I've Finally Seen The Light

avatar for Clackport
So if you remember, I was considering dating a dancer. I talk about her in this thread: https://www.tuscl.net/postread… She is 24, she's been stripping for four years, she's not in school, works at the club at least four days a week. All the signs of a career stripper. Well it turns out she's got major anger management issues, she wants to kill her grandpa, and her ex boyfriend is in jail for attempted murder. Major issues. Needless to say I got out of that situation as fast as I could.

I guess with strippers for me, first I saw their great bodies, and my dick was thinking instead of my brain. Then I talk to them, and some of them have great personalites, and to top it off great looks. Great looks, personality, great body=perfect girl for me. Most of the time I wasn't even thinking about their issues and drama. Big mistake obviously when considering dating them. I'm 24, and I have a lot of life to live.

I got to thank you TUSCL veterans for giving me advice on my situation. I can truly say I'm done with dating dancers or wanting to date dancers. It's not worth it in the end. My new motto is fuck em and move on to the next one. Now I think I'll give advice to people who might be in the same situation I was or will be in the same situation.

DONT DATE A STRIPPER. Just stick to fucking them. There's too many issues for one man to handle. My approach now is if I see a hot stripper I like, try to fuck her that night. I'm young and not a bad looking guy so I probably have a better chance of getting free stripper sex than some older patrons (where pay for play is the only option if you want to fuck her). Regardless, most of them will give it up. She might tell you she's a good girl, or she's in a long term relationship with her boyfriend, blah, blah, blah. If the price is right, she will give it up. After you're done fucking her, move on to the next stripper to fuck (unless the sex is so good that you might want to fuck her a couple more times lol). Don't get attached to one girl. For every hot stripper, there's another hot one right around the corner. Who cares about her life and her future "goals". The only thing that you need to care about is how good her pussy is.

If I want dating relationships, I'll look for girls in the real world that are actually going somewhere with their lives. I got to thank you TUSCL veterans for saving me from becoming a lifelong PL.


last comment
avatar for bumrubber
13 years ago
If I have regrets in life, one of them is not going for all the sex I could have had. So go for it. But don't get messed up with strippers. Especially if you're still in your 20s, there are plenty of hot accountants, lawyers, hairdressers and retail clerks who will screw you to the ceiling, without all the Springer-esque bullshit.

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"I'm young and not a bad looking guy so I probably have a better chance of getting free stripper sex "

What makes you think you're going to get sex for free, with NO $$$$ payment.

If the Dancer has any brain at all she will charge you money.
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
I didn't say I would get it for free, I said I have a better chance to get it for free than some 60 year old guy, but that's not the point, the point is most of them will give it up for the right price.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
@randukam: You sound like a young fella. Yep, all you say is true but you got plenty of time to repeat your mistakes again, and again. :-) All them strippers got issues, but girlfriends are in another category. It's like going to them Chinese restaurants (except maybe them Chef Chang and related places) vs. them Ruth's steakhouse (never mind the real expensive ones). One of the reason we 50+ fat balding guys haven't given up on the stripper scene. Compared to them girlfriends (won't even mention the w word) stripper drama is lighthearted fun. Take it in strike.
avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
FUCK! I typed up a long ass response to Alucard's comment and then clicked on ranukam's name trying to select the text to copy paste it and lost it...

Here's the jist of it - He's right, a young reasonably attractive guy has a better chance than an older unattractive one at getting free sex. It's a damn slim chance - worse than roulette, but a chance none the less. On the contrary, the older one has the significantly better overall chance of getting laid if he's willing to pay for it - better than blackjack...

As far as any dancer with a brain charging for it - that's just bullshit. People of all sorts are fucking without any money changing hands. I've had one night stands with strippers, waitresses, teller's, paralegals, one freakishly hot FedEx chick, etc without money changing hands. When I worked jobs where I interacted with the public (I've never been a stripper), I wound up fucking people who I met as customers more than once. I've had sex with people in my industry at conventions & the like too. I'm not trying to "impress" anyone with my "game" but let's be real, people have casual sex with people they meet while working all the time. Strippers are people too.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
@Dolfan: read somewhere recently that generalizations are a mortal sin (paraphrasing here). Now your name is a dead giveaway that you ain't the brightest bulb in the room. You've never been a stripper but you are on tuscl. Assuming you were fucking us three-legged folks, what the fuck are you doing on this site? If you are a dyke, forgive me fucking trite.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
Shit, can't blame this on my fucking eyesight. I'm senile. As every fucking one probably surmised. OK, but think I read that generalizations are a fucking sin. So, FUCK you and your generalizations.
avatar for ButterMan
13 years ago
Wow! Congrats ranukam on coming to your sense's before it was too late. I can tell Alucard is soooo disapointed that you won't taking the path he has:) But yes most strippers have major issue's. And the fact that they see so many men a night and perform for money...well you get it. Again Congrats kid.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Er, Dad...it's time to go back to the home...
avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
Steve, you might be confused - I'm not female. Also, this isn't StripperWeb; most of folks here have never been strippers.

As far as the name being an indication of a lack of intelligence, are you a Jets/Pats fan or do you simply not understand the spelling? I can't tell what area you're in from your reviews.

I'm not terribly concerned about sinning, I didn't realize sin was something the participants here were concerned with. I'll keep that in mind for future comments though, thanks.

If you've got such a problem with me you might do better to PM me to express your distaste. My comment was germane to the discussion and not an attack on Alucard (who has my apologies if he takes it as such, despite that fact that I don't often agree with his views.)

