
Comments by dallas702 (page 19)

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    9 years ago
    Longest song?
    Clubber, my bad. You are of course right, it was Iron Butterfly! I guess I had a brain fart or "old timer's disease."
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    9 years ago
    Places to go to
    North Carolina is just not strip club friendly, dancers do not earn well in NC. South Carolina doesn't appear to be (currently) very strip club friendly, either. Georgia is a little better. The Atlanta area has dozens of clubs, but also dancer fees, licenses and lots of heavy duty competition for customer $s. (see above) Outside Atlanta there are very few clubs. Savannah has Scores, a decent topless club with $30 ($5 to the house) dances and enough customer traffic to make money (nice town, too). Down the coast is Brunswick, GA with one tiny club (bikini) with a neighborhood bar feel. It might be worth a visit, but don't count on good earnings. Florida is the only state in the southeast to really offer opportunities for dancers. Just 2 hours drive from Savannah is Jacksonville, FL with over a dozen bikini clubs (currently loosely enforced) and two "juice bar" nude clubs. There are opportunities to make money in Jax. If you visit, try Wacko's and Gold Club. Two hours south of Jax is the Daytona area with 6 or 7 clubs. There is loose money available when NASCAR races are there, otherwise slow steady beach tourist traffic. After that, there are a clubs further south around Coco Beach, Satellite Beach and then the Strip Club Mecca of SE FL from Pompano to So. Miami. When you get that far south, almost anything goes, and you can earn - but beware - it costs Money to stay down there. Do not try Orlando, read the reviews here and you should be able to figure out that there is just no money to be earned there. On the West FL coast, the Tampa area also has several clubs where you can earn. The aged and venerable Mons Venus and nearby 2001 are just two possibilities. Please let us know where you land!
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    9 years ago
    Longest song?
    The album cut of the Stones', "Inna Gotta Da Vitta" (sp?) including the drum solo. I don't remember exactly how long it is, but I am guessing about 17 minutes. Afternoon visit to a small town club. The DJ/bartender/waitress had no idea it was that long, but found it on a download site and played it at my request. The dancer in my lap, kept stopping to ask me "how much longer."
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    9 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    "I'll find you later" ... horrific insult...
    My response to the walk up and spout, "wanna dance?" stripper is almost always, "Thanks for asking, but not right now." That would certainly put me in the "bad" group described by the OPs SW cunt. For me, my line discourages the "walk by" strippers but gives them little to object about. OTOH, when they ask to join me, I almost alwats say, "yes." Many of those dancers do get paid by me for lap dances. I am not immune to dancers wiles.
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Oprah is Fat Again
    Oprah owns at least 10% of Weight Watchers. The compamy has had "difficulties" recently and stock value took a big hit. Oprah became one of the richest people in show business by actively pushing/promoting her interests. Looks like she has millions of reasons to promote Weight Watchers. And - NO. I would not fuck her, short of receiving "life changing" money to do so (it would take several million$ to be "life changing" enough for me to mount her!).
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    9 years ago
    I don't think TUSCL members really leave.....
    I wonder when Alucard's reincarnation will pop up and demand a ban on - - something?
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Tell me Pastor: My husband took our son to a strip-club
    @ATACdawg, I think that the legal age for drinking in Jamaica is 18. So the father neither condoned, nor facilitated any illegal act (in so far as buying his son drinks). Whether dad facilitated "extras" for his son is a different matter!
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A few facts about ‘Exotic Dancing’ you likely didn’t know (20 Photos)
    Estafador, perhaps you are confusing ovulating with menstruating?
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    9 years ago
    American cops are ass holes compared to English cops
    The law in most states in the US defines simple assault as a threat to strike or do harm, but does not require a minimum level of harm. The idiot in London was using a "weapon" to threaten the police = assault. Battery is usually described as physical contact (direct or indirect, as in a projectile) with "intent." Intent does not have to be intent to cause injury, intentionally striking another (again, directly or indirectly), is usually sufficient for a charge of battery, and is usually combined with an assault charge. So the idiot from London is setting himself up for a charge of "assault and battery." Since the "victims" were law enforcement, if it happened in the US, the charges would carry more significant penalties in most states. Bottom line, depending on a Bobby's sense of humor is not wise, but bringing that idiocy to the US would be criminally stupid! Note; there are several videos circulating of US cops dealing with difficult situations using humor and grace. Look up the DC cop in a dance off against teens who were bothering others, or the Houston cop on the ground comforting his dying horse, or the copS who have gone over the top to make a birthday or Christmas special for children impacted by loss. There ARE some asshole cops in the US, but there are many more good guys out there trying to keep their communities safe.
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    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Fighting fire with fire?
    Northern Mexico has long been the choice location for all kinds of, "miracle cures ignored by the medical establishment." Back in the 80s, my brother-in-law sought treatment for cancer after US doctors gave him a poor prognosis. The US doctors gave him 2 years or more to live if he underwent surgery and radiation treatments. The clinic in Mexico (also near Tijuana) promised him a full recovery. He was dead 5 months after he began treatment in Mexico. Cancer clinic scams, like that one, were a fad then, but many are still doing the same thing. Not all clinics in Northern Mexico are scams, but many are. Even the legit clinics (including weight loss, drug rehab, plastic surgery and physical rehab) tend to significantly over-promise. I hope your ATF is in a legit clinic, and that her outcome is good!
