
GA Brings Back Confederate Flag Plates

Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
Friday, September 25, 2015 11:26 PM
I hate the fact that all Georgians are going to get lumped in this. Ya I've seen a handful of really racist peeps here, but it's the racist you don't see that worry me the most (Ya I'm talking to you Los Angeles) For the most part it's nothing but love and neighborly feelings out here, too bad shit like this keeps bringing back some old southern stereotypes. I almost didn't move here because of those stereotypes, that would have been a huge mistake. I love GA, and the Southeast in general Anyway on to the bigotry: [view link]


  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Not to long ago I saw a GA confederate tag that read"SHADOW_O"
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    I'm all for this since it is limited to specialty plates. Always helpful when these racist douche nozzles will label themselves for you.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I'm surprised no one has called for a ban on that new Peyton Manning Direct TV commercial where he sings De Camptown Races
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    I am offended by those other than me that get offended. They should all be banned! Such a slippery slope some idiots will tread. One can ONLY be offended if they allow something to offend themselves. Weak willed people.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    It's been my experience that usually it is the liberals that see skin color more so than others. Good for Georgia keeping their history. I am someone who has only an outside bias for the South, but even Dr. Carson has stated in his campaign for the Presidency that "we are losing our values and principles that make this country strong, all for the sake of political correctness!" Smart man I say, smart man.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Yup Ben Carson is a smart man. One of the funniest examples of "political correctness" run amok I've read... A school district in Nebraska circulated a handout that suggested teachers avoid “gendered” expressions, such as “boys and girls,” in case they alienate transgender students. The instructions, issued by the Lincoln Public Schools system, recommended using gender-neutral expression such as “Calling all readers,” “Hey, campers” or something as nonspecific as “Purple penguins” when telling kids to sit down on the rug for circle time. -- Rolling my eyes....
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    Interestingly, I saw a Georga - Sons of the Confederacy (with the Army of Northern Virginia battle flag) plate last week on an older P/U. Next to the plate was a big "Ben Carson for President" bumper sticker. The woman driving was blond, the teen in the passenger seat was clearly Asian. This IS the Unites States and we are all free to express our opinion! *(unless that opinion offends some thin shinned liberal.) Not all of us, who are descended from soldiers who fought against what they saw as unconstitutional Northern protectionisn and federal overreach, are racist assholes. I will acknowledge that I view many of the jerks, who are "offended" by a representation of a 150 year old artifact from US history, as racist idiots. That makes me opinionated - not racist!
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Can you believe...The NAACP wants them to sand blast the carvings off of Georgia's Stone Mountain. SMH!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I think all of these specialty plates are a really bad idea (a non-brilliant idea, to continue the joke), and this is independent of the confederate flag or any other specific plate. The state should have one and only one compelling interest in licencse plates: making it easy to identify cars involved in criminal activities. This selling of specialty plates puts the state in the position of favoring specific speech by choosing to allow or not allow that plate. Since the plates are typically linked to charities (not sure if this is true in every state, but it is certainly true in some) they are also collecting money for those charities. Why is this at all a good idea? This goes beyond the confederate flag, which some here view as racist and others don't. Like the confederate flag? Get a bumper sticker. Paint your car like the Dukes of Hazard car if you want! Just don't ask the government to sell you what is in effect bumper sticker on your license plate! I'd say the same thing if the plate were something everybody can agree on, like a pro-ice cream and dachshunds plate. I consider ice cream and dachshunds to be brilliant and if I wanted to communicate that to the world I'd get a bumpersticker that said "I like ice cream and I love my dachshund buddy! He's brilliant!" /rant over! ;)
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Same applies to frogs! And I back this up by having a "Save the frogs!" bumper sticker! Frogs are brilliant! ;)
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Mister Wipe: I totally agree. It's gotta be all of nothing with the plates. Some people don't like Confederate Flag. In Michigan the "Go Blue" UMICH plates annoy me as much. I want MSU Go Sparty. Picking and choosing what designs are acceptable is discrimination in itself. It has to be accept all or don't do it.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    all OR nothing
