
watching history channel. apparently we're all aliens

Astronauts in space for example change their circadian rhythm not to an Earth 24 hour cycle but a Martian 24.9 hour cycle. Our DNA has more bits or strands than any other species on earth. 223 strands or whatever they said.

It all makes sense. Crazyjoe is an alien. :)


  • Hugh_G_Rection
    9 years ago
    Sometimes I wonder why they call it the "History" channel. They launch into alot of Psuedo-science and metaphysical hogwash.

  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    It wouldn't surprise me. Just look at the gap in intelligence between humans and the closest primate relative. Too wide to explain away by evolution. But not far Mars,,,,,from a galaxy far, far away
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    The History Channel is great. I remember that Alucard insisted that stardust from super novas had the god-like power to create human life....hmmmmm
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It used to be all nazis, all the time. They definitely air a lot of speculative shit now
  • motorhead
    9 years ago

    Right. In the early days, they were nicknamed "The Hitler Channel"

    I thought "The Story of US" they did a few years ago was one of the best things on television in recent years. I hope all schools showed that. Kids might love studying history if it was as interesting as this.

  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Ancient Aliens, I find it fascinating when they show ancient buildings and artifacts that can't be explained. Especially when they show an artifact of a 1000 year old model that looks exactly like a jet fighter.Not a bird, a jet fighter
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    They didn't mention when Mars last had liquid water flowing on the surface of Mars and it's atmosphere was thick enough to possibly support life on the surface. I bet that was millions of years ago not thousands. That would mean if our ancestors came from Mars, they came here millions of years ago. A science fiction movie Mission to Mars implied life on Mars seeded life on Earth.
    History channel combined with long posts on here put me to sleep.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^ but it does look like a jet plane and experts are still baffled by ancient structures.....

  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    They sort of remind me of flying fish. They could also be stylized artistic representations of some of the bird life that was more common back then.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Yeah, that kind of looks like a flying fish.

    I googled it and came up something even more strange. This ancient carving looks like a person in a spaceship. Very strange....

  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I don't know. It kind of looks like the Roaming Gnome to me.... ;-)
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    We are swamped with "networks" all attempting to create something sensational to attract viewers which will allow them to raise ad rates while selling more advertisements. Many times the channels compete with themselves. The "Discovery/History" group is one company subsidiary operating the Discovery channel, History channel, American History channel, International History Channel and about 4 or 5 more "network" (cable/dish) channels.

    To provide programming for all of those outlets means being very creative. The result is "naked" survival shows, about a dozen "Alaska wilderness" series, lots of "reality backwoods" programming, speculative science (often just pseudo-science or complete "nut-jub" stuff), and hundreds of hours of sharks and divers.

    It is almost as bad as the "news" networks. There are so many supposed TV news outlets (NBC, CBS, ABC, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, HLN, FOX, FBN, etc.), some running 24/7, and all understaffed with journalists, editors and reporters, but overstaffed with on-air news readers. Every story is the "worst case of XYZ since," or the "greatest loss of," or whatever sensational angle they can push so their news gets watched and they, too, can sell ad time.

    Sometimes this Orwellian glop is still fun to watch (I honestly didn't know that CrazyJoe was Martian) even when it is foolish and fabricated. Sometimes it is interesting to switch back and forth. I watched coverage of Obama's Alaska trip while switching occasionally to a few of the Discovery Alaska series. The "news" really hyped global warming destroying Alaska with melting glaciers, thawing tundra, endangered wilflife, and starving locals = while the reality shows described intense winters, sea ice covering almost of of the Bering Sea, but plenty of traditional game/fish/crabs.

    I still don't understand the "Discovery" group obsession with the space alien fiction/reality stuff.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    As soon as a democrat figures out how people are to blame for massive global warming 10,000 years ago and have a tax to combat it, I expect to hear about it.

    Let's see, 10,000 years ago ice sheets and glaciers covered much of North America and the northern hemisphere. Cave men burned too much fire wood in a futile attempt to stay warm. All the smoke and soot settled on the white glaciers and caused massive global warming. Sea levels rose 300 feet. North America and Asia got cut off. The land bridge went underwater. The cave man leader bama said we are all doomed unless you all pay this tax to him to combat it. 10,000 years later, we hear the same story. Sea levels will rise. ice will melt. Isn't anyone going to do anything? nope, just make everyone pay more taxes.

    in only 2 or 3 billion years from now, the oceans will boil away. it will get really hot. either mankind will be living on other planets or we will be extinct.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I never knew crazy joe was a Martian either. you learn new things on the history channel.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy's The System is so advanced must have been given to him by Aliens.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Warhawks, do you think that's where H.R. Geiger might've gotten his inspirations?
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