
"I'll find you later" ... horrific insult...

Car key and wallet dating your sister
... according to StripperWeb: https://www.stripperweb.com/forum/showth…

Some choice quotes from the author, and the follow-up cunt parade:
SW quotes begin ----------------------------
What would you say to guys that use this line "no I'm not buying dances now but when I do, I'll come find you"?
I want to say no just go f*ck off but I am wondering want is a good response to these guys who say this? Or should I just continue to ignore when they say this?
I can't help but interpret it as a disrespectful lie/blow off.

I've also lost patience for it. I know there's a 1% chance of them buying a dance so I've taken to rolling my eyes and going "Ohhhhhhkay whatever you say".

Well I'm going to say something like "no thanks, don't try to find me cause I'll be busy/on to greener pastures/in vip with my regular in 20min"
I won't bully them into giving me money but these F*ckers gone learn .... a simple no thanks will do, otherwise I'm going to get really b*tchy right back.

Dont bother with these assholes! I'd be like, "Haha, good luck trying to find me! I'm a busy girl and I dont have time to wait around for people".
SW quotes end -----------------------------------------

There are actually some girls who seem to get it, though, so it's not a total cunt parade:

SW quotes begin ------------------------------------
just in case they do want to wait for a dance, i will always remain cordial. i'll go "ok, great, i'll check back with you in a bit" with a smile a. then i check back with them in a bit if i'm not doing dances with anybody else. some of them actually do want to settle in before buying dances, while with others its just a polite brush-off..but i always check back and remind them with "you look ready for your dance now"

they probably think its "polite" and are too chicken to actually say "no thanks i dont want a dance from you" if its a blow off. but honestly, aside from going back and basically calling their bluff and guilting/bullying them into getting the dance there's nothing you can really do except move on and ignore them

I think that catlover's answer is pretty awesome. In my experience, about 65-70% of the time they are just brushing you off. I am not sure why you would find it "disrespectful" that he is trying to reject you without hurting your feelings. If a man politely chatted you up and then asked for your phone number, or if you would like to stay and have a coffee with him in line at Starbucks, but you were not interested would you smile and say something like "Thanks, but I have a boyfriend" or flat out "Um, no. You'e not my type?". Give the guys a little credit; we are not at war with the customers!
------------------- SW quotes end

Look at that last quote! "We are not at war with the customers!". That girl definitely doesn't know how SW works! She's reasonable and honest and has the slightest bit of understanding of her customers -- she won't last long at SW :)

The one thing I will say -- I've been saying for a long time that passive-aggressive replies to strippers, in a misguided effort not to hurt their feelings ("I'm waiting for someone" "I just got here" "maybe later") are spineless moves that cause the strippers to lose all respect. Respectful, friendly, but straightforward and direct "no thanks" is the only way to go. I realize that the SW girls do NOT actually treat customers in the club the way they pretend to treat them when they write on SW, but really, I understand newbies, but SC regulars should have the basic amount of spine required to be direct without being disrespectful, and not act like little bitches.


  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    It's a total cunt parade.
    Some are just less cuntified than others there.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I learned years ago that the pink site is not there for me and haven't been back since.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I use "I'll find you later" a lot. Most of the time I don't intend to find them later, I don't want to flat out say no. Some of them take no so personally.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    SW's Club Chat forum is sometimes useful for figuring out which clubs you're less likely to have a good time at.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I don't often tell a dancer "come find me later". More often when I turn down a dancer it is with something like "no, but thanks for asking".

    When I really want dances with a girl and the timing is bad, such as I just arrived and want some time to settle in, I do my best to make sure she knows I'm serious and expect to see her again soon. But I often club during times it is not so busy I feel I'll not see her again.

    If it is a very busy time and I find her attractive and dance worthy I'll grab her right then and not miss the opportunity. A often hard learned lesson of strip clubs -- he who hesitates masturbates.

