
Comments by dallas702 (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    RIP: Yogi Berra
    "It ain't over 'til it's over." A damn good run, too bad his last homer puts him under the hill. Now it's over.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    a hard lesson to learn.
    That's not likely to happen in the good ole USA. Few people with the money would be dumb enough to spend $1,400.00 as a joke (in the US Viagra is about $40 a pill, times 35 pills).
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    9 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Rugby World Cup
    I played in college, then for seven years semi-pro. Most of that time I stayed way outside the scrum as a wing 3/4. I still took a lot of damage, including knees (one is now artificial), shoulder (two surgeries), lots of torn ligaments, a couple of broken noses and uncounted dislocated fingers. It really does take leather balls to play Rugby. In spite of the injuries, it is hard to watch without wanting to be in the 15 on the pitch. Mostly, I miss the Rugby parties with all the liquid nurishment, obscene songs and Rugger Huggers. There is just something truly life affirming about limping into a crowd of your erstwhile opponents, all sweaty, smelly, grass stained and muddy and be greeted by a beautiful young woman who hand you a beer (or ale, or stout) then snuggles in close! Come to think of it - maybe that's why I do strip clubs!!!
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    9 years ago
    Overmanaging expectations
    Good point Shadowcat. I didn't think of the expression until your post, but "scripted" would explain what it felt like. Also - "arare" should have been, 'aware'.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wait until lopaw hears about this. :)
    I enjoy seeing civi women is clubs, especially when a dancer can lure one stageside and molest her! But I also believe that club management has a right to make the rules for their club. If they don't want civi women, then that is their right. They will also experiences whatever consequenses their door policy causes. If a "no unescorted women" policy reduces the crowd, and limits the money available to dancers, then the club will decline. It seems to me that refusing an entire class of customers who are unlikely to initiate violence, unlikely to injure dancers and carrying money around, is shortsighted. OTOH, if management is actually avoiding the disturbances, police visits, and possible lawsuits they claim come with unescorted women customers, then maybe they are helping their club.
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    9 years ago
    Overmanaging expectations
    When I wrote "put off" perhaps I should have simply said "odd" or "wierd." I was arare, step by step, of her following, "the plan." I am not complaining! It was just so damn strange! Meursault, I think the club, in Savannah, GA, is a little out of your home turf. Plus, it is known as a "no extras" club - (usually) Better you should travel to ESL or Detriot.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    San Jose Guy Made the News
    JohnSmith, are you trying to say that SJG is autistic, developmentally delayed, has a big ball or that he needs $100,000 for surgery? ;)
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Racism in pornography.
    I am not sure "racism," when used to describe a hostile bias, is accurate in many instances. The porn industry seeks men with extra large equipment, and especially seeks oversized black men. Many of the young women newly entering porn are very petite and find big dicks uncomfortable. Reasonably, they expect a black porn star to have a painfully large dick. Rockstar mentioned escorts with similar prejudices. Again, I expect that many times these women are trying to reduce the risk of bodily harm and violence when they exclude blacks. Sometimes it is their own prior experience, but anyone can check the statistics and discover that young black males (about 1% of the population) commit over half of all violent crime and more than 80% of all rapes. For a woman, meeting strange men in a motel room, to eligminate a category representing a very high risk of violence seems more common sence than racism.
