Comments by dallas702 (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Montreal Strip Clubs, --extra's or OTC possible?
    It has been about four years since I was there but I doubt it has changed much. On the Island most of the clubs have good evening traffic, plenty of good looking girls, inexpensive - hands on - lap dances, and very little in the way of "premium" extras. To get to an "extra" friendly club you need to travel "off island." Drive about 10 to 30 Km, in just about any direction, and you can find clubs that are very extras friendly and some even have an outstanding selection of good looking women. Check out the review section map and click on clubs around, but not in, Montreal. Of course that means you will need your own car, it is just too far out to make a cab feasible. The only other possible problem you might encounter is language. I was warned that few people, outside Montreal, spoke English and I needed to know French to get around. Turned out, that is not quite true. I don't speak French and had little difficulty. A few times in eateries, convenience stores and gas stations I was faced with servers/clerks with no English but we managed. Nearly every dancer I met in the several clubs I visited spoke English very well. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Aggressive or Passive?
    I tend to straddle the line between aggressive and laid back. When I see a dancer who is appealing to me I will approach her, express my potential interest and let her know where I am sitting. If she is on stage, I tip, watch her act a few minutes, and invite her to join me after her set. The next move is up to her. If she doesn't come by, it a write off for me and I look for the next love of my night. In a club where I am not a regular, this routine works well for me. If I am known, I simply sit down and I am shortly joined by a beautiful young lady. Either way, I don't waste time, nor money, and I usually enjoy my visits.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I've Finally Seen The Light
    Ranukam, do not go overboard on either side. I have dated strippers and regular girls, young and older, escorts and bar pickups and I have paid for stripper extras in and out. I was once a young and very athletic guy - now "not so much." As I stare at 60 fast approaching, I am a little less excitable, but still very much "in the game.". Three years ago I met a hot 30 something stripper who really just wanted a kind, not violent older guy to make her feel safe. It lasted for 18 months, sometimes it was rocky - because nearly all strippers have issues and those issues DO sometimes bite you in the face! But more often it was the most fun and the hottest sex I have experienced in my not so sheltered life. It ended when I decided her "issues" were getting to be too much for me. The fact is, all good times end. Even the best sex, the best friend, the best days will eventually end. Enjoy what you find that is good, use the best days to help you forget the worst and live life on the edge. Be good to those you meet and be good to yourself.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Porn Star Headline at a club
    If you are a fan of that porn star (want an autograph, picture) then go, crowd or no. Porn Stars at strip clubs are not monster events, it may be a little more crowded but not jammed up. If you are curious about the scene - and the cover is not through the roof - go, just to see it. But if you are thinking "big show," fancy stage work or porn film action - you will be very disappointed. I hit a club a few years ago, not knowing they booked a porn star, and actually enjoyed the evening. Most of my fun was because the regular dancers were not happy about the porn star (who on that night was also doing lappers, at $50 per instead of the club's $20 price). The club was busy, but not swamped, and many of the guys were not paying any attention to the regulars. I took advantage of that, even buying lap dances from regulars during the porn star's stage show, and enjoyed a good evening. So, other than the potentially higher cover, slightly larger crowd and chance at pictures with a porn star, it will probably be just another night at the Blue Zebra. Report back if you go.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Breasts exposed at strip club.
    I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that women exposed portions of their anatomy in a Houston club. This is absolutely terrible, terrible is the word, and if I am reelected I will investigate this issue closely!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I have an afinity for spinners.
    I don't object to tiny spinners, and sometimes I also search for them, but they are not often on top of my list. One of the reasons I don't chase spinners first is my experience. Often, in my experience, the spinners know they are sought after and therefore offer less or ask for more $$. SC, while your (and my) attraction to the tiny beauties MAY be a bit of Lolita chasing, I am guessing we are NOT "wanna be" child molesters!
