
Comments by dallas702 (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Anyone know how to find a lizard in your house?
    If the lizard is named Larry, just hand a mirror globe and play disco. It will come out dancing. (I know, dated). Otherwise you could borrow my SO's spaniel - he loves to track, chase and catch and eat lizards. Or perhaps someone nearer to you has a lizard lovin' cat or dog.
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    9 years ago
    Standards of fucking
    I am NOT a young guy (though I have not reached Shadowcat's distinguished number) and I still find 8 or better more of a turn on than a 4. But I have also discovered that looks are not the whole thing!!!! Some of the most beautiful women I have ever fucked, were also the worst lays. Please do not misunderstand, as a friend often said, "The worst fuck I ever had was Great!" But there is great, and there is even better than Great. One "Plain Jane," I took to my hotel room mostly as a charity fuck, ending up being one of the most memorable nights I have ever experienced. I still gravitate toward the 8s, 9s, and 10s but I now give the 6s and 7s a little time to make their play. Sometimes the vibe with a 6 is enough for me to invest a bit of time and money to find out if the Ugly Duckling might be a Swan in bed.
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    9 years ago
    If the NRA was as violent as the anti-gunners say they are.......
    Rockstar666, Since I qualified for nationals in handgun shooting competitions seven times during my misspent youth, the real odds of my hitting anything larger than a fieldmouse ten times out of ten shots at anything less than 50 feet is very, very high. If that bulldog had not retreeated, he would have died about 12 feet from me with not less than 5 hollow point bullets in him (that's the minimum number of rounds I would put into an attacker, if I do have to start shooting). I don't remember the last time I failed to hit in the black 10 out of 10, but it was probably before I was 14. that was my age when I began competitive shooting. Modern semi-automatic handguns, with 3.5 to 6 inch barrels are remarkably accurate at less than 25 feet. I have been shooting for over 45 years, but even relative novices can hit what they aim at most of the time with modern "1911" style recoil operated semi-auto handguns. Especially since most modern weapons allow rapid discharge of up to 17 rounds without reloading. You are pushing your bias against firearms and using your unsubstiantiatied opinions. Sorry, but your opinions are far from reality. When people use firearms for self defense the distance from defensive shooter to attacker averages less than seven feet. At that distance - anyone capable of pulling a trigger can hit their assailant 5 times out of six shots, even with their eyes closed. I was not nearly as lucky as that dog!
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    9 years ago
    If the NRA was as violent as the anti-gunners say they are.......
    Rock, I don't know why the dog backed off, and I don't care. It only matters that if he didn't I would still be unhurt and since he did, I did not have to shoot. Almost averyone who carries would prefer to never have to shoot. But if a rattlesnake or a bad dog (canine or human) doesn't back down, at least I will be standing around answering police questions instead of bleeding out ten minutes before the cops show up.
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    9 years ago
    If the NRA was as violent as the anti-gunners say they are.......
    Guns and Government = The argument is first about: how limited is the reach of the federal government. Constitutional experts, who believe the writers of the Constitution actually meant what they wrote, assert that the Federal government is VERY limited. The NRA, and I agree with that understanding. Obama, and a steaming pile of liberals, socialists, UN "one world governmentalists," and anarchists, believe the Constitution is a "living" document that can be reinterpreted whenever they want to trample another right. I also know that a firearm for personal defense is effective and often reduces violence. Like Clubber, I carry. Also like Clubber, I have only drawn - with intent - one time. In my case, a growling, barking bulldog charged me. I did not have to fire, because the dog retreated. Most people who carry a firearm, never have to draw their weapon against a threat. Carrying a weapon is not "compensating," it is simply being prepared. A careful look at national crime statistics with a comparison to the numbers and places where weapons carry has been newly allowed, or the number of permits increased, reveals that more armed citizens corelates closely with less crime. Also clear is the extreme high numbers of violent crimes in places where guns are banned or highly restricted.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Dallas or Atlanta?
    Willy, Lilly, Jethro and George. There will never be a more fearsome foursome. Even Too Tall was a step behind! But for entertaining strippers, ATL may have an "extra" edge, especially considering Follies. Extra fun IS available in Dallas. Cab Royale, behind a chair fort, may currently offer the best selection and value in Dallas.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    "You look exactly like my father"
    Shaynn, I've been in nude clubs in Georgia, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Wisconson, California, Illinois, New Jersey, Penn, Mexico, Canada, Dominican Republic, Germany and Bolivia where it is common for dancers to leave the stage nude and mingle with customers. I have been in a few nude clubs where this isn't generally permitted, but not many.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    "You look exactly like my father"
    A few years ago (OK-many years ago) I asked my grown daughter why she kept dating guys who turned out to be losers. Her answer was, "Because I can't find anybody like you." In retrospect, I suspect a lot of young women idolize their father (if Dad was around and not a total jerk) and that sometimes translates into sexual attraction towards "daddy" surrogates. My relationship with my daughter was healthy, and I never felt (or feel now) any sexual attraction towards her, but I do get a little extra Oomph in my johnson when a hot stripper says, "O Daddy, I wanna be naughty with you."
