Hotel access

Older than dirt
Reading today’s Boston Globe I was reading the Travel section and there was an article about a new “boutique” hotel in a rather upscale section of the city. It concluded with the following: “nightly rates from mid-200s to $400 depending on season; day rate, $150, available from 10:00 am to 4 pm” I’m unfamiliar with hotels offering a “day rate” for 6 hours and am quite interested. Anyone familiar with this practice?
last commentThere is also a website called where you can get hotel rooms to use during the daytime. They are up to 75% less than the cost of an overnight stay.
As a frequent business traveler, I can see the demand for a day use hotel room. Fly into a city and have a midday meeting. Need a place to take a shower and change clothes, store your suitcase while you go to a meeting, use the wifi. Then pack up and go to the next city.
OR for guys to have their sugar baby come over during the day while wifey thinks you are at work. Could be either way.
I could see using this if I got stuck with an afternoon or evening flight.
There are "legitimate" business traveler use cases for day rates. I've stayed at a hotel in Chicago's O'Hare a few times when I have a 6-8 hour layover.
There are also many hotels that realize they can increase revenue by offering a day rate for unused rooms. They get 50% of a full day rental revenue for the cost of an extra housekeeping service (assuming they don't need to spend too much more on unsightly jizz removal).
I used to use Recharge, which was the best possible deal for OTCs and SB dates, but since they went to more like an airbnb model, I've switch to dayuse and hotelsbyday. These things are lifesavers; in an area where it's not easy to get decent hotels under $300 -- and that's for 4pm-11am -- I can get a nice hotel from noon to 6pm for like $120. Sometimes there's even night slots that are like 3pm-9pm. Great deal if youre not staying the night
Years ago, driving thru New Jersey, I stopped at a motel for the night. On asking if they had a room the first question was “will you need it for the whole night or just a short stay?”.
It’s been a running joke with my wife now for two decades “So babe, should we stop somewhere for a short stay?”.
In the past weren't these places referred to as no-tell motels?
I did computer repair work up and down the east coast years ago and short stay hotels were a god send. Many times I needed to catch a few hours of sleep and shower before I got back behind the wheel.
Most any motel with the truckers welcome sign had short stay options.
Another interesting avatar, Gawker.
Story behind this one?
I just use my cousin's Marriott discount. $50/day...or less depending on day and location 😁. Now I just need an airline employee buddy