
Feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist (Why some Christian churches have a


Besides the general "anti- adultery anti- fortification" rhetoric most Evangelical and mainstream Christian churches have against our hobby, here is another reason
they have a special sore spot against erotic dancing.

In the new testament accounts, John the Baptist had denounced King Herod for divorcing his wife and marrying his sister-in-law, Herodias.
John was thrown in jail but Herodias wanted to shut him up permanently.

At King Herod's next birthday Herodias had her daughter Salome dance for Herod and the wedding guests. The biblical accounts say she "pleased him greatly" and he promised to fulfill anything she wished, up to half his kingdom.

Salome asked her mother what she would should ask of Herod, and Herodias wanted Salome to ask for John the Baptist's head on a platter. Herod, in a drunken state, reluctantly agreed.... and according to this narrative John the Baptist was beheaded and the head was presented, as per the request.

Of course, John the Baptist was the first cousin of Jesus, his messenger, and the authority who performed (at Jesus' request) what was to become the Sacrament of Baptism on Jesus. So according to their 'faith', Evangelicals believe that what happened in the ancient Judean equivalent of the VIP room was directly responsible for the execution and martyrdom of their Mesiah's cousin and perhaps the second most sanctified man next to the messiah himself.

This may explain in part the hostility some churches have to a titty bar or similar Sexually oriented business springing up in their neighborhood. They literally have a 2000 year old chip on their shoulder over the Martyrdom of John the Baptist.

Obviously us PL's and clubmongers have a different agenda, but it still gives food for thought:

1) Salome had her mother as housemom/manager, who had her do a 'bachelor party' on her stepdad's birthday. Wow, in this day of age that would be subject matter for Jerry Springer or Doctor Dru.

2) The gospel account said Herod was 'greatly pleased' by Salome's dance. I wonder if he LDK'ed ??

3) Half the Kingdom or the Head of a Prophet? Sounds like Stripperflation was well known age of the Roman Empire! Dude, just give her 20 Denari or make it rain....

And come to think about it, they probably had StripperWeb on Papyrus back in those days.....


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Well that proves it
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    All this while getting their Ashley Madison accounts hacked.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    This reminds me of an old joke:

    Q Why do Baptists think it's a sin to fuck while standing up?
    A Because it looks so much like dancing.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    9 years ago
    @ Jackslash :


    You reminded me of a quip from the late George Carlin on one of his HBO shows, where George stated there were three great religious truths:

    1) Jews do not recognize Jesus to be their Messiah;

    2) Protestants do not recognize the Pope to be the head of the Christian faith; and

    3) Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters or at the liquor store.
  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    King Herod=the ultimate PL
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I don't give a shit why they think it's OK to poke their prude ass noses into my business. It's not OK, and if they like their noses in the shape their so-called "god" gave them, they can keep it *out* of my business.

    Besides, I seriously doubt most evangelicals have given the matter that much thought. They might use something like that as a rationalization, but their real reasons are that they seek to control the behaviour of others.

    And before anyone gives me shit about dumping on conservative types, the so-called "liberals", who aren't anything of the sort, so the same thing, just with different things and for different reasons.
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    Humans are social creatures, yet we have conflicting mandates. As individuals, each of us responds differently to the "lizard brain" (brain stem) urges to procreate. With modern, developed brains (at least most of us on this site have "developed" brains) we TUSCLers choose to exercize that urge in strip clubs or OTC with strippers we have separated from the club herd. By groping strippers, getting lap dances, negotiating extras and setting up OTC, we fulfill that deep seated need to mate with as many fertile females as possible, WITHOUT paying all of our income for child support (and thereby reserving more money for more strip club visits).

    In the Middle East, 2,000 years ago, any dude with enough money could get fully nude lap dances with extras from all the step-daughters he wanted. Just like today, rich dudes can get would up enough to think with their little head and offer anything - even someone else's head on a platter - for another blow job. Just like today, the rules that applied to clubs (or public venues) in town (Jerusalem) were seldom enforced when rich guys (Herod - or even Farmerart) brought strippers (or step daughters, or nieces) to their house (Herod's palace). If Herrod had tried that over at Pontius Pilate's (Roman Governor of the area) house in Jerusalem, it would have caused a whole mess of problems.

    As a pack, group, or society, we all attempt to enforce rules that prevent others from encroaching on our hunting grounds, our pride, our females. One, long established means of controlling others and limiting the mayhem of "defending" as many females as we can feed and fuck, is religion. But the rules of society, as created by religion or by elected governments, generally limit the number of females and impose some onerous sanctions for overstepping the limit. This is not about politics, or race, or Popes, or sticking their prude noses into "my" business, it is the remaining structure of social rules that kept humans from killing massive numbers of other humans for thousands of years.

