
The Ultimate Stripper

In light of JohnSmith and the DS, what would have to happen for you to fall completely in love with a stripper/and or spend much more money on her than you have any other stripper?

In other words not JohnSmith infatuation, but kind of close.

For me there was only one stripper that had me head over heels/in love with her. This was early in my strip club career when I was still a sucka.

Obviously I would think the girl needs to be attractive. My girl was a 9.5. I'd give her a 10 if she had a bigger ass. At this time I didn't see any other stripper in Portland that was even a 9, so she was number one in looks by far.

Say what you want, I think the stageshow is still a major part of strip clubs. I won't get a dance from a girl until I see her on stage. My girl always made the stageshow fun and exciting. Playing with her pussy in a fun way, lots of eye contact, she made me feel like I was the only one tipping her. I always got a seat at the tip rail when she was on stage.

Great, but always want you having more. For example FIV but no DATY. It always has you coming back every week spending money on dances with her. That's how it was with her.

She convinces you she's into you. My girl would initate making out when we got lapdances. She would give me a lot of compliments (a lot of which I got in the real world). She makes you believe she's a innocent girl that has her head on straight. She's in College, she doesn't do drugs etc.

In Demand•
Seeing her get dances with lots of other customers makes you want her even more. It makes you next time spend more money on her than you have before.

All this led to was me spending a lot of money on her, but never getting the pussy. It taught me a lesson, I needed to step my game up.

For me all those factors I listed were required for me to fall deeply for a stripper.

What say you?


  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Im a sucka
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Mission impossible! I'm too old and have experienced too much for that to ever happen. Oh yes. I can and do have favorites but I can keep it in prospective.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Like you it was young in my career as a professional fool and i was JS creeping on her i mean DS all on her. But i was once blind


    Now i can see she was really a solid 7...very hot but a true 7, dances sucked she was a Air dancer ( thank god her sex was amazing) personality was awesome
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Mission impossible! I'm too old and have experienced too much for that to ever happen. Oh yes. I can and do have favorites but I can keep it in prospective.

    I agree shadow.

    I've noticed as i get deeper in the game im becoming much like this

    It seams most of us label or ATF after the bitch that took us when we was green sucka in this world then once we hip up to da word we wise up to the truth

    Aint no love in da game just ho"s and blow
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Please dont shortin this to TUS lol between TUS, DS ATF we will lose and confuse the uneducated of the hobby

    Let's save these symbolssm for the masonic illumination of da dark underworld of the true wisdom of the Elite members of Tuscl
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    My hate for people bleeds over into my strip clubbing experience. Correction, my hate for STUPID people bleeds into the sc experience, especially once the bullshit starts from her stripper shit.

    I only like to dance with the ones who get down to business and break the ice with a few compliments to get things started.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    72_os- good points

    Shadow- I hear you, most of us TUSCLers are too experienced to fall for it now. I was mainly talking about if it's happened to you before, then what would did it take. Or if it's hasn't happened to you before, then what would it take back in the day.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "In other words not JohnSmith infatuation, but kind of close."

    I trip up there immediately. I've had near-JS-level infatuation, and for me it's definitely the case that it's horrible and not to be repeated. No "ultimate" or "dream" anything is going to have me infatuated like that. In fact, my ATATF (who is a bodyrub girl, not a stripper) is my ATATF because she has all the awesome attributes required, PLUS she's been crystal clear on setting up and enforcing boundaries: she digs me, which is why she does all kinds of special things for me, but she doesn't want to be my girlfriend, doesn't want me for her boyfriend, and if I start acting like I want to be her boyfriend, the relationship will have to end. PERFECT.

    So, she has all the prerequisites: gorgeous, sexually adventurous, and incredibly fun to hang out with.

    Beyond that, she:
    - keeps the promises she makes. She shows up when she says she's going to show up, on time or in the general vicinity, for example.
    - Is clear on her boundaries: We can love hanging out, but being "in love" is out of bounds

    And, the biggest bonus of all:
    - doesn't charge me for her time anymore, which can include overnights. Double-edge sword, she's expensive to keep entertained.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Big tits
    Blonde hair
    No morals
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Haha Jack.

    As you get smarter, you realize she's not in College (and she has no plans of going to College), she has a boyfriend (unemployed boyfriend), she's not that into you, etc.

    My game was weak then, my game is pretty tight now. I get these strippers to start to fall in love with me, then I kick them to the curb. It might seem a little harsh, but they would do the same thing. Bitch, I didn't come looking for love in the strip club!
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    "I get these strippers to start to fall in love with me, then I kick them to the curb. It might seem a little harsh, but they would do the same thing. Bitch, I didn't come looking for love in the strip club!"

    My man. That's the way I do it too.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    LOL. "Kick them to the curb". You guys are so full of shit. :)
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Never has and never will happen.
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    I spent (carefully chosen word, "spent") two years dating one stripper, bailing her out of jams, helping her move (three times), buying her clothes, shoes, auto repairs and fucking her often in many different positions and places. It was expensive, but I knew it would be going in. It certainly wasn't "blind love," I knew there was a countdown clock hidden somewhere in the relationship.

    I set a firm limit on how much I would spend, month to month, on this woman. I also knew that my "firm limit" did not allow for how horny I would be when she "desperately needed" something (we are not called PLs for nothing!). When I finally blocked her number and quit seeing her, I was surprised to figure out that I did not spend anywhere near as much as I expected.

    I think the main reason I didn't spend as much was that I (very early on) quit visiting her at the clubs where she worked. I wasn't buying lap dances or VIP rooms with her. (I was visiting OTHER clubs and buying lappers, etc.) Another reason I spent less than I feared was that, even though she was unstable and financially irresponsible (a bit crazy, too), she wasn't trying to drain my bank account. She actually cared about me (some of the time) and made an effort to deal with many of her self created problems without begging me for money.

    For the first several months she really was my dream stripper. For more than a year and a half she was fun to be with, great for my ego and sensational in bed. For the last few months, she was almost as much "obligation" as entertainment.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Right on Shadow. I'm so glad we don't have any geezers on here telling us that they're bagging hot college strippers OTC. That would be SO full of shit. :) LOL
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    In addition to looks and all of the other obvious stuff, the only possible ultimate, dream, etc strippers are those who are very new to the business. It's best to find them in their first week of work, definitely their first month. At that point, some of them havent yet developed much SS. So they are sort of a sex worker who doesn't yet fully act like a sex worker.

    The clubs will ruin them eventually. For the DS, this ruination process started around the third month and was in full swing by the eighth month. But there's a small window there where they are incredibly fun to play with.

    DS II is still in that window. I think her window of opportunity may be longer because she doesn't work as often but you never know.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Compliments(a lot of which I get in the real world).Randy Anukam,I wish you would get off your high horse and back on your mule,now mosey on back to your forty acres.I've seen your Facebook page and you my friend are no Shaft.

    PS:Get in touch with your sexuality.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    ranukam - I wouldn't believe it either but Verybigdawg, bubba267 & snowtime believe it & JS69 has at least seen her photo. But I can't ever see myself kicking her to the curb.
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