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A First
    JohnSmith - You disgusting, deviant, perverted, child sex fiend! I am shocked and horrified that you would fondle and abuse a mere child of 18! What club was that? And what was her name again? Also do you know what shifts she works? Braces huh? (drool!)
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Are Comments Like This This Acceptable or Insensitive?
    It is certainly not "politically correct" but I sincerely believe that white girls with enough padding on their butts to actually make it bounce when twerking look flabby, but well padded black girls, who can shake that stuff, look "just right."
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    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: Minimum Wage Strike Looming - Fast Food Workers
    Saw a report a few months ago (not on any of the major news outlets) that identified (by job, age, gender and race) how many people were actually being paid less than $8.00 an hour. I don't remember where I saw it, and I am not going to waste time looking for it so the numbers I will use are recollections - not exact quotes! The first thing that struck me was that far less than 1% of full time employees made less than $8.00 an hour. I think the number was less than 500,000 people. Notably (if I remember correctly) more than half of those people had been on the job for less than 1 year. The other point worth repeating was that over 85% of all minimum wage jobs were part time, unskilled, entry level positions. I have no doubt that thousands of fast food workers would rather demand $15.00 an hour than learn a skill and actually work full time!
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    9 years ago
    Slow grinds
    I agree with JohnSmith. Many of the hottest looking young strippers know nothing of sensuality, are not aware of how painful "fast grinding" can be, and honestly believe "fast" is how we like it.
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    9 years ago
    The Ultimate Stripper
    I spent (carefully chosen word, "spent") two years dating one stripper, bailing her out of jams, helping her move (three times), buying her clothes, shoes, auto repairs and fucking her often in many different positions and places. It was expensive, but I knew it would be going in. It certainly wasn't "blind love," I knew there was a countdown clock hidden somewhere in the relationship. I set a firm limit on how much I would spend, month to month, on this woman. I also knew that my "firm limit" did not allow for how horny I would be when she "desperately needed" something (we are not called PLs for nothing!). When I finally blocked her number and quit seeing her, I was surprised to figure out that I did not spend anywhere near as much as I expected. I think the main reason I didn't spend as much was that I (very early on) quit visiting her at the clubs where she worked. I wasn't buying lap dances or VIP rooms with her. (I was visiting OTHER clubs and buying lappers, etc.) Another reason I spent less than I feared was that, even though she was unstable and financially irresponsible (a bit crazy, too), she wasn't trying to drain my bank account. She actually cared about me (some of the time) and made an effort to deal with many of her self created problems without begging me for money. For the first several months she really was my dream stripper. For more than a year and a half she was fun to be with, great for my ego and sensational in bed. For the last few months, she was almost as much "obligation" as entertainment.
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    9 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    When did you start paying for sex?
    1972 - San Fran in the summer. I was walking back to my ship as the sun set. A beautiful dirty blonde in a simple black party dress began walking beside me. We talked about several meaningless things for a couple of blocks. As we reached the entrance to a nice hotel, she "explained" that she was broke and needed a place to stay. She offered to make it a night to remember if I would get a room and share it with her. It took every dollar I had left, but she was right - 43 years later I do remember!
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    9 years ago
    The Washington Park Handshake
    The "handshake" is becoming a regular part of the SC culture nationwide, and not just at "extras friendly" clubs. I have experienced (almost always outside the pants) the "XYZ handshake" in OK, MO, TX, LA, IL, WI, MI, NY, NJ, KY, TN, AL, MS, FL, GA, SC, NC, PA, IA, and RI over the last few years. It has become a sales tool in the clubs. I do not doubt that some dancers think it helps eliminate the cops, as kazvorpal posted, although that doesn't work in all jurisdictions. I doubt that many dancers are that concerned about LE when they first greet a customer. Generally, I fear the "handshake" is becoming a common stripper routine like the dancers who walk up and ask, "wanna' dance?"
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    These young girls know some shit.
    Altoids - - In the 90's (back when extras could not be had ITC and table dances were in the open and all air) a stripper I had (finally) convinced to join me someplace, besides a table in the club, demonstrated that a curiously strong mint could also have a positive impact on sensitive skin. She put two Altiods (peppermint) in her mouth, took a sip of beer to moisten and melt it a little then began an epic BJ. I have been an Altiods fan ever since!
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    9 years ago
    Good News. South Carolina is out of the drought.
    Back to sharkhunter's OP, I spent the weekend just south of Savannah (still here) and between Friday and this morning accumulated 0.2" of rain. Friend's house with rain gauge really only measured 2 tenth's of an inch. Temps were also way down, high yesterday 71 and only 69 the day before. What a difference a few miles can make!
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    9 years ago
    My Mother Slapped A Nazi....
    H480, before I block you, as I do other idiots on this site, I do want to suggest that you check with your shrink about your meds. It appears that your anti-psychotics are not doing their job. Your anger issues suggest that an increase in your Prozac is needed. Good by.
