
Comments by herbtcat (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Sugaring - Managing Expectations
    Secretbenefits.com is a total rip off. I tired it for one year and bought credits to allow me to communicate with the so-called SB's that messaged me. NONE were legit. All scammers mostly trying to get me to register on a paid "authentication" site before they would go further. Total scam as the user gets a commission for each loser they get to sign up. Drop the site and head over to Seeking. I've been a seeking user for long time, and while living in two major cities. Yes, there are scammers on both sides, so users need to wade through a lot of fakes or GPS to find the gems. But they are there. I've many arrangements with 19-28 year olds in my local area. Many. One warning: Be careful when using the site's message system (messages on the site) to NEVER mention anything that can be remotely seen and as a P4P offer. If they see a message (by monitoring or if you get reported) that could be seen as soliciting or offering prostitution, you get an instant ban. FOSTA/SETSA fucked up everything. Instead, quickly move the conversation off site to text, whats app, google voice, line, or whatever service you feel comfortable using before you talk specifics. For me, I only discuss money face to face if can.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Solid small club in Hollywood
    Why didn't anyone tag this as a club ad??????
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    @BigJuan and @samiel, PPM sugar varies by many factors, but mostly it's the geographical market. In Los Angeles, it's not uncommon to see PPM agreements between $300-$500. For me, I am patient enough and use good negotiation skills so I stay in the $300-$400 range. But in lower-populated areas (and lower talent areas), like Bakersfield or Fresno, the range drops significantly to $150-$250, and the local 8's and 9's are only 6's and 7's in LA. Sugaring is requires different skills than mongering for ITC/OTC, though there is overlap around negotiating skills. If you have the patience to wade through 10-15 potential sugar babies to find one or two gems, and, ironically, if you can ensure you never treat her like a hooker (some of the PL's here may disagree with me on this - they are wrong), you will find the experience much better than trying to splooge on a pleather sofa while trying not to sit in the last guys splooge at the same time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is your favorite position?
    I'd say my position is socially liberally, and financially conservative. :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Dancer about her age?
    She is 22. She is 22. She is 22. She is 22. She is 22. She is 22. She is 22...…………………... There is nothing wrong with asking her age, guessing her age or discussing her age - as long as you follow one simple rule: She is 22. It doesn't matter how old or young she looks, you say she looks 22. Always. Twenty-two. I have conversations all the time where age may come up as part of a discussion - hers and/or mine. Maybe you think she likes older guys and you want to play up the "Daddy Like!" scenario. Maybe she thinks she is over the hill and is no longer competitive with the 20-ish waifs running around. Maybe you found common ground to talk about the topic de jour, since your are contemporaries from the same decade or era. It doesn't matter. If it comes up and you need to throw out a number: 22! She can agree, she can opt not to confirm or deny, or she can make some response that she feels is interesting or useful to her. But that's her choice. I've never seen a dancer be insulted or upset or disappointed when I say she looks 22. The 19 year olds want to look older (so they can drink?). The 30-ish and 40-ish (gawd help you if she's fucking 50-ish!!) want to look younger. So - 22. Write it down on your Stripper Conversation crib notes if you have to. You know, the notes you use to wrap those condoms in your pocket in case they fall out?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    Interesting comments on sugaring... thanks for the discussion. I agree that the supply curve for sugar is astronomically high. But the downside is the time required to wade through 10-20 potentials to find one good, fuckable SB that isn't annoying as fuck when hanging out. As I read the comments, I see that where people land is more a function of their reason for going to a club, hiring a pro, or "dating" a SB. The presumed goal implied in my question was that the PL wants to nut, preferably under ideal (or near ideal) circumstances. But that may not be a universal goal, or at least not the top goal. Still, I'd appreciate seeing more input from VIP forum members.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Hustlers: the real women behind Jennifer Lopez’s new stripper movie
    Not planning on seeing the movie, but might hold out for the porn parody version of they use really hot starlets... :p The whole premise of these strippers being modern day Robin Hoods is total BS. Strippers in the early 2000's, especially at Scores in NY, could easily make 6-figure salaries if they were good at being strippers. I knew at least 6 strippers in LA during those times who consistently made $100k to $200k a year, without stealing from customers. The critically important concept of "stripping" and the extras that frequently took place at Scores was based on two factors: Mutually consenting adults and full transparency. There was nothing transparent in slipping a pill into a PL's drink and then pumping him for security information while also pumping his dick. That's just fraud (wire fraud since they used a phone), grand larceny (amounts well into the tens of thousands), and assault/possibly attempted murder (from drugging a guy with out a medical license). The light sentences handed out should have been years in prison. If the guys who came (no pun intended) to the club had drugged a stripper and stolen her cash & drained her bank account, they would be labelled a predator and convicted of rape and theft carrying a rather long prison sentence. On a side note: Who the fuck wants to see Cardi B strip (her previous job)? I just got over the nausea of seeing her "leaked" sex tape two years ago.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What's the maximum you would spend at a strip club?