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    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT- Remembering 9/11
    I had just walked out of the police station of moderate sized midwestern city, where I lived then, after coffee with the assistant chief and a few minutes in the pistol range. It was a clear cool late summer morning. I started my car and a "live" radio report from NYC interrupted the music with a report about a tragic plane crash at the World Trade Center. It took a few minutes to figure out that it wasn't some "War of the Worlds" prank. My wife used to work in the South Tower, and still had friends who worked in the Towers, so I called her. At first, she too wouldn't believe it. By the time I got to my office everyone was talking about the plane crash and it was covered live on all the networks. That is why I, and everyone in my office, watched live as the second plane impacted the South Tower. I still had my breifcase in my hand when the towers went down. I called my wife. She, too, was watching TV and she was sobbing. The circuts were busy in NYC and she couldn't get through to anyone. My wife lost seven friends that morning. She talked, instead of about the friends, about the artwork in the private offices. She knew that one office in the North Tower had two Matise paintings, a Remmington bronze, a Piccaso and other works that were together insured for over $280 Million. She talked about the "bridge" between one of the other buildings (also destroyed when the Towers fell) and the North Tower, a shortcut to one of her favorite lunch counters. I would be months before she could talk about lost friends. She still crys on 9/11. I was never fond of NYC, still wouldn't live there, but on that day I became a New Yorker. Rickdugan is right, we will never forget.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting my pockets picked
    It has happened to me, too. Apparently, many dancers know how to gather "extra" cash from lap dance customers. I even caught one with her hand in my pocket while I was sitting at the bar! On the other hand, I once paid a dancer with three "twenties" only to later discover I had reached into the wrong pocket and paid with three $100.00s (damn that cheap scotch). I knew that was the last I would see of that money! I was twice wrong that night, as the dancer also later discovered the $100s and knew that I had given them to her. She returned all three bills, and when I handed one back to her she insisted that she "earn it." Sometimes they will rob every penny, any way they can, and then when your trust is at it's lowest a dancer will totally surprise you!
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    9 years ago
    watching history channel. apparently we're all aliens
    We are swamped with "networks" all attempting to create something sensational to attract viewers which will allow them to raise ad rates while selling more advertisements. Many times the channels compete with themselves. The "Discovery/History" group is one company subsidiary operating the Discovery channel, History channel, American History channel, International History Channel and about 4 or 5 more "network" (cable/dish) channels. To provide programming for all of those outlets means being very creative. The result is "naked" survival shows, about a dozen "Alaska wilderness" series, lots of "reality backwoods" programming, speculative science (often just pseudo-science or complete "nut-jub" stuff), and hundreds of hours of sharks and divers. It is almost as bad as the "news" networks. There are so many supposed TV news outlets (NBC, CBS, ABC, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, HLN, FOX, FBN, etc.), some running 24/7, and all understaffed with journalists, editors and reporters, but overstaffed with on-air news readers. Every story is the "worst case of XYZ since," or the "greatest loss of," or whatever sensational angle they can push so their news gets watched and they, too, can sell ad time. Sometimes this Orwellian glop is still fun to watch (I honestly didn't know that CrazyJoe was Martian) even when it is foolish and fabricated. Sometimes it is interesting to switch back and forth. I watched coverage of Obama's Alaska trip while switching occasionally to a few of the Discovery Alaska series. The "news" really hyped global warming destroying Alaska with melting glaciers, thawing tundra, endangered wilflife, and starving locals = while the reality shows described intense winters, sea ice covering almost of of the Bering Sea, but plenty of traditional game/fish/crabs. I still don't understand the "Discovery" group obsession with the space alien fiction/reality stuff.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist (Why some Christian churches have a
