
Comments by herbtcat (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Hotel access
    There are "legitimate" business traveler use cases for day rates. I've stayed at a hotel in Chicago's O'Hare a few times when I have a 6-8 hour layover. There are also many hotels that realize they can increase revenue by offering a day rate for unused rooms. They get 50% of a full day rental revenue for the cost of an extra housekeeping service (assuming they don't need to spend too much more on unsightly jizz removal).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Sally Jesse Raphael is my hero
    Question facing America today: Should we have psychotherapists on hand at strip
    The only fat a dancer cares about is how fat your wallet is. If you think she "chose" you to give a dance because you're handsome, you need to leave the club now, Mr. Trump.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Women of color
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip club attire
    There are dozens of posts here on this. Please look at them. But here's a good guideline for clubs with "relaxed" dress codes: Shirts: Whatever is comfortable. Pants: Drawstrings are your (and your dancer's) friend.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip club attire
    I have no class so I don't care how I look. :p But I'm going to try these on my next club visit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjNxMO4y57kAhUBs54KHfPKC3gQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2017%2F04%2F27%2Fa-pair-of-plastic-pants-from-this-retailer-will-set-you-back-a-cool-100.html&psig=AOvVaw0aD2_o5_PQIsaH0fwu9lMs&ust=1566841985671441
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Ever decline to tip a dancer? Was I wrong?
    NOTHING pisses me off more in a club than being asked to give a tip that was not explicitly negotiated in advance. I would have smiled and said "no, but thanks for the tour." If she persisted I'd say "maybe next time," and just walk away. That doesn't mean I never tip. But I decide if and when.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    First time setting up OTC. Need advice...
    The odds for this happening are not in your favor. - Non-committal response - Language barrier - You have not pre-negotiated anything - You do not know her "for who she is" well enough to make you comfortable making moves on her The most likely outcomes IMO are: 60% - NSNC (No show, no call). 30% - You will drop an ass ton of $$$$ (into RevHB's Turd Chopper) and will not even see her naked 8% - She agrees to meet, but you won't come to an agreement on where, when, what and/or how much. 2% - She rocks your world for $300-$600 and you catch an STD because you didn't see her recent test results first. My advice: Let this one go. Look for other opportunities who speak your language, definitively provide extras ITC, and who replies to calls/texts promptly and asks for specifics on when and how much.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Plan Z
    Decent description of the club. It's "positioned" as the upscale leader in the area (vs 4Play) and so, nothing is cheap, and the place is well kept. Last time I was there, bouncers were in tuxes, and the valet made sure to park selected cars like Bentleys, Lambos, and Roll's in front of the club. They only hire 7+ talent, and ask them to wear evening gowns as opposed to slutty attire. There's a full bar, pretty good food menu and sometimes you can ask a dancer to dine with you (though why the fuck anyone would do that...?). Regular laps are tame in the extreme, but they enable the dancer to put the hard sell on expensive VIPs. VIP's are also tame, but the PL will be pushed hard to buy more time and LOTS of drinks. I brought a buddy here once who was a bit too naïve for his own good. Before I could stop him, he'd spent $1,100 on a dancer who was promising everything from waking up with him for breakfast to bringing other dancers over for a party. Of course, she forgot his name as soon as the credit card slip was signed. Back in the 90's they had one or two top-shelf porn stars on the regular dancer roster. I remember getting a few laps from Lucy Lee (pre-boob job). Nice.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Dance Price Changes
    This issue (generally) does not exist at clubs that have electronic meters at each lap dance or VIP booth. The dancer must use a key token to enable the machine that ID's her in the system, then she loads cash onto a slot that counts funds. Once the machine has registered the minimum needed to start a dance (or a VIP session) a green light turns on and the display shows a countdown of remaining time. When the display reaches zero, the light turns from red to green. Now the reason I say "generally" is that these meters do not prevent a dancer from "requiring" a tip per song in advance. I don't see it very often, other than in specific negotiations for extras. I rarely tip for one or two lap dances anyway, as I usually only get one off laps as a test drive for a VIP.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Naming Names