    But if I ever told a dancer "in a little while" and she actually responded with a statement as quoted above, I'd make sure she knew I was not going to spend a dime on her. Ever. Luckily I've never run into a cunt like that.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago

    'Look at that last quote! "We are not at war with the customers!". That girl definitely doesn't know how SW works! She's reasonable and honest and has the slightest bit of understanding of her customers -- she won't last long at SW :)'

    Fact check, I've been on SW for years and I'm a top earner everywhere I go...

    I was also told that I wouldn't last long here. And here I am, two years later.

    Some of you seem to make SW a daily part of your life. Why is that? At least shadow cat did the rational thing and simply didn't go back to SW, contrary to some guy here who seem to be infatuated with that site.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    ^^^like Rick Dugan^^^^
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    To be fair Nina, you were here two years ago, you disappeared for almost two years, then you reappeared a few months ago, so I don't think you can really say you've been here for two years.

    Why do we keep bringing these lame ass SW threads to TUSCL?
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Actually it was Yoda the dick who was obsessed with TUSCL. He banned Papi for copying and pasting...lol
    hence my post...

  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    NinaBambina---> "Some of you seem to make SW a daily part of your life. Why is that?"

    I LOVE reading StripperWeb. I find it absolutely fascinating. Shadowcat did the right thing -- it upset him, so he stopped reading it . It doesn't upset me, I love reading it, and I think it's fantastic fodder for interesting conversation here -- certainly more interesting than our daily serving of trolls. I expect I'll keep mining it for interesting threads... maybe a SW Thread of the Day theme! :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Unlike SW; TUSCL is open to any and all discussions – and whether it'd be a SW thread OR any other thread; some TUSCLers like certain kind of threads and some TUSCLers don't like certain kind of threads. It's not too hard to scroll past a thread which does not interest someone – and it's not as if a thread one does not like is somehow bumping off a plethora of other intellectually stimulating threads.

    As stated; TUSCL is open to ALL types of discussions – if SW wants to police what is posted and discussed and how it's discussed then that's their business *over there* - TUSCL is open for all discussion – and just b/c a SW thread is posted on here; not everyone will necessarily have a negative opinion towards-it; and even if that's the case; that's the internet; it's open and everyone is entitled to their opinion not just the opinions and styles of opinions moderated/policed by SW.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    How many dancers use the line - “sure I'll come over” and never do.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... I realize that the SW girls do NOT actually treat customers in the club the way they pretend to treat them when they write on SW ...”

    Unfortunately some do – many dancers do not seem to take rejection well and I'm sure many of us have experienced this – not saying it's the norm but most def happens.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    The SW OP seems clueless as was sorta pointed out by the other SW posters.

    Dancers like her are the equivalent of the (guy) loser in the singles-bar that can't take a hint when a chick is not interested and then gets all pissed at the chick when she won't give him the time of day.

    It's SC bizarro-world.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Papi, I do think in this case, the OP really is insulted by this. One of the things that always amuses me is how many actions by customers that are more innocent or awkward or clueless become horrific insults. I don't know how I could get through workday after workday, being insulted at every turn. Nor do I think the usual excuse proferred ("it's a venting site") is the explanation -- it isn't venting, these are her real feelings, IMO. I've seen plenty of actual things to complain about, when it comes to how customers, management, staff, and even other girls treat them... but getting pissed because a guy asks about your tattoos or says he'll find her later (because that puts him in control)???!!! It's a wonder how they function at all.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I only say it if I really intend to look for them, which isn't that often. My go-to line is "I'm waiting for someone" - which they often take as me saying that I'm waiting for a particular girl, but most of the time is really me saying for someone that I am more interested in (sometimes I am actually waiting for someone). She interprets it nicely, I get her out of my face. Best of both worlds.
  • Aaron_hip
    9 years ago
    This is what I do now. if there is no chance I want a dance from some girl, I will say "I'm waiting for someone." That is better, especially for those that I absolutely do not find attractive.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    If a stripper asks me to do dances and I'm not interested, I will manfully say "No thanks" or "Not tonight but next time!" (if I'm potentially interested but have others in mind for this visit). If the timing is bad because I just sat down or I'm not quite ready, I'll probably say "Could you come back in about 20 minutes?" -- and, more often than not, she does!
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I've used that line too but only at clubs I frequent regularly. Otherwise it can be uncomfortable when they ask who. While it goes against my SC instincts, this is one occasion I usually just tell them the truth.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I was referring to the "I'm waiting for someone." line.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I just say no thanks but if I really want them to come back I'll make it clear that I do want them to come back. I'll ask their name and use it when telling them to come back.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Fuck that Amish fsggot Yoder
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    lmfao "cunt parade"
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'll try to remember that line about finding her later. I plan on using it if I really do not want a dancer to come back. :)
    If lots of guys use it, either she'll get used to it or maybe quit stripping because she can't handle getting insulted in her own mind.