    Humans are social creatures, yet we have conflicting mandates. As individuals, each of us responds differently to the "lizard brain" (brain stem) urges to procreate. With modern, developed brains (at least most of us on this site have "developed" brains) we TUSCLers choose to exercize that urge in strip clubs or OTC with strippers we have separated from the club herd. By groping strippers, getting lap dances, negotiating extras and setting up OTC, we fulfill that deep seated need to mate with as many fertile females as possible, WITHOUT paying all of our income for child support (and thereby reserving more money for more strip club visits). In the Middle East, 2,000 years ago, any dude with enough money could get fully nude lap dances with extras from all the step-daughters he wanted. Just like today, rich dudes can get would up enough to think with their little head and offer anything - even someone else's head on a platter - for another blow job. Just like today, the rules that applied to clubs (or public venues) in town (Jerusalem) were seldom enforced when rich guys (Herod - or even Farmerart) brought strippers (or step daughters, or nieces) to their house (Herod's palace). If Herrod had tried that over at Pontius Pilate's (Roman Governor of the area) house in Jerusalem, it would have caused a whole mess of problems. As a pack, group, or society, we all attempt to enforce rules that prevent others from encroaching on our hunting grounds, our pride, our females. One, long established means of controlling others and limiting the mayhem of "defending" as many females as we can feed and fuck, is religion. But the rules of society, as created by religion or by elected governments, generally limit the number of females and impose some onerous sanctions for overstepping the limit. This is not about politics, or race, or Popes, or sticking their prude noses into "my" business, it is the remaining structure of social rules that kept humans from killing massive numbers of other humans for thousands of years. Is is a pain in the balls (sometimes literally) when your favorite club is raided, or changes the rules to limit extras, or has to remove the VIP booths - all because of some stupid local rule? Certainly! Does society need to stop being absurdly, inconsistently, hypocritically, prudishly making rules about what can and cannot happen in strip clubs? Mostly!!!!! Remember - even we TUSCLers disagree about what is OK in a strip club. Those prude "evangelicals" are liberal horn-dogs next to the ISIS crazy mo-fos. The Baptists, at least, do not insist upon burkas. And, even before the current socialist Pope, the Roman Catholics, were loosening up a little. The day may be comming when Hong Kong/Adelitas type clubs are both common and legal in your neighborhood. Then again, the social rules may change by swinging the other way and bars like Fridays may be declared obscene because the waitresses are not in burkas!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    In 2007 an overweight dancer sat down beside me in a club I sometimes visited. We talked a little, she (fortunately) never asked me for a dance. The late 20s woman had a bad "jersey" accent, stained teeth, bad breath, broken nails, leg stubble and about 50 pounds too much fat. I didn't run her off, mostly because I had just had a great VIP experience and was relaxing for a while. The next few times I came in, I made a point of tipping her on stage, even though I made sure I was otherwise engaged by the time she was off stage. Over the next year she lost a little weight, and though she was still too heavy for my interest we would still sit and talk when things were slow. About two years after I first met her, she got serious about getting in shape and ceaning up. I learned that started when she dumped the asshole boyfriend after he tried to make her give his friend a blowjob. She rapidly (about three months) changed from plump, dumpy and unkempt into a manicured, sweet smelling, much leaner (still not a spinner) very healthy, smiling dancer. We would still sit and visit on slow afternoons, though I had not had a dance from her. One day, she showed me her clean, polished, whitened teeth and the little "barbell" she had just gotten in her labia. That day I asked her for a dance. When she said, "I thought you would never ask," we both looked at each other and cracked up. The dances she gave me from then on were very liberal, very intimate, very sexy and very complete. It wasn't "extras" between us, it was always part of the time we spent in VIP. We never met up OTC (though we talked about it), and it was never more than a "friends in the club" thing. When she got a "real" job and was about to quit dancing, she told me that the day we met was her first day ever in a strip club and would have been her last if I had not spent time being nice to her and talking with her. She claimed that she made very little $ dancing that first year and thought about quiting often, but another dancer convinced her to keep trying and I kept talking to her whenever I was in the club. Our "last dance" was intense and sweet. I miss her! Yes, I have seen dancers go from frumpy, 4s to hot 8s. I have also seen 8/9 dancers go downhill fast, but that has usually been drugs.
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    9 years ago
    Tj border changes
    "I wonder if they are doing this b/c of Donald Trump's comments :)" Winner!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Wrangler Jane is Dead
    F-Troop, Pettycoat Junction, Green Acres, Gilligan's Island, Lost In Space, Car 54. Wow, my generation must have been really easy to entertain or really stoned. Actually, there were no "strip clubs" as we know them today so we had to settle for drooling over Maryann and Ginger, Wrangler Jane, and Mary Tyler Moore!
