
Good News. South Carolina is out of the drought.

I got over 9 inches in my yard since last night and one tree down.

I'm glad. I was getting tired of hearing about the drought. I just hope the Greenville Spartanburg airport got the 3.7 inches of rain they needed to end their drought.

How about you? Is it dry?


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I almost hit a tree in the road last night. Be careful out there if you're in the area.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Now I don't have to wonder if I should cut a tree down. Mother nature had it all figured out.
    Hopefully I can borrow a neighbors chain saw. I just did him a favor last week. Hopefully he still has it.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    In the southwest we hear the term drought and ignore it as much as folks in the south ignore tornado and hurricane warnings.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    It didn't rain hardly a drop most of the summer. now it's been raining every day since a week or two ago almost nonstop. the rain did hold off several hours one day.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It's adorable 3 inches of rain fixes your "drought"
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've always dreamed of having 9 inches. I'd prefer it in bed, but the front yard will do.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The drought inches was a lot higher a few days ago. Last night likely wiped out all drought and added several inches of surplus. I think Columbia was one of the hardest hit drought areas. Down probably over a foot.

    I guess most would have preferred to have the drought go away slowly.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    That is a great deal of rain.

    California is in the middle of an extreme drought, or this is what they call it. Rain has been very low for two years. But the real problem is just that the land cannot support this many people, even with above average rainfall.

    No water has reached the Colorado River's Delta in decades. We have turned it into an inland sea. The water goes to the greater Los Angeles sprawl and the greater Phoenix sprawl. I imagine that in not too much more time they will be shutting down the lower reservoirs. No reason to send water there or try to run the hydro-electric dams. It just means more lost in evaporation. Tap water for Mexico will just come off of the same Phoenix and Tucson water systems which it must now come off of.

    Agriculture uses lots of water. Some say the kinds we have would be better suited to other places, like Alabama.

    People say the country is running out of residential land. This is very misleading. There is lots of land in the South West. It is just that the population carrying capacity is not determined by land, it is determined by water.

    Real Estate has always been the biggest racket in California, going back to at least 1849. This how we have gotten into this situation. Some years of above average rainfall will not fix it.


    Rolling Stones, 1981
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I gave to take a deep breath when you comment on these posts SJG. You paint with a stroke that appears like you know what you're talking about, yet once again you prove you know nothing about a topic such as this in dealing with water issues. The only thing you're correct on is that California is in a drought and that's where your truths end.

    The Colorado river us not being solely sucked up by the sprawls of LA and Phoenix, when in reality it is part of a 7 state consortium including Wyoming for the appropriations if that water. Claims and settlements for BIA (native Americans) have increased lately due to finalized litigation. Most of California's water source comes from the Sierra Nevadas, not the Colorado river. You see you just threw a red herring out there that sniffs the reader off the correct source of issues. In regards to the Colorado river, it has several times flown into the delta in Mexico, most recently one and two years ago due to heavy desert storms creating run off that could not be captured by Hoover Dam or Lake Powell positioned higher up river. There has not been a steady flow into the delta in decades, but there have been several years when the flow helps fill it up from flooding south of Powell and Lake Mead. Also, Mexico retains rights to a portion of Colirado river water and they can choose to let it run to the ocean if they so choose to let it, however Mexico prefers to sell it or maintain it for their own use.

    SJG, please place a disclaimer after your posts that state you vaguely know something about topics and try to yarn a whimsical take off the voices you talk to in your head. Or maybe I should just place you on ignore like that faggot Rickyboy you like so much.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Meat72, Mexico was entitled by treaty to a portion of the Colorado River water, but it was not getting it. In more recent treaty renegotiations Mexico has renounced that claim. Instead it gets a guarantee of water from the lowest of the reservoirs, the Imperial. But as would be obvious, actually giving them water that way just causes more to be lost by evaporation. So it comes of the Tucson tap water system. At this point there is no reason to send water to the lower reservoirs, except maybe for some very limited types of recreational boating. We are over taxing the Colorado system.

    California may indeed get most of it's water from the Sierras. I don't know the percentage and I didn't claim to. But SoCal is where the larger part of the population is, and they have gotten their water always from elsewhere.

    But even here in Santa Clara County we have a serious shortage.

    But the problem is still that the population level and the scale and type of agriculture being practiced are beyond the water we get in an average or above average year. We are in a drought, but that is not really the source of the problem.

  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @san_jose_guy “But SoCal is where the larger part of the population is, and they have gotten their water always from elsewhere.”

    once again you prove to the world you don’t ever have a fucking clue about anything.

    while you are sitting in your mother’s basement slurping down gravy why don’t you look up the California Aqueduct.

    Southern California, you know where most of the people live, gets its fucking water from the Sierra Nevada same as the people in Northern California you fucking IMBECILE.

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I think the storm did me a favor. I thought that tree was a two man job but now that it is a lot closer to the ground, I can cut it. Going to take a while even with a chain saw. Wondering if I should save the wood since I do not have a fireplace. I guess I could save it in case I want it for some reason.

    There are several trees down in the local counties. Someone told me there was a tornado in the area. I know some people claim a tornado when it was just high winds.

    I bet the people in Columbia SC aren't happy with a 6 pm curfew.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    South Carolina has no idea what a drought is
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    SJG, just the same as your statement that there never was a food shortage during the Depression.

    I want to have a TUSCL meet up in San Jose area to discuss these issues. Will you join us?
  • zef8mich
    9 years ago
    Last year in Metro Detroit we had 6 or 7 inches. There was 3 1/2 feet of sewage in the basement and it took months to clean up. FEMA gave me $3000 but a lot of people were getting over $20,000 plus loans. On the designated pickup day for garbage pickup from this 'disaster' half the houses for for miles had ton of damaged household goods on their front lawns.
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    Back to sharkhunter's OP, I spent the weekend just south of Savannah (still here) and between Friday and this morning accumulated 0.2" of rain. Friend's house with rain gauge really only measured 2 tenth's of an inch.

    Temps were also way down, high yesterday 71 and only 69 the day before. What a difference a few miles can make!
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    This stupid weather really put our halloween decorations behind schedule.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    The drought continues for the strip clubs.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The drizzle rain that has been here for over a week returned. It is supposed to go away.
    I told a dancer Saturday night it would be nice if it just poured down and got it over with rather than drizzle for days and days. Then the deluge came. it was already pouring down at the coast apparently. I talked to someone where I live and he said a tornado did a bunch of damage. I was wondering why I had so much rain in my yard and a tree down. It may not have touched down in my area but I could tell it was a lot windier closer to home.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Yea bro it rained for days, floods was going on back in Asheville NC
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