
My Mother Slapped A Nazi....

Yes, it's true. She was a young teen-ager in France during the Nazi occupation. A young soldier got fresh and she slapped him. He pulled out his knife, but a German Officer grabbed him and chewed him out. Told my mom to get lost.

Anyway, this is the most note worthy thing I heard anyone in my family do. What about your family?


  • NigelCharles
    9 years ago
    That's a fantastic family story.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I've had lunch several times with Michael Jordan.
  • horny480
    9 years ago
    So you're a first generation American on your mother side. This explains your Right Wing Rants. When Obama was elected and re-elected as President, Your kind was shouting i want my country back. That Nazi your mom slapped is truly your dad. Your political views is the same as Hitler
  • BigChas
    9 years ago
    My grandfather was in the landing of Normandy ww2.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Another ignore. Sigh.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    A new winner, the most stupid post ever on TUSCL!

    So you're a first generation American on your mother side. This explains your Right Wing Rants. When Obama was elected and re-elected as President, Your kind was shouting i want my country back. That Nazi your mom slapped is truly your dad. Your political views is the same as Hitler

  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    Great-great grandfathers (5 of them) served in War of Secession. One served as a cav officer in Army of No. Virginia (took orders from R.E.Lee). Others in Army of Tennessee or in Hood's Texas. A great grandfather was with Roosevelt at San Juan Hill. Grandfather in the trenches WW1. Father was 11th Army Air Corps bombed Japan. One uncle survived Pearl Harbor bombing and served on BBs (big bastards) puting 16" shells on Jap positions. Another uncle drove tanks for Patton.

    I was probably the only Navy officer to ever hit his own ship with a ship launched surface to air missle. No warhead (thank ALL the gods) left only a dent in the hull when the guidance failed and the missle tracked our own radar.

    I can track family on this continent back to the 1600s and have proof of family supporting the American Revolution. I want my country back, too. I don't like the Muslim educated, communist mentored, Daley mob connected, incompetent egomaniac now in the White House.
  • horny480
    9 years ago
    Ouch, did i strike a nerve. John Boehner, was crying , ( really laughing) when sworn in as Speaker Of The House . He realize Hitler dream of conquering America from within, was coming true. Henry Boehner, his grand father, born in Germany 1864 a future nazi leader, Brought Boehner father here as a young man , John and his sibling all first generation American raise as nazi,With all the Billions of Dollars the Third Reich stole , Boehner family has always been fianace by them. The same organization financing Germans, Like Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck , Koch Brothers, etc, They hate our Federal Govt. So if they can close it down, they will destroy America Economy, Thus destroying America as a whole. They also love invading other countries a sure sign of a Nazi.

    Dam, can we get back too talking about Strippers
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    horny: I'm the biggest liberal here, and even I think your post was harsh and uncalled for.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Good thing I have my tin foil hats all prepared.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    you’re a grade "A" dumbass. hitler was a far LEFT wing socialist (National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party) and he was cheered on by the international progressives - at least until he started killing the “wrong” people

  • horny480
    9 years ago
    Lincoln sign The Emancipation Proclamation, He was a Left Wing Progressive Republican President. Neo Nazi Conservatives, high jacked the Republican Party.By the way i notice how Repubs want too claim Lincoln when they claim to be fair and balance. Quick thought, can Lincoln win in a primary 2016, Same as Hitler high jacked, National Socialist German Workers Party. That what Nazi do. Invade someone else movement, under false pretense, Doctor Phil, don't try to debate me, I travel all over America as a Historian.
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    H480, before I block you, as I do other idiots on this site, I do want to suggest that you check with your shrink about your meds. It appears that your anti-psychotics are not doing their job. Your anger issues suggest that an increase in your Prozac is needed. Good by.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Wow. World land speed record for Godwin's Law coming into play.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    That's strange... In my family history it is told that my grandfather (a Nazi soldier n WWII) was once slapped by a French woman... Seems he wanted a lap dance and she was having none of it. Lol!!!
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    My uncle was in the military and had numerous secret meetings with another very famous military figure and a hugely popular president about secret dealings that involved multiple diff countries everyone eventually found out about. My uncle tried to be the voice of reason but ended up being murdered along with numerous other colonels and generals in order to keep everyone silent. All of these deaths were labeled "suicides" yet my uncle was buried in Arlington with full military honors, 21 gun salute, riderless horse drawn proccession where you can't be buried if you committed suicide (That may have changed in todays PC world). I have documentation on all these people and their deaths.

