
Who does anal in VIP?

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, February 10, 2016 1:25 PM
Today I was at my favorite club and hooked up with a dancer that I have gotten dances from before and they were good ones but I never did VIP with her. I rate her a solid 8. Early 20's, very pretty face and a decent body for a mother of 2. She was more than a little frisky during our dances. So I asked if she was up for VIP and she said yes. So I asked what was on the menu and she replied "Anything except anal the first time". I assured her that I wasn't interested in anal and also not interested in using a condom. So she agreed on a BBBJCIM. I didn't even have to ask for the CIM. She turned out to be very talented and a swallower too. Does this mean that next time she would do anal with me? I don't do anal (period). But do others do that in VIP?


  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    A few weeks ago I saw my CF talking with a guy at the bar. When she came over to my table, she told me indignantly, "That guy wanted to fuck me in the ass for $200." I don't know if she was indignant about the ass fucking or the price.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Papi said to only do anal when you have access to a bathroom. I listen to what Papi says. And I agree. VIP Rooms have their limits. We still need to build ourselves a strip club with an adjoining motel. Better to have a shower, and extra large shower, like in the fancy rooms over the TJ HK Bar. I also think anal should not be for first time partners, even if fully pro. SJG about Human Trafficking [view link] Coffee Girl Gallery [view link] Miles Davis Nature Boy, playlist [view link]
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Not me
  • busta_nut
    8 years ago
    yep it does... and this guy has... even had the queen of one club in the middle of regular lap grab my hand and stuck my thumb in her ass. After about 5 min the finger wasn't enough and told my she wanted to be fucked in the ass and gave me a rather attractive price.. so I did. Lately I have had several others suggest it.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    !!!!! SJG
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    No thank you. Even the drug skanks I know wouldn't do that in VIP ( unless the price was...)
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I'll do anal in the VIP, but only if she promises to be super gentle. Ha ha! A little PL humor there! In all seriousness, I've never done anal in the VIP, for a number of reasons. I will definitely fuck a girl in the ass OTC if she'll let me, now and then (I think it's awesome as an occasional thrill, but most of the time prefer vaginal). I had one ATF who would always let me do it when she was on her period. She'd admonish me in advance, "don't worry if I'm struggling or moaning a little, just take me". Yes ma'am! Fkn loved her.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "awesome as an occasional thrill, but most of the time (I) prefer vaginal" I agree fully! " "don't worry if I'm struggling or moaning a little, just take me". Yes ma'am! Fkn loved her. " Yes indeed! And so should it surprise people that lots of girls are just pleased as punch to be awakened by being entered vaginally from behind, for a follow on round? SJG [view link] about Human Trafficking [view link] and some of TUSCL's finest threads [view link] Coffee Girl Gallery [view link] The JohnSmith69 anthem: [view link] Miles Davis - Nature Boy, playlist [view link] Miles Davis - Bitches Brew [view link]
  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    I know of several coke head dancers,,, at a certain club that demand you ram your dick up there asshole...On Monday after paying the ViP fee , she start giving up some head , then dick in pussy,, after a few strokes , she pull out my dick and stuck it in her asshole...
  • Electronman
    8 years ago
    I would estimate that 10-15% of the dancers in Detroit will do anal in the VIP (not sure about other areas of the country but some of the Brazilian dancers that I've encountered are quite experienced), often motivated by a slightly higher compensation. I strongly recommend a condom and suggest having some wet wipes (but I've seldom encountered any problems). Some of the girls love it as an alternative to vaginal.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I just looked to see where your reviews are coming from. Interesting! Those certainly sound like girls who aren't shy. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Above was to eyeamlong. I didn't know there were girls around who are quite like that. Electroman, also interesting, buy your's don't sound quite as aggressive as eyeamlong's. SJG
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    In all my time in VIP at clubs, that is one thing I have never done with strippers. But I have with civie girlfriends. But not my thing. I'm more inclined for a girl to give me a BBBJCIM, be it a stripper or a girlfriend.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    warhawks, could aggressive girls like those described by eyeamlong, perhaps be able to get you to reconsider? :) SJG
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    nope. Anal is fucking nasty. If your gonna do anal, why limit yourself to real women, why not go for a tranny? I wouldn't do anal even with my girlfriend. I don't put my dick where shit comes out of.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    tranny? NO THANK YOU, I'm not going to cross that line! Actually, I can't stop trying imagine the ones eyeamlong is describing. I hadn't know that there were women like that out there. SJG [view link] about Human Trafficking [view link] and some of TUSCL's finest threads [view link] Coffee Girl Gallery [view link] The JohnSmith69 anthem: [view link] Miles Davis - Nature Boy, playlist [view link] Miles Davis - Bitches Brew [view link]
  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    @sjg... I don't know if they are aggressive, my belief its the drugs
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Well, as you know, I'm opposed to Alcohol, Drugs, Born Again Christianity, and Psychiatric Medication. And this has not changed. But having said that, girls who conduct themselves that way, that could change my position about VIP Room anal. And if some have learned to do it on drugs, there will be others who do it better without drugs. SJG
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    Your opposed to Psychiatric medication? Sure could have fooled us.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Have you known people who are on psych meds? It makes them nuts, because they are dissociated. They no longer have a center. They have been made afraid to face their own feelings. And this is what all of us most need to do, learn to face our own feelings. I say the doctors who pass that stuff out should be lined up against a wall and shot. SJG
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I never understood the fascination with anal. None of my good friends are into it, I've met a few girls who like it but those are rare occurrences. The few girls I know who will do it love it, they would rather do just anal than vaginal. Why is that? Have they only been fucked by guys with little dicks or are their pussies so wide they can only be stimulated by anally? Whatever the reason a lot more guys are into it than lead on. My old stripper buddy that is a cam girl now says 90% of the guys she "privates" with want to watch her stick crap up her ass, which she doesn't do and feels has certainly affected her business. She said she tried it but it was too painful for her. Lastly a decent amount of guys must ask for it in strip club VIPs - because when discussing VIP with a new dancer one of two thing usually comes up: 1. When asking about a "menu" most girls say "anything but anal" or 2. When I am asked what I want, I say "everything" and I am usually answered with "okay, but no anal." Either way I always laugh and say "that's okay I didn't want to do that anyway."