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    9 years ago
    further proof that all bouncers have the IQ of a cantaloupe
    When I was in the Navy, we had to travel in uniform to get the highly discounted military rate. It was late in the "Vietnam" era and I was spit on and even refused service in some eateries. I never understood why ordinary servicemen were mistreated when the complaints were all directed against Kennedy/LBJ policy. By the time Nixon started the "pullout" the Navy had changed travel policy to direct travel in civvies and "avoid conflict while travelling." The haircut was still a giveaway, but at least I didn't ruin more uniforms. I can toleratreee the occasional idiot bouncer. The very public support for our troops is a welcome change.
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    9 years ago
    Do ugly bitches bank?
    CrazyJoe, your response might be more accurate as a quantitative measure.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Louisiana police chief arrested after strip club bust
    Motor, don u tho no dat by-u bull, no my way. I kin bon ur ton, be u onna dis fret. An don u tink Cajunz be stupd, all us no more swamp talk din u e'er 4got. We gon got sum Jax an mud bugs fo breakfast now. Be u gone!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    This is what I would buy
    Buying an asain porn-star for exclusive use. Can't you see Clubber raiding every piggy bank he has, digging into seat cushions and even thinking about selling his bike? (Well, selling the bike might be a but much.)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Bust At Lipsticks Gentleman's Club Nets 9, More Wanted
    I walked in that club a couple of years ago, and turned around and walked (rapidly) back out. Something about it was just off. I'm not sure what it was, but I was immediately uncomfortable. In my very brief examination I saw two heavy broads, a mid 30s chick with a big nose and several guys with neck tats and missing teeth. I was expecting better. LaFayette is a college town and there should be a lot of cute young coeds willing to show a little skin for a lot of money. I think the Lipstick problem is twofold, first drugs and thugs and second, a Parish where law enforcement don't like naked women in their town - especially around election time.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    David Letterman
    Unlike Josh43 I cannot stand Letterman - Motorhead was right when he said David Liberalman is not funny, but worse - his writers tried to produce left leaning humor without a clue about what is actually funny. Letterman was unwatchable before he deficed his political agenda was more important than entertainment, then he just got sickening.. Jon Stewart is not much better, but at least he had a few good writers and attempted to put gags ahead of political leanings - sometimes. And who is John Oliver?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Almost a dream of mine...
    I'm on a trip with the significant other. She dropped over $6,000 at a store in King of Prussia Mall, PA (her $, her choice). I met her for dinner and she wants to go back and find some makeup so I go along. We get to the makeup area (a whole 2 or 3,000 sq ft, not just a counter) and this drop dead, dusky blond with a perfect bod, wrap dress and stilleto heels walks up to wait on us. After a bit of conversation, we discover she is from St. Pete (not FL, the on in Russia) and has the clipped, yet soft Eastern Europe accent to go with her not quite perfect English. What was killing me was she was overtly, intentionally flirting with me and I couldn't do a thing about it. It was apparently a very successful sale technique, because I carried out a large and expansive bag of makeup (none of which I selected but I was too busy trying - unsuccesfully - to avoid being caught drooling to object to any of the purchases). I was never sure what the appeal of Russian strippers really was. Now I can't wait to find a Russian for a lap dance. I am certain that this cosmetic sales lady could make $5,000 or more any week she wanted to work in a strip club.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Do we need affirmative action in the NFL ?
    Perhaps racial quotas, If a team drafts a black lineman, it must draft a white DB in the next round. I can see teams trading into third round draft opportunity for a white safety for a fourth round black OT, then get stuck with the only available white safety a second string safety / library sciences major at Slippery Rock State Teachers College.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Finger
    Last year at Tootsie's (Miami) a hot blond dancer walked up to me and produced the one digit salute, right in front of my face. Certain that she had mistaken me for someone else, I preparing to argue that she was assaulting the wrong guy. Then she placed said finger in her mouth and it appeared that the skin barely remained attached as her suction increased. When she later removed the finger from her mouth she said to me, "Interested?" Getting the finger is not always a bad thing.
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    9 years ago
    Will be clubbing in Baltimore tonight.....
