
Comments by dallas702 (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    A real pimp story
    Ugly, evil behavior, like the posted story, does occur in the US. But the truth is, all forms of "sex slavery," "behavioral slavery," and controlling abuse are rare here. It happens so rarely that every time some asshole, like this Detroit pimp, gets caught, it makes national news. It happens so rarely in the US that the inexperienced, often fooled, media can be manipulated by exaggerations and their own desire for sensational stories. (check out the MSNBC "sex slavery" documentary that was proven later to be about 80% fiction!) I believe that this Detroit pimp was abusing and pimping these women. I think he ought to be placed in some prison's general population while awaiting trial, letting slip that he is a "pedophile and baby killer." Might save the cost of the trial! Elsewhere in the world, more often in developing nations and Muslim states, real sex slavery is happening and those countries do little or nothing to address the problem. In Central Africa, the only time sex slavery is an issue is when Boko Harram kidnaps girls in mass to become sex slaves. In the Arab states of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and even Yemmin, sax slavery is "prohibited" while government and law enforcement wink and nod. In India and China, officials loudly insist that no such thing ever happens, while millions of young women are constrained, restrained and sold. Why is the US singled out - by our own media - for something rare in this nation and common in others?
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    9 years ago
    Terms of endearment
    Two days ago a petite young thing called me, "Daddy" just as she mounted me. It was kind of disturbing. First, I'm old enough to be her granddad. Second, and worrysome, was that and endearment or a prediction?
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    9 years ago
    writers block
    You could write about me. I am the most interesting man in the world, and people always find it easy to write about me! Just kidding. But you really could invent your own favorite or least favorite PL, and write whatever you want about his graces or faults.
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    9 years ago
    Hypothetical: what if only black girls did extras?
    I'm absolutely IN! While I prefer lean, petite, fair skinned damsels with natural generous tits, I also enjoy variety. Black is just a skin color an does little to describe the allure, appeal or sexiness of a woman!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Experimenting with writing short stories...
    Go for it Poledancer! Your "stream on thought" style can be entertaining, and you do write well. Good teaser. I strongly suggest that you get someone to edit your stories. Do NOT try to edit them yourself. Once you have written a story, you will read what you wanted to write, not what is written (all writers have the same problem). A friend (or a professional) editing will help tremendously. Also, if you are planning on writing "stripper" or "slice of life" stories to start, you might try publishing over at literotica.com where you can get loads of help and lots of critique and comments.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Reporting for the other side - - - I met a stripper yesterday who graduated from Florida State with a Bachelor's (Fine Arts) 8 years ago and has been dancing for 7 years. (she knew too much detail to have been lying about the degree) I doubt she would consider her degree "helpful" in her current career!
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    BS - Polly Sci All class hours required for Masters, but never completed paperwork to receive degree. Plus, 60 (of 70 additional) credit hours toward a different masters. Bachelor's degree was useless in my career and almost all of the post grad credits were taking courses provided by, or recommended and paid for by, employer. Personally, I think most of that education was useless. OTOH, my employer often asked me to teach accredited post grad. classes for a semester at a time (convoluted rules of academia somehow accredited me as a post grad instructor in a few specific subjects) - I enjoyed that, and I guess the class credits were helpful in my accreditation. I only hated teaching when the classes were mostly attorneys. There were always one or two who were a major pain for an entire semester (or quarter). All of the education was totally useless in second career which I started at 45. Did that only 10 years before retiring at 55.
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Dangerous Precedent?
    While I agree that technology is reaching the point of near total tracking, it is not quite there yet. I intentionally drive an older car with no internet connections at all and no gps enabled devices. My cell phone is an older flip phone with the gps disabled. I am not paranoid, but I do not want to tracked to the club, or anywhere else for that matter. For similar reasons, I am not out there on any social media. Some bozo wants to steal my life (identity), he's gonna have to work at it. I am not "invisible" to a serious tracker/hacker but I figure that I would appear inconsequential enough that no serious hacker/thief would bother.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club’s latest moniker has Mud Hens crying foul
    OK people, do not get your feathers ruffled, this is just a lot of banty posturing by a few egg head lawyerss trying to move up in the pecking order. I am sure that when this chicken shit argument is resolved, the settlement will be nothing more then chicken feed.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Erin Andrews - $155 Million More Wealthy?