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    12 years ago
    R.I.P. Ray Bradbury
    I grew up on SciFi. Asimov and Bradbury were the best. Asimov, who was afraid of flying, wrote epic tales of distant planets and the far future. Bradbury was the better storyteller. Bradbury's stories pulled you in and made you part of the plot. Even as the world changed so much after 1980, with PCs, cell phones and GPS, Bradbury's stories still resonated. His pre 80 stories and even his new stuff worked for the new generations. He was still writing almost to the end. I understand that some recent short stories of his are yet to be published. In the 90s he admitted that in some of his most "political" stories, he did not have any political motivations, but was simply storytelling. Still, stories like F451 did carry a political message for many of us.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BBBJ vs CFS
    For me it depends on several factors. First, what am I in the mood for? How much time do I have? How well do I know the dancers available for these services? How much privacy in the LD rooms? I really don't like the reduced sensation using a cover, but I dislike STDs even more, so covered is my FS option. Some dancers are wonderful with BBBJ, and often that is the less expensive option. And, yes, I realize that it is possible to catch an STD from a BBBJ, but the risk is very small! SO, I guess if its Tuesday it must be FS day!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    The Juices 1st Lapper Rejection : ( lol !
    Juice, clearly you've lost that loving feeling. This is seriously bad news. Life, as you has known it, just changed forever. You must immediately turn in your TUSCL membership card, delete all stripper phone numbers from your cell (including the burn phone!), and catch a cab (do NOT drive yourself) to the physical therapy ward of your local Golden Ages Retirement Village. Your therapist will assign you a walker and drool cup, plus show you how to pull up the adult diapers without standing. Sooooo sorry man, it was nice knowing you!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    No shit!
    Politicians (either party) generally don't care about restricting or taxing strip clubs or any other "adult" entertainment. What they care about is is a really good sound bite for the 6 O'clock news that they can also use at the PTA when they stump for reelection. It really does not matter to them whether crime around strip clubs is higher or lower than elsewhere. Ron Paul is the only politician on the national scene who is opposed to government intervention (and excessive taxing) but even if he were electable (I don't think he will ever have a chance) he also favors significant changes in other areas that could (temporarily, at least) trash the economy. I'll settle for incompetent politicians who pass stupid laws and try to tax sinners (as long as the sin taxes usually fail!).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How fast do you go?
    I once had a Triumph TR-7 (auto - not MC) and cranked it up past 155 on a very quiet stretch of Interstate. When I worked up enough courage to look at my panel, I saw the speed AND I saw the gas gauge going down. Other than that youthful stupidity, I generally keep it to no more than 10 over. Speeding tickets now cost more than a trip to VIP with FS!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Heading to ATL next weekend
    I hear that a drive down Peachtree St. can be entertaining. And don't miss Stone Mountain while you are in the area.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Destination for Sexy Atmosphere and Naughtiness
    I was in the Dominican Republic last year and, if you are willing to overlook the trash and incomplete buildings, it is a gem. All the wonders and beauty of the Carib islands, but usually much more affordable than the more established destinations. There are Resorts all over the coast and many are very "upscale." For history and Spanish influenced style, Santo Domingo is your place. Plus, they have very interesting and sexy clubs (dance clubs and strip clubs and some that are a little of both). I'm not sure about how to find a really nice hotel in town, but there are many choices. A few should be 5 star. If you want more blatant, sexy women and a milder clime (tropical lite), the Amber Coast is your choice. Sosua has several bars specifically in business for take-out options (I am NOT talking food) along with several high end resorts full of clueless people who never leave the resort property. Evenings in town are amazing if you enjoy people watching - especially since almost all of the women are young, beautiful and dressed to impress (and most are available for spending time with Americans). Puerto Plata to Cabarete is excellent and for variety Santiago is nearby. The amazing thing about the DR is the value. A week in a good AI resort can be had for $500 pp. Excellent meals at great places with outstanding service can be less than $50 for a couple including wine. It will be hard to find a place to spend $5 on breakfast! And if you find the right young woman (and there are MANY choices) you can get a tour guide, translator, friend, companion and sex addict (all in one) for an unbelievably low price. A friend often stays in Cabarete and when he is there he pays a 19 yo goddess $500 a week to be his maid, chef and live-in lover. The upside of the strip club/extras scene in the DR is that prostitution is legal in the DR, so you will not risk police difficulties. Only warning is about drugs - DON'T do drugs there. The DR does drop the hammer very hard on foreigners caught doing drugs. If you go, stay legal and have a blast!!!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Dancer And My Dog
    "A cat watching me make love to a woman wouldn't bother me at all. . . " Drac, clearly you have not tried to take a needed, deep breath while in the throws of passion - and inhaled cat hairs. The coughing fit can be a mood killer especially when you stop coughing long enough to explain - and she starts laughing!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    One good thing about being a regular at a strip joint
    Usually that is true. O' I admit that MOST of the time it is true, and I do make regular appearances in clubs where I am known. But, I also love variety and I am enamored of the "hunt." Even the occasional lackluster result will not make me give up the challenge of encouraging a new girl to treat me like her regulars, extras and all. Vive la différence!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How often are you on TUSCL?