    I visited stripperweb maybe one time several years ago when this site was down. I didn't read much on it though.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    We should troll stripperweb untill the internet breaks
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    ^aww, do the girls there hurt your feelings???
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    The classiest line I ever heard from a stripper:

    "I hope you have a nice time with the lady of your choice"

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I never had the negative experience at sw but I didn't hardly post anything either. Then this site came back up. I never believe everything everyone posts anyway. I view this site as a place for customers to vent or chat and sw as a place for dancers to vent with moderators.
    I have 4 sisters, I feel no need to hear females venting about whatever. It can be good to know someone's hot buttons though.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I always find it humourous when you folks post some SW hilarity. Heavens know I am too lazy and uninterested to make my rounds in that forum to look for funny shit like this.

    In regards to the topic, I must be the 25%er because when I say I'll check back with you, I mean it. I learned from you fellas at TUSCL that if you see a girl you like and she approaches you, go with her immediately because you probably won't see her again. On the flip side, I JUST stepped in the club, I want to sit down and enjoy the scene.On the other hand, I want to make sure the few hotties that immediately approach me upon entry know that I will be back with them later. So what, do I have to give them a speal that I mean business when I say to check back later, because that seems like more work than necessary for a strip club with a bevel of "hot" beauties?
  • azdd
    9 years ago
    I'm with Shadow, I grew weary of the SW drama, so I just don't bother anymore. Hell, I've gotten somewhat bored with this site, especially the trolls.

    As for responding to dancers, I don't have any problem saying no thanks with a smile if I'm not interested. If I've just arrived, i tell them I just got there and want to chill and get a drink before getting dances. A problem in some clubs is that the ugliest dancers that aren't getting any action are the first to pounce when you walk in, hoping you don't have the balls to turn them down. I got over that guilt-complex years ago, and just say no. If I see someone I like, if they don't wander by, I walk to them and ask them to join me. Simple.
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    My response to the walk up and spout, "wanna dance?" stripper is almost always, "Thanks for asking, but not right now." That would certainly put me in the "bad" group described by the OPs SW cunt. For me, my line discourages the "walk by" strippers but gives them little to object about.

    OTOH, when they ask to join me, I almost alwats say, "yes." Many of those dancers do get paid by me for lap dances. I am not immune to dancers wiles.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    sclvr--->"It's a total cunt parade.
    Some are just less cuntified than others there."

    I dunno, I reserve the word "cunt" for pretty horrific behavior, and nothing simone or gia said seemed cunty to me. Maybe I don't agree with all they said, but I expect that, they're coming from a stripper POV and I'm coming from a customer POV, but they were both reasonable regardless. And Gia's right -- I am certainly not at war with strippers, I LOVE stripper and love being with them... it's SW attitudes that are the easy, worthy targets of my mockery : )

    crazyjoe---> "We should troll stripperweb untill the internet breaks"

    Well, I do enjoy when people troll SW -- there was a likely troll thread "What do you do when you have to take a crap at the club", that was hysterical, but I can't seem to find it now. But not at all interested in trolling them myself ... hell, the worst case in the world would be that they lock down SW so I can't pluck out threads to make fun of here anymore. I'd rather everyone leave it alone so the humor-and-fantasy factory keeps chugging along developing threads about how horribly insulting it is for a customer to tell you "maybe later" lol

  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    ^You don't so much 'make fun of them' as you do discussing them and finding free entertainment from them so your pockets don't have to hurt.