  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    @sjg, The first time it happen was three weeks... Two of her co workers is trailing us to the ViP room ... I whisper to my dancer... I only want you.. She tell me don't worry she got this.. Next thing I know all three dancers are naked snorting powder ... My girly started giving me a condom blow job..while her two co workers are licking her out..Then, my dancers stick it in her pussy, while both dancers , licking my balls and her pussy,, After a little while she pull my dick out,,, I'm thinking she is reposition herself ...Instead she rams it in her asshole , while they are licking her pussy ..snorting coke and drinking jack ..They repeated it on Monday...No I'm not to anal ..but what is a perverted sex freak to do......
  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    @sjg, The first time it happen was three weeks... Two of her co workers is trailing us to the ViP room ... I whisper to my dancer... I only want you.. She tell me don't worry she got this.. Next thing I know all three dancers are naked snorting powder ... My girly started giving me a condom blow job..while her two co workers are licking her out..Then, my dancers stick it in her pussy, while both dancers , licking my balls and her pussy,, After a little while she pull my dick out,,, I'm thinking she is reposition herself ...Instead she rams it in her asshole , while they are licking her pussy ..snorting coke and drinking jack ..They repeated it on Monday...No I'm not to anal ..but what is a perverted sex freak to do......
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^ when in Rome - ah quite literally Caligula!!!
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Did she shit all over you?
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    Whenever anal sex is mentioned on the menu, I'd definitely get some clarification on it. I'd dread the prospect of dancer donning a strap-on and saying "squeal like a pig now."
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    If a dancer offered to let me fuck her in the ass, I would most likely go find another dancer.
  • former_stripper
    8 years ago
    I don't even do this with monogamous partners so I don't get why people do it with strangers. That's just asking for trouble and disease.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    shailynn-->"I never understood the fascination with anal." Well, I'm not exactly *fascinated* with it, but it is a pretty awesome treat now and then. It feels different, I love the gesture of her giving it up to me, and most of all, it makes me feel so damn dominant I think my testosterone level goes up 100 points during that act alone :)
  • VeryBigDawg
    8 years ago
    I am not into anal ......... but I know this girl and she has zero limits.
  • Electronman
    8 years ago
    Many men (and maybe some women but I don't presume to speak for women) have an attraction to something different in their sex life, as in a little variety. For some, that variety takes the form of a different partner, or a different sex position, or a different sex act (remember your first blow job?) or a different location for sex or maybe more than one partner. For some the attraction might extend to anal. If there is growing interest in anal, I suspect that it might be a product of porn, where anal is increasingly common place. As long as we're dealing with consenting adults, I don't tend to be judgmental about what others do in their sex life. I've tried anal, including in the VIP room at strip clubs, but I'm certainly not fascinated with it. There are a few illogical comments in this thread. Former-stripper: Sure you can get a disease from unprotected anal, just like you can get disease from kissing, BJ and vaginal sex and any other activity (coughing, handling food, mosquito bites) that involves transmission of microorganism from one person to another. Of course, condoms greatly lowers the risk of disease from every sex act (including anal, which is clearly riskier than oral and vaginal sex) although a condom does not completely eliminate risk. For me, life is all about risk management-- take steps to manage/lower your risk but not at the expense of enjoying life. I guess I could opt for a zero risk life style, but I'd probably die of boredom. Up to you as to what level of risk you'll tolerate and for what kind or return on "fun." For estafador-- doing anal with a woman does NOT mean that you want to do anal with another man or a tranny (although I am not judgmental as long as they are consenting adults). By that logic, getting a blow job from a woman would mean that you might as well not limit yourself to women, after all, men and trannys have mouths also.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    @electronman yeah but tranny faces look DRASTICALLY different from women no matter how well their cosmotoligist is. But I get your point and I can understand that @eyeamlong totally unrelated but I was crusing the posts in a club in NYC. Glad to know there are more NYers posting on the discussion. I see so few that I can relate with.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Estafador - eyeamlong lives in the Atlanta area. I see him at Follies quite often.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    "I'll do anal in the VIP, but only if she promises to be super gentle." Brilliant!
