
females being denied, entry to strip club

if I had my way I keep all you bi sexual bitches out of a gentlemen's night club and you can try to sue all you want and it won't go nowhere, men come to men's strip clubs to meet the strippers not to compete with gay women in a men's strip club, you wanna see women go to a lesbian night club, if I was the owner of a gentleman's club you be turned away, and I wouldn't care how much money you have,let the law suit begin, and I can bet you I will win in court with your denial.


  • SuperDude
    9 years ago
    A club risks a major damage claim and loss of liquor license denying service to any member of the public. Since almost half of the dancers are bi-curious, at least, SCs have become the new places for civilian women to find hot lesbian partners. Wonder what they will charge guys to watch.
  • trick22
    9 years ago
    not true, several gentlemen's clubs in new York city, will not allow females in there clubs other then the dancers, and not 1 lawsuit filed yet against the club.
  • trick22
    9 years ago
    you need to look at real cases where gay women have been denied entrance to men's strip clubs have have tried to sue and where laughed out of court !!!!!!!
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Obviously you don't have enough game to get a stripper itc on your own merits, so you blame lesbians? Guys and lopaw have fun with this ... can I say man because obviously this loser doesn't have any balls.
  • trick22
    9 years ago
    like I said, I would gladly take your lawsuit with a smile to deny entrance !
  • trick22
    9 years ago
    as long as I post gentleman's club where you can see it, you can head down to the nearest lesbian bar !! not where straight men go,
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    You can't spell "Trick" without "I", and "I" stands for illiterate, intolerant and ignorant.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    I see more and more females in strip clubs lately, but it doesn't bother me. I'm there for the dancers, I couldn't careless about the sex of the patrons
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    In my experience, seeing a number of civilian women in a strip club means one of two things.

    Most common, it means the club is "soft." The dancers work on stage shows, not the "secret handshake" greeting. Many of the women working in a soft club spend hours on make-up and multiple fancy wardrobes. Lap dances may or may not be hot, but extras are rare. Management in these clubs want a "clean" reputation and a clean club. Having civvie women show up simply affirms to these managers that it is worth it to steam clean the carpets every week and polish the bathroom fixtures daily. When I determine that I have entered a soft strip club, I simply finish my drink and leave.

    Less common is the club that attracts civilian women because the dancers are hot and not afraid to move in on single women and couples. These clubs are like most extras friendly clubs where somehow the dancers have discovered that women customers have money too. I am certain that this circumstance is not always (or even, often) an intentional management decision.

    When dancers are willing and happy to spend time with civvie women in a club, word gets around. It may start with a girlfriend coming in with her guy and a dancer spending time with a couple. Or it may have been Loplaw dropping $20s on willing young beauties. However it started, word gets around and les, bi curious and party hard women show up along with the guys.

    I am not convinced that this latter type of club has any more les, or bi-curious dancers than other clubs. It appears to me that the difference is mostly about dancers who want to earn and are happy to earn from any customer. These clubs do not scare me off and I have no trouble finding willing dancers.

    Perhaps Trick22 would be more comfortable in a "gay bar" where ther are no women at all to spoil his view?

  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    BTW, Trick22, if you really want to keep lesbian and bi women out, you're going to have to put about half the dancers out with them, including some of the hottest.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    trick22, assuming you're real and not 100% trolling us, I'd just like to know why you care! Just go to the club and focus on the naked strippers! Brilliant solution! ;)
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Just wait until lopaw wakes up on the left coast and reads your post! Can't wait to watch her fry your bigoted ass.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    +1 rh48hr

    I go to clubs for entertainment as well as sex. Lesbian and bi customers are at *least* as entertaining as the dancers sometimes.

    If you can't handle it, why don't *you* stay out?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    How many women who go to SC's are really prostitutes trying to drum up business?
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Don't feed the way too obvious troll.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Lmao 4got I haven't read one of your posts in a while and it's nice to see you're still brilliant as ever!:)))
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Lol. Why do you even care?

    A lot of dancers do avoid single women and couples.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Lmao 4got I haven't read one of your posts in a while and it's nice to see you're still brilliant as ever!:)))"

    Thanks Diva! Glad you're still with us! Stay brilliant! :) :) :)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I came in here just because of the enigmatic use of that comma in the title :)

    Man, of all things, being afraid the lesbians are stealing your strippers? At this point, you should just duct-tape your genitals back behind your legs in a permanent tuck
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    "At this point, you should just duct-tape your genitals back behind your legs in a permanent tuck"

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Obviously; no one should be denied entry into a public place for any reason- well – actually – I just thought about some women-only establishments (mainly gyms off of the top of my head) that deny entry to men but that is not really apples-to-apples and I believe some men have challenged this and won (i.e. being allowed to join a women's only gym). Still – AFAIK there aren't many, if any, lesbian strip-clubs whereas there are thousands of gentleman's clubs across the country.

