Of course I do not approve of any discrimination against women customers and I fully support Lopaw on these matters.
I think about how this is a known issue with the clubs in that San Gabriel Valley. Maybe they don't want women customers in there because they are afraid that they are freelance hookers. So they don't want them competing with the dancers because that could get the dancers pissed off and the freelancers might go beyond the bounds that the dancers can. They might also be afraid of getting the club in trouble, or about some freelancers who could pose a danger to customers and get the club in trouble that way.
Just a thought. And I'm not in anyway trying to justify discrimination.
There's a number of clubs around here that have that policy. I've seen Cheetah refuse entry to single women more than once. One employee told me it was due to a series of incidents they had in the past with wives coming in and finding their husband there, then proceeding to assault them. I don't know how accurate it was, but that's what they said.
In this case, they didn't miss much. Deans Gold is a nice place, but its usually a ghost town before 11pm or so. Happy Hour is more like Nappy Hour.
Was drinking at the Center Bar in the Hard Rock casino in Vegas one night when 3 ladies I'd met there the night before walked by. When they saw me they told me they'd just been denied entry into Club Paradise across the street for this same reason. Of course I turned to the guys I was and without a word we all put down our drinks, got up and escorted them back across the street. That turned into a very fun night :-)
Really getting tired of big brother telling everyone how to run their life! NO ONE is entitled to everything they want in their life. NO ONE is entitled to never be offended. Damn people, quit fucking worrying about how others live or what they do in their life, and get on with your life!
Unless, of course, someone has made you fucking PC queen, king, or king/queen of the world!
It happens all the time. Place that i patronize in my local area have the same policy, as did my former regular club in the northeast. They are trying to keep escorts, jilted SOs and other from coming in for purposes other than personal entertainment.
I enjoy seeing civi women is clubs, especially when a dancer can lure one stageside and molest her! But I also believe that club management has a right to make the rules for their club. If they don't want civi women, then that is their right. They will also experiences whatever consequenses their door policy causes. If a "no unescorted women" policy reduces the crowd, and limits the money available to dancers, then the club will decline. It seems to me that refusing an entire class of customers who are unlikely to initiate violence, unlikely to injure dancers and carrying money around, is shortsighted.
OTOH, if management is actually avoiding the disturbances, police visits, and possible lawsuits they claim come with unescorted women customers, then maybe they are helping their club.
Regular night clubs have charged more for males than females to enter. Turn the tables . . .
Strip clubs could charge more for females to enter. Then, if they are pros, at least the club gets compensated (and the custies get what they came there for).
If a club keeps getting crowded, they could charge more for females since females tend to not buy dances as much as male patrons do in my experience. Unless of course they are like lopaw. I do not understand clubs still allowing ladies in for free when clubs are already getting packed or crowded late on weekend nights. I assume most clubs do not do this. I might understand a regular night club without a lot of females charging less admission but I do not understand a strip club doing so unless they are trying to recruit potential dancers. Maybe that's what's going on in my local area. They have one night where ladies get in free.
It is kind of disappointing. All these clubs worried about female customers being hookers and I've only had one or two female customers in a club ever proposition me for sex and she never said anything about money. That's not illegal.
@Dallas702, to be honest, I don't think that "no unescorted females" will reduce money available to strippers. Generally women are the cheapest customers ever. There are some exceptions, for sure, but usually it is what it is.
I never had an issue with girls at white/mixed clubs,maybe because I always avoid them, however, for some reason, urban clubs attract the most annoying kind of bitches. They ALWAYS take pictures/videos and don't even bother to ask for permission. Several civilian hoes tried to record me and when I stopped them, they either played stupid (oh, I didn't know!) or gave me an attitude. Well, I deeply apologize for not wanting to have any photographic proof of me stripping. My family will disown me if ever finds out and all because some stupid-ass bitch posted my pic on Instagram. Also they like "wooing" when stripper is dancing on stage. And try to dance as if they are at night club. They just act silly in general.
It always makes me lol when I read reviews of some broad whining about how club didn't reduce cover for her. "I am a lady, why they charged me a full price?". They totally forget that its not a night club where owners don't want complete sausage-fest hence try to attract more girls. Hello, girl, it's a strip-club, your annoying ass will hardly spend a shit there, hell, you can't even pay 20$ to get in without whining, we don't need you here at all.
