uncovered sex. And I do dearly love to be warm and snugly without a coat on.

But stripper sex is much better than civilian sex even if you wear a condom inside the love tunnel. The girls are hotter and often much more creative and slutty. And you can have the young ones no matter how old you are. I will never get used to that. And after you play with them a few hours you can send them on their way and you don't see them until you want sex again. OK I admit you'll get a bunch of texts begging for $ the next am, but you won't have to wake up next to her when you can't fuck her at will.

I have fucked gorgeous young 18-23 year olds so much in the past year that I'm not even sure that I could get it up for some women my age. Not sayin that I couldn't get it up cause my little head is a real trooper, but I think with some of the fatter ones it's an open question that I don't really want to answer.

So I guess I'm just wondering if I'm missing something by not dating civilian women. I suppose my wife thinks it's cause no woman could ever equal her, but it's really because I've never been so incredibly sexually fulfilled in my life since we separated. Not even close. I've thought about dating civilian women. I even wrote a dating profile. It sounds just like like what makes me attractive to strippers: "Respectful, generous guy with money lookin for a decent looking woman as young as possible (and certainly not my own age) to fuck me. That's right ladies, I said with money so line the fuck up." But the profile that I wrote sounds a lot better than that paraphrase cause this is John Smith that were talking about here, and I know how to be subtle. But I never posted it. Why would I?

So am I missing something?


  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I could not have said it better myself. Strippers are the only girls for me. Since I'm in my 60's, I could realistically date a woman in her 40's or older. And they are mostly beasts. There is no way I could have sex with a woman as old as me (with the exception of Christie Brinkley).

    The fact is that even most young women do meet my standards. As Seinfeld said, most people are undatable.

    Strippers give me what I want in terms of looks, sex and companionship..
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I like whoever in the female persuasion I fuck. I've had many, many girlfriends through the years. I've never married. Maybe I will now. I'm not going to shack up with some crazy young stripper longer than a few times. They are too fucked up beyond belief. Sure, sex with a young hottie is fun. I've banged more than my share. I'd rather be in a committed relationship with a mature, good looking female. I'll find one this year, I know. I'm a very attractive package they tell me.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    IMO... the point of "dating" is to find someone who you are compatible with and who you want to take on life with. There are definitely aspects of life that are handled better as a team of 2 rather than one person alone.

    My problems with this are two fold. First, finding a women who I am intellectually, financially, and sexually compatible with has proven to be exceedingly difficult. It is very rare for me to find a woman who meets my intellectual and financial expectations... and in the rare instances when I have stumbled onto a promising candidate, they are always "off the market." Second, even if I did manage to find a woman who checked all the boxes and was available... I'd have to be out of my mind to gamble half of my net worth to marry her.

    "renting" is a good substitute, but that will never (truly) lead to two people who care about each other. Some of these providers are good at faking feeling, but it's still a lie.
  • Electronman
    9 years ago
    Too many civilian women want monogamy, if not initially then eventually.

    This clip from Trainwreck explains the problem with that stipulation perfectly:

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I often wondered why men state "half of my net worth" would be at risk if they married and it didn't work out?

    Once you divorce all assets prior to marriage can legally be separated from inclusion to assets entitled to the divorcing spouse. Also, generally all assets acquired during marriage can be divided equally, unless you want out so badly and quickly that you're tired of lawyers negotiating and u forfeit rights to those assets to dissolve your marriage as quickly as possible. Just my simple digression as this "half my net worth" fear holds no weight in court.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Mjx01 makes a lot of good points. For me I've had a couple of promising possibilities since my divorce but there was always something that prevented it. Hangups over things that happened to them in their previous relationships, general female craziness etc. I just don't think I'll find someone who checks all of the boxes I want and I check all of the boxes she wants. Therefore going the route of p4p makes sense.
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    I agree. I prefer strippers because of variety and I don't have to be tied down.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I ONLY date civvies because I they're MUCH more interesting to talk to so I can have day long dates and have a great time. I understand the sex worker thing and yes, fucking beautiful young women never gets old. I suppose if I ever met a dancer who was also interesting I'd date her if she wasn't a flake.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    BTW dating my ex-ATF was more drama than it was worth. I hate drama...
  • knight_errant
    9 years ago
    Are you missing something? Of course. Rech said it. Companionship. Are many civies crazy? Absolutely. Is a sexlationship with a stripper lower maintenance? Probably, if you can afford the bucks and can't afford emotional connection and communicating with someone. So what do you miss? The depth, the dimension of a relationship based on true mutual interest. A 'relationship' with a stripper? It's like what Machiavelli warned about not using mercenaries---their only true loyalty is to whomever will pay them. Your stripper took money to be fucked by someone else before you and will take money to be fucked by someone else after you (and quite possibly during the same shift).

    /don't get me wrong. Fucking strippers is great fun. And handy if you can't handle civies or don't have a desirable one handy at the moment.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Meat, your analysis of financial exposure in divorce is overly simplistic and understates the risk considerably. While you might not loose half of your net worth in some circumstances, it could be that bad or worse in other circumstances. For anyone with a decent income or savings, marriage is a huge financial risk.

