
Racism in pornography.

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 6:05 AM


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Interesting article, but I find it it hard to generate a whole lot of sympathy for black men in porn. Not only do they have bigger dicks than me, but judging from the videos out there they are fucking DS worthy young white women left and right. And is it true they actually get paid for "acting." I didn't think that males in porn got paid except in pussy.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    There's absolutely the racism in porn, as there is with escorts. Even some black women won't take black customers; it's not just white women. I'm of the opinion that women are entitled to have sex with, or not have sex with, anyone they want. If I were a black man maybe I'd have a different opinion though, if a hot white girl wouldn't fuck me only because I was black.
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    Interesting that the IR video is filmed to appeal to the Black/White fantasy but that's an okay distinction. This is a double standard that often occurs in discussion about access and race .I agree with JohnSmith69,no pity here.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I don't think we're supposed to be talking about this subject.... Just kidding. My guess is some people will be sensitive about this issue, mostly the small subset of black makes who happen to be in porn. Not sure if blacks who do not do porn feel strongly about this or not, because they may have the same fantasy as the rest.
  • clubdude
    9 years ago
    IR as it's called in the porn industry is still the forbidden taboo. Even in 2015!
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    This is racism, but it is personal racism on the part of porn actresses. Individuals have the right to decide who they want to have sex with. The illegal racism would be for porn companies to refuse to hire black actors.
  • dennyspade
    9 years ago
    SEX SELLS!! Interracial Fantasy Sex sells like nobody's business. Whites have always imagined that Black Guys were hung like Racehorses and tried for decades to keep their women from getting access to Black Men is schools, clubs and in the workplace. The chastity and illusion of white feminine purity ends quickly as Lex Steele or Mr. Marcus penetrates white women on video. White women still want to see and imagine what it must feel like to accommodate the Taboo Tool of Destruction....
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Meh, it's not about racism in escorting, if black clients behaved better, call-girls would not be so wary of them. As a stripper, I never approach blacks unless he is staring at me. Btw, when it happens and I approach him, it always turns to be African/Caribbean/European who treats me with respect. If it's AA dude, he either will keep trying to manhandle me during the dance,will ask me to sit and chill with them for free or is some wannabe pimp. It's not worth the hassle and if I was an escort, I would keep avoiding them. And porn actresses are free to choose whomever they want to work with, for whatever reason they are not comfortable with sex outside their race - well, let them be, it's not article's author who will have to get fucked in front of camera.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    Black dicks are the same size as white dicks. Stereotypes comparing them to horses and other animals. Vile. "The team found no evidence for penis size differences linked to race, though most of the study participants were of European and Middle Eastern descent and a full comparison could thus not be made." -- [view link]
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I've seen the top pornstars do interracial, and it didn't hurt their popularity at all (Lisa Ann, Tori Black, Asa Akira, Mia Khalifa etc). That being said us black people shouldn't be worried about what pornstars, escorts, and strippers think of us lol. Hello, they're pornstars, escorts, and strippers, not exactly the highest class of people.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Strippers, I find some can change their mind with a big tip at the stage. I only do this if their really hot. Porn stars though, I don't see why they should care what race their co worker is. Who knows the real reasons but I do think most of them are stupid enough to believe they'll get a bigger payday for "holding out". Unfortunately this only works for the most popular porn stars. Nobody cares if a no name expendable porn star(99% of them) doesn't fuck black guys on camera. Only hurting theirself. The rest I think are just excuses for their racism.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    "And porn actresses are free to choose whomever they want to work with, for whatever reason they are not comfortable with sex outside their race - well, let them be, it's not article's author who will have to get fucked in front of camera." If you can be compelled to bake a cake for a wedding, you will eventually be compelled to have sex with all comers if it is your profession. It's either professional acting or it isn't. What would happen if Nicole Kidman refused a love scene with Denzel Washington?