I won't be upset if women will be banned from coming in at all.
I think the ONLY reason some SC's get away with refusing entry to single women and/or female groups is because these same women don't cause an uproar in the public media. They don't call the radio or newspaper or police or file a lawsuit because of the stigma attached going to a SC. Unless you are a private club; refusing entry based on sex is ILLEGAL!!!! And even then private clubs have been sued and forced to allow membership to both sexes (even though I do not believe i this practice). How can any business in this day and age not realize that? They should just put a huge sign out front begging someone to sue them. Better yet, just put $1mill in a briefcase by the front door for whoever wants it.
I'm sure women cause problems at SC's but it can't be any more than male patrons. How many men get drunk and loud or all inappropriately handsy with a stripper and a bouncer has to get involved? Every time we've been to mrs sea's fave SC I've seen the bouncers have to intercede with patrons. You always have the chica with her phone out texting and either takes a pic or a dancer THINKS she took a pic but I've seen the exact same thing with guys. You have men taking pics and also up at the stage tipping a stripper but getting way too physical. Problem people are from both sexes.
We usually spend $100 on drinks and at least another $100 just on stage tips. Mrs sea spends the majority of that and she's the female it seems no one wants in the club? That doesn't make sense. Women don't spend? How many men pay the cover and then sit nursing a single beer for a couple hours and never tip or get LD's?
The occasional female stands up at the stage and decides to throw her arms up in the air and dance around. It’s an eye rolling event when it happens but it’s not a frequent occurrence. Never seen a female actually cause a real problem. I can see it being used to keep hookers out but if hookers are that big of an issue I would say train your bouncers better so they can quickly remove any unwanted pros when they start trying to pick up customers.
Yeah, club security and LE would be a risk to the homeless guy trying this. He might get free housing and free food. LE might get real busy in the next two years as Obama seems hell bent on letting hundreds of thousands of people from all across the middle east come here without any papers because the Muslims over there don't have jobs. They will be coming not just from Syria (small percentage) but from Iraq, Afghanistan, India, and all over. I read the news media lied about where most of these people are coming from. All I can say is Obama's and Hillary's foreign policies are total failures in my opinion. Hopefully the percentage of terrorists coming here is not even 1% because that would be 1 thousand terrorists per year. Unescorted females or homeless guys might be the least of our problems.
Well now how did this juicy little tidbit escape my attention? ;)
Good for those ladies. This type of thing is starting to be challenged, and rightly so. This is simply a case of gender discrimination, pure & simple. There is no legal rationale for refusing entry to anyone simply because of what you think that they "might" do. You cannot refuse entry to a public accommodation to a protected class of people (gender, race, religion, disability, etc) simply because you feel like it or have had an issue with someone in the past. It's illegal. Virtually every state (not to mention federally) has anti-discrimination laws on the books specifically spelling that out. If someone becomes a problem once they are inside, a business has every right to bounce them. But unless they are being disruptive, are drunk, naked or holding a shotgun (you get the idea) you must allow them entrance. The only reason that it continues in some places even today is because it is rarely challenged. Well that is certainly changing, as evidenced by the lawsuits that have been filed recently. And I would expect more to follow. It's sad that it has to come to that for some businesses to get their heads out of their asses, but sadly most stripclubs aren't exactly run by competent business people, as we all painfully know.
last commentI think about how this is a known issue with the clubs in that San Gabriel Valley. Maybe they don't want women customers in there because they are afraid that they are freelance hookers. So they don't want them competing with the dancers because that could get the dancers pissed off and the freelancers might go beyond the bounds that the dancers can. They might also be afraid of getting the club in trouble, or about some freelancers who could pose a danger to customers and get the club in trouble that way.
Just a thought. And I'm not in anyway trying to justify discrimination.
Totally wrong to kick them out
In this case, they didn't miss much. Deans Gold is a nice place, but its usually a ghost town before 11pm or so. Happy Hour is more like Nappy Hour.
Of course I turned to the guys I was and without a word we all put down our drinks, got up and escorted them back across the street.
That turned into a very fun night :-)
I think some else here nailed it.
The policy is there to keep jealous wives or girlfriends out of the clubs checking up on or looking for their significant other.
Unless, of course, someone has made you fucking PC queen, king, or king/queen of the world!
