How often are you on TUSCL?
Generally, how often are you on TUSCL? Before I got my IPhone, I would log on to TUSCL through a computer, so I would probably be on once every couple of days. With my IPhone obviously there is easy access to TUSCL through the Internet, so now I'm on TUSCL 3 to 4 times a day. I actually prefer TUSCL to Facebook, Twitter...etc
What say you?
What say you?
For the past few months I have had a lot of work-related things going on, and the workload from those pushed my available time for TUSCL until after midnight, and by then I was too blurry-eyed to read so my visits were very few.
Things are smoothing out work-wise now, so I'll probably reset my priorities and visit TUSCL more often.
Haven't bothered to use my Droid. Don't find the reviews and discussions that compelling that I need access anytime, anywhere.
I'll go ahead and give Apple another idea for a new product. You set it down beside your recliner or reclining sofa and it gives you a heads up display you can adjust around your tv picture with a holographic keyboard floating under the tv, all while you're reclining back on your reclining sofa or recliner watching tv. The ultimate couch potato position. This way you don't have an iPad or iphone you have to hold up.
Even cooler but probably more difficult would be to have it interactive with what you're watching on tv. I don't know if I would be interested in chatting with other people watching the same show or not. Some shows might be interesting to read the chat messages.
Just thinking, slightly off topic.