This is a little off topic, but in today's society what is considered a good salary for a man that has a wife and kids? Basically the man is the breadwinner in this situation.
I was thinking six figures, but then I saw the percentage of people making six figures isn't very high, so I don't know.
last commentI think a man who supports a non-working wife and 2 or 3 kids needs an income of at least $100,000 to live a comfortable life. As…
It depends on if you take yearly vacations, go out a lot (or have a SC habit). I'm solid middle class but not rich, two kids through college,…
I'd say $250,000 is the new $100,000. Once upon a time, 6 figures meant something. Today, 6 figures means everybody gets to eat. Not much…
I would say at least $100k if they want to do more than tread water. Perhaps a little less in parts of the deep south, where housing,…
Where you are living is also a factor. My house in Alexandria VA cost $542,000 and about $3600/mo. My remains balance is $272,000 and after a…
Just so we're clear, I don't mean that the guy is the only breadwinner, I mean he's the primary breadwinner. The wife could be doing something getting paid…
It is often the case that the more one earns the more one spends – many get caught up in “keeping up with the Joneses” and can barely…
I'd live like a king on $100K all by myself. With a wife and kids, it makes that almost like minimum wage if you're really going to provide…
@Rockstar- In the past you've said you're a poor musician. Are you saying you make way more than 100K?
I would imagine you can find a lot of articles online about this subject from people that have researched it - if you are really interested in…
The Breadwinner
Good point Rockstar, sometimes I wonder if a divorce might feel like a pay raise!! Today, I am sure I get far less than 1/2 what I…
Out in the "real world" also known to the "extremely expensive edges" as "flyover country," an income of about $70,000 a year will support a family of 4,…
It all depends on where you live and the kind of lifestyle you want.
You certainly don't need 250K a year seeing as how only a few percent of…
I think there can't be a set expectation on what is needed to earn across the country, but dallas702 explained it best.
Some of the variables that and the…
mikeya02, that was the most apropos cartoon I have ever seen.
Great post Dallas702
I live in "flyover country" and I was skimming through the classifieds at lunch today and there was a large "Help Wanted" ad for production workers…
I have to admit, geography matters a lot. My property taxes are $15K/yr. I live in a nice home, but even the shittiest of shithole homes…
I don't think any of you guys live the real rural life style. I know several families in my small rural community getting by on incomes in the…
Surprisingly to me apparently even in NYC $100k is good:
Guess RickyBoy and I can relax now knowing we don't have to be Gordon Gekkos to be doing…
I don't think we'd be going to strip clubs too much only making 30k nowadays unless we were living with someone else with hardly any expenses. I thought I…
Some people make $30K work. Others can't make $300K work. It all depends on lifestyle. I've got a 9yo paid off Jeep but it's in perfect condition and…
I buy things on sale and look for the best value for my money all the time. Best value means you get the biggest bang for the…
Hard for me to imagine for less than $100K. But I'm not as frugal as many people are.
Here in LA you gotta make some serious 6 or 7 digit income if you want to live well and afford a lavish SC spending lifestyle.
Seaboard nailed it. Don't spend money you don't have to impress people you don't like.
I saw a cost of living calculator on It indicated I would need at least a 40% salary increase just to maintain my standard of living if I…
From what I heard if my house relocated to California, I would already be living in a million dollar home instead of one valued under $150k. I'm…
Move your house to Cali and sell it...then go clubbing
The next question is what the hell are some you guys doing to be making well into six figures?
You look online at the salaries making over 100K,…
The numbers you are seeing deal with a lot of averages.
I know nurses making 100K+ working for Uncle Sam. It's all about finding the right position and putting…
Most jobs that pay 100K or more come with a lot of responsibility which usually equals stress.
If I know what I know now, I would have…
Ranky,going to this board for financial advice is like going to Jiffy Lube for Sushi.
I'm a professional RickyBoy basher.
I barley make over $100k no kids, it's a decent living but married people with kids get a shit load of tax breaks. I have to hide a…
@rankum: There's family money. I don't earn nearly enough to support my lifestyle so in a sense I'm a poor musician, but I'm not exactly starving.
@rankum: My son is an engineer 2 years out of college and he's making close to 6 figures already. He said of all the engineering seniors, 75% had…
Engineers working for Fortune 500 companies can easily earn well into the 6 figures.
I wouldn't want to live in LA again. The cost of living is ridiculous. A $70K house here would be $300K out there. make over 100K and have no kids and say it's a "decent living" lol
I'd say that's a lot better than just "decent"
We live a modest lifestyle, 3 bedroom 2 bath home, and make a little over $200k. However we only consume about $100k with almost half of our earnings…
Like I said, if I lived by myself with just normal living expenses, I'd have a very comfortable life on $100k a year.
Exactly rockstar....that's a shitload of money for ONE person
Don't get how GACA club thinks that's "decent"
Vikings, if you make 100k per year and are single with no kids, then you are going home with 6,500 or so per month. Sounds like a…
And when I say "everything" is so much less expensive, I mean housing, utilities, gasoline and property taxes.
^^^ and scoring OTC with a hooker at a dive club after spending 18 months to do so.
Back in 1987 I was living and working in the Los Angels area where I was born. Due to a merger I had a choice of staying in…
It's not what you make,it's what you keep.Think of the IRS as someone who is trying to take your money.I used to own a restaurant in Jersey where…
That's awesome Tdice! I say that to people all the time . . .
It is not what you make, it is what you keep!! Words…
Great great insight!
w.r.t geography – my older cousin's daughter is in medical school in NYC – my cousin is well-off (self-made millionaire) – my cousin and his wife (they live…
Part of what makes society seem so stressed now is that most guys don't make enough money to support a wife and children as they would like. …
"And then as James Carville says, they're ain't no line of those wanting to marry guys who can't pay the bills."
Marry? No. But if they have…
"Of course where I am housing costs are so high that I really don't know what the income level would have to be"
It's your town, how do you…
Miley, that's one is pretty obvious. He doesn't have to pay rent to his mom.
when you were saving up your pennies to send away for your mail order bride did it not occur to you that there would be ongoing costs? …
@DoctorPhil, The last thing in the world that I would ever want is a mail order bride. Go back under whatever rock you came out from under.
@san_jose_guy “The last thing in the world that I would ever want is a mail order bride.”
well i can certainly understand that after your experience with the first…
In one way, I'm kind of glad the company I work for never promoted me. Now whenever I want to, I can move to a higher paying…