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @ 4got2wipe -- I generally have you on ignore with an the buttplug/gay sex shit you post. But you actually made a great point here... Plates are made so to easily identified the numbers. All the beauty-plates make that a little more difficult to some extent, and bumper stickers are use to make a statement.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Totally agree with eliminating all special license plates, but if they are going to allow any they might as well allow the confederate flag. It's not governments role to decide which plates are good and which are bad, therefore they should allow only one universally(state specific) style or design.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    As I recall, this was just another government created problem. Was one there. Started with those personalized plates, IE: IXLR8. A one plate fits all solves the created problem. If someone whats to make a statement, stick on a bumper sticker. Of course those are also discriminated against by the states.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^Mr.O wow, you're just talking out of your ass if you think Bumper stickers are up for discrimination. I've seen some pretty raunchy distasteful shit driving down the highways. But I guess talking out the ass is what conservatives do best, since y'all seemed to be allergic to critical thinking and applied logic , definitely
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    To be fair, I bet a "Fuck tha police!" bumper sticker would get you pulled over a lot more than a "Police benevolent association booster!" bumper sticker! But it is true that I've seen some pretty non-brilliant bumper stickers!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    And I'm not sure where the gay sex comment came from GACAclub! True, I like rimjobs! But in my case I'm straight so I like a woman doing the licking! I don't have a problem with gay people! Gay or straight, it's all brilliant if you're being yourself! If you haven't tried a rimjob, you should!
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    GACAclub, You seem to be an expert on "talking out of your ass". Must be from years of looking in a mirror! :) By the way, you have a poor excuse for a beard! [view link]
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I'm sad so much of the south is still fighting the Civil War. No matter how people try and spin it, the war was a referendum on slavery and the flag is a tacit approval of it.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    rockstar666, That is the PC narrative, just not the truth.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Yes, it's the truth. Why else show "pride" in losing a war that condoned slavery? They LOST...and slavery was abolished.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I think the pic thing he was commenting about was the slavery cause, when it is well known by historians that it was mostly about economics and slavery was coincidentally a part of the economical tie. The slavery issue was more of a pc thing throughout the years brought about by change that followed after the civil war. The movie "Lincoln" with Daniel Day Lewis shows how the war can to be with political and economical facets, and yes slavery was in part the smaller incident, although a very necessary one in order to unify the United States.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ I know, nice grammar by me. Stupid phone....and me rushing through it.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    The real irony is all those soldiers died for nothing. As Jefferson Davis once was quoted (loosely) 'What we are fighting for (state's rights) is the very reason we cannot win this war'. And for the slave owners? Paying the workers as free men turned out to be cheaper than keeping them as slaves. As usual, in the case of the south, politics trumped policy. But good luck explaining this to the political leaders and uneducated population.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Well I wasn't trying to condemn the South. I actually have been really enjoying my time here. But the fact that the government here continue to pander to implicit racist agenda is shocking. Again I've had nothing but a great time with the people I've encountered.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I did an extended trip to MS, AR and AL about 20 years ago, and I was struck how friendly everyone was. Of course, they were still calling black people "niggers" is casual conversation which I found a little shocking but I didn't say anything. Is it still like that today?
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    ^^^Yes it is still like that. They just don't say it openly. I'm willing to bet that there are quite a few members right here on this board that still subconsciously says it but don't want to admit it.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    +1 gewings
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Is that because they are racist or biased? Either way if they say it but don't act on it, is that just as bad? I mean there is some human element to all people whom discriminate. I guess everyone needs to be like the Pope, but the biggest hypocrites when it comes to race or so called reverends Jackson and Sharpton. If they represent a culture I feel sad for that culture. My guess is those so called reverends represent the dollars and not the truth.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    I guess I must be really wrong. What is interesting is all those from the north that move south. I guess they are all racist! You know, I was 21 years old before I found out that damnyankee was two words! :)
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Mr_O, I'm curious. What compels you to defend the Confederate flag? What do YOU think it stands for, and what message do you think you send if you display it on your car? Do you think people who see it interpret that message, or are you afraid they think something else?