    Here is the thread you mentioned:
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the assist on that thread

    Nina->"You don't so much 'make fun of them' as you do discussing them and finding free entertainment from them so your pockets don't have to hurt"

    Every forum, on every hobby and subject, is about entertainment in discussing that particular subject matter, for free. SW is just fodder for fun, interesting, sometimes-mocking discussion, just like 2amers are, and LDKing is, and TRs, and a little venting, no different than any other topic here is. Of COURSE that's why I'm (and everyone else is) here -- to get some free entertainment discussing all things strip clubs. SW discussion is no different than any other. Of course I enjoy it that I'm getting that entertainment for free -- you say it like it's a bad thing

    And yes, along the way I do enjoy poking fun at SW
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Not sure where Nina is coming from with the last comment but I would guess that she enjoys making fun of us with her gal pals. So what else is new, we all love to trash every one else, that is the human condition.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    That's a complete assumption based on no evidence whatsoever. I don't get off on making fun of people, I have better things to do, and I don't even know you to care to 'make fun of you' with my gal pals. I doubt they would care.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    35 Minutes Ago • ^You don't so much 'make fun of them' as you do discussing them and finding free entertainment from them so your pockets don't have to hurt.

    Gee Nina I didn't expect such hostility the assumption that I made was directly related to what you wrote, not that I really give a shit or even less but hey you are entitled to your opinion

    My opinion is that you don't have the life experience to be the expert you would like us to think that you are.
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Twentyfive - You don't know me, therefore you have absolutely NO idea the degree of my life experience. Another assumption (along with your claim of my 'hostility' for simply voicing my opinion here, which is laughable at best). I'm a female, so when I voice my opinion, it's hostile. When you do it, you are just being a good boy and putting me in my place. Right?

    The expert on what? What would I like you guys to think I am the 'expert' of? Enlighten me, please. Specify, please. Sounds to me that you just don't want to call me smart, so instead you make yet again an unfounded assumption that it doesn't matter how smart I am or how well I carry myself; since I'm young, I MUST be naïve and void of any significant life experience, right?
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    He'll Nina I have said many times that you are very intelligent I also have told you that you were rather long winded but you definetly are hostile not because you are female but because you get angry every time you perceive any disagreement with your position you attack rather than seek clarity.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I don't encounter very many fuglies anymore so I rarely try to get rid of dancers. Of course it has been almost a month since I visited and stayed in a strip club. It almost seems like I quit the hobby. If I just arrived and want to take in the view for a little bit, I just tell a dancer so. If the club isn't crowded, most dancers as far as I'm concerned come back if I'm not busy. I have pissed a dancer off by excusing myself from one dancer and going to find another dancer who I talked to earlier and got a dance from the other. The dancer who just sat with me without talking to me was pissed because she thought the other dancer stole me away from her is what I heard later on. It was a case where I found a dancer later on. So it does happen. I wasn't worried about it. Dancers get pissed and move on all the time. I was a bit surprised she was pissed at the other dancer instead of me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Many of us custies often complain of dancers that say they'll come right over and never do – I guess we should just take that as them not being interested just as custies often use the libe “maybe later” when they are not interested.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... but straightforward and direct "no thanks" is the only way to go ...”

    Seems like the best-way to go – keep it simple and unambiguous – but even then there will be some dancers that will not like this – some dancers complain some custies “will not give them a chance”.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Good point Papi.
    Turn about is fair play.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Says twentyfive, "He'll Nina I have said many times that you are very intelligent I also have told you that you were rather long winded but you definetly are hostile not because you are female but because you get angry every time you perceive any disagreement with your position you attack rather than seek clarity."

