
Are Comments Like This This Acceptable or Insensitive?

layin low but staying high
I'm really not sure in today's environment whether this is acceptable, like I thought at the time, or whether it might be considered by some to be racially insensitive.

Two nights ago with my 18 year old stripper, she says (with high school girl like enthusiasm), that she wants to go on stage and show me how she is learning to twerk. I told her that there was nothing that I wanted more at that moment than to see her nude tweaking. Not literally true, but close enough. She runs up on stage like a school girl rushing to catch the morning school bus.

For those of you who adore big thick black girls shaking their asses in black dives, you would have broken out laughing. In that sense of twerking, this was incredibly pathetic. Her ass cheeks move in tandem. When they move at all. Most of her ass movement is so subtle as to barely be capable of perception. And I can't see her tiny little pussy at all. She may have fallen asleep at one point.

At the end of the song she turns her head to ask what I think, a smile of anticipation in her beautiful eyes and in her braces covered mouth, as she obviously expects me to be enraptured.

"Awesome." I commend her. "The best white girl twerk I've ever seen." This was close to the truth. It was the second best. What can I say? I like tiny young cute white girl asses that barely move.

Then I called her over to me. I told her that I bet one of these black girls could teach her to shake each ass cheek separately. I call a thick black girl over who is on stage nearby. I ask "would you twerk for me." She seems happy to. Then I tell my high school girl to twerk next to her. It was an amazing contrast. Tiny barely moving little white ass next to big thick black ass cheeks that seemed to be alive and move the stage when they shook.

I complimented the tweeter ( at least I intended it as a compliment) and said that blacks girls really know how to twerk. I tipped her roughly ten ones. She walked off and I tipped my girl too, again expressing my worship of her amazingly young body.

I have done things like this many times, in the sense of commenting upon the vast differences between how white and black girls twerk. I'm like em both, and I'm
complimentary of both except that I sometimes jokingly refer to how my white girl's just can't shake it like their black sisters. I always tip all of the girls for displaying their twerking talents for me.

Something I heard on the news this morning led me to the thought that maybe saying things like this might be perceived as racially insensitive. Is it ever ok to suggest that one race is better than another at some activity?

I don't think this is in any way offensive or I wouldn't say it. But if I'm wrong then I'll stop. No telling what the little head would do, but I'd try to stop hm too.

Is it acceptable to respectfully comment upon the unique ability of black dancers to shake their asses, and to also jokingly but nicely comment upon how white girls seem incapable of even approaching black girls' aptitude not matter how much they practice?


  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    They're strippers. You gave them money. That negates any feelings of "offense" either of them might have otherwise taken.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I don't know about the "black girls twerk better" type comments, just not my style to compare/contrast, so I wouldn't have said them. I suppose, depending on how you deliver such comments, they can come off as fun and complimentary, or as the middle aged white guy trying too hard, or as subtle "some of my best friends are black" type bias... context is everything. I have a buddy who just puts everyone at ease, he can make sexist/racist/homophobic jokes and everyone laughs, but if I said the same things, I'd be getting slapped and punched. He just pulls it off, I can't.

    The thing I'd never never do is, given some activity that my young stripper is totally proud of, invite some other girl over to show her how it's "really done". My own philosophy here is: if she seems to be totally into it and wanting my approval, let her enjoy my real or feigned enthusiastic appreciation unconditionally, I'm not going to try to "help" her get better or compare her to someone else, etc. Just a style thing, maybe.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    On the news they were talking about whether it is racist to say that black guys are better at basketball, and white/Cuban/puerto toucan guys are better at baseball.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I don't think it's racist to point out differences. What is racist is to imply that blacks or some other group is inferior or sub-human.

    I find some ethnic humor to be funny, as long as it's not mean spirited.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    According to some wacko on CNN you can't say "hard worker" cuz it brings up images of slaves picking cotton.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Subra, under the circumstances I thought this was ok because I was extremely complimentary of the 18 year old throughout, and I showed her the level of my appreciation in cash.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    GMD might be right that this is ok in strip clubs even though in other contexts it's wrong to say that one race is better at something than another race. Lots of shit is ok in clubs that can't happen in the real world.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Oh yeah, if you're paying a stripper you can get away with plenty. And with your buddies you can joke around. Just don't acknowledge race exists at work.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I think most people are way too sensitive nowadays but like subra said its all about delivery and intent. I know I say some off the wal things a lot but I also make sure it's said in a way that is obviously humorous or self deprecating.

    Paying one stripper to show another stripper how to shake her ass and commenting on black girls usually doing t better is not racist unless you make it come off as racist and derogatory. If you would've thrown or some racial slurs or tried to make them feel like they were both inferior to you because of your station in life then that'd would've easily come off as insensitive.

