

Detroit strip clubs
A dancer at a Detroit club has transformed herself. I've known her for 2 years, and when I first saw her I would never have considered getting a dance from her. Although blonde and busty, she was overweight and covered in tattoos. However, in the last year she has lost a lot of weight, around 60 pounds. She has gone from a 4 to a 7. If she could get rid of all the tattoos, she would be an 8.

Has anyone else seen a dancer transform herself for the better?


  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Some of them lose lots of weight due to drug use (esp. meth).
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Most of the time the transformation goes the other way but I can think of 1 girl that was on the too thin side because she was a heavy drinker. Do to the that she was continually getting into trouble. She finally managed to put a stop to her heavy drinking and put on about 20 lbs in the right places and now over a year later she is maintaining that weight and still looks good.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    There was a stripper a couple of years ago. When she got to the club she was very cute, with a body you could tell was nice but a bit on the soft side, and a pretty regular-girl manner about her (everything from how she carried herself to how she did her hair). 6 months later, her body is completely on point, her cute face is now accented by the right makeup, her hair makes her look even hotter, and she just oozes sexuality with every movement. Total transition from a regular cute slightly-chubby girl who got a job as a stripper, to walking fantasy.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    I see a dancer semi-regularly who is not my type physically but is sweet and fun to hang out with. She dyes her hair super blonde and wears makeup that makes her face look washed out. For a brief period of time she went back to her natural hair color (or something closer to it) and wore less or more natural makeup. She was instantly much hotter. I started buying dances and not just hanging out and spending much more. I must be really repulsive because she went back to the bleached hair and too much makeup. Now we only chat.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    When you're covered in tats and lose significant weight, do they get all weird looking?
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    In 2007 an overweight dancer sat down beside me in a club I sometimes visited. We talked a little, she (fortunately) never asked me for a dance. The late 20s woman had a bad "jersey" accent, stained teeth, bad breath, broken nails, leg stubble and about 50 pounds too much fat. I didn't run her off, mostly because I had just had a great VIP experience and was relaxing for a while. The next few times I came in, I made a point of tipping her on stage, even though I made sure I was otherwise engaged by the time she was off stage. Over the next year she lost a little weight, and though she was still too heavy for my interest we would still sit and talk when things were slow.

    About two years after I first met her, she got serious about getting in shape and ceaning up. I learned that started when she dumped the asshole boyfriend after he tried to make her give his friend a blowjob. She rapidly (about three months) changed from plump, dumpy and unkempt into a manicured, sweet smelling, much leaner (still not a spinner) very healthy, smiling dancer. We would still sit and visit on slow afternoons, though I had not had a dance from her.

    One day, she showed me her clean, polished, whitened teeth and the little "barbell" she had just gotten in her labia. That day I asked her for a dance. When she said, "I thought you would never ask," we both looked at each other and cracked up. The dances she gave me from then on were very liberal, very intimate, very sexy and very complete. It wasn't "extras" between us, it was always part of the time we spent in VIP.

    We never met up OTC (though we talked about it), and it was never more than a "friends in the club" thing. When she got a "real" job and was about to quit dancing, she told me that the day we met was her first day ever in a strip club and would have been her last if I had not spent time being nice to her and talking with her. She claimed that she made very little $ dancing that first year and thought about quiting often, but another dancer convinced her to keep trying and I kept talking to her whenever I was in the club. Our "last dance" was intense and sweet. I miss her!

    Yes, I have seen dancers go from frumpy, 4s to hot 8s. I have also seen 8/9 dancers go downhill fast, but that has usually been drugs.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    I've seen them remain the same and go downhill, but uphill, I don't remember any. Come to think of it, I don't know that I've seen the same strippers over time enough time to make a comparison.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ACtually, besides the "dancer started at this club, then just got hotter", which doesn't happen too too often, I have seen a lot of, "dancer started at dive club, then moved to upscale club, and got massively hot within a few weeks/months of moving to upscale club". We saw this a ton and used to marvel over it, back when girls at extras clubs like Market Street Cinema, New Century Theater, and Crazy Horse, would move to Mitchell Brothers (which, despite JS69's unfortunate recent experience, used to have an insanely sizzling hot lineup). The girls from those divier clubs would get hotter really fast, on the local forum we used to call it "the mbot effect".
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    I only saw this happen one time.

    It was with a girl who had just started stripping. And she was a youngster, 18 or 19. And she got pregnant and took some time off.
    When she came back a year later, I was amazed at how much better she looked.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    My M.O. is to jump from club to club thus I don't get to see the same dancers w/ regularity (plus in the dives I go to there is often a lot of dancer turnover and dancers coming and going).

    The main transformation that I've seen in the positive has been dancers that at first were very timid and very low-mileage and in a few months to a year became high-mileage.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    My pre-ATF fave was about an 8.5 when I first saw her - one of the prettiest girls in the club. As time went on she slowly gained about 20 pounds. She was still a very attractive dancer, but it was sad to watch her go downhill. I was away from the club for almost 6 months. When I was able to return, she had been going the gym, was below her starting weight and was fully toned - an easy 9.5.

    Another dancer started out at 18 and was an amazingly beautiful young woman. About three weeks later she was fired for missing shifts - too much association with her party girl friend who was bounced at the same time. About three weeks later, the club allowed her to return, only to fire her a month later for using heroin in the club. Six months later, her name was again on the rolls. When Kayla was announced, my first thought was, this must be a different girl. Then I saw the distinctive tattoo on her right shoulder. She had gained about 40 pounds on her very small frame. My ATF said that she was on methadone, which tends to add weight. Fast forward another six months. The girl was now almost emaciated and had track marks all over her arms. The final straw was that she was caught looting the other girls' purses. She is well and truly gone this time.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Sadly it's usually the other way around.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Since I'll often see the same dancer months apart there have been a few times I've really noticed some changes. One girl seems to gain and lose the same 30lbs. every time, she carries it okay but looks great without it.
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