OTOH, if management is actually avoiding the disturbances, police visits, and possible lawsuits they claim come with unescorted women customers, then maybe they are helping their club.
I like seeing civie girls in clubs too.
But most times, they are filling out an employment application...
Strip clubs could charge more for females to enter. Then, if they are pros, at least the club gets compensated (and the custies get what they came there for).
It is kind of disappointing. All these clubs worried about female customers being hookers and I've only had one or two female customers in a club ever proposition me for sex and she never said anything about money. That's not illegal.
I never had an issue with girls at white/mixed clubs,maybe because I always avoid them, however, for some reason, urban clubs attract the most annoying kind of bitches. They ALWAYS take pictures/videos and don't even bother to ask for permission. Several civilian hoes tried to record me and when I stopped them, they either played stupid (oh, I didn't know!) or gave me an attitude. Well, I deeply apologize for not wanting to have any photographic proof of me stripping. My family will disown me if ever finds out and all because some stupid-ass bitch posted my pic on Instagram. Also they like "wooing" when stripper is dancing on stage. And try to dance as if they are at night club. They just act silly in general.
It always makes me lol when I read reviews of some broad whining about how club didn't reduce cover for her. "I am a lady, why they charged me a full price?". They totally forget that its not a night club where owners don't want complete sausage-fest hence try to attract more girls. Hello, girl, it's a strip-club, your annoying ass will hardly spend a shit there, hell, you can't even pay 20$ to get in without whining, we don't need you here at all.
I won't be upset if women will be banned from coming in at all.
I'm sure women cause problems at SC's but it can't be any more than male patrons. How many men get drunk and loud or all inappropriately handsy with a stripper and a bouncer has to get involved? Every time we've been to mrs sea's fave SC I've seen the bouncers have to intercede with patrons. You always have the chica with her phone out texting and either takes a pic or a dancer THINKS she took a pic but I've seen the exact same thing with guys. You have men taking pics and also up at the stage tipping a stripper but getting way too physical. Problem people are from both sexes.
We usually spend $100 on drinks and at least another $100 just on stage tips. Mrs sea spends the majority of that and she's the female it seems no one wants in the club? That doesn't make sense. Women don't spend? How many men pay the cover and then sit nursing a single beer for a couple hours and never tip or get LD's?
The occasional female stands up at the stage and decides to throw her arms up in the air and dance around. It’s an eye rolling event when it happens but it’s not a frequent occurrence. Never seen a female actually cause a real problem. I can see it being used to keep hookers out but if hookers are that big of an issue I would say train your bouncers better so they can quickly remove any unwanted pros when they start trying to pick up customers.
A piece of old cardboard, a black marker and pen on the cardboard, "Homeless! I'll escort you for change."
Then just stand outside a club.
instead of a sign saying will work or escort females for food
I would expect to see
will escort females into club for a bj
That might attract the attention of LEO.
LE might get real busy in the next two years as Obama seems hell bent on letting hundreds of thousands of people from all across the middle east come here without any papers because the Muslims over there don't have jobs. They will be coming not just from Syria (small percentage) but from Iraq, Afghanistan, India, and all over.
I read the news media lied about where most of these people are coming from. All I can say is Obama's and Hillary's foreign policies are total failures in my opinion. Hopefully the percentage of terrorists coming here is not even 1% because that would be 1 thousand terrorists per year. Unescorted females or homeless guys might be the least of our problems.
Good for those ladies. This type of thing is starting to be challenged, and rightly so. This is simply a case of gender discrimination, pure & simple. There is no legal rationale for refusing entry to anyone simply because of what you think that they "might" do. You cannot refuse entry to a public accommodation to a protected class of people (gender, race, religion, disability, etc) simply because you feel like it or have had an issue with someone in the past. It's illegal. Virtually every state (not to mention federally) has anti-discrimination laws on the books specifically spelling that out. If someone becomes a problem once they are inside, a business has every right to bounce them. But unless they are being disruptive, are drunk, naked or holding a shotgun (you get the idea) you must allow them entrance. The only reason that it continues in some places even today is because it is rarely challenged. Well that is certainly changing, as evidenced by the lawsuits that have been filed recently. And I would expect more to follow. It's sad that it has to come to that for some businesses to get their heads out of their asses, but sadly most stripclubs aren't exactly run by competent business people, as we all painfully know.