    You did the right thing, Doc. Tell this guy to pony up some $$ and find out for himself. Personally, I don't really care to know specific names of extra's providers. By the time I get to a club with good reviews, there's only a 10-20% chance that a named dancer will even be there. The value in the reviews that give details w/o names is in knowing how common it is to get extras there, and what the typical rates are. I have enough game to talk to various dancers and find the right one(s) to take back for a VIP. Besides all the above, no one is entitled to get personal info from you about a dancer - ever. This ass wipe has the taste of a turd in a hot dog bun.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    It's you dick. Do whatever you want to it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Got robbed OTC ( SA)
    I'll echo the "glad you are safe" thoughts. But @RandomMember is spot on. I never pay in advance (anymore) and I always insist on a preliminary f2f meeting in public and specifically tell her there will be no intimacy and no allowance. Starbucks is your friend here. If we meet and she's pushing to go back to my place asap, I pass. That's the biggest red flag there is. Reporting her to SA is probably useless, or even potentially bad for you. I'll guess her profile was fairly new, and it was probably gone (deleted or she blocked you) by the time you got back online to look. It's easy to create a new one. And, although I've been burned in this and other ways several times on SA over the last few years, I only reported a ROB once with no action from SA. But consider from the SA team's POV if there is a SD who reports multiple SB over time. They are likely going to start thinking that you are the problem. Other ROB set ups to avoid: 1. She wants you to pick her up and asks if it's OK to have her "cousin" come along for (safety, more fun, whatever) reason. No way am I going to have her and some other stranger get into my car. 2. She asks for an Uber on your account to get to you from a pubic address/intersection. Once she's in the Uber she can divert the car to anywhere she wants, potentially costing you huge $$. 3. She asks for money for a hotel room. Of course, she will ghost you. 4. Her profile pics are stolen from someone else's IG account. Well you get the idea.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    No Ukuleles!
    I've never seen a ukulele I didn't want to piss on.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    8675 uhh 57...309!
    Accurate report. This place is the Latina version of the old Candy Cat club nearby. Just dudes drinking a beer and chilling, with a few dancers on stage or doing LM laps. The bouncer often walks the lap area to ensure it's all Rated PG. It's a large-ish rectangular-shaped club, seating up to maybe 50 PL's at small tables, benches or at the bar and at most there may be 15-20 dancers on the busy shifts. Looks like the $10 per dance rate was recently increased to $15, based on your report. Gets fairly crowded on Fri and Sat evenings. Speaking Spanish may help you connect with the dancer, but who really cares? I rarely visit, since there are better HM locations nearby.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Do we have a term for a dancer that hangs out in the dressing room all night?
    Ghost. You feel her presence, but no one can see her.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    First Date ideas to secure OTC and transition to SB Arrangement. (Asking for a f
    As a general rule, my experience is that strippers do not convert well to SB's, even when they claim that is what they are looking for. For those dancers I've pursued as possible SB's they almost all ended up looking for OTC for 1-2 hours and nothing more. They may agree to dinner dates or shopping at first. But that will fade as soon as you start providing cash for p4p sessions. To be clear, there are an increasing number of strippers who are now creating profiles on SD/BD sites, but those are generally do so for two purposes: 1. Get you into the club to pay for VIP's, and/or 2. Get you to pay top dollar for a hit it & quit it OTC. There may be a bit more fuzziness with a young, first time dancer, as described above. But the comments noted above about "not working for a week" are a huge red flag for a SB. Also, if you are prone to pay what she wants, you are going to be very unhappy. SB allowance, just like tips for VIPs and OTC must be negotiated in advance. Note that even if you (sorry, your FRIEND :lol) do pay her a weeks funds, she will likely still work at the club and try to recruit additional SD's there. Why settle for one week's pay from one SD when she can get the same from 3 other SD's? Lastly, there an old joke that could sum up this situation: What does a stripper do with her asshole before she goes to work? She drops him off with his guitar at rehearsal.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Bay Area, California
    Wore sweatpants to the club for the first time, and what a difference! Is this c