    Thank you for saying I'm intelligent. Anyway, the loophole in your theory is that I am not angry at all. In fact, I am rather calm at the moment as I was when I wrote the earlier posts. I am in a rather good mood; again, not angry whatsoever. If you perceive it that way, I would advise you to be less sensitive.

    As far as 'seeking clarity" (LMAO!): as a dancer, I am not the one who needs to seek clarity on an issue like this, because as a stripper it is something that I have way more 'LIFE EXPERIENCE,' as you would say, than a male patron would on this subject. I have plenty of clarity since I am a dancer and not a customer.

    Nice try. I would give you points for effort, but I don't give out freebies for bad work. ;)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Papi-->"Seems like the best-way to go – keep it simple and unambiguous – but even then there will be some dancers that will not like this – some dancers complain some custies “will not give them a chance”. "

    I think strippers can find anything to complain about. For me, I have to ask myself whether I care. I personally, DO care if I said something that a reasonable person would interpret as insulting a stripper, or wasting her time in some way -- I never want to do that, and I think a polite "no thanks" fits the bill. I also think guys using "maybe later" "just got here" etc -- when they're doing it as a passive aggressive way to decline the stripper rather than actually meaning it -- is, whether they'll admit it or not, something they're doing because they're a bit intimidated and worried about how the stripper will react, and they think this is the easy way out. For those guys, "No thank you" might be a bit liberating and man them up a bit.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Now I will admit on a few occasions I did not want to buy any dances but I thought the dancer was hot and liked her coming back over to me multiple times asking for dances. I remember one hot dancer at the beach called me out on that. She smiled and said after about the 4th or 5th time, I think you just like me coming over asking you. A lot of dancers forget about you after you say no thanks 2 or 3 times.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    In the case above, I told her she could come back and check on me later though. She was one of the hottest dancers in the club. I think I got other dances that night earlier or wanted to wait a while. I do not remember anymore. If you just assume that when someone says maybe later, they mean something else, then you may be assuming incorrectly. If a club is playing music too loud to talk or you have been there less than an hour or two and plan to stay a while, then maybe later is quick and accurate.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    When I say "maybe later" to an attractive enough dancer, I really mean it. I usually say that though as soon as I arrive as I actually do want to chill and soak up the scene for a few minutes. Very rarely they come back however. I always say "no thanks I'm good" if the woman is not my type. If they ask to join me at my table, then I will almost always say yeah unless I am really with another dancer, in which case that is when I will say that "I am with/waiting on another dancer".
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ---> "When I say "maybe later" to an attractive enough dancer, I really mean it."

    I've found that a good percentage of girls write off "maybe later" and just don't return, so if I REALLY mean "maybe later", I lay it on thick. "I totally want to get a dance with you, but want to enjoy the show for a while first. So I"m not 'maybe later-ing' you, please come back later if you're not already busy with a customer."
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Whenever Nina participates in a discussion thread, a scene in "A Few Good Men" comes to mind. Danny says to Jo: "Why are you always giving me your resume?"
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    I nominate Motor for the funniest TUSCLer. This guy is always cracking me up.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Lol well Joanne was a woman among men, extremely capable, of a higher rank than Daniel, was correct from the start when Danny didn't believe her, and an intregal part of their case. So thanks for comparing to me to a smart lawyer with integrity.

    Nevertheless, motorhead... You can't handle the truth.
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    I think the one that get's a dancer pissed is on Friday night when Frat Boys come out to the club only to string up girls to party with them and not buy dances.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    @nina, at the risk of over doing this thread, you really believe at the age you stated on another thread (I believe you said 23) you have more life experience than me. You certainly have more experience as a dancer than I do but you originally took offense at a very benign statement I made, about enjoying a little gossiping with your girlfriends. Like I originally said not sure where you are coming from with your original comment
    "so your pockets don't have to hurt" but guess what I don't give a rats ass either way so keep your points and freebies fortunately I can afford what I want and don't have to depend on the kindness of strippers.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Twentyfive now you're just putting words in my mouth. Please show me where I said "I have more life experience than you." If you can find where I said that, I will literally write you a check for 5 grand.