    Back in the 80's and 90'sit was normal for me to walk into a Los Angeles area club with $800-$1100. And if I found what I was looking for I'd leave with less than $100. In the last decade, I'm usually banked with $500-600, but I generally spend up to $400 on a "successful" visit, and less than $150 if not. To really understand each PL's "daily" limit though, you need to ask how many days (a month) they go to a club. For me, that's about once every 6-8 weeks. Note that I typically entertain a sugar baby at my place once a week for $300-$500, all in (dinner, etc., + sugar).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Running into retired ATF
    There was a comedian back in the 80's - I think it was Andrew "Dice" Clay: "Ran into my ex girlfriend at the supermarket yesterday..." "Then I backed up and ran into her again..." "I miss her sometimes!"
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Eat first or sex first?
    I've had more than a few OTC where she wants the sex first, and then (maybe) we eat. I'm flexible...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    In praise of manual gear shifts
    @Roadwarrior, Definitely a great review. No need to "point" to any specific dancer who provided extras. And your details on what was provided in the booth are very useful. There is a world of difference between saying "I left satisfied" and "HJ led to BBBJ". Well done.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Experience negotiating (down) OTC rates when repeating?
    Sugaring is not the way to go here for the reasons stated. Anyway you try to spin the allowance and frequency of meeting, your out of pocket will only go up - just to get the same amount of sex you get today. You might have had a sugar lay before you negotiated $700-$1000 if she was really looking for a daddy type who would do more then just bag her. For some women, an older guy who takes them to nice diners and events she could not normally afford is attractive and having sex with him is just part of the mix. But now, you are a john. And a john you will stay. @twentyfive has the right idea. But your chance of success is low. I understand and have used the "rather not give a cut to the club" play. But your mistake was offering her the full amount you pay, rather than her "cut" plus 10-20% more. If the club takes $600 out of a $1000 session, she keeps $400. You should have offered something more than the $400, say $450-$500 ($550 max) to her. That means you pay less while she makes more. A win-win. Now all you can do is honestly tell her you just can't budget $1000 per session. If she's not willing to accept your new, go forward amount (is that $500?), then you will need to part as friends and just enjoy seeing each other in the club from time to time. Then SHUT UP! Don't offer more, don't promise to see her more often. Just stick your budget as stated and let her work through the process. Her potential reactions: 1. She will be insulted and tell you so, expecting you to pussy-out and withdraw your new price. Don't. 2. She will realize you can easily be replaced by a guy who will pay more and will ghost and/or block you. Go back to E**s and Russians. Problem solved. 3. She will KNOW she is "worth" more than $500, and ghost and/or block you. Go back to E**s and Russians. Problem solved. or 4. She will see that your $500 per month is still $500 she won't make at the club, and will agree. Enjoy her blond Latina happiness. Problem solved. I'd say you have about a 10% of getting #4.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Tonight's the night...
