25 rules of the hustle

avatar for Ddragons
Take some notes...

1. Never talk to same person who turned you down. If someone says no but would like a dance later try them again(at least 30 min-hour or however long he tells you to come back) but only once. If he says no again, he is most likely just wasting your time. Move on.
2. Always have at least 2 bandanas in case you lose one of them
3. Do not chew gum in stage. It's supposed to be a fantasy and chewing gum is not always sexy. Bubblegum on the other hand might be another story.
4. Don't stay with someone more than 2 songs unless they are paying for drinks and/or club is dead
5. Only work at clubs where money is at but feel free to travel around. Don't feel inclined to work at a club because of its name or reputation. Some slower clubs might be good too as there is less competition. Again, just travel around and follow the money.
6. Do not use phone on floor. It looks unprofessional and again takes away from the fantasy experience
7. Stay in shape: exercise and eat healthy. Pace yourself when taking drinks at the club
8. Read their body language and respond accordingly
9. Don't talk to guys who never spend. Scan and observe the room from time to time
10. Wear different costumes and outfits every day so you stand out from the other girls. Have a spare outfit on hand to change into later in the night.
11. Remind them of rules before starting like where they can touch and so on
12. Only use alcohol wipes or Lysol wipes for wiping down the pole on stage. It's the best for cleaning and getting a good grip if you are trying to do pole tricks
13. Ignore other girls jealousy and just keep working. There will always be at least one jealous hater who tries to slow you down. Stay strong but never react aggressively.
14. On the floor, keep hustling and talk to every single guy. Keep making rounds and don't slack off. You can rest when you are done.
15. Be nice to other girls but not friendly.. There's a difference
16. Save and invest every single penny. Super important but sadly this rule doesn't always resonate with some girls
17. Don't waste time in change room. You never know who is out there on the floor
18. Same as rule #8, you need to read the guys body language but if you only ask "wanna dance" the guy is more inclined to say no. At least stay for a song or two and chat with him for a bit
19. Do not ever take it personal if a guy turns you down, you can't be every ones cup of tea. For every one "no" you get, you will receive 5 yes's. But as humans we have a negativity bias so the no impacts us more than the yes.
20. Don't ever sit with a guy when you see a bandana on the chair beside him. It means he is waiting for another girl.
21. Do NOT do drugs. Just say no. This is one of the most obvious rules but sadly many girls fall into this trap. If you stay away from drugs, you can save your money a lot easily.
22. Do not be rude to a guy if he says no. He could be just settling in, waiting for another girl, or simply just didn't bring money for dances. say "alright have a nice day" and move on to the next guy. He is more likely to think well of you if you were nice than if you stared cussing him out and acting mean. And who knows he might even take you later or the next time he comes in.
23. Don't overwork yourself. You can't make money if you are burnt out. Pace yourself so you can work more efficiently.
24. Pay attention to your regulars but do not depend on them. Even if you have a regular that spends big money, you should still be hustling on the floor. Regulars come and go all the time so you can't ever get too comfortable.
25. Last but not least SMILE, have fun and stay positive. :)


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avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Please tell all the bitches over a stripperweb this, they could use it - we don't need to hear any of this shit here
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
Dd, I think you should head right on over to www.stripperweb.com and share all that goodness with them. Don't wait - every moment you delay is another moment that they do not benefit from your keen insights. :)
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
This actually looks like something that would come straight from the Hustle Hut section of stripperweb.
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago
It does Nina, except the tone. If it were on SW the dialogue would be a 'little' different.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Is the color of the bandanna important?
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
You're right georgebailey, because every single girl on SW types in the exact same tone as every other SW girl, including myself, apprently.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
"Is the color of the bandanna important?"

That shit could get you shot if you're in the wrong town although I'm guessing he/she means "garter."

avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
I was also wondering what they meant by bandana. Some girls carry around bandanna-type things to put on the chair they are about to sit on, to minimize germ transfer lol... Only a couple girls I work with do that. Maybe the author meant that??? Or like already mentioned, maybe they meant garters... But why not call it a garter?
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Rech I assume you're kidding but I can rarely tell with you guys here!
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
9 years ago
I like to call them booty rags
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
I'm a little concerned about the bandanna advice. Having two in case you lose the first one is fine. But what if you lose the second one? Bitch doesn't want to be caught out on the floor un-bandannaed.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I thought it was to wipe off the skid marks. ilYou should always use a dark color so the stains don't show
avatar for Electronman
9 years ago
You missed a crucial pointer: Find out what the stated VIP rules are and then find out what the enforced VIP rules are-- there is a difference. Many of the customers and some of the dancers will push the boundaries of the "enforced" rules and you should know something about your competition and the customer expectations.
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago
Rech she's not scary. But she's addicted to 'winning'. You guys will connect. I think she likes weed. Bring your vape. Can we bring those in clubs?
avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 years ago
I have been in clubs where the girls bring their own blanket to VIP to cover the sofa or something to put on the floor so she could kneel or take off her shoes.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
#21. Don't do drugs.

That like closing the door after the dachshund got out. Isn't the reason she got into stripping/hoeing was a job to support her drug habit?
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
The bandana thing is weird, and reminds me of the old gay "hanky code" that has fallen out of use thanks to grindr.

I feel like phone use is fine in some circumstances, especially for day girls. If they have legitimately worked the whole room, it's fine to text regulars to drum up business. And we all need a break sometimes.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Motorhead - who is "she"? I didn't realize this post was written for one gal. My bad, guys!
avatar for 72_os
9 years ago
What about the dick sucking rules ???
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
Sounds like a most excellent System!
avatar for IwillLapAdancer
9 years ago
About the bandana thing. I asked a stripper once how she remembered which side of the bandana had touched the chair. She told me it was more a mental thing with her as she did not really pay attention to which side she put down, but it made her more comfortable sitting on the stools.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
"She" refers to the entire community of sex workers.

If "she" wasn't addicted before she started stripping, doing porno, hooking, it's likely she is now. Yes, there are exceptions - but show me the clean sex worker. Even if it's just smoking and consuming copious amounts of Red Bull.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
I know one dancer at my fave club who always puts a cloth bandana or towel down on the Naugahyde seats. It prevents her nearly naked butt from sticking to the seat, which definitely would not feel brilliant!
avatar for Dancer_
9 years ago
^ me! No smoking, drinking, drugs. And red bull tastes like a shit, tbh.

Lots of strippers get wasted at work and use completely bs excuses - "Customers are so boring, blah, I need a couple of shots to talk to them","I make more money when I am tipsy","It's so dead, I need a drink", etc etc etc.

Meh. As I said before - if you can't do this job sober, then probably it's not for you.

But yeah, I got distracted. I like these advices.
avatar for Dancer_
9 years ago
The last post was to Motörhead.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I never noticed any bandanas in my area clubs.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Sounds great.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Motorhead. I am an exception. I started dancing because I owed my university thousands. I had no drug habit to pay for and have never fucked for cash. I have friends who also attend college, followed in my footsteps when they saw how much I was making. My bff whom I work with is still a virgin.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
You've been around too many bottom barrel hoes, clearly. No wonder!
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I had anal with a virgin once.

Technical virgins, man.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Very funny but not cute. My bff is a virgin to an embarassing degree. She's never done anything with a guy except kissing. No bjs either. I think she's confused. It's funny though 'cause she knows how to make money stripping (just not as much as me lol).
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