    I am here four or five times a week. Sometimes w/o signing in I check reviews and reed a few discussions. Sometimes, signed in, I participate.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    For all you Highrollers !
    $113,000 and change. $43,500 for lawyer, $60,000 equity buy out, $9,500 misc fees and exp. (Thank God she had a job - no alimony!) I figure it worked out to $300 a pop over the 2 year marriage. She was not worth much in bed, but it was $133,000 well spent to get me out. Plus, even the craziest SC bitches never bitch as much as she did!
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If my boy friend answers, don't hang up.
    Shadow, be careful but hey, if she is hot, then she is hot! I would suggest the, if boyfriend does ever answer, you leave a very noncontroversial message using you oldest creakiest voice!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    your first lapper ever !
    I actually do remember. It was a strip club in Memphis in 1978. And yes, I typed 1978, as in seventy-eight. I know lappers were not supposed to exist back than, but that is when I got my first. The club had this thing where, for the excessive price of $5, dancers in bikinis would dance (mostly just shimmy) right in front of your chair at table side, they called them "tabledances." These were the very same dancers who got up on the stage and did striptease shows, O' my God! After midnight, sometimes, when the police were not around, the dancers got even closer for the talbedances. One dancer had enjoyed several of my "extra" Jack-and-Cokes over the course of the evening when I would order two and leave one to the side. (Dancers were not allowed to drink) Late in the evening she came over downed a big slug from the "extra," and accepted another $5 from me. She did her tableside dance with her delightful bum planted firmly in my lap between my legs. Yes, she knew she was rubbing me in the right place. I don't remember her face but I can still see that ass in my lap.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dress Codes
    About 20 years ago I was prevented from entering a NYC club because I was wearing running shoes instead of their required "appropriate footwear." That is the last time I have been even questioned about clothing at the entrance to a SC.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cat fight video.
    That's gonna leave marks. I sincerely do NOT want to ask them to do a 2fer lapdance for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What Celebrity Do You Resemble?
    After Al Gore lost to Bush he grew a beard and people started saying I looked like him. The final straw was when, in an airport, security wanted to escort me to a private waiting area because a guard "recognized" me. I shaved the damn beard!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    cheezy songs at the SC!?!?!
    Not so much "cheezy" as it was just somehow wrong. A few years ago I talked a dancer, at a club where they picked their own tunes from one of those wifi juke boxes, to do a stage set to "Inna Gadda da Vida." She dialed up the original one with the drum solo (17 minutes, I think). She really tried to work the pole and stage through the entire song (though I don't think it is possible!) and walked up to me after, laughing hard and dripping in sweat, and said "you OWE me for that!" She staggered to the dressing room, showered and returned to my lap committed to "never again" let a customer pick her music. But she was still laughing!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you respond to a dancer that asks "Why are you sitting all alone"?
    If she's cute but mature, "Waiting on you. what took you so long?" Cute and young, "Looking for my niece. Can you help me?" Ugly, "The last girl got mad when I bit her." Slow day in club where I'm known, "I don't know, the fart didn't smell that bad!" Just entered from sunny day, "AM I?" while using hands liberally to find her. Just for fun, "I'm looking for a priest, I need to confess."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Jacksonville recommendations needed
    Jax is not a good SC town. As mentioned the Doll House is your only nude alternative to Sinsations. Both are a bit strange, mostly because they are designed to use the stage only as a showcase for the dancers to sell private dances. They rest of the clubs are "bikini," but there are some fun choices. Beware, all of the bikini clubs charge $30 a dance in more or less open VIP dance areas. VIP dances are usually topless and two way contact is usually allowed (within the dancer's limits). ITC extras are limited, furtive and often expensive. If you choose bikini, I recommend you try the Gold Club and (or) Wackos. Both clubs usually have more of the "party" vibe and you can usually find smiling 7 -9 dancers who will rub you the right way as they take your money.