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    ^ You absolutely can not compare baking cake to having sex. Vaginas are not freaking diner, porn-actress has the absolute right to decide who will stick dick inside her and doesn't need to justify her choices to anyone. I don't see how she will be "compelled" to have sex with anyone, lmao. As sex-workers we can do the fuck we want, I can't see how one can try to sue stripper/escort/porn-star cause she refused to give him a dance/have sex/whatever. And speaking of your example with Nicole and Denzel, well, obviously, she knew beforehand about upcoming love scene with him from reading scenario and signed up for it. Also faking foreplay for how much she got paid(million?two?ten?) is different from actual sex which will bring like only a grand or so.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    Racism in a business: okay, next topic.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    You certainly can compare them. I am talking about the already morbidly obese government's ever expanding ability to compel businesses to conform. The owner's of the bakery in Oregon probably didn't see how any one could require that they bake cakes for gay weddings in order to stay in business either. (For the record, I'm in favor of both gay weddings, and the right of bakeries to not bake cakes for them) The Kidman/Denzel hypothetical is absolutely the same if her stated reason for not wanting to perform is because he is black.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^great logic. If spread your legs for a living, might as well deny blacks just because, right.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Nah, you can't, cause food industry and adult industry are different. Refusing to serve a person based on his race vs refusing to have sex with him/her - not the same, no? @chessmaster, well, if you prefer to formulate it that way, then yeah, sure. You can deny literally anyone to have access to your body, why the hell not. But FYI, usually escorts deny black clients not " just because" but since lots of them have too many bad experiences with pimps/aggressive guys. If I was a prostitute, I would accept black guys but that's because I would screen the shit out of potential clients, charge high rates and wouldn't advertise on BP, lol, therefore cheap hood-rats of any race couldnt even have a chance with me. However, I can't stand poor breath/body odor of Indians/Pakistanis, so they would get rejected no matter what "just because, right".
  • eyeamlong
    9 years ago
    I always tell them young white girls at Follies... Sexually we could relate,,, Knowing we are an imperfect mate...Then i proceed to get 10 lap dances ...
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    I am not sure "racism," when used to describe a hostile bias, is accurate in many instances. The porn industry seeks men with extra large equipment, and especially seeks oversized black men. Many of the young women newly entering porn are very petite and find big dicks uncomfortable. Reasonably, they expect a black porn star to have a painfully large dick. Rockstar mentioned escorts with similar prejudices. Again, I expect that many times these women are trying to reduce the risk of bodily harm and violence when they exclude blacks. Sometimes it is their own prior experience, but anyone can check the statistics and discover that young black males (about 1% of the population) commit over half of all violent crime and more than 80% of all rapes. For a woman, meeting strange men in a motel room, to eligminate a category representing a very high risk of violence seems more common sence than racism.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    Food industry and adult industry are obviously different to a rational person, but OSHA has recently gained a foothold in the adult industry in California. When I was a child the idea that it would be illegal to smoke a cigarette in a bar would be laughed at, yet here we are today.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Interesting article. I've noted many escorts on Backpage specify no blacks. When I first started seeing my ATF she made some very racist statements and swore she never did extras with AA men. Then one night her resistance broke down and she fucked a black guy in VIP and swore he had the largest dick she'd ever seen. Frankly I just thought it was more racist clap trap. About a year later she started sleeping with a crack dealer who was AA. She said he was real good in the sack in that they'd both cum together most of the time, but he tried to put her out on the street and she wanted none of that. Interestingly she said while he had a small dick he was a master in how he used it. Now while dancing, race seems to make no difference to her. The majority of all male porn stars are exceptionally well hung, but most sex workers know the truth.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I'm surprised that it's a problem in porn. I would have thought most of those girls were getting black dick long before they hit the industry.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    @Meursault, even if so, they can not force porn performers to have sex with anyone, it's a slippery slope and makes them look like sex-traffickers. If they ban actresses from discriminating based on race(which is absurd scenario, but still), girls can always reject their potential shoot partners using "I just don't like him" excuse.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Oh, and speaking of ban on smoking cigarettes in a bar - nice! Smokers are the most inconsiderate creatures ever, they don't give a shit about harming other people with second-hand smoke so they should be more controlled.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Although racism by law was done away a couple of decades ago; we are not yet color-blind in today's society. I recall watching a Howard Stern TV show about 10 yrs ago and they were either talking to, or about, a porn actress, and I recall Stern saying something along the lines of a porn actress having sex w/ black male actors is like a step-down and they (actresses) do it once their career starts to stumble (thus some of the comments in the articles of actresses saying “it was too soon for them” etc) – sex work is about $$$; ad I think most actresses not wanting to do black actors is probably due to economic reasons 99% of the time – as the article states; pretty much all males in porn are well-hung despite of ethnicity. I've heard porn actresses not wanting to do scenes w/ certain actors regardless of race either b/c they were too aggressive (pounded them too hard) or other things they did not like about a particular actor(s).