  • bvino
    8 years ago
    Subraman gave a laugh. That is rare on here. Thanks. I have done anal , when asked, with two civvies. It was exciting because it was different and arousing in the heat of the moment. (both girls had GREAT asses). I would not do it in the club as the logistics are too daunting. Anal requires a build up and segue and the wham/bam model of the BJ/HJ/TF or FS does not work for anal. I would worry about too much for this. The only not to worry would to be drunk. If I was drunk I couldn't do it. ergo-No anal in clubs.
  • goldmongerATL
    8 years ago
    I notice more of the really young dancers offering anal on their menu. Had one tell me she did nothing but oral and anal "for years"in high school before she lost her virginity. She said oral and anal are "not sex"
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Many men (and maybe some women but I don't presume to speak for women) have an attraction to something different in their sex life, as in a little variety. For some, that variety takes the form of a different partner, or a different sex position, or a different sex act (remember your first blow job?) or a different location for sex or maybe more than one partner. For some the attraction might extend to anal. If there is growing interest in anal, I suspect that it might be a product of porn, where anal is increasingly common place." Considering we're a bunch of PL outcasts ourselves, I'm sometimes surprised how uninterested (and sometimes intolerant) this group is of anything that isn't bullseye mainstream sex ... blowjobs, eating pussy, vaginal sex, and playing with boobs are the main accepted sexual topics. Anal teeters on the brink of acceptability, but as in this thread, is often met with veiled or not-so-veiled comments about it possibly being gay. Anything else gets flamed to shreds, the guys would rather read troll threads and Indian moving service threads than go too far afield. I've seen this to some extent or other on other SC customer forums. I often wonder to what extent this is part of what sets strip club customers (at least those on forums) apart from, say, escorts or other areas of the sex industry where I often see discussion of kinkier topics in customer discussion forums.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    @Subraman: Because what I like is normal; the rest of you are freaks. </sarcasm> I have done anal with a dancer ITC and OTC. But not for a long while; it's not something I actively seek out. I believe that the popularity of anal lies in the perception that the act dips a toe into the realm of taboo/fetish, but sans the need to invest in costumes, equipment, or determining which are the load-bearing beams in your "playroom". Getting anal is more equivalent to locating an Easter egg or unlocking an achievement in a video game. Even though in some clubs and with some dancers, it's not exactly the highest hurdle on the obstacle course.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I like anal, both giving and receiving. And I'm hopelessly heterosexual. Lots of guys get hung up on the gay thing but once you get over that, with the right girl a prostate massage with a slim vibrator is really fun! Amazing orgasms...
  • HonestT
    8 years ago
    Every chance I get, because it's a scarce menu item for all types of providers. The girls who offer it as a regular menu item must like it, or know it gets them more money. I can think of four girls that offer it in the Detroit scene. PM me if you want names, Shadowcat.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    rs, receiving anal?
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    I vaguely recall an anal sex poll on the pink site several years ago. About 1/6 of respondents(presumably overwhelming majority female strippers) liked anal sex. Another 1/6 replied "maybe with the right person." The remaining 2/3 gave responses ranging between "no thanks" and "hell no." Someone more bored than I can find the link to post.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Minnow's poll seems about right which may be the only accurate thing SW ever posted. I've done anal with about 1/6 of my partners at their request; 1/6 would let me do it but wouldn't ask for it, and about 2/3 have some kind of policy against it.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    @eyeamlong Yes that's really something. I'm not into dealing with druggies or getting into situations with 3 girls at a time quite like you describe, but sex freak girls have a real appeal. SJG
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I would rather fuck a dancer (or any woman for that matter) vaginally. I know anal is a big deal for some folks - but I enjoy the feel of vaginal a bit more. I don't dislike anal at all - and if its done safely - with a dancer I'm not sure of - it can be great. I'd definitely question a dancer if she wanted me to bareback her ass. Ok - that's an understatement - as I would probably get up and out of VIP quickly. I'm guessing that I'm not her first bareback of the week - or day - and that's a major risk.
  • goldmongerATL
    8 years ago
    If a stripper only offers the choice of oral or anal, I tell her my name is Heywood Jablomi, not Ivan Tafukyaraz.
  • HonestT
    8 years ago
    To each their own. Just cause someone does partake in anal sex, it doesn't mean they prefer it to other holes. I love to DATY, but many mongers always say they would never go down on a dancer. I also like to kiss them. Most mongers are just looking for a wet hole to pop in. And that's cool, but that's your thing. I do my thing.
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