    While the verdict was $55 million, poor Miss Andrews will see little of that. The jury said (as referenced above) that the stalker was 51% responsible and the only defendant with money was 49% responsible, that means a pay out of less than $27 million. Andrews legal team is going to get half of that and they likely made a deal with her that all expenses (probably about $1.5 million) come out of her half. Further the (money) defendant will stall for another year before offering a settlement. The pay out will probably be no more than $10 million and Andrews share will come in around $3.5 million. Who could live on a measly $3.5 million? Jees, this is shameful. The woman only makes half a million a year, and now they jury in Nashville insults her with this penurious judgment. If I were her I would sue the jury!!! ;)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Pivotal Moments
    In the early 70's a dancer at a Nashville bar/dance club insisted I "needed" to go to a strip club, and the next night she took me to a nude club. I didn't know there were places where women walked around and danced completely naked!!!!!! Then the clubs were "look ounyl, no touch" and young women like the hot dancer who took me there were available AND touchable, so I didn't return to strip clubs often. My first "hands on" lapdance, about '98 or '99, convinced me strip clubs were worth another trip. My first ITC FS, in 2003, convinced me the world was significantly changed (perhaps for the better). That FS was an unsolicited, freebie from a very hot, slightly drunk young blonde. I had never before received even a handjob. I didn't have any idea - then - that dancers in strip clubs might have financially adjustable morals.
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    9 years ago
    Spring Break Destinations
    My only Spring Break trip was to Florida. I rode with friends to Gainsville (good weed on campus), hitchhiked to Ft Lauderdale (cops kicked me off the beach at nite) then hitched agai to Key Largo. Fun trip made lots of friends, got to dive the coral reefs, chase beautiful (and willing) coeds and learned that not all people are jerks, but a few really tip the scales toward assholes. But that was in '72, I'm guessing things may have changed a little since then.
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    9 years ago
    Follies Atl day shift
    @Misty, I would guess that you have at least another year of a civil and profitable day shift at Follies (barring local law enforcement messing with the place). The reason that the day shift a Follies is NOT black rap/gang colors is no more complicated than two simple factors. First, the Rap/Gang crowd in ATL is somewhat like vampires - they do not appear when the sun is out. And second, the day crowd at Follies (mixed White, Hispanic and a few Blacks, mixed ages all the way up to Shadowcat at over 70) will keep coming in - and spending money - as long as the dancers keep offering what the customer wants. Sit tight, enjoy the Follies day shift. As far as I know other clubs will not offer you the same revenue opportunities that you are experiencing at Follies. (Locals who club all over ATL can give you better details on the other local clubs)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Advice for getting out of a stripper rut???