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    They can force performers out of their chosen profession and penalize them, although the logistics of that in the current environment make it nearly impossible. If prostitution were someday legalized or even if stripping were someday more closely regulated it could happen. It is sad that you don't see the danger of the attitude and policies that led to the smoking ban (and bake my cake or go out of business etc.) BTW, I have never smoked tobacco and vastly prefer smoke free establishments (especially strip clubs).
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Goddammit Dancer95 90% of dancers are smokers. Give them a break, their jobs are very stressful.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Me being into black dancers; I can see how the SC scene can also be considered racist. In many a mixed club; particularly the more upscale ones; it seems to me that black dancers are often way underrepresented (and believe me; I notice LOL). Tootsies for example can have 100 dancers on a weekend eve/late-shift and not a single black dancer – you tend to see some black dancers in the slowest 2nd/middle-shift (shift b/w dayshift and last/late-night shift) – and by some I mean 4 tops (if that).
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    On another note I'm glad the gays are getting their agenda pushed and we are forced to start accepting them(or have our business shut down or worse, thrown in jail) but this is country still super racist and nobody is pushing the "black" agenda.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    @GACAclub, that's cool but they should not smoke inside. Lots of clubs have smoking areas or they can go outside.Or wait till the end of shift. But I don't wanna destroy my health by breathing this poison. @Meursault, prostitution is legal in most parts of Europe yet nothing like that happened there. I don't see how porn actors would be penalized for it - I see a guy. Nah, I don't feel any chemistry with him. Next! It will never be illegal. Also if stripping was more regulated, it still wouldn't be possible to control girls like that. There are tons of reasons why strippers do not approach certain custies and race is just one of them. And if you were the one to ask her about dance, how it would be possible to prove that she refused because of your skin color, not cause you are stinky/overweight/sweaty/she had a regular on his way to her/she felt tired/only does VIP-rooms while you wanted just a lap-dance, etc etc And nah, I can't say I approve these policies, it's just that smoking gets on my nerves, sigh. However, case with wedding cake was outrageous.
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    I learned in college that people prefer their partners/ mates to be similar. By that I mean similar economic backgrounds, religion, education, financial and race as well.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^ yes, but we are talking about sex workers.
  • reignfire
    9 years ago
    As a black man, I can relate to feeling discriminated against even at work (not by my co-workers though). My escape is usually in the sex industry, where usually the only color that mattered was green. I can't believe that in 2015, there's still some issues of race that exist in the porn world. That actresses command twice more money simply because they're in a scene with a black man. And apparently IR really does refer to black because I've seen porn stars who haven't done IR yet have been in scenes with Asian men which I guess isn't considered IR for some reason and therefore ok. I think it mainly boils down to the stars' agents/husbands/boyfriends who steer the porn stars from doing IR. I've been on porn forums in which fans have begged their favorites to not do interracial because that would ruin them in their eyes. No one should be forced to have sex or be in a scene with someone they don't want to but I wish they would be honest about them not wanting to have sex with a black person instead of it'll hurt their careers. Which actresses' careers can somebody point to as being negatively affected after they did IR? I read from older porn stars that the standard thought was that you weren't really considered a porn 'star' until you did IR which then got you nominated for AVN awards. As for the SC scene, I've had some pleasant experiences from white dancers over the past 15 years but also some instances in which a dancer refused to dance for me or stood arms-length away from me for a tip onstage because I'm black. I've also had to deal with comments like "You're not black" and "I don't really think of you as black". As far as extras from white dancers, I can count them all on one hand. I've just gotten used to the reality of the world.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^touchè on the "you're not really black" is somehow supposed to be a compliment. How is that a compliment? All it means is that "because I accept you and don't want to change my own negative views of a race if people I dehumanizè and despise, I'm gonna move you to another category so we can keep talking" I think the "you're not really black" statement is the most racist statement a person can make.
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