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    45 years ago, I called my best friend in college, "nigger," and he called me "honkey." PC was not a "thing," so it seemed natural to both of us. When we walked out of a certain dowtown Woolworth's after eating at the soda counter, his girlfriend met us us and asked, "Do you know where you just ate lunch?" Our oblivious looks earned us a modern civil rights lesson. We still called each other nigger and honkey, but afterwords we toned it down while in Woolworths! My point is, racism is NOT language usage. Gene was so black he was invisible at night (unless he smiled) and I was pasty white, but we treated each other as friends and equals. The language we used then, would be called racist today - but it was not racist in intent nor in result. The battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia was not a "symbol of slavery" to those who served under it or to those whose ancestors served, and it is only called that today by small minded people with a big political agenda. Or those who choose to go along with the crowd, without even thinking it through. If you claim that flag "offends" you, then your statement qualifies you to be described as demonstrating your prejudice.(by definition) The multigenerational angst about the Confederacy has never been about slavery or the fact thah the CSA lost. Reconstruction, the FOUR DECADES of onerous, official "punishment" imposed upon all the people of the former Confederate states, is what kept the history real and ugly. And you cannot claim that it is all ancient history. My grandparents (both sides) were still paying reconstruction tax penalties until the Depression, because it was the only way their parents and cousins could remain in their homes and avoid federal confiscation. I know that racism is alive and kicking today, but it is an ugly biggotry of a very small minority of people - of all races - everywhere in this country. In my personal experience, I have seen much more racist behaviors in the Northeast, and more often, than I have seen anywhere in the South! And the most racist people I know in the south have a Brooklyn accent.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    rockstar666, It is part of history, my history. Now ask others that wear other "objectionable" stuff that has ZERO to do with them why they wear or display those items. And as I said, one can only be offended if they wish to be offended.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I choose to be offended by swastikas and the flag of southern treason. I consider that the right and moral choice. YMMV.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    That flag illicit a conditioned response because far too many times when you see one of these flags it is being held by people who claim they want to annihilate any and everyone outside the white race. And Mr_O if you saw a young black man in a hoodie and sagging pants walking your way don't tell me your not gonna fell threaten. His clothes (whether that black kid knows it or not) is a symbol of his potential actions/behaviors. Same thing with the the Stars & Bars. Like it or not it has been profiled because of the overwhelming statistics of fucked up shit that happens when ever that flag is up for display. You guys are always yelling for the kids to pull their pants up, but can't stand it when someone tell the government to pull that flag down. SMH. A
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    ^^^And when you are driving over the speed limit does your heart begin to beat a little faster when you see a cop? Let's just call out white people as racist because it's a fashionable thing to do.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^No, cops love me. I'm like fucking Bryant Gumble when the pull me over.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^and nobody said white people are racist we said confederate flag waving people are...
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I live an area with a large Latino population. They have Cuban, Mexican, and Honduran flags hanging from their rear view mirrors. Do they hate America?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^Ya... get them all deported.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    In 2015, any person who doesn't realize what the displaying the confederate flag in any kind of reverence says about them in the forum of mainstream opinion, must then be proud that they evoke that reaction in the first place. Or has been living in a cave for 20 years. Therefore any AWARE person who derives pride that their display evokes that reaction, is truly a racist. By definition.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    rockstar666, You proved your idiocy above. "southern treason." Quote for me the US Constitution where it says secession is unconstitutional.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    GACAclub, I see boys/men dressed as you say every day of my life. My thought is "Who the fuck dresses you?" Or. "you think that is cool?" I feel threatened when there is a reason. Say I am alone at night and some dude, no mater how he is dress comes towards me, I am a bit concerned. Actions affect that response not fucking clothes! Perhaps you are the wuss that is threatened by clothing!
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    In Georgia you can also get a decal to put on your license plate that reads "In god we trust". So now we can argue about religion too.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Mr_O: So waging war against the US Government isn't treason? Oh...okay.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    And how do you justify glorifying a symbol of supporting slavery? I don't get that...only a racist thinks blacks should be enslaved, and glorifies the struggle to make it so. This is a losing battle you are fighting....you are embarrassing yourself.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    rockstar666, I'd rather be embarrassed than an ignorant fool! Enjoy your "life". I am done with you, so I'll toss you back into the sea of ignorance.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Ah, glad you finally see your true colors. It's okay to be a bigot if you own it.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I personally think that you have every right to be offended especially when it seems that certain folks go out of their way to be offensive. Those of us that find the confederate battle flag offensive have a complete right to complain, same with those that find the Nazi swastika offensive, calling people of other races by offensive slurs might get lots of pushback and you can't say just anything your heart desires or do anything you want . Remember this, history is written by the winners so its not always accurate just because it is written . My own personal philosophy is simple "Your right to swing your arms is limited to a point well before the tip of my nose"
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    25: Well said.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    25: Well said x 2 It's funny white people are trying to tell us (minorities) what we should feel offensive about. LMAO. SMH.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    ^^^That should read "what we should feel offended about".