    But I wasn't really comparing marriage to fucking strippers. I was just talking about "dating" strippers vs dating civilians. If you throw marriage into the mix, civilian women are even harder to justify.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I get the companionship thing as I said originally, but finding a woman that you are truly compatible with seems like a lot of effort with bery uncertain returns. Plus companionship even with a compatible person is still sometimes a pain in the ass, and she'd get in the way of my strippers even if I found her.

    I'm sure I'll try civilians at some point but I have serious doubts whether it'll be worth it. At the end of the day, I think they're all just after my $ so why not stick to the ones who give me the most value for my investment?
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I dunno, there's an ego boost for me that comes.with pounding an attractive (although not necessarily gorgeous) woman for free, hearing her moan my name, making her cum, having her suck my dick and swallow every drop, knowing she's there because something about me makes her cunt gush (and not because I'm paying her).

    If I had the cash, I'd do what JS does, but I also favor a diverse portfolio.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    IMO "dating", at least in the current American idiomatic sense, is a way to find someone who is a potential partner for life. I don't need another one of those, so it's not something I would do.

    The boundaries are much clearer with strippers and other sex workers, so there's less ambiguity about what each party expects. Generally, it begins and ends with sex, without the need for deep commitment or emotional attachment.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Then again, maybe I'm not the best one to listen to on this subject.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    JamesSD is a wise man.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    At some point, guys, it becomes a leap of faith. My wife and I dated for all of six weeks before we decided we wanted to get married. Thirty-for years later, neither of us regrets that choice.
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago
    ATACdawg lies. His wife would be a slut for BSLC if she weren't such a hag. However, I've asked rickthetiger to go seduce her with his BSTC. Tigers are less discerning than lions but the female hairless apes love BSTC almost as much as they love BSLC.

    Why would I do this? He's a dog, I'm a cat. Enough said.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Jon Smith 69, you are correct in stating it was an oversimplification and every divorcee's situation is different, but don't u think stating "I won't get married because half my net worth will be at risk" is way more of an oversimplification? That is what I was pointing out.

    If you are going to state the reason for not getting married because "half of your net worth" is at risk, you better come up with some better reasons that that. Of course I simplified it, this is TUSCL discussion, not Ivy League law school. However if I'm in a community property/no fault state(like Arizona), and I have $1 million dollars net worth before I get married and earned $1 million after marriage, the negotiations for the spouse who is divorcing me starts at $500k. If she wants more then she needs to have the lawyers start eating away at the rest, and pretty soon there won't be anything left to squabble about and I can easily live off the $1 million I had before we were married, unless of course I mistakenly pissed away the $1 million I earned during g my marriage and all I have left was my pre-married net worth of $1 million.

    Am I missing something here? If so please enlighten my knowledge.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I have to agree with the initial question posed: there really is almost no point to dating civilian women. Too much can go wrong.

    If I had the finances, I'd keep a rotation of dancers. If I had little regard for my health, I'd hit the stroll regularly. Since neither of those is the case, I just get in where I can and fill the rest of my time watching sports and beautiful news women.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Meat, few guys enter marriage with anything like $1 million in the bank. So I don't think your hypothetical is of very broad application. The money that most guys have was earned during the marriage and is clearly subject to being split.

    Further it's not fair to assume that the $1 million a guy enters marriage with won't be subject to division. Courts strive to find a way to give women more money in divorce. so, for example, if that $1 million is ever commingled in any way with marital funds then the guy has a problem. For example, put the woman's name on the account holding the money, and that's all it takes. This happens a lot because guys arent planning for divorce during most of their marriage. I wasn't, and I should have known better.

    Further, you don't consider alimony or child support. Even if the guy keeps the $1 million, the existence of that $ can lead to higher support payments.

    The only way to avoid a big financial risk going into marriage is to marry a woman who is much richer than you are. Otherwise the guy will loose a huge portion of his money in the divorce.
    Yes it might be less than 50% but it'll hurt a lot unless she's richer than you. And it could be 50% or more.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Agree^^^^ which is why I only have hooked up with women who are financially stable, at least dating them. I've had sex with financially unstable women, some even strippers. They truly live in the moment, and are completely surprised that I had an escape plan figured out all along.
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    The point of dating civilian regular women is very simple. For me, it's about companionship like hanging out when there's nothing to do. No hangups with crap, highly educated, self supporting, management material. I've dated girls like that before but it got old because I was not ready to settle down. On the other hand, my experience with strippers were pretty much bad(1) too many men around them, (2) low standards to picking up men because of money, (3) basically damaged at the core by drugs, party lifestyle, sluttyness, lies, paranoia, extreme stupidity, homelessness, hopelessness, can't or don't want to save money. They lie every single time, even to their family and loved ones.

    Talking about marriagr, you made a huge mistake, dude. I'm still enjoying my life that no bitch will overpower my will to do what I want.

    Fuck these bitches.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Why date civilians?