    What I said was, and I made it pretty clear, that you don't know me therefore you have NO IDEA what my life experience is, this it's a mere assumption that I must have 'little life experience.' I have plenty. Is life exoerience measured in age, or is it measured in actual experience? I'd presume the latter, apparently you may view it as the former. There may be silver spoon 50 year olds who've been sheltered their whole life and still have no concrete "life experience." I don't know you, so just like you are unable to measure my life experience, I am unable to measure yours. I would never presume to proclaim something about you when I don't know you from Adam, Eve, Steve, and the like.

    Life experience has little to do with the subject at hand. Like I already alluded, you KNOW I am smart, so now you are trying a sorry attempt to throw life experience in the mix, because god forbid an almost 25 year old have a shred of life experience in areas that you wouldn't even be able to fathom.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Gee Nina go for it anytime, I never did get turned on by angry people (male or female) I grew up a long time ago and one of the things that I learned, was that I didn't know shit when I was almost 25. Wisdom comes to people after a few accomplishments, I have read where you tell us how much material goods you have accumulated, and that you are going to school to become a lawyer. Gathering material goods is not much of an accomplishment these days, and graduating from law school might be an accomplishment, get past the bar exams and lets see what good you are able to do with a law degree, which you have not yet obtained (brag on it after it is a reality or you might have to eat a lot of humble pie.). Hit us back in your 30s if you still feel the same as you do now, I will know for sure that you haven't used your intelligence to become wise.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago

    First of all, wisdom doesn't simply "come to people after a few accomplishments." WTF? Wisdom is having knowledge and insight, as well as being able to judge properly what is true. You can fail 100 times and still have gained wisdom from your failures. Also, one can be 50 years old and no wiser than a 15 year old; hence the saying "wise beyond your years." Is it unlikely that a teenager may be more wise than a person whom is 50? Usually. Is it impossible? Nope!

    Secondly, I am not angry, and my job is not to turn you on. You are not a customer of mine. So you can kill that thought.

    Third, passing the bar is relatively easy and seeing as how I routinely score in top percentiles in standardized tests, I'd say getting through law school will be much more difficult than passing the bar afterwards.

    Fourth, just because you didn't know shit at 25 doesn't mean I have the same fate. I am much more mature and have my shit together more than most people my age. Wisdom is relative. You and I are different people. You didn't know shit when you were my age; I do happen to know a little bit of shit.

    Fifth - bringing up my material goods makes me feel that it angers you that I have them.

    Sixth, since you don't know me, and don't know my LIFE EXPERIENCES, you have absolutely no idea how much wisdom I have. Perhaps I have none. Perhaps I am the wisest person on the planet. Both are extremes, I'm just illustrating that you would have no way of knowing.

    Seventh, perhaps the reason you've started this argument and continue to talk about wisdom in a skewed context, is because maybe you are really not that wise.

  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    you forgot Eighth, you like to have arguments and think that you win an argument by always getting the last word in, which you will if you respond again, because I'm getting bored by this subject.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Or ninth, you started and argument with me and lost it based off the actual substance of the exchange. You want to stop now? Great. Sayonara!
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I have to admit, this thread has exceeded my expectations! Can't wait to see what happens with my next SW thread
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To subra glad to be of some use I was starting to feel like a useless old man ;-)
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    I'm glad I have been able to entertain some of you, I will take my proverbial bow. :)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I'm giving every one of you a standing ovation. Author! Author!
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    It looks like I'm the only one to make Nina quit so far.