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    BTW its not OK to be a bigot period
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    twentyfive: Are you bigoted against bigots?? (Why does that sound like something a conservative would say?)
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    raukam: Well, it changes with time what offends us. I never thought twice about the name "Redskins" because it was 'normal', just like at an Old Miss football game when everyone waved the Confederate flag and didn't really think twice. But times change. I'm white, but I think anything that would offend any racial group would also offend me. Especially if it's a group that tried to violently overthrow the US government in order to preserve slavery.
  • Bonesbrother
    9 years ago
    You blacks should quit complaining. If it wasn't for the Confederacy and slavery, you would all be back in Africa chucking spears. Take a good look at Africa. Other than what the whites did to civilize The Union of South Africa the rest of it is still pretty primitive. Any of you want to move back there? I doubt it. Here you still have the white man taking care of you.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To Rockstar666 I'm too busy enjoying myself most of the time to hate anything or anyone. I just keep my distance from fools who have a dislike of anyone who is different from them. Some of my oldest and closest friendships are with people that are completely different from myself. Its just that I respect our differences of opinion and don't try to offend my friends , but to dislike someone without having heard them that's just stupid. BTW bigots are becoming like dinosaurs, soon to be extinct. Also as we discussed on another post I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative another poster called me libertarian but I don't care too much for labels.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    People spend too much time worrying about what offends them. All i know for sure is since all the flag flap has started with the diff state flags a lot more people have been displaying the confederate flag. Suddenly people in neighborhoods all around have the confederate flag flying from their porch and every redneck with a truck has a flag flying from the back. Are they racist or trying to make a statement about the "war for states rights" or whatever frickin' argument you want to make about the civil war and it's reason for happening? Probably not. Most are just ignorant uninformed lemmings trying to be cool and giving a big "fuck you" to being told what they can and can't do. 150 years later and we're still debating the civil war? Are people that dumb? Was it about slavery? Of course. Was it about state's rights? Of course. Certain states wanted the right to continue slavery. It's not rocket science people.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Strippers, politics, finance, sports and more strippers, strippers, strippers. God I love this forum
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    The Conderate Flag is part of all of our history as a nation. To disregard it as a plausible symbol is wrong and disrespects the victors of that war, the United States of America. What is wrong is displaying the flag on governmental property, but displaying it in private functions does nothing other than show the history of our resolve. The confederate flag is a great symbol of our will to stick together for all the right reasons. This flag will never go away as long as the #1 flag and the Star Spangled Banner remains in flight over our country. We need to keep this history as a reminder for all generations what our forefathers fought for.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Meat: That's what it means to you, and you have every right to fly it over your house just like I can fly a swasitka over mine. But is that something you really want to do in 2015? I remember in the 1960's German WW II veterans said exactly what you did about the swastika; fortunately as a country they've moved on since then. I think the "resolve" you speak of is to perpetuate a symbol most people find offensive 150 years after the fact; that takes resolve in spades! I applaud your single minded focus on your beliefs.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I don't fly any flag except the Star Spangled Banner, which is why I don't care About any other swastika symbols, confederate flag, or Mexican flag flying around in my face. So why are we worried about being offended by these symbols when our faith and confidence is in the Star Spangled Banner? Sounds like the liberals have too much time on their hands. Socially I'm progressive and fiscally conservative, so worrying about the confederate flag flying is probably the stupidest argument or waste of time people can come up with.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Had a new one a day or 2 ago. Saw a guy on a crotch rocket; dare I be offensive and say rice burner...lol. He looked well dressed on a nice bike with a backpack but his shirt was a buttoned down rebel flag. The ENTIRE shirt was the flag.
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