    I tend not to like too many females in the club for the reasons dallas702 mentioned (usually means a soft/low-mileage place) – IME SCs with lots of fem custies usually turn the club into more of a social/party club than a strip club.

    Personally I have no issues w/ lesbians that go to SCs for the reasons I go – but in many of the small black dives I go to; I see a lot of fem custies (lesbians; bi; straight; can't really tell) that just sit there as spectators; don't spend a damn dollar; and take up the good seats to where paying PLs can't use them for getting dances – so my objection is w/ fems; especially straight ones; that go for a free show and take up space/good-seats.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Papi: " I see a lot of fem custies (lesbians; bi; straight; can't really tell) that just sit there as spectators; don't spend a damn dollar; and take up the good seats to where paying PLs can't use them for getting dances – so my objection is w/ fems; especially straight ones; that go for a free show and take up space/good-seats."

    I understand why the strippers hate this. But I love it... my thinking is that useless customers make me seem like a total gem in comparison. I am very often the only guy in the club spending money (a combination of me strategically picking very slow times, and the number of non-spending customers around in general), and really do feel like it gets me extra service. Or maybe, it just makes me so confident and aware of my value that I won't settle for mediocre service, ever. Not when I've got the sexiest wallet in the club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yes – being a big fish in a small pond sorta speak is def an advantage – my particular issue is that I mostly visit small dives w/ not a lot of seating (or good LD seating) and the spectators take up the good seats for hours on end in the club – o/w I would not care
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Ah, makes sense -- I go to big clubs
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    +1 deogol

    Also agree with subraman about the comma. How can we take anyone seriously who can't even use punctuation properly in the title of their post?

    Troll without a doubt.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    trick, I'm sorry you view lesbian and bi women as such a threat to your game. I agree with Rech, you do come across as both bigoted and bullying.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Well, mrs sea usually tips more than I do and she def gets more action at the stage than I do. We occasionally see a female or group of females sitting there doing absolutely nothing but they're either younger and in a group or out with a guy and obviously just there because he is. Most of the women we see are actively participating. It seems like the more women customers there who are enjoying themselves then the better the "party" atmosphere is which is what we like. We can sit in the same spot at home for hours drinking and watch porn if we wanted to be bored and see some T&A. I can see where the party type SC could be considered lower mileage by some but I really think it's more about management than the customers. I think the people who just want to sit and drink can still just sit and drink and watch the party. There's still plenty of strippers who'll sit with you since most of the attention in the club is being paid to where the party is.

    Besides, if you want to bar certain people from entering then you need to be a private club that requires membership and dues. There is such a thing as being illegal to discriminate based on sex or sexual orientation. Would anyone of you agree with the first troll if he'd said he didn't want someone allowed inside based on their race? I find this idea (and this thread) appalling.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    Touchy Touchy ! Sounds like his ATF dumped him for a female patron. Evidently he doesn't know how to lick it. Sorry bud grow up and smell the pussy !!!
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Lmao- funniest troll shit I've seen in a loooooong time!
    I lol'd so hard I think I peed my pants a little!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww......did you get your ass kicked by a girl in a club? Maybe she stole your dancer???? Out spent you by a mile??? Made you look like the idiot that you are?? WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Time to change your widdy-biddy diaper!!

    Lawsuit laughed out of court? What planet you living on??? Are you really that stupid? I guess you are. Why don't you open a stripclub yourself and find out what would REALLY happen? It would be nice to see a few gay women get rich off of you. But I doubt that someone who is as clueless as you would ever have the money or ability to actually own a stripclub. Best stick with bagging them groceries, Einstein!

    I normally wouldn't have taken this obvious bait, but this is the most fun that I have had today! Thanks, prick22 (I'm assuming that the "22" is your IQ) for reminding me that mouth breathing bottom dwellers like you can still drag their knuckles across a keyboard and actually form words! Bravo!

    Now before putting this moron forever on 'ignore', I just wanna say that I'll be sure to raise my glass in a toast to you, prick22, on my next SOLO visit to my fave club, where I will be fucking all of the fine ass bitches that you could never have. Life is GOOOOOOD!!!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I don't have a problem with girls in a strip club but I would like it if they kept the male review or male stripper shows on a night I don't usually visit. A local club in July is keeping the female dancers off stage until after 10pm. I haven't decided yet if I will visit late or just stay home or go somewhere else. I'm thinking maybe somewhere else.
    If clubs are small and some guys have to stand up because all seats are taken, I might understand part of the ops complaint.
    Now if the girls are hot, let them in. They can sit on my lap if there are no seats left.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    There are exceptions. I can think of 3 times that I have seen angry wives or girl friends come into a club and start pounding on their significant others's. Two of them had to be escorted out. The third one dragged her husband out. :)
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