    Well, some smaller cities don't have any strip clubs.

    JS69, at his best!


    Best of Deep Purple
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    First off... I totally forgot to mention: F*cking spousal support after she's fucked you in the divorce. Second, for most average people, the majority of their net worth is tied up in there house. Guess where half (or more) of that goes, after you add her to the deed? And don't f*ucking open a joint credit account that she can max out for you.
  • Daybreaker
    9 years ago
    Okay so....is it a generational thing, with the money? I don't consider money much when I meet men because I was taught to support myself. I'd honestly be embarrassed to take half of someone else's money in a divorce situation...
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Daybreaker - I don't think it's generational. I think it has to do with the relationship. My divorce was amicable and I didn't have to deal with paying half. But there are divorces that are acrimonious and the parties involved just want to make the other person miserable and what better way to do that then by taking half of what they own.
  • Daybreaker
    9 years ago
    I know that women weren't encouraged to work outside of the home as much years ago, so I wondered if that had anything to do with it. I know lots of couples who have totally separate finances and then some who have it all as one big pot. I guess I've never cared enough about money to consider being vindictive with it, but for a lot of people who separate I suppose that would be an adequate way of saying "fuck you"...
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Now JS69, I'm basically on the same page as you are. But I just want to play the Devils Advocate a bit, to see how far your thinking has gone here:

    1. I know when you met your Dream Stripper, she was 19yo. But as a Dream Stripper, it is just like how her car doesn't need to be washed, as dirt doesn't stick to it. Dream Strippers don't age.

    So say hypothetically that you had a 19yo daughter, would you want her to be a stripper? Having a Sugar Daddy? Doing FS ITC and OTC?

    2. So suppose you had a son, 20 yo, and you saw that he was losing interest in all forms of civilian relationships, and was going to strippers? Okay with you?

    3. Suppose you had a son 30yo, married, with children, and looking like he has got a promising high income career. But he was taking up with strippers, and spending lots of time and money on them. What would you say?

    4. Would you JS69 want to have a long term relationship with a stripper?


    God Deleusion, Richard Dawkins
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    1. No I would not want my daughter to be a stripper, escort, or any type of sex worker. But I wouldn't freak if she was as long as she was safe about it.

    2. I wouldn't care but it's not a realistic hypothetical because he would have no $.

    3. I would teach him my system.

    4. I already do. You've read my DS stories, right?
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    spoiler alert. in this story older than time and lived by countless of PLs before, John has now moved to the next chapter of this well worn tale. he is trying to convince himself how happy he is, how he doesn’t need real human companionship, how he is a rock, an island. the next scene will find him sitting alone clad only in his socks and BVDs in a dank room lit only by the infomercials on late night TV as he eats cold chili straight out of the can…

    meanwhile in a dank basement room lit only by the infomercials on late night TV in San Jose…..

    stay tuned
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    So John, then it still seems to me like you are supporting the same sorts of double standards and social inequities which underlie the current state of affairs. This was why I posed the questions.

    So guys without money can't get much. And women are looked down on if they have lots of sex partners. So then there is this built in conflict of interests between women and men.

    Do you think this is fair? Do you think it constructive, even the sort of relationship you have with your DS? Where do you think that relationship will go?

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'm just trying to get all of the young/legal beautiful pussy that I can while having a fun time along the way. If that means that I'm somehow supporting social inequalities, then so be it.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Do you think the double standards and inequalities in play could also have something to do with why so many guys end up in marriages which turn to shit, like say you, and me, and quite a few of our forum members?

    Do you think it constructive or fair to be dividing women into two categories?

  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    when you get involved with a woman...
    her money stays hers
    his money becomes "theirs" (as in shared)
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Gosh Rick.. I'm so sorry that your tiny cat pea brain is so jealous of my good fortune in finding a life partner. Maybe you should take some anger management classes. Please try not to eat the instructors!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "her money stays hers
    his money becomes "theirs" (as in shared)"

    It works like that for a lot of people. But in divorce court, his and hers, money and debt, are "theirs". This is the law.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69, so lets take a rational look at this. Civilians cost less, unless you end up married to them of course. But they also usually don't move as fast.

    So consider a hypothetical, even a SSWM ( Super Stud With Money ) needs to eat.

    So say you drive into a new town and stop at a Denny's. Now sure, you're planning to go to the strip club. But sometimes the waitresses in such places are quite flirty, and lonely, and good looking. And some have written that women are programmed to go for outsides, because of the genetic diversity. So say you are getting along flirting with one. And you plan to be going thru that town regularly.

    So if you tried, you could probably bed her that night, the next visit, or the next next visit. You'd still have the strip club as a back up.

    So why not, why not a civilian woman. They just don't move as fast. But once you've put in the preliminary meeting, you can nail her.

    Now maybe you do or don't want to make up excuses to give her money, or to get her to dress and make up as a stripper. That would be up to you. And maybe the relationship will or will not work.

    But see my point, when available, why not a civilian?

    Merry Christmas to You All!
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