    The other military figure in those meetings who pushed for the deals went on to be very successful. He eventually wrote a series of books about a fictional secret commando figure. The books basically told the story of my uncle's personal life and military exploits to a tee. Maybe it was regret for what happened, don't really know.

    That's as specific as I want to be.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Outside of me, my family is boring as shit. The only noteworthy thing is my grandmother on my father's side was the first woman hired by American Express; I think in the 1920's but I'm not sure.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    horny480, don't cast stones at people when you live in a glass house. Your reviews suck. You are lazy and uneducated like the welfare line.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    My grand parents on my mothers side immigrated to the U.S. from Bessarabia.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    +1 @Warhawks hahaha
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    @seaboardrr -- assuming you're serious, wow! I would enjoy reading the books. Would you mind sharing the titles?
  • horny480
    9 years ago
    sinclair, Its ok for you nazi lovers, To use this site to spew your hateful political thoughts, Obama leads from behind, I want my country back,etc.etc. I make one point, the whole world agree with, Even an eight grade economic student,

    Shut down our Federal Government, Bankrupt the economy, Millions of jobs will be lost, and then you praise these kind of politician as lover of America. Case closed, you are the uneducated one.

    Bring it on you neo-cons , I'm dealing with true facts, Where is Mikeya02, Did he crawl back into that nazi womb
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    When my dad was a teenager walking about in the woods he found a strange plant. (No jokes lol). He had the county ag extension come out and as it turns it was a species of barberry bush thought to be extinct. He got a medal from the governor and his picture in the paper!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    OMG I just put my first guy on ignore! Any guesses who?
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Grandfather and just about all his brothers were at WWII in the Navy. My grandfather was on one of the large ships dropping of guys at Normandy. He said he felt horrible and wanted to hide some of the guys going is as he knew almost all (if not all) we going to die as soon as they touched the sand.

    My great grander father actually snuck over here crossing the Canadian border from Eastern Europe. His country was in a civil war, and he had family over here in Ohio.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Horny480's views still aren't nearly as crazy as Tiredtraveler's.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    My grandma corrupted her independant living facility. She got them to play bingo for money
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    My mom dated Isiah Thomas and Alan Markowitz back in the day. She was also a playboy bunny. She was Magna cum Laude from MSU.

    My grandma shook Bill Clinton's hand. A couple days later she caught a cold and till this day claims he is the one who got her sick.

    I flew a jet. I mean, I actually steered it. My mom was dating a man with his own jet and he let me get in the pilot seat and fly it when I was like 11.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "My grandma shook Bill Clinton's hand. A couple days later she caught a cold and till this day claims he is the one who got her sick."

    All brilliant! Especially the fact that it was only a cold from Clinton! Did he hit on her?

    P.S. No disrespect! More a comment on Clinton's horndoginess than anything about your grandmother! Nor do I begrudge Clinton his horndogginess! I say that the person with his finger on the button gets as many BJs as he wants! (Or as much DATY as she wants!)
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    And horny480, not brilliant!

    Mikeya02 seems like a nice guy! I find the political threads a little tiresome because it has all been said, but if he enjoys posting them I'm not going to disrespect him for it nor will I disrespect his mother!

    Though the warhawks comment was brilliant! And NOT disrespectful!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    My mom would have kicked horny's nuts up into his mouth...a taste I'm sure he's familiar with...
  • motorhead
    9 years ago

    "I flew a jet. I mean, I actually steered it. My mom was dating a man with his own jet"


    Was that also Alan?

    In his book, he claims he trained with the Israeli Air Force, wanting to be a fighter pilot.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago

    Did your Mom work in Lansing? A little piece of trivia. Lansing had the last Playboy Club in the US (closing in 1988.) I assume it had to be that one because I think the Detroit club closed in the early 70's

    They tried to revive a club a few years back in Vegas, but I believe it failed.

    Ah, an icon of the 60's. We should have an entire thresd in this topic.

  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Motorhead - the jet was not Alan's, it was a fiance of hers who owned a small charter jet company.

    She did work in Lansing (and Detroit too). In Lansing she primarily worked at Omar's. In Detroit she worked at Trumpps and Tycoons back when those were "the spots."
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Lassie was a collie that save young Timmy's ass many times!
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    This line from the ludicrous horny480 cracks me up: "don't try to debate me, I travel all over America as a Historian".
    horny480 --> Ignore
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    "Outside of me, my family is boring as shit."

    Including -- and probably especially me -- my family is boring as shit.

    "I travel all over America as a Historian"

    Historian or Hysterian?
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