
Comments by herbtcat (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: For the road-warriors
    All sucky: Miami Houston LAX Heathrow (especially if you land from US and need to connect within the UK) Houston I know I said Houston twice. That's because it's twice as sucky as the rest.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Not a Bad Afternoon Visit
    Good review. Thank you.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    1st time and I’ll go back
    Opps.. wrong review.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Check it out but be cautious like all Vegas clubs
    Many of us (and that includes me) have spent much more getting far less at Treasures in Vegas as part of our MPL (Master of Pathetic Losers) Degree. Unlike it's counterpart in Houston, this club has honed the art of Vegas High-promise/Low-deliver mileage for exorbitant fees. My last lesson there was believing that my dancer really wanted to meet me at my hotel for 4 hours of no-limit OTC, as long as I fronted her the $200 needed to "buy out" her sift. After sitting in the parking lot for 45 minutes waiting for her to (not) appear, I did the compulsory face slap and went to a nearby AMP to realign my chakra (or whatever they wanted to call a HJ from a 45-ish hag). The sad part of my story is taking a dancer out to my rental car and back to my hotel room is exactly what I did at Treasures, Houston a year before. I was amazed that she not only did not try to keep it on the DL with club management, she actually walked out the front door with me. Definitely set me up for disappointment in Vegas.
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    5 years ago
    1st time and I’ll go back
    "I didn’t try any mixed drinks, but it seemed like they were pretty liberal on their pours." Well, it's Ireland... they hold all of the patents for heavy drinking and staying in a upright position.
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    5 years ago
    Frankfurt FKK part 2
    "Some guys have mentioned World which means I can review it but nah its like an extra 30 minutes away" If you are going to spend (presumably) 3-6 hours in a FKK, what difference does an extra 30 minutes of travel make? Go check it out and make your visit 2-5 hours instead.
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    5 years ago
    young, slim and naturally busty lover
    What do you say when she asks you what you want?
    You've already lost on the opportunity with this dancer. But in general my answer to that question is usually something like "Well, I'm a guy so I want everything" while grinning as though it's a joke. And then I continue with "So it's up to you to decide what I actually get. You are in charge." If she's open to extras either ITC or OTC, she will lead the action and conversation in that direction. If not, she'll probably let you know as well, by her actions if not verbally.
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    5 years ago
    Overseas - Clubs and Dancers
    Agree with the FKK trend. It's a guaranteed target-rich environment, and there will be at least one 11 at the bigger clubs. Vienna used to have a top-shelf brothel called Babylon, but I believe it is now closed. My experiences there in 2007 were amazing; Took two 11's back for a three-way in a 2-hour session. Total for the visit, including drinks and tip was 1,100 Euro. Worth it. FKK's will be much less expensive. perhaps 100 EU per session (plus 50 EU of you want BBBJ). Once you pay the entrance fee, you can stay all day. Just fuck, get a drink and relax, then wash, rinse, repeat.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stripper Red Flags - What should I look for before getting a dance?
    As for asking for payment upfront: In many of the clubs in California, the business model has changed to dances by time, not songs. And with that, especially at Deja Vu locations, each booth has a meter that requires payment upfront to start the dance. So asking for payment up front is less useful as a red flag in these clubs. Additional red flags for me: - Dancers who lie about dance prices (saying it's $40 for a dance when it's really only $20 and $40 gets you a three-for-one). - Two dancer teams who press you to take both of them to the VIP, usually promising "more fun". It is not more fun, it's actually double the money for one fourth the fun. - Approaching me from behind and asking for a dance before I've seen her. - New, 1st time dancers. - New to the club dancers who worked a no-extras clubs in the past. - Dancers who don't listen to my answers to their questions. Ex: Her: Hi how are you? Me: I'm ok now that my doctor has cleared me for sex. (Giant grin) Her: Oh that's good. Wanna dance? - No eye contact
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Gotta like the underboob from her bikini. Otherwise I'd say 7-ish. @orionsmith you can see more models wearing those bikinis (and lingerie) here: https://www.wickedweasel.com
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    You pick my October Monger Trip
    Good discussion, but everyone seems to have missed the critical opportunity that makes Option 1 the clear winner. Having taken SB's with me on trips from 2 to 30 days, I can agree that it's up to you to add in non-sex experiences to the trip that will make her feel like a princess. It's not expensive and she will return the attention many times over in the bedroom. But the real opportunity here is that she is bi-curious. That's the key to this opportunity. While you are out with her at bar's, clubs or whatever, challenge her to explore her attraction to other women. Give her some incentive (extra allowance, maybe a spa day, etc.?) to meet and greet someone she wants to bring back to the hotel room to please her and Daddy. Let her choose the women, and let her propose and close the deal. Give her a safe space to explore her nascent sexual appetite and then you reap the rewards of a threesome with your SB and a civvie you probably would never get on your own. Even if she doesn't find a hookup, she will remember and appreciate that you helped her realize her (and your) fantasy.
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    5 years ago
    Question about “Peep show” clubs
    There is still one alive and well in the San Fernando Valley north of Los Angeles. Look up "Venus Faire Showgirls" here: https://www.tuscl.net/listing.php?id=62 Not recommended unless you like standing in an inch of old cum and tipping dollars to a cottage-cheese-thighed cow. They do offer very tame laps as well as a higher-priced, one-on-one "talk to a naked girl through glass" booth who encourages you to get comfortable. But, really, you can do better at almost any of the real LD clubs nearby
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Night and Day
    I'll never understand the mentality of "making it rain" at a club. Throwing away tens, or hundreds, or more dollars on stage just to make yourself look like a baller accomplishes nothing, except to prove you don't know how to use your funds for optimal value.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Good Times Once Again at Synn NH?