    It may not be a good night for strip clubbing. Many of the dancers will be home helping their boyfriends inventory a volume of recently acquired goods from area drug stores, shoe stores and various Baltimore businesses that had fire sales last night.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: Baltimore Orioles
    I'm just guessing, but, it may be that the honorable master Shadowcat was referring to the hooligans, rioters and looters as, "bottom-feeders." Perhaps we have seen a political opinion from the master.
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    9 years ago
    Fight Crime
    If murders committed by young black males (57% of all murders in the US) and murders by illegal aliens are excluded, the US ranks about average for developed countries. Since all countries have segments of population who cause problems, this isn't a fair adjustment, but it does point out that the real problem is not the weapons. Notably, most people opposed to private gun ownership in this country propose "compomise" laws like "assault weapons" bans and registering gun owners. They ignore the easily proven facts. Rifles of all kinds ( including the sport rifles liberals like to call assault rifles) kill fewer people each year than hammers or fists. Murders by rifles in the US account for less than one twentieth of one percent of all murders. They ignore that most murders are committed with stolen handguns by individuals who could not legally own a weapon. Criminals generally don't apply for gun permits, or buy legal weapons with background checks. So, regardless whether you carry as often as you wear a watch, or are afraid of guns, my position is the only way to restrict gun ownership in the US is to repeal the 2nd Amendment. And that ain't gonna' happen. There are 300 million guns in the hands of more than 100 million Americans, who collectively will oppose that repeal. Some feel strongly emough that they will use force.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    PLs are everywhere
    Islam is a religion of peace and Muslim Immans all assert that the entire world will be at peace as soon at they kill everyone who will not submit to Caliphate rule. That sounds like a poor joke, unfortunately it is EXACTLY what many Islamic leaders openly say every time they are specifically asked about how Islamic peace is accomplished. I am not into hating on anyone. I don't personally find any race, color, ethnic group or social group to be deserving of my disfavor. I have occasional preferences (like blondes with big naturals, Asians with tight buns or black spinners with "talents"), but for the most part people are just people. That is Not true for Muslims who "believe" the teachings found in the Koran. Those assholes are just plain evil and insane! For the "true believer" followers of the pedophile murderer, Muhammid, their way is the only way and the only solution to world problems is Murder and Sharia. That stuff is just plain psychotic! I know that many people who claim to be "Muslim" disagree with my asessment but these same people must also admit that they do NOT follow all the teachings of their Koran. Islam is a cult of violence, domination and murder. The Reconstruction era KKK in the US were girl scouts next to these ISIS, Al Q, Boco H, Taliban, Hammas, PLO and all other Islamic organizations!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    OT: do any of you guys like muzzleloaders?
    I have an 1820s Springfield Armory long rifle, converted to percussion sometime in the mid 1800s. The conversion means that the rifle is worth much less than the original form as a flintlock, but it does make it is easier to load and fire (no pouring fine grain powder in the pan and hoping the flint strikes a spark and doesn't just knock the fine powder away). They are fun to shoot for about ten rounds. After 10 shots, the black powder has so fouled the bore, the ball and wad just won't settle in. Then you must: scrub with a wire brush, tap out residue, scrub more, pour cleaner into the bore, pour out, scrub again, swab, oil, swab and pour kerosene to break up the oil, swab and dry. --- - - or you can just piss down the bore, shake it up, pour it all out - and keep shooting. Stinks, but it actually works!
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    10 years ago
    Dallas - Extras
    "ITS" = I T C . Damn auto-correct!
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    10 years ago
    Dallas - Extras
    I visit Dallas often and have not found any club that consistently has available extras. The Cabaret Royal does have a lot of dancers who will "fort up" and provide excellent lap dances with lots of hands on (and mouth on) energy. The CR is also good hunting ground for OTC. The Clubhouse used to be a great place for ITC but has been a bit tame the past year or so - still worth trying. Dallas is good for aggressive lap dances and some hand work, occasionally BJs but ITS is rare. As always, OCT is up to the dancer and Dallas has an abundance of willing dancers.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Carnival Strippers
    As a teen in the late 60s, I did see the, "EXOTIC, EXCITING, NATURAL BEAUTY REVIEW" at a carne side show. Notably, two of the sideshow "muscle men" stood in front of the high stage holding 3' long sticks - there was a strict "no touch" policy! The dancers were old and very tired looking to my teenage eyes. The lights clearly showed unshaven legs and pits plus dark curls showed around the thick "V" of material at their crotch - which did NOT come off. Since it was a real carne side show, after a few minutes the barker hustled everyone for more $ to see more of the "beauties" on stage. I was one of the many who left without paying more - or seeing more. It certainly did not scar me for life, but it did fit into my small but growing list of, "beware of rip-off" experiences, Very, very different from the modern strip clib - or not.