    Poledancer, To get out of a rut - CHANGE the routine. I don't mean the dance on stage, certainly you can change what you do on stage, but change what you do OFF stage. Change your dressing room prep routine. Change how you wear makeup. Change how you "strut your stuff" on the club floor. Change your hours. Get up earlier, or sleep later. Move your furniture around at home. Clean house, or don't. Take a few days off and go somewhere out of the cold. Make several changes that "allow" you to be a little different. Your "rut" is (like everyone else in a rut after 7 weeks of winter) frustration and boredom - both are attitude problems. The best way to change the attitude - and get out of the rut - is to be intentional about doing your life differently. Small changes work just as well as big changes, and have the advantage of not leading to grossly unpleasant adventures.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Senate act on strip clubs adds to sodomy criticism
    IF - - BIG "IF" - this actually becomes law - - AND anyone tries to enforce it near Detroit (another very big "IF") what will happen is that all our fav dancers will go somewhere else. My money is on most moving south. This stupid morality law will just push even more business out of the state, especially the Detroit area. Who wants a trip to Bogarts to end with a criminal arrest instead of CIM? Why go to the Flight Club if the vice enforcers are there to watch you? I hope that most of the ladies of Detroit's most welcoming clubs will choose to travel to the south. Their talents will certainly find an approving audience in or near cities like Miami, Pompano Beach, Tampa, Atlanta and many other venues.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What It’s Like To Watch The Super Bowl In A Strip Club
    I can now answer your titular question. My review of Diamond Dolls, Daytona Beach should be up today. In short, good but not great! It is difficult to pay attention to the game while a hot young girl is massaging your crotch with her hand. You cannot see the game from VIP. You cannot carry on an intelligent conversation with loud stripper music pounding and hot women flashing tits and more, especially on third downs.. Strippers are NOT impressed when you ignore them to watch Denver's defense swarm Newton. It can be painful to jump up in response to an interception while a stripper is holding your junk.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The CDC says to use a condom to avoid the Zika virus.
    @Sharkhunter, the story may be even more bizarre. According to some reports I have seen, Brazil did not start tracking microcephely until October 2015. In the first 3 months they identified 270 cases of microcephely. In SIX of those cases the mother had the Zika virus in her blood - 6 out of 270. Brazil did not report the percentage of general population who are Zika infected. Supposedly, that is the only connection between the birth defect and the Zika virus. Brazil is one of the few countries to use three of the most extreme insecticides that are known to cause birth defects (chemicals banned in most other countries), but officials in Brazil insist those chemicals are not responsible.
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    9 years ago
    The already lean SE states scene is drying up....
    Isotope, I think what you are seeing is more a shift in hot-spots, than a "drying up" of Southeastern SCs. I agree that Memphis is now lame, and Nashville has been air dance Hell for decades (ever since they "cleaned up" Printer's Alley), but the action is not all gone - just moved. South Carolina has been getting soft (pun, pun) for six or seven years and I don't see a resurgence in the near future. No Carolina has long been mostly cold, and Miss, Ala, Arkansas and LA (outside of NOLA) have never been SC havens. Texas runs hot and cold. The Atlanta suburbs have several hot clubs where stripper action is certainly available. Even though ATL is "cleaning up," the action didn't disappear - just moved. With almost 40 clubs in the area, there are always shifts in where the action happens. I realize enforcement and new regs have hurt Hot Lanta but action can still be found (besides Follies). Southeast Florida is mostly a strip club Mecca. Nude clubs with bar service, topless clubs and hundreds of "saunas," and MPs all offer almost complete menus plus lots of hot club entertainment. Even Jacksonville now has some action and the Tampa area has several good clubs.. NOLA is "cleaning up" right now, but I expect a change back to the old "hot" NOLA after the next local elections. My guess is that there are more "extras" clubs in the SE than ever before. If you want a "road trip" SC experience, south east FL would be my first recommendation. A nearby destination might be Savannah (Scores) if just one club, plus a great tourist town will work. Otherwise, even a "clean" Bourbon St. in NOLA is still pretty hot and it is another great destination. Do not give up, extras are available near and far.
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    9 years ago
    Cruz wins Iowa caucus.
    Rockstar and 25, while you two are slamming everyone who fails to agree with you, 180,000 people from Iowa voted for one of four Republican candidates who promised to secure the southern border, slow or stop import of refugees from Syria, deport at least some of the millions of illegal aliens in the US, and reduce federal spending. Over 60,000 Democrat voters in Iowa chose a self identified Socialist over The Hillary. I doubt that 98% of the Republican voters in Iowa are, "racist, xenophobes" nor are half of Iowa Democrats socialists. The fact is, many citizens of the USA are simply tired of an administration that fails to follow existing law or the constitution. Many people, in both parties, recognize that we cannot keep giving money to alien poor who illegally entered this country, while at the same time allowing more than a million aliens - per year - enter legally. Many people in the USA justifiably fear the risks of allowing thousands of unverifiable Syrian refugees to come to the US. A lot of people, not just in Iowa, simply want someone different, not part of the insider gangs, to make decisions in D.C.. It is not racist to disagree with you. Americans are not xenophobes when they look to their own safety and security. Could you tone down your angry, biased fanaticism just a little?