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    9 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    The Vanderbilt athletic association needs a new advertising consultant!
    I was a student there (class of '75) when frats scheduled parties to start at halftime - nobody wanted to see the ugly 2nd half of another loss. The 'Dores have always been doormats with ample evidence of incompetence. At least, when I was there, Peabody Teachers College was just acroos the street and Peabody freebodies were ample distraction.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Georgemicrodong coming to Follies
    Wish I could hit Follies, but honestly, GMD's package does NOT interest me.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Your favorite football player of all time ?
    Donny Anderson, never made in "big" with Green Bay but was great to watch. His college days at Texas Tech were phenom. I wish the Packers had an Offensive line to give him more running room.
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    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    Its a garonte
    Perhaps you mean "garrote," a wire or cord used to strangle someone?
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A reasonably priced conceal carry weapon is a Smith and Wesson 9MM semi. I like that the 16 rond mag and fast reload means I have 33 shots quickly available (16X2, plus one in the pipe). I also have a Ruger .45ACP. that is reasonably light (plastic frame) and accurate enough at 50 feet. I carry both (not at the same time) in an inside-the-waistband holster in the small of my back. I also have a small frame Ruger 380 (six shot semi) that I sometimes carry in a pocket holster. You should go to your local range and try out several different small arms (most ranges will rent or loan different weapons). If your range also sells weapons, they probably will let you try a weapon before you buy. Some people are uncomfortable with a handgun that does not have a safety (like my S&W 9MM and the little Ruger 380). Others like the idea of draw and shoot without flipping switches or any other delay. It is a good idea to experiment with several different options before picking your first weapon. For home defense, you just can not beat a 12 guage short, in either semi or pump. In most states you can legally buy a 3 or 4 round pump 12Ga with an 18(and 1/2) inch barrell. Combined with a short stock, and maybe a pistol grip, the weapon is easily pointed toward a threat and you do not have to be exact. Whether the intruder is human, bear or other, even a miss is likely to result in the intruder making a very fast exit. And din't overlook the "lowly" .22 rimfire rifle. As a learning platform, varmit gun and target shooter, a bolt action or semi .22 rifle is inexpensive fun. Especially considering the cost of ammo these days, popping off a brick (500 rounds) of .22 is a lot less expensive than sighting in an AR-15 chambered in .308 Winchester!!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    At an "extras friendly" club in Houston, a very tight young black spinner was entertaining me in a very dark corner of the VIP area, when she took my equipment out of her mouth and said, "I want all of this." She then proceeded to put a cover on, crawl up on to me and impail herself. She was very tight and the angle was a little odd, but it did feel good. Then she said, "I love dick up my ass!" By then all my blood had moved south and I was thinking only with my little head. I just plugged the vacant hole with my thumb, and let her keep moving. It was good, she seemed to enjoy it a lot. That is not something I seek, ask for or (normally) even consider. But that time - it was great. Must have been a "thing" for that dancer. When we settled up later, I pulled out a bunch of $20s and she peeled off one $20 for each song (altogether 6 songs) and stopped. I asked about the extra entertainment and her response was, "O no baby, that was just for me!!"
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    9 years ago
    Out in the "real world" also known to the "extremely expensive edges" as "flyover country," an income of about $70,000 a year will support a family of 4, buy a piece of the American dream, and have a little left over to party. In fact $70,000 a year is enough to buy everything you saw in "Father Knows Best," "Leave it to Beaver" or "Maybery, RFD" plus enough to pay for cable, a smart phone plan and one or two strip club visits a month. Only in the Mid-Atlantic Megapolis, Miami, ATL, and the Left Coast, does it take $250,000, or more, to live comfortably and enjoy extra entertainments. When you can buy a very nice home for $150,000, and purchase groceries for those four people with less than $500 a month, then it IS possible to live the dream on $70,000 a year. And than can be done in over 80% of this country. It does take actual brainpower and an education, but for most of this country, life can be pretty good with less than $100,000 a year.
