
Your previous stripping misconceptions

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
So is the title of a SW thread – I thought some of the remarks of the ladies were sorta naively funny:

“... I thought that a table dance was really on the table ...”

“... that you actually had to know how to dance ...”

“... that you HAD to have fake boobs ...”

“... I did not know that it was a sales job ...”

“... That when you came out everyone would just throw money at you just for being hot ...”

“... I thought that every stage show had to be like a feature's stage show ...”

“... That the costume lady provided the dancers free costumes, like as in loaned them out for the shift ...”

“... Sooooooo many custies are genuinely shocked when I tell them that we actually have to provide our own shoes and outfits ...”

“... That a customer would never even THINK about touching a dancer ...”

“... Dancers never, ever drink at work ...”

“... All strippers are ritch ...”

“... Money was made just by going on stage ...”

“... I always thought strip clubs would be NICER than most of them are. Maybe it's because growing up, my family would always pass this one strip club on the way to a movie, the mall, dinner, etc. It was a square building with bushes covering where the windows used to be. My parents told me it was an expensive Italian restaurant, which is why we could never go there. I wanted to go there so badly! I later ended up working there ...”

“... My worst misconception was that we actually had to talk to the customers as in have actual conversations...”

“... growing up in an extremly conservative religious family before I reached highschool I wasn't even aware that stripclubs were around anymore and legal ...”



  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    LOL. Some are pretty funny

    “... I thought that a table dance was really on the table ...”

    I can relate. I don't know what this is either. I have heard of on here but do not know what it is. Must be a regional thing?
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    Good ones!

    Actually “... I thought that a table dance was really on the table ...” is NOT far from the truth as Oasis. Oasis has big strong high top tables that the dancers used to dance on. The girls on top were not incredibly stable. The bouncers had to help them down, basically the dancer jumped down on him and he caught the dancer. It was really hot. But about three years ago the lawyers had a fit and stopped it because of liability reasons.
  • knight_errant
    9 years ago
    Great post Papi!
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I love expensive Italian restaurants!

    Table dances really were on the table the first time I ever visited a SC, 1985 or 1986. Boring and expensive.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    “... That when you came out everyone would just throw money at you just for being hot ...”

    Apparently many SW ho's still think this is true.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago

    Lol. Yup. Lots of SW girls think like that. Unfortunately.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    SamPepys +1000
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I can relate to not getting,"table dance".

    I also imagined "No sex in the champagne room" was still as true as when Chris Rock released it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    To be honest; I thought “no sex in the champagne room” was true and that the dancers just wanted to get you in there under false pretenses and you paying a shitload of $$$ and not getting anything – but in my defense; I did most of my pre-TUSCL SCing in Dallas were pretty much most clubs were no extras – I did not learn the truth till I joined TUSCL.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Yep, got an actual table dance 20 years ago. Small table with a pole in the middle and she climbed up and spun around for a bit. Waste of time. I think we tipped $2 for the whole dance if I remember right. Basically it was a mini stage where they'd walk by to come dance for tips on top of your table.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    “... that you actually had to know how to dance ...”

    Reminds me of the time my now ex wife wanted to visit a strip club to see what they're like. At the end of the evening, as we were driving away, she turned to me and said, "You know, they're not *really* dancing." I told her I thought she was missing the point. ;)
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I saw real table dancing in the 1980's in Windsor, Canada. A stripper would get up on your table and dance totally nude. It gave you great views, but you had to hold onto your beer to make sure she didn't kick it over.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "I always thought strip clubs would be NICER than most of them are. Maybe it's because growing up, my family would always pass this one strip club on the way to a movie, the mall, dinner, etc. It was a square building with bushes covering where the windows used to be. My parents told me it was an expensive Italian restaurant, which is why we could never go there. I wanted to go there so badly! I later ended up working there"

    Brilliant! I wonder if she thought it was weird that it's name was "Ristorante Girls! Girls! Girls!"
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I better tell my ATF to stop climbing on top of the tables.
  • Electronman
    9 years ago
    Biggest stripper misconception?

    That a BLOW job was an accurate description.

  • ime
    9 years ago
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    As I've related recently my first strip club experience in Florida the girls danced on your table if you tipped them(circa 1981?). Like Jack says it was either the girl or your beer on the table but not both.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Until they remodeled 1+ years ago, table dancing was still going on at the Goldrush in Atlanta. They had rectangular shaped tables that butted up against the runway portion of the stage. The dancers would step off of the stage and on to your table. That included the ugly ones too.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    "I thought that a table dance was really on the table." There were several clubs over the years I visited where this actually was the case. At one the tables were all about 2 feet high square tables where the dancers would step on to give table dances.

    "That you HAD to have fake boobs." Several clubs this seemed to be all the owner hired.

    "That when you came out everyone would just throw money at you just for being hot." Too many dancers unfortunately have this belief, and quite a few get away with it.

    "I thought that every stage show had to be like a feature's stage show," and "that you actually had to know how to dance." I recall at least one very pretentious club where the owner would only hire dancers who had some dance training, and each dancer had to do a specialty feature dancer like show. The dancers also all had to wear gowns, could not have too many tattoos and any they had they had to cover with makeup. Needless to say I only visited there once.

    "My parents told me it was an expensive Italian restaurant." I recall at least two clubs over the years in Columbus that were Italian restaurants before they were strip clubs, including Kahoots.
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