Remind me, what color is that kettle again?
avatar for Revolution
13 years ago
Hell, my wife of 25 years has anger management problems and a laundry list of mental defects. And I don't even get the occasional lap dance from her. Yeah, if I had to do it all over again, I think I'd enjoy the bachelor life a lot longer. I've already said that if I ever had to marry again - it would be for the sex.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I've dated strippers. Its good you have seen light.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
I've never met a dancer who would fuck for free. It just isn't part of the business model.

Now I have gotten freebees at bars and civilian clubs, but never at stripclubs. However, I have seen drunk strippers go home with guys, maybe the guy got it for free that night.

Who knows when you just might get laid for free?
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
If I can't get it for free, then I'll pay for it if I really want that body that night. But honestly who cares? Free stripper sex wasn't the point of my thread.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I think I get more nervous when I meet girls in strip clubs who suggest sex but never say anything about money. It makes you wonder what they really want.

By the way, not all dancers have serious issues.
avatar for mjmassi
13 years ago
I can't comment on stripper drama as I've never dated a stripper, but I can attest to girlfriend drama and wife drama. In my experience, there are no exceptions. Depending on the relationship hopefully the drama is worth it. I just ended an intense nine month long relationship and I can say for sure, the monetary expense is the easy part.
avatar for dallas702
13 years ago
Ranukam, do not go overboard on either side. I have dated strippers and regular girls, young and older, escorts and bar pickups and I have paid for stripper extras in and out. I was once a young and very athletic guy - now "not so much." As I stare at 60 fast approaching, I am a little less excitable, but still very much "in the game.".

Three years ago I met a hot 30 something stripper who really just wanted a kind, not violent older guy to make her feel safe. It lasted for 18 months, sometimes it was rocky - because nearly all strippers have issues and those issues DO sometimes bite you in the face! But more often it was the most fun and the hottest sex I have experienced in my not so sheltered life. It ended when I decided her "issues" were getting to be too much for me.

The fact is, all good times end. Even the best sex, the best friend, the best days will eventually end. Enjoy what you find that is good, use the best days to help you forget the worst and live life on the edge. Be good to those you meet and be good to yourself.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
“I've never met a dancer who would fuck for free. It just isn't part of the business model”
Pablo took the words right out of my mouth.

Also, often times when I hear guys say they enjoyed dating a stripper, they (guys) are usually at or below the stripper’s level (pretty low) so they did not have too much to lose ($$$; dignity; etc.) – but no offenses to anyone as this is not the case in every single situation – but as they say “birds of a feather flock together”

“By the way, not all dancers have serious issues”
That is like saying not everyone that goes to SCs get LDs – happens – but not the norm IMO.

“Three years ago I met a hot 30 something stripper”
Well, age does make a difference. Most people (civis, guys, dancers) are often a bit more settled past 30.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
A good rule of life: Never get romanically involved with somebody whose head is more messed up than yours. That pretty much rules out strippers and escorts for me.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I agree to a degree with dallas702.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
"I've Finally Seen The Light"

What the hell took you so long?
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
I am glad it wasn't an expensive, emotionally painful, physically painful, or legally painful lesson learned.
avatar for Trick_of_the_Light
13 years ago
There's some good advice here. 2 and a half years ago I went on a 2 year run of visiting strippers in another city. In less than a year of meeting them all I found the 4 of 5 I had the most sex with with brand new mug shots... the other one, model shots... lol. Yeah, you just have to understand what you are getting into, AND, emotional attachment and how it relates to who you are having sex with. I don't know that I can do it anymore period, but I'll see what time makes me see...
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
ranukam, good post. I think 3oh!3 said it best: Don't trust a ho, never trust a ho, won't trust a ho 'cause the ho won't trust me.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
agreed that strippers have their issues... but there is also no garuntee that civies don't have thier own issues.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
"Steve, you might be confused - I'm not female. Also, this isn't StripperWeb; most of folks here have never been strippers."

Yea, my boy steve229 can't wait to get the old man committed. Can't blame the bastard though.

"As far as the name being an indication of a lack of intelligence, are you a Jets/Pats fan or do you simply not understand the spelling? I can't tell what area you're in from your reviews."

49ers, Steelers, Pats, and more recently, Colts. But never them flipper fish.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
I never got serious with a dancer. I did move one in with me, after only knowing her a week. She was new to town, second night of work, no friends, family, house, or car.

I bought cable for the first time in five years, LOL, to give her something to do. Made her dinner a couple times. It was the first time I had gotten laid after leaving my ex, picking up some rebounds, then not doing shit with women for over a year. It was fun. I wasn't anywhere near loving her, but I wanted to help her out while she was down, while getting some ass at the same time. Anyhow... it lasted three full days, then I came home, she disappeared, while taking some liberties of my stuff, phone was shut off, never went back to the club, etc. I looked for her that night, then said 'Fuck it!'

That happened. I also went home with a dancer who neglected to tell me she had a boyfriend who'd be coming home any minute. Luckily we were both still clothed when he got there. Still didn't seem happy though. Another's coke dealer/boyfriend also didn't like me and made it known.

Still though, I've met a few, decent hard working girls who may have some issues but keep a hold on them for the most part. And one thing I've learned is no two are a like, even when it comes to the job.

I guess what I'm saying is don't throw them all out for a couple bad apples.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
"I guess what I'm saying is don't throw them all out for a couple bad apples."

I think it is more like a couple good apples in a barrel of bad.

The ability to make money so easily tends to turn many people, both male and female, into complete assholes. When them easy money days are done, many tend to get their shit together (just like those cleaned out by a bankruptcy or layoff.)
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I once promised myself to never go out with a dancer again. I can't remember if it was issues, drama, or a combination. I probably passed up some possible fun times before one dancer made me forget all about that promise. I stayed true to my promise for years. It helped that I moved to another state where no one knew me.
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