    I'd reconsider spending any more $$ on Kitty. I saw her yesterday and had the following ROB issues: 1. When I asked for a dance, she told me she was expecting her lunch to be delivered. I told her I'd wait. She went to the bar, talked to the bartender and came back to me and said let's go. 2. She told me one dance is $40 - not true. When we got to the bouncer to pay I said "One dance." He replied, "that's $20, or you can get 3 for $40." I looked at Kitty and said, "Ok, 3 for $40, please". 3. We sat down for the dance and as she slid her panties down, I was accosted by a rather sour funk that almost made me gag. I asked her to turn around so I could at least admire her now naked boobs, which are indeed nice. 4. About 40 seconds later, he phone rang. She answered it and sat on my lap, facing away from me while she spoke to someone for about a minute. 5. When she ended her call, she hung up, looked over her shoulder at me and said, "sorry". Then she left. The first of 3 three songs not even finished. I did not complain, did not say anything as I intended to select another dancer to and accomplish my objective for the day. Acting pissed off at that time would have meant dealing with her and club staff in an unpleasant way and I wasn't going to go that way. But, she will never see another dollar from me. There were 10 other dancers there during Monday's day shift, and I did reach my goal with one of the new dancers (arrived a week ago from FL). So for me, $40 wasted, but otherwise a good visit.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Felt like I was on a do not touch list
    No one is a 'regular' the first time they visit a club. But everyone could become a regular if only...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The value is there at $500 as long as you get your needs met. BUT: Only give her the gift when she leaves. Nothing in advance. If she's a ROB she will bounce out as soon as she gets the cash, knowing you will never call LE on her.
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    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    The rationale for preventing custies from wearing sweatpants? It's simple.keep u
    This concept varies by club, city and state. East coast locations, just like regular bars, clubs and restaurants can have a dress code. Clubs that want to be "upscale" will generally have a dress code (no shorts, no sweat pants, collared shirts, no hats, etc.). But others don't care, especially when the club culture includes HM+ dances. In Los Angeles, clubs like Plan B and 4Play are upscale. While Deja Vu, Valley Ball, and Jet Strip don't care, as long as you pay the cover and don't act like an asshole. Just like PL's can identify a likely HM+ dancer by the way she approaches and talks, dancers can identify a likely HM+ PL by his clothes. I mean if wearing black polyester sports shorts commando doesn't telegraph my intentions, she's in the wrong job.
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    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Stripper Shakedown
    Never happened to me. But I think if it did, I'd just start laughing at her. And the longer she stayed on my lap the louder I'd laugh. Eventually another dancer, PL, or club staffer will hear and come over to see what's up. And then I'll gladly, and loudly, tell them. Nothing scares a cockroach like a bright light.
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    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    true or false: the only reason a particular SC is your favorite
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Obsessed with a Strupper
    I am not married and won't comment on the morality angle of taking a stripper OTC. But morals aside, you'd better take a breath and wait until you get some blood back into the upper head. If she's just that good an actor (and wouldn't that be wonderful?) then allowing your dick to manage your wallet could cost you more than your next mortgage payment. It could cost you your job, your marriage, and custody rights for your kids. If you want to know how to convert your time with her from ITC to OTC, there are many posts here to provide any number of strategies and techniques. But they all center around two key issues: 1. Being "transparent" about what you want (i.e.: Have enough game to move from stating intent to closing the deal), and 2. Making sure she is DTF (Down To Fuck). Bear in mind if she is willing to meet you OTC, especially if she's just a good actor, you are probably going to have to share her special place with the last guy she saw OTC, and the next.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Clubbing during a national disaster
    @gammanu95: "I have always wanted to experience an earthquake - to see what it is like when the normally solid and immobile earth beneath my feet begins to heave and rock like a small boat." Trust me, you don't.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    The Ultimate Happy Meal
    I think I know that chick on the bottom. Nice to know she's transitioned well into her new Casual Dining career. :p
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    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Paradise.... Paradise....? Wasn't she that blond Triple D-cup MILF that worked at MBOF in the 90's? :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I now come to the club to see men....but I'm not gay lol
    Your idea may lead to some entertaining discussions, and even new (probably gay) friends. But anyone who takes free advice in a strip club (or anywhere else) on investing is going to get thier money's worth of value from it. I've seen strippers ask me for advice on investing many times. My advice is always the same: Go do your own research and only invest in a company you know well, in a market you know well, that you believe in, and that has a track record of good performance.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Kinda messed up experience
    About two weeks ago, a stripper was giving me a 2 hour VIP at her apartment (how that came together is a story for another time...). About 30 minutes in, she jumped up and said, "Oh! I think my period is starting." She went into her bathroom to tidy up while I verified there was nothing unexpected on my pants (yes, I was still wearing my pants - at this point). After she came back to resume the dance, she said: "You have no idea how many lap dances you have received while the dancer is on her period. But trust me, it's a lot." Just do the math: If you get dances from a random sample of say, 28 dancers in one month, and a women's monthly period usually lasts 7-8 days, then it's likely that at least one out of 4 dancers (28 divided by 7) in the sample are on their period. That means that 7 of your 28 dances were with women on thier period. Most will tuck in the string and you will never know.