
The Dancer And My Dog

Monday, May 21, 2012 7:48 AM
It is a long weekend in Canada and I brought Hawaii girl out to Rancho farmerart from Toronto for some sexy fun. It is turning into a disaster. My dog hates all women, from my elderly mother to the cute little 3 year old pixie on the neighbouring farm. I knew this and thought Daisy would settle down after a few moments of aggression directed to this new female interloper; this is the dog`s usual pattern. NOT this time; the silly bitch (dog not dancer) has been unrelenting in her disapproval of Hawaii Girl. I shut the dog in my machine shop and the howling has been relentless for two days. Hawaii girl is a bit pissed; she finds a barking, howling dog to be a serious mood killer. I fear that an expensive shopping trip to West Edmonton Mall will be needed to mollify Hawaii girl. Guys who visit Rancho farmerart are not subjected to the same abuse. Daisy treats any guy to some serious crotch nuzzling and licking, not unlike what was readily available in the VIP of the old Cannonball Cabaret in Brampton.


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Well Art it looks like you have a choice to make. NO more women at Rancho or get rid of the dog, unless a massive shopping spree takes care of mollifying EVERY woman you bring to Rancho that the dog dislikes. Or completely sound proof the machine shop!
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    Reminds me of a Lassie episode. "What is it, girl? Someone in trouble? Farmerart fell down the well?"
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Art - You need to get a cat, like my Shadow. I let them play with my pussy and they let me play with theirs. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Why would you bring a stripper home? You didn't take your dog along when you went to Hawaii, did you? :))
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Why would you bring a stripper home?" Hopefully for convenience. LOL
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    WHEWWW, at first I thought I'd be reading about how the dog took a liking to her and was banging her repeatedly. :)
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    replace the stripper, don't upset your dog.
  • 1Chanman
    12 years ago
    Think the dog might be trying to warn you about something...
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Think the dog might be trying to warn you about something..." NOT when the dog is misogynistic about all women as Art mentioned. We have enough Humans who are that way without adding dogs to the list.
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    Farmart didnt fall down the well. It seems that he is just simply, wait for it, IN THE DOG HOUSE, with his HI girl. and quickly followed up by the reasons i dont have kids. to quell the beast a few benedryl will do the job and are commonly found at any pharmacy across the US and I assume canada too. and if that isnt your cup of tea good ol zanax will do the trick, there was a girl i was seeing on the side and she had a prescription for her dog for zanax unfortunately she took as many as her dog. Damn I miss those titties.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I do have sympathy, Art. One of my girlfriends had a cat. We had to shut the bedroom door while we fucked. Otherwise the cat would jump on the bed and watch.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    This is a great thread. I like it when we include our pets in our strip club lives!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "We had to shut the bedroom door while we fucked. Otherwise the cat would jump on the bed and watch." Vince was it a Male or Female cat? Did you two think that the cat wanted to join the action? LMAO A cat watching me make love to a woman wouldn't bother me at all unless it tried to be in the way of the woman's mouth or tits or pussy. LOL
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    "A cat watching me make love to a woman wouldn't bother me at all. . . " Drac, clearly you have not tried to take a needed, deep breath while in the throws of passion - and inhaled cat hairs. The coughing fit can be a mood killer especially when you stop coughing long enough to explain - and she starts laughing!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Drac, clearly you have not tried to take a needed, deep breath while in the throws of passion - and inhaled cat hairs. The coughing fit can be a mood killer especially when you stop coughing long enough to explain - and she starts laughing!" dallas702, I live with 2 Cats whose bodies are quite often VERY close to, if not touching my face. I've NEVER had a problem with breathing with my Cats that close to my Nose & Mouth! LOL The question is how the woman would feel about the Cat(s) watching &/or being that close to our sexual interaction.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Dracula, I forget which sex the cat was. My girlfriend and I were together back in the late 1970's. I was a young buck in my mid-20's, she was a beautiful woman in her early 50's. I have no idea if the cat wanted to join in. LOL. If it did, well, what the heck. LOL
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Damn dog! Not the best weekend for me. I put Hawaii Girl on the plane back to Toronto yesterday. Rancho farmerart's wine cellar soothed Hawaii Girl's feelings a bit. Turns out she likes Bordeaux; I sent her back to Toronto with a couple of bottles of the so-so stuff. No way she is getting near any of the Petrus or Latour '45.
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