    And they do make fun of us with their galpals. ReiDetroit confirmed it. Lol!
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    ^No, I think that got ended when crazyjoe added like 400 posts and noboday was participating anymore. Note that, that was also after you starting a previous thread about me, where not only did I demolish you, but got your panties in such a bunch that you accidentally outed yourself by posting on the wrong alias. Lmao.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    And before anyone wants to raid my post for typos, save it. I woke up at 6:30 and don't give a fuck.
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    Lol Nina, I'm pretty sure it ended when ReiDetroit had to drag your stoned ass out of the thread, and you had no response to any of my legit questions. This was all before CrazyJoe spammed it up. I'll admit I lost in the first thread, but you definitely took a L in the second thread. Just admit it. This is all entertainment for me, I'm just having fun with it. I will never let a stripper get the best of me, so I'm perfectly fine of ending our little debate/feud at 1-1. If you want to do best 2 out of 3, let me know, and I will destroy you worse than I did in the second thread :) Have a great day sweetie!
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    You got demolished by me and never have been able to dig yourself out of that hole. You made yet another thread about me. I am not the only person who thinks you are obsessed with me.

    The reason ReiDetroit entered the discussion is because while you were making false accusations and assumptions, SHE ACTUALLY WORKS WITH ME. No shit she is welcome to join the discussion and add substance to it. That is the difference. It's not rocket science.
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    You're spewing a bunch of irreverent stuff Nina. What does ReiDetroit entering the discussion have to do with anything? I don't have a problem with dancers commenting on threads. I understand you're sensitive about getting manhandled, so I'll just leave it alone. I'm late for bible study, I'm out!
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    I said she dragged your stoned ass out of the thread. You see the difference there? Comprende?
  • Confucious
    9 years ago
    You should write Nina another poem. I think she's really close to marrying you now.


  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    This Confucious faggot sure has a hard on for me. It's called entertainment you fuckhead. I'm enertaining the people. The poem is a JOKE. I think most people with a brain can see that.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Dude you're delusional. How did ReiDetroit drag my "stoned ass (???)" out of the discussion when I continued to comment after she left her comment. Then crazyjoe interfered. Did you need a refresher? Go look back at the thread. Either you're remembering incorrectly or you are sculpting history to fit your warped mind.
  • Confucious
    9 years ago
    Most people with half a brain don't sign up for a strip club website using their real name. I think you're the only person in the history of TUSCL to do that and then ask the founder to change it later.

    Keep entertaining the people Randy.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    Nina you're all over the place. I think the weed is clouding your judgement. When Rei told you to get out of the thread, you essentially told her you're right, and that was your last comment. You didn't continue to comment like you say. The thread didn't end with Crazyjoe's spamming, people commented after Crazyjoe's spamming. I've been spewing out facts, and you've been spewing out nothing but irrevelant stuff that has nothing to do with anything. I've been handling you pretty easily today. I think I'm going out on top. TUSCL take note, this is how you dominate a debate, just talk nothing but facts. I'm out!
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Ok. You've already been outted as a Nina-stalker who hides behind aliases, so pretty much anything you've said since has been a moot point.

    And that topic that you are referring to WASN'T EVEN A DEBATE:

    It was a thread you created after having your ass handed to you (and not just by me), then you started the thread we are currently discussing saying you doubt my earnings could be good since I'm a clean dancer in Detroit.

    Then ReiDetroit came into the discussion to inform you that she works with me (so she knows I'm a hustler) and said that I banked the previous night we worked together. She also was very confused as to why you were asking me what my earnings were. As was I.

    The obsession continued. You were literally saying, "what are you racking in sweetie?" ...me not responding to that is NOT me losing an argument. Perhaps it was your unhealthy obsession of me for you to think we are that close for you to ask me what my income is and expect an answer at the drop of a hat. And because I didn't answer, I "lost"?

    No, weirdo, YOU lost and remaim a loser because you tried to stalk someone who didn't want you and you're infatuated with me and my earnings. You're the type of psycho I wouldn't want within 500 feet of me in real life. You're probably on a sex offender registry or something.

    Aren't you a wannabe rapper?


  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    Lol. Is my fault you can't take a joke? You were bragging on here how you're so hot and how you don't do extras. If any other stripper would have done that on here, I would have trolled that stripper, it just so happened to be you. You take things so seriously. TUSCL isn't real life, it's entertainment. This is a strip club website for Christ sakes, does anybody take anything serious here? How the fuck do I know what you make and if you do extras? I've never been to Detroit, I don't know anyone who's a regular at your club. If I want to create 10 aliases I'll do it, it's not that serious here.