    No one over 50 (or 60, or 70+) should EVER be ashamed of dating (i.e.: fucking) a woman in her 20's. You should be gawddammed proud! I know I am. In 2017, I was on a 2-week cruise around Australia with my then 24 year old Sugar Baby. A few days into the cruise we met a group of 3 couples from Sydney on the ship. They were all in their 50's and 60's and the guys were very successful business people. At one point my SB went to the bar to get me and her a drink. While she was away, the oldest guy, with the most money (he owned a winery, for fun) asked me hold old my GF was. He was sitting right next to his wife and the other two couples. I immediately replied that she is 24. There was a second of silence as I maintained eye contact with him... then he smiled, gave me a fist bump and said "You fucking Dawg!". When I got back to my stateroom with my Sugar that night, I fucked her until dawn. That was a good day.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    I Feel LIke A Stripper
    @doc, as long as you understand the risk that she could ghost you or just forget you helped her the next time you see her and want to arrange super-fun-time, then it's your money so do what you want. But my experience, as Muddy and jackslash note, has been getting burned more than I'd like. To be sure, a one-time $100 gift to a stripper won't even be a blip on my budget. But if she asks again before she reciprocates for the last time, I shut her down. I have one friend that moved to another state but who still comes to see me when she's in my area for fun. I've sent her small amounts of cash so many times ($60 to get her tire fixed, $30 buy her dinner, or $75 to get her dancers' license), that now when she sees me she doesn't even ask for money. Still I usually spiff her a hundy anyway. But I've certainly been burned as well. There's another dancer I met locally that moved to another state. She has the most perfect banging body I've ever seen and she's demure and sweet. But she has never delivered. Once I got to about $300, I just told her I can't help her anymore until she show's up. If she wants more cash, I'll only give it to her when she gets out of the shower after we've had our fun. Oddly, she still texts me once in a while. Who knows maybe one day...?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    There are great writers and there a lousy writers. And there a noob reviewers and veteran reviewers. I wonder if any of us will think a review we didn't write is perfect? What I care about from any review, by priority: 1. Is this primarily a club for extras/lap factory/hang with friends/bikers, or any combination of these. 2. Current standard dance prices for laps & VIP's and do dancers try to upsell on non-extra's dances. 3. Average tip expected for extra's if/when available. 4. Number, average looks, and ethnic mix of dancers on shift. 5. Typical number of PL's at the club on day and/or night shift, and are they generally hood rats, blue collar workers, business types, or BSD (big swinging dicks) with more cash than brains. 6. Drink hustle, entrance routine (parking, pat downs, license scans, entry fee, etc.), bathrooms status (clean or Gawd! Kill it before it kills us!). If I can get info on at least 3 of the top 4 I'll approve and appreciate the review. Don't care if the reviewer wants to tell a (hopefully interesting) story, or just wants to list data, or lands somewhere in between. They should use whatever format works best for them to provide useful information.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Affordable and relaxed most nights
    Considering this is your first club and first review, not bad. I'd suggest you try two or three of the other nearby clubs a few times for comparison before you label 7557 as best bang for the buck. You can definitely get a bigger BANG within 10 miles of this place. Suggestions: Deja Vu North Hollywood Xposed - Canoga Park Synn - North Hills (bring extra $$$ and your best fitting latex "hats") Red Tie - Van Nuys
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Somebody told a stripper what I wrote in a review. Not cool.
    The Two Laws of TUSCL: 1. In reviews: Do not use provider names when describing any illegal acts. 2. In a club: TUSCL = Fight Club. You do not talk about Fight Club! You do not talk about TUSCL! Read these rules. Then read them again. Then have them inked onto your ATF's ass so you can be reminded of them the next time you are raw dogging her from behind. Then email [email protected] and tell him you shot your splooge all over her ass to hide the rules - just don't user her name!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Saying "no" is not rude.
    @TrollWarnBot "I find your lack of faith disturbing..." - D. Vader "Who the bigger fool? The fool, or the fool who follows the fool?" - B. Kenobi NOTICE: You are hereby banned from trolling on my threads by calling out other accounts you claim are trolls. (I'm sure THAT will fix the problem and he will never post again.)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip clubs and moving
    @Muddy.. seriously? You spend so much time travelling around the country (to strip clubs) that I'm sure none of the locals have any fricken idea where you live. :P But if your game is as good as you claim (and I believe it is), then you always imply you are local in every club you visit. So if you are looking to leverage your impending move, then just mention to any stripper in the club who will listen that you must move for some important, life saving bullshit reason and you're only in the club long enough to spend your last (half of your regular spend) with the girl who has meant so much to you... Then splooge, do your walk of shame to the crapper, and bail. @DandyDan I'm sure you realize the best clubs to visit in Omaha, NE are in Council Bluffs, IA. (The Playhouse) :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Saying "no" is not rude.
    Subraman, No we don't!!! See what I did there? :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Saying "no" is not rude.