    I'll break this down from my experience: 1. Be aware of the club's dress code, if any. Call them and ask. Simple. They will tell you if they have a code like "no shorts" or "no hats" because they do not want to turn away business just because of teh dress code. 2. Assuming no dress code (or a very relaxed one), then I select my attire specifically because it tends to indicate my intent: - Jeans, or dress slacks means I'm there to stare, maybe tip at the rail, or get some laps. (Unless it's a rather high-end club. Then it means I have cash, I'm freshly showered, and I might be generous to the dancer(s) who takes good care of me.) I generally only go this way when I wasn't planning on going to a club, or I am will business colleagues or casual acquaintances who do not (as far as I know) monger. - Thin pants (sweats, poly athletic, even very thin cotton dress) means I want OTP stick shifting at a minimum. If they have no belt and use a drawstring, that means easy access for the dancer. - Thin, baggy (or extra baggy - i.e.: 2 sizes too big for you) shorts, with pockets means I want hands on my junk, or more. - Think shorts without pockets - I don't wear these. As someone mentioned above, I don't want to seen wearing these if an incident occurs. 3. Look around the club at other PL's. Especially on day shift, if you see that over 50% of the PL's are wearing shorts, then join the fun, because every (day shift) dancer knows those guys are hoping for (but many don't have the funds or the game for) HJ+. It's not a secret, it's expected. 4. The overriding theme about all of these posts (and fuck there are MANY), is whatever you wear it should be soft and then. Baggy is better (easier access for the dancer) and commando removes one more layer of barrier between her and your desploogination opportunity. Wearing strategically thin attire allows for a higher level of "extra's willing" dancer self-selection. If she is offended or weary of guys wearing shorts, she's unlikely to be interested in providing extras - or at least extras TO YOU. lol Finally, do some creative shopping and get what works for you. Start by searching for thin pants, or cotton shorts, or whatever and see what happens. Buy one or two items you think look useful and test them out. You are looking at maybe a $50-$100 investment in research. That's about 3 to 5 dances to find something that will make hundreds of future dances better for you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    A 4 year gap
    Since no one else has mentioned it, are you sure you are not "related" to her child?? She may not be looking for some occasional OTC funds. Instead, she could be looking for 18 years of child support.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    My First After
    Respect to @nidan111 But I suspect that most of us (especially the older guys) put ourselves in the friend zone, rather than being placed there by her. When we hesitate to close the deal, she will close the door to thinking about us a potential sex partner. The longer you wait to express a desire to get her naked, the harder it will be for her to accept the idea, assuming she would be interested in the first place. So, if you act platonic, you get platonic.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Red Moon
    Thanks for the review. Such a shame. Yet another well-known extras club from decades past slides into decline on the back of an "improved" business model. I can remember many business trips to PHX in the 90's and early 2000's where BM was my go-to when I could not find a suitable "street date" around Van Buren and 24th, or on CL. The dancers then were never top-shelf for looks, but were reliable for fun and only the rare ROB.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    The Granny Pimps
    Have to give the old gals credit for improvising a new sales strategy. But sad that they have at least one underage girl on tap to sell. Did you consider advising local LE?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Minneapolis ordinance to protect adult entertainment workers moves forward
    1. Cameras in VIP required. 2. "keep a log of bodily fluid “spills.”" WTF??? How is that going to work? RevHorny's desplooginations must now be logged and reported to the state? Really?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ft Wayne IN sex turism.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Self-made millionaire: This is the greatest paradox of wealth—and most peopl
    A good observation about how one's personal values change over a lifetime of experience and growth. I'm a subscriber to the idea of buying back my time. But beware of, as in all things, going to far with an otherwise good idea. My experience has taught me that as my personal wealth grew I could indeed afford to improve my living conditions, my travel style and other conveniences that return valuable time to my schedule. However, the danger in this approach is in forgetting to stay within your (increasing) means. I've seen some colleagues and friends who never learned the difference between what they NEED and what they WANT. You NEED a home. You probably don't NEED a 25-room beachside mansion. You NEED good, affordable transportation. You don't NEED a Lambo. You NEED clothes. You don't need 100% French designer labels. You NEED food. You dont NEED to eat at the French Laundry every night. I've seen far too many well-off people live into what they WANT rather than what they NEED, usually to their own ultimate destruction. This is, sadly, especially true of the 18-28 year old strippers (and Sugar Babies) I see who are always broke. Their problem is not on the revenue side. Its all about managing expenses within their means.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Los Angeles
    How the Mighty Have Fallen
    Your review is spot on. This one-time top-tier club is now sliding into mediocrity at an accelerating rate. The last time I visited (about 4 months ago) the only diamond in the rough I found was a 4'11" AA spinner who was, after some get-to-know-her time, agreeable to scheduling some OTC. Sadly that never happened. On the bright side, the food at Hogly's remains one of the best family BBQ in the valley. So at least you got some great 'cue for dinner.