    I'm not interested in you, never have been, never will be. You're not hot enough for my tastes. But yeah go ahead and think I'm obsessed with you if it makes it feel you better.

    Funny you say wannabe rapping. I actually made 188K this past year, most of it from "wannabe rapping", and this was all independently. I'm currently in negotiations for a record deal, so in a month or so I'll be able to take care of my family for generations.

    One more thing, a member of my family was sexually abused, so I don't take sexual offenders lightly. Don't you ever again put me and sex offender in the same sentence, or I will come to Detroit and make you say to my face.

    Have a good day.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Which one of your aliases made 188K from wannabe rapping? The same one that is about to sign a record deal? OK, boy.

    Are you threatening me with that last paragraph? As a person who's had more than one family members' sexual perpetrators get no legal punishment for their criminal acts, and I am genuinely sorry your family member was abused, if that is actually true.

    However, I will not take back my comments and I can put "YOU" and "sex offender" in the same sentence; considering that I literally told you I wouldn't want you to be within 500 feet of me, I was serious. Now that you are threatening to come to Detroit (which keep in mind is my actual hometown), you are verifying my concerns of the possibility that you are an actual psycho. Come to my club, I will say it to your face if you want me to and then have you escorted out of MY CLUB. That's OK, after that you can hit the streets and sell your mixtapes for $1.

    Book your flight.

    Bye, boy.
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    This is the last thing I'm gonna say in this thread, I'm pretty sure no one is reading it anymore.

    Not independent like I'm selling mix tapes on the streets. Independent as far as label. I was on a independent label. For example Koch is a independent label. E1 is independent. 300 is independent. I'm looking for the major label. Major labels would be for example: Def Jam, Atlantic, Epic etc. I wouldn't expect you to know any of that. I've been behind the scenes writing songs for other people getting my publishing and songwriting checks. 2015 was a good year. I actually just did a song with a pretty popular artist, and we just finished all the paperwork, you should be hearing it on the radio next month.

    This is what's gonna happen when I walk into your club.

    Me: Hey Nina, it's me, the person you called you a sex offender on TUSCL. Why don't you say that to my face?

    Nina: Ok. I think you're a sex offff..... Damn you are one sexy motherfucker. I take back everything I said about you. I shouldn't have taken things too seriously. It is a strip club website, it's not real life. I apologize.

    Me: Cool. I don't hold grudges.

    Nina: How long are you gonna be in Detroit? You should come back to my crib after my shift. I've always wanted to fuck a young, wealthy, handsome guy.

    Me: I don't know you like that Nina.

    Nina: You're telling me you don't wanna hit this from behind?

    Me: I'll think about it.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I'm still reading it, but that's because I created the thread, and I love how exciting it is to see what it morphs into. I feel like an evil genius locked away on my secret island. I'm wringing my hands while grimacing creepily and muttering "eggselent! eggselent!" to myself, while I plot my next thread. All, obviously, while jacking furiously.
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    I only get dances from girls I invite into my space. All unsolicited invites are handled with "I will let you know if I want you".
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    bvino: well, in that case, the SW girls want you to know that THEY will probably be busy, thankyouverymuch, and they are in control, not you
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I would like to talk but I'll find you guys later. :)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Well, don't be surprised if you try to find me later and I'm already talking to bvino, I'm very in-demand you know.

    :) :)
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I like having Nina here and I think she will be a good lawyer. She has demolished everybody who argues with her, lol.

    I don't know if it's a woman think or a stripper thing (or a combination) but she reminds me so much of my CF. She speaks her mind, and if I get offended, she just says you're too sensitive.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Why thank you :) :) ;)
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Nina has been entertaining for me. Thanks Nina. You remind me of one of my sisters.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    You are welcome.
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