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    9 years ago
    Cruz wins Iowa caucus.
    I lived, for a few years, next door in Ill-noise. In spite of the global warming hype, winters around there ARE cold, miserable and way too long. What I discovered while living there was that most of those "hick" farmers had Masters degrees in engineering, ag, or business and they were anything BUT uneducated or ignorant. Iowa is crammed full of multi-generational, multi-million dollar ag businesses run with top of the line high tech equipment by very capable, experienced, hands on people. I do not recommend Iowa for clubbing, winter travel, or sightseeing. However, the food is both excellent and served in large portions in many of the local eateries. While traveling in Iowa don't forget to stop at the largest coffee pot in the world (a community water tower just off I-40) and the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library (another stop just off I-40).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Bloomberg may run
    Bloomberg really does want to ban big sodas, fast food, and guns. If he runs, I expect to see armed crowds outside his campaign stops carrying long rifles, 22 oz sodas, and Big Macs. I don't expect him to generate much interest otherwise..
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    9 years ago
    While most of you are getting snowed on...
    Sunday morning and I am on the Florida coast near St Augustine. It is bitterly cold here, nearly went down to freezing last night and the forecast says it won't get above 60 something today. The nearly full moon was so bright last night it woke me up several times. I'm going to have to go out and buy a coat, or maybe just rent a hot dancer!
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    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What do the TUSCL Members do?
    I haven't mentioned it before, but I am a mattress tester. Lately I have been specializing in testing seating and reclining furniture, part-time. I have been known to test club chairs, after hours, but find them less satisfying. I didn't always work in this career field, but decided about 8 years ago I needed a change. I now sometimes work long hours but am rewarded with the knowledge that I am doing something important and satisfying. Most times my chair tests require female assistants. I do hire sub-contractors for these tests at prices ranging from $10 to $30 for a three and a half to five minute test period. Often, I must string several of the tests in sequence to complete my testing,. Occasionally, I determine that proper chair or reclined seating tests will require a half hour or full hour test period with an cooperative assistant. It is a hard job, but someone has to do it!
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    9 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Skin colour
    The Oscar "award" story cracks me up. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ("Academy") is controlled by the Screen Actors Guild ("SAG"), a union. SAG and the Academy completely control the "Academy Award" nomination process. The president of the Academy is a black woman! Every single one of the actors who have been talking "boycott" (including both Will and Jada Pinkett Smith) are current members of SAG. A union event dedicated to self aggrandizement will be boycotted by a few previous award winners (like Will Smith), and overlooked potential nominees, because the union's subsidiary group forgot to nominate a few people with skin as dark as their president!
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Another "Storm of the Century" to hit the Eastern US...or as we say in Michigan
    Not that many years ago, national TV news was a 30 minute report provided by a total of three networks. These brief broadcasts competed for accuracy and coverage of stories in their efforts to increase their market share. Even those broadcaster's liberal bias was sacrificed to get stories on the air in the 23 minutes of available news time. Now, the three broadcast networks also compete with more than two dozen cable networks offering national news or weather stories, three cable networks supposedly committed entirely to 24/7 news reporting and an exploding internet. Every story squeezed into the 30 minute (now 20 minutes of news, 1 minute of "station announcements" and 9 minutes of paid advertising) of ABC/NBC/CBS broadcast news has to be the "biggest," "worst," "record setting," story. The broadcast networks are competing with each other for a constantly shrinking number of viewers, struggling to sell advertising time and reeling from scandals which compromise their credibility. Now everything MUST be over the top. Every weather story MUST be the "worst" storm, or blizzard, or drought ever. How else are they going to get you to watch tampon commercials, anti-viral drug promos and Cialis ads?