    You can get away with a lot based on HOW it's delivered. I work with white guys, black guys, Hispanic guys and even 2 females and the shit we say to each other would make some Hells Angels cover their ears and say "whoaaaa, TOO far" but every one of us knows it's all in fun. I'm not naive and I'm sure there are people I work with who would have serious issues if there daughter brought home somebody of a diff race because that's just life but just like with a lot of work environments; coworkers respect each other for the most part and nothing is ever said to be taken serious when it come down to racial or ethnic joking.

    I have a feeling a SC has a lot more cat fighting and racial issues than most normal places. I'm sure every club has a few dancers who can't stand another dancer and "black bitch" and "white bitch" get thrown around a lot so I don't think saying most black girls have better asses for twerking is setting off any racial alarms.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I'm on my phone so pardon any spelling or sentence issues
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I think the fact that I posted this question shows that my intent was not to be judgmental, racist, derogatory or insensitive. My philosophy is that erbody loves erbody in a strip club (excluding DJs, bouncers and fellow PLs). But it today's society its sometimes hard to tell where to draw the line.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Oh I had no doubt you had no ill intent at all just like most of us. It just all comes down to the situation and delivery. Sometimes I think of something extremely hilarious that is also hugely offensive but then I quickly realize the people I'm around are not any of the people I could lay this side splitting gem on so I have to laugh inside and just keep on doing what I was doing. Sucks to lose an awesome laugh but......situation and delivery. Both have to be in alignment
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Strip clubs are racist places, so comments such as the one you made are generally not offensive in comparison to things that are actually harsh.

    And JS69, it's I don't think it's racist to say black guys are good at basketball while Latinos are good at baseball. People of African descent, specifically but not limited to West Africa, tend to be extremely fast and athletic. Look at the top sprinters - most have west African descent. Baseball is popular in Latin countries and requires almost no money (as opposed to a more extensive sport like hockey, where a lot of the players had the financial means for the equipment and apparatus). But, white guys in the NBA tend to be good at 3 pointers (I always used to joke around and say that, but it does hold some water).

  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    All of a sudden, it seems like there are a lot more white guy's playing basketball. If you look at college basketball, there a lot of white guys in it now, which feeds the NBA. So you'll be seeing more white guys in a pretty much black dominated sport in basketball.

    Latinos really seem to be coming on strong in baseball.

    Football seems to be pretty even.

    Hockey is still dominated by white Europeans and Canadians.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Not offensive JS.

    Football even?? The NFL is like 70-75% black. There's always been a lot of white players in college basketball, it's just that they don't make it to the NBA. Latinos have been dominating baseball for awhile now.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    The white boys learn how to shoot because otherwise most of them couldn't play with the niggas.
    NFL most of the qb's are white. We, rb and db are mostly black. All the other positions are mostly mixed.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    We should be wr. Damn autocorrect.
    And oh yeah johnsmith69 is still a homo.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The way things are going, it will be considered racist to say one race is better or superior at anything than another race even if true. I'm sure someone probably already thinks it's racism even if most people think certain races are better at certain things.
    In a strip club setting, I doubt hardly anyone cares.

    Now on one hand, I have seen videos of some white girls or light skinned girls shaking their ass quite nicely. I'm not thinking about races when I see something I like. Could have been white, Latino, asian, or even a light skinned black girl. The big fat asses turn me off no matter the race.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Perfect thing to say. It was complimentary and derogatory at the same time. She'll feel obligated to please you with her twerking from now on.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    As others say, not to worry in a stripclub. In fact, I'm eagerly awaiting a movie from the same people who brought us "White Men Can't Jump" to bring us "White Girls Can't Twerk."
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Like others have said, a lot of it depends on delivery and intent. Also, a lot of it depends on the audience. In the world of the strip club though, it's really tough to know beforehand what's considered inappropriate.

    Maybe someday soon, you'll meet a white dancer with a good bubble butt who can twerk your heart out.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    "Maybe someday soon, you'll meet a white dancer with a good bubble butt who can twerk your heart out"

    PG, you know that'll never happen for JS...lol

    A white dancer with a bubble butt will be older than 18 who has finished developing and will obviously weigh more than a buck oh 5.
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    It is certainly not "politically correct" but I sincerely believe that white girls with enough padding on their butts to actually make it bounce when twerking look flabby, but well padded black girls, who can shake that stuff, look "just right."
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Free girl has by far the biggest ass that I've ever seen on a very petite white girl. It is like 3-4 times bigger than what you would expect on her little frame. It's great for lap dances cause there's the big ass to grind but not all of the weight around it to crush me. But she has never twerked as far as I know. I think I'll try teaching her.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    You're not going to twerk for her, I hope.
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