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    9 years ago
    females being denied, entry to strip club
    In my experience, seeing a number of civilian women in a strip club means one of two things. Most common, it means the club is "soft." The dancers work on stage shows, not the "secret handshake" greeting. Many of the women working in a soft club spend hours on make-up and multiple fancy wardrobes. Lap dances may or may not be hot, but extras are rare. Management in these clubs want a "clean" reputation and a clean club. Having civvie women show up simply affirms to these managers that it is worth it to steam clean the carpets every week and polish the bathroom fixtures daily. When I determine that I have entered a soft strip club, I simply finish my drink and leave. Less common is the club that attracts civilian women because the dancers are hot and not afraid to move in on single women and couples. These clubs are like most extras friendly clubs where somehow the dancers have discovered that women customers have money too. I am certain that this circumstance is not always (or even, often) an intentional management decision. When dancers are willing and happy to spend time with civvie women in a club, word gets around. It may start with a girlfriend coming in with her guy and a dancer spending time with a couple. Or it may have been Loplaw dropping $20s on willing young beauties. However it started, word gets around and les, bi curious and party hard women show up along with the guys. I am not convinced that this latter type of club has any more les, or bi-curious dancers than other clubs. It appears to me that the difference is mostly about dancers who want to earn and are happy to earn from any customer. These clubs do not scare me off and I have no trouble finding willing dancers. Perhaps Trick22 would be more comfortable in a "gay bar" where ther are no women at all to spoil his view?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The SC (Supreme Court) Actually Gets Two Decisions In A Row Correct! A New Moder
    A few not so minor points about Texas history. Houston was NOT at the Alamo. The original leaders of the Texas Revolution did not give a damn about slavery, either way. The issues they were pissed about were Mexico's Roman Catholic oath (to be a citizen, own land or use public roads, an individual had to be Romas Catholic and give an oath to defend the Church and Santa Anna); and a load of transaction taxes Santa Anna imposed only on Texas residents who came from the US. No "Confederate" flag flies over the Texas capitol. The state flag of Texas, is the same flag as the flag of the Republic of Texas and dates to 1834 - it was first flown as Texas' flag in late 1836. That flag is NOT the flag of the CSA. Seven of the heros who died in the Alamo were black, 4 free and 3 slaves. Everyone was given a choice and chose to stay. More than 80 of the Alamo defenders were Hispanic, Catholic and Mexican citizens. They too believed in seperation from Mexico, but were not slave owners. Houston was a former US congressman and former Governor of Tennessee. He definately was not anywhere near San Antonio when SA attacked. Crocket also served as a US congressman and was not a slave owner. Bowie won a slave in a poker game, the two became friends, and Bowie's "slave" died standing by his friend's side. All in all, Farmerart's version of Texas history is just slander and can Be easily disproven with a simple search.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Anybody done this before? (Note: drugs are not necessarily involved)
    A couple of years ago I was visiting near the town I grew up in when my high school's 40th reunion was scheduled. I went to the reunion (my first reunion ever) curious to see who would show up and what they would look like. A girl I had a crush on in Jr Hi and high school was there, all 280 pounds od her (in high school she probably wieghed 99 pounds - a lot of that was boobs - yes that explains my crush). In spite of my dismay at her extreme weight, we had an hour of interesting conversation. One of the hottest cheerleaders ever was also there and she is still one of the hottest women I have ever seen. She bought me a drink, and steered me to a quiet corner. I found out that this untouchable, way out of my league, top notch beauty - wanted to date me - ME - and dropped lots of hints which I clearly missed. My conversation with her was enlightening, fun, and great for my ego. I don't often seek out old flames, but when I encounter old hits and misses I have always enjoyed the time I spent retelling old stories and catching up on our lives. (I did get the cheerleaders digits and we stay in touch - I might score a cheerleader, without paying for a lap dance, in the near future.)