    Is is a pain in the balls (sometimes literally) when your favorite club is raided, or changes the rules to limit extras, or has to remove the VIP booths - all because of some stupid local rule? Certainly! Does society need to stop being absurdly, inconsistently, hypocritically, prudishly making rules about what can and cannot happen in strip clubs? Mostly!!!!!

    Remember - even we TUSCLers disagree about what is OK in a strip club. Those prude "evangelicals" are liberal horn-dogs next to the ISIS crazy mo-fos. The Baptists, at least, do not insist upon burkas. And, even before the current socialist Pope, the Roman Catholics, were loosening up a little. The day may be comming when Hong Kong/Adelitas type clubs are both common and legal in your neighborhood. Then again, the social rules may change by swinging the other way and bars like Fridays may be declared obscene because the waitresses are not in burkas!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    go back in time and add to the bill of rights, the right to have sex between consenting adults shall not be abridged. I bet the founding fathers never thought there would be a need for that. Yet society keeps passing laws stopping adults. then if something happens in a public building, raid the building, shut them down. I may not care to see something going on out in the open but it's not hurting me nor you unless you claim you can get stds a lot easier and that's why you are tying to stop it. sounds stupid. just hand out condoms and birth control rather than shutting a place down.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I never brought a condom to a strip club. I saw nothing to worry about. there is no sex out in the open and I never saw any out in the open. Even if sex did take place behind a door or somewhere, it isn't going to kill a bunch of people. Society needs to stop worrying about silly things like two adults hooking up. There is real evil out there wanting to hurt people and two consenting adults are not evil.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I just like the "did Herod LDK?" question! Brilliant!
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @Sharkhunter: It's already there, in the freedom of association clause. It's just routinely ignored, because nobody who is harmed has enough money to challenge the law, and the people who *do* have enough just buy off the judges and cops.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I guess that Herodias just wanted to head off any further problems with John the Baptizer.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    From my profile, when I first registered:

    "My life objective is not to live as a Pathetic Loser, but to live like King Herod the Great."

    Usually though they say it was the second Herod who did the beheading. I like the first Herod because he was stronger ruler.


    Salome, by Oscar Wilde
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    "I like the first Herod because he was stronger ruler."

    Oh yeah, SJC. Herod 1 was a real peach, killing every male child under the age of 2 because he was afraid. Yeah, a real strong kinda guy.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I bet over 99% of people opposed to strip clubs never argue they are opposed because of king Herod. Actually this is the first time I even heard of the argument.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    In invoking Herod the Great's name I knew I was siding with one of the most despised characters of the Bible. But I also know that Bible scholars say that it is unlikely that that Slaughter of the Innocents ever really occurred. I don't read the Bible only from the pov of its authors. I try to see it from all sides simultaneously.

    About religion and erotic dance, this also gets in to something much deeper. Women dancing, belly dance, sexy dressing and cosmetics, it all gets to the ancient world's pagan temples. That was where sex was done as a form of worship of the goddess. So the woman is a priestess and she transimpersonates the goddess. She gives herself to the petitioner as a part of her own vocation.

    It kind of has to be this way, or it is going to be a power struggle between the two partners, and over matters of social conformity.

    Anyone who has ever been married knows this.

    All three Abrahamic faiths were invented for the singular reason of exterminating this pagan goddess religion of liturgical sex.

    I on the other hand am committed to rebuilding and extending it.


    Great Depression
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Actually, SJC, Herod was nominally a Jew, even though he clearly wasn't observant and was king only as long as he took direction from the Romans. I don't think that the fertility goddess was real high on his priority list.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Actually SJG, Pagans want to be left alone. They have no desire to expand and convert. Ask Rockstar
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Herod made himself a Jew, a convert. But he was not born as a Jew.

    He, like the Romans, was afraid of the people, and for good reason.

    Yes, Herod was a Roman puppet, but not as much so as his son would be. And also, the son was pussy whipped. At least this is how he is depicted. Herod the Great would not have been pussy whipped.

    As far as pagans, I'm not interested in the modern neo-pagans. I don't really care for their stuff.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    One thing I have never been able to understand, how could any guy spend his Sunday mornings in church. And worst of all, how could any guy spend his Sunday morning listening to a sermon?


    They must be living in places without Viet Coffee.

    Maybe some of our church going folks would be able to answer this?



    Killing Me Softley
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