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    9 years ago
    My Mother Slapped A Nazi....
    Great-great grandfathers (5 of them) served in War of Secession. One served as a cav officer in Army of No. Virginia (took orders from R.E.Lee). Others in Army of Tennessee or in Hood's Texas. A great grandfather was with Roosevelt at San Juan Hill. Grandfather in the trenches WW1. Father was 11th Army Air Corps bombed Japan. One uncle survived Pearl Harbor bombing and served on BBs (big bastards) puting 16" shells on Jap positions. Another uncle drove tanks for Patton. I was probably the only Navy officer to ever hit his own ship with a ship launched surface to air missle. No warhead (thank ALL the gods) left only a dent in the hull when the guidance failed and the missle tracked our own radar. I can track family on this continent back to the 1600s and have proof of family supporting the American Revolution. I want my country back, too. I don't like the Muslim educated, communist mentored, Daley mob connected, incompetent egomaniac now in the White House.
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    9 years ago
    Way to go Kerry, once again you made America seem like weak fools....
    I too, lean right I think the current President is incapable of appropriately managing our foriegn affairs and the Current Sec of State is a fumbling Idiot. Kerry only looks marginally capable when compared with Hillary who is now proving that she cannot even lie competently. Whether left or right, able or fumbling, leaders of this nation have been unable to resolve any issue in the middle east. My OPINION is that we cannot solve the problems because we do not understand the Arabic/Persian/North African mindset and we fail to account for the comprehensive influence of the Islamic political teachings. We think bluster is threat, that autocrats are unwanted, that people prefer democracy and that prosperity will resolve bitter differences. And those thoughts are simply not true in the middle east. The people of the many (currently European imposed) political states of the middle east have over 3,000 years of history being led by harsh and demanding rulers who are NOT subject to elections. What stability that existed in the '60s through the '80s was the result of dictators in the middle east suppressing opposition and being propped up by the US, USSR or European powers. When Bush dumped Hussein, we set the stage for Islamic wars. When Barry Sotero backed Islamic terrorists in Egypt (Muslim Brotherhood) he lit the fuse on a blast that is engulfing the entire area. It might be possible to "fix" the ISIS problem. It might even be possible to deal with the Iranian/Persian Caliphate (the Islamic leaders in Iran). But the way we are going about it will only make the unrest worse!
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    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    GA Brings Back Confederate Flag Plates
    45 years ago, I called my best friend in college, "nigger," and he called me "honkey." PC was not a "thing," so it seemed natural to both of us. When we walked out of a certain dowtown Woolworth's after eating at the soda counter, his girlfriend met us us and asked, "Do you know where you just ate lunch?" Our oblivious looks earned us a modern civil rights lesson. We still called each other nigger and honkey, but afterwords we toned it down while in Woolworths! My point is, racism is NOT language usage. Gene was so black he was invisible at night (unless he smiled) and I was pasty white, but we treated each other as friends and equals. The language we used then, would be called racist today - but it was not racist in intent nor in result. The battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia was not a "symbol of slavery" to those who served under it or to those whose ancestors served, and it is only called that today by small minded people with a big political agenda. Or those who choose to go along with the crowd, without even thinking it through. If you claim that flag "offends" you, then your statement qualifies you to be described as demonstrating your prejudice.(by definition) The multigenerational angst about the Confederacy has never been about slavery or the fact thah the CSA lost. Reconstruction, the FOUR DECADES of onerous, official "punishment" imposed upon all the people of the former Confederate states, is what kept the history real and ugly. And you cannot claim that it is all ancient history. My grandparents (both sides) were still paying reconstruction tax penalties until the Depression, because it was the only way their parents and cousins could remain in their homes and avoid federal confiscation. I know that racism is alive and kicking today, but it is an ugly biggotry of a very small minority of people - of all races - everywhere in this country. In my personal experience, I have seen much more racist behaviors in the Northeast, and more often, than I have seen anywhere in the South! And the most racist people I know in the south have a Brooklyn accent.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    GA Brings Back Confederate Flag Plates
    Interestingly, I saw a Georga - Sons of the Confederacy (with the Army of Northern Virginia battle flag) plate last week on an older P/U. Next to the plate was a big "Ben Carson for President" bumper sticker. The woman driving was blond, the teen in the passenger seat was clearly Asian. This IS the Unites States and we are all free to express our opinion! *(unless that opinion offends some thin shinned liberal.) Not all of us, who are descended from soldiers who fought against what they saw as unconstitutional Northern protectionisn and federal overreach, are racist assholes. I will acknowledge that I view many of the jerks, who are "offended" by a representation of a 150 year old artifact from US history, as racist idiots. That makes me opinionated - not racist!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    OT: Morality Police- Buzzed Driving
    "Impared driving" is one of the new politically correct controls imposed upon the world by the PC police. If you are below the legal limit, you are legally permitted to drive, period. It amazes me that, after almost 20,000 years of documented human history drinking fermented and distilled booze, people in this country actually listen to the absurd rule freaks who still demand that everyone else abstain while they drink to their heart's content before getting into their limo for their ride home!