    WOW!!!!! Is there an award for most replies in a Front Room discussion thread? As Papi mentioned several times. My ONLY point was for those who feel obligated to tip a buck (or 20) just because a stripper asks, it's ok to say no. It's also ok to say yes. I don't really care. But don't worry that she will be mad, disappointed, channel all of her daddy issues to you, swear a vendetta for your death, start taking drugs or drinking (that ship has already sailed), tell your boss/wife/priest/children what a loser you are, or quit the business and become a nun just because you didn't give her a dollar. She'll just go looking elsewhere. Your personal motivations to help, save, anger, love, ignore, fuck or forget her are irrelevant. Just decide what you want to do and if it's not give her tip, then dont' give her a tip. When I see a homeless person on the street, smelling of piss and vomit, I might give them a dollar, but I usually don't. Strippers (usually) smell better and (insert whatever joke you want here), so do whatever teh fuck you want. Just don't be too much of pussy to say no if you want to say no.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Follow up
    I feel your pain, gawker. I've made that long drive, only to turn around and head home when she no-showed or cancelled at the last minute. It's happened to me more than once, and with both OTC's and Sugar's. It's more than the time lost, and more than the frustration of unfulfilled desires. It's that I take fair bit of time to plan, shift other events on my schedule, perhaps make reservations for dinner and hotels, and of course, I push other opportunities down on my priorities list. What I've learned form these disappointments: 1. Always have a back up plan - even if it's go home and indulge in self-love. 2. Only locals, or she comes to me. You need to define "local" for yourself. For me it's no more than a 30 minute drive. Better yet, let her drive/Uber/skateboard/walk to me. I have an advantage over some here in that I'm single, live alone in a house, and I work from a home office. I always offer to host and love the idea of ordering pussy delivery just like I can have DoorDash deliver lunch to my door. 3. Stay in touch. After you've planned and confirmed, watch out for radio silence. One of the red flags of a no-show I've seen is that she stops responding to my messages within 24 hours of our scheduled start time. The closer I get to my go time (the time I need to get in my car) with no responses, the more my messages start to hint (then state) that I'm going to cancel if she doesn't reply. I had one SB in the Bay Area in Nor Cal that did this to me. We had met the previous weekend for dinner and a steamy make out session in my car. We planned on a 2-day wine tasting trip the following weekend. I researched wineries that she would like, made a non-cancellable hotel reservation (because it was cheaper, but still expensive!) and lunch & dinner reservations as well. On Saturday morning, I left my place at 5:00 am to be at her place at 7:30 am. The plan was to head north to wine country and start tasting after breakfast. When I got to her place I texted. No answer. I waited 5 mins and texted again. Repeated this 3 more times. Then I called - 4 times. Straight to voice mail and her mail box was full. I got out of my car and walked around, but she had never given me her unit number. After an hour, I left one more text that I was heading home and I left. Two days later she texted me: "Oh! I partied late the night before and fell asleep. And my phone battery was dead, too. Can we try again this weekend?" No. Total cost full cost of the hotel room (about $425) a tank of gas and extra blood pressure meds for two days. Overall, I'd say my success rate in long-distance hook ups is around 35%. So unless I have another reason to travel to her area, it's a pass.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Women of color
    My penis is color blind. And dancers only see green.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip club attire
    Thank goodness the OP started this thread because we haven't had this conversation in over 20 minutes! :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Hustlers Trailer
    I was a (rather infrequent) visitor to Scores in those times. At the time (1990's to 2000's) the club had legendary status as the king of high mileage and high class clubs. Major athletes, actors, high-profile finance ass-hats and more came there to be seen and be sucked & fucked. The dancers could smell the money as easily as the PL's could smell the pussy. My last visit was with about a dozen sales reps from my company and thier senior sales manager. I was not a sales rep, but my role was to provide key support to the reps, so they brought me along as a reward for helping them make millions. The sales manager decided to be a baller in front of his boys (there were NO girls hired for sales then), and bought each of us $2k in club scrip with the instructions: spend it all here or you lose you year end bonus. 20 minutes later I did my walk of shame and left the restroom, only to have the manager re-up my scrip and tell me to do it again. All in I think he dropped better than $40 grand, plus a load or two of his own. (Pretty sure he wrote it off as a business expense because back them you could do that.) There were a lot of huddled giggle sessions the next day at the Javits center. Good times.