I emailed an ex girlfriend today. The woman I lost my virginity to. Pretty sure she's single. Asked if she wanted to meet to catch up.
This is not about sex. She has turned hideously ugly since we were teenagers. But she's a really interesting person, and I kind of miss her. I'm hoping she smokes pot but even if she doesn't I want to catch up is she's interested. Anybody else ever done this. How did it go?
last commentHell no. If any of my old girl friends are still alive, I have no desire to meet up with them but I did email on old favorite…
Shadow, if you met any of your old flames you'd probably have to go to the rest home to meet them! God bless you and your virility!
I am FB friends with both the girls I fucked in HS. The girl I lost my virginity with is still cute but fat, religious conservative and has…
A couple of years ago I was visiting near the town I grew up in when my high school's 40th reunion was scheduled. I went to the…
I have no desire to meet any of my old college girlfriends again. If my Facebook encounter with one of my high school crushes means anything, they…
I met my first love when I was 12. We grew up together, became best friends, and then lovers in high school. Then we broke up…
I've maintained casual contact with a woman with whom I had a torrid affair about 30 years ago. She's been married and divorced three times and about 6…
Rech, sorry you feel that way. I think you're very good at being a troll.
I ONCE looked up an old girlfriend. I knew her when I was in High School and that was in the seventies. It was a sad experience. She…
Thanks for the stories. I get that you can't live in the past, but I don't think I'm trying to do that. I have zero interest…
When my gf goes awol I often fly exes in.I know I've got a seven day window.It's cool,when I pick them up at the airport they just grin…
OK, don't judge me. I've been very happily married to a wonderful gal for 35 years, but I'm just a PL with a very high sex drive…
East Coast, about the only thing people judge you for here is taking drugs. You can pretty much fuck everything in sight, married or not, and that's…
I'm still relatively young, but there have been a lot of girls that were decent looking in high school. Now, almost 10 years later, they have aged a…
Yeah ranukam I know what you mean. Gotta get em at about 19 -- the perfect age.
Ranukam, my 10 year HS reunion was 80% seeing who got fat. A lot of it was the guys, even those who had been underweight at 18 now…