Got robbed OTC ( SA)
well, it was bound to happen.
I've been pressing my luck across the nation. I travel for work, and have enjoyed SA all over. Large cities, college towns and in between. There are hoes everywhere.
I've had a couple of no shows. A couple that showed up heavier and less appealing than their pics.... but all in all.... pretty good experience.
Until now.
Maybe I got too confident and comfortable.
Maybe I let my guard down.
Maybe i drank too much.
I met up with a SA girl that I had chatted up for a few days. We met at the hotel bar. After a couple drinks, we went up to the room.
So I prefer to pay after, but I've had a few others ask up front ( including one of the best.... a former Hustler mag girl that dances in Vegas). This girl asks for the money when we get to the room. She uses the bathroom, then says..... I have to get some thing from my car. I look in the envelope ..... empty ( suprise!)
This is where I get foolish. I'm about 10nseconds behind this girl, catch her at the elevator. I politely ask for the money back. Shes freaking out.... "dont touch me!" Blah, blah. I'm standing between her and the elevator..... just hoping to get the cash back at this point.
She bolts for the stair.
At this point I decide it's not worth LE involvement and I retreat to my room.
2 minutes later..... knock on my door. I look thru the peep hole. Its 2 large guys. Of course, I dont answer. I'm far from home, and dont try to take my gun with me when I fly .
Gave it a few minutes, then I called for extra towels. When housekeeping arrived, I took the opportunity to walk with her to the elevator and get out for the evening.
Sobered up and considered my foolish self lucky.
I've been pressing my luck across the nation. I travel for work, and have enjoyed SA all over. Large cities, college towns and in between. There are hoes everywhere.
I've had a couple of no shows. A couple that showed up heavier and less appealing than their pics.... but all in all.... pretty good experience.
Until now.
Maybe I got too confident and comfortable.
Maybe I let my guard down.
Maybe i drank too much.
I met up with a SA girl that I had chatted up for a few days. We met at the hotel bar. After a couple drinks, we went up to the room.
So I prefer to pay after, but I've had a few others ask up front ( including one of the best.... a former Hustler mag girl that dances in Vegas). This girl asks for the money when we get to the room. She uses the bathroom, then says..... I have to get some thing from my car. I look in the envelope ..... empty ( suprise!)
This is where I get foolish. I'm about 10nseconds behind this girl, catch her at the elevator. I politely ask for the money back. Shes freaking out.... "dont touch me!" Blah, blah. I'm standing between her and the elevator..... just hoping to get the cash back at this point.
She bolts for the stair.
At this point I decide it's not worth LE involvement and I retreat to my room.
2 minutes later..... knock on my door. I look thru the peep hole. Its 2 large guys. Of course, I dont answer. I'm far from home, and dont try to take my gun with me when I fly .
Gave it a few minutes, then I called for extra towels. When housekeeping arrived, I took the opportunity to walk with her to the elevator and get out for the evening.
Sobered up and considered my foolish self lucky.
Glad you're okay and the story makes everyone more cautious
There are so many ways this could have gone side ways. I got lucky.
won't do a damn thing. she'll just open up a new account. sucks for the OP - just move on and always be alert.
First of all, gotta practice The System. You meet your women f2f, like in a strip club. Don't call ads or use referral services.
Second, speaking of my plans for future US travels, you don't just meet them f2f, you develop intimate rapport with them. So it will be Front Room Makeout Sessions, maybe back room FS, before any OTC is talked about.
And I will always be treating them in a 100% manner, never acting like money buys them or persuades them. They will get money, Mistress Maintenance. But the interaction is always 100% civilian.
So by the time an OTC meeting occurs, she is pretty close to a confirmed GF.
I'm guessing to try to shake me down for more ?
Once she's out of your room in view of the hotel cameras there's not much you can do, it's analogous to her leaving VIP with your $$$ and you forcefully trying to get your $$$ back in view of the club-staff.
I personally may have flipped and taken the $$$ back by force but that would be contingent on there not be a text-trail/evidence of me setting up P4P and then I could just deny deny deny.
You're just unaccustomed to coherence.
It's fortunate that you only lost money.
1. I wouldn't have paid up front, but I would have showed her the money so she knows it's there and she will receive it after the date. Maybe place it in an envelope on the nightstand. Could this be specified before the meeting? Or perhaps when you were having drinks and were ready to go upstairs?
2. I don't believe those two clowns were hotel security. Hotel employees ALWAYS identify themselves when knocking on your door. And unless another guest or the bitch reported you, hotel security probably wouldn't know what room you're in based solely on hearing some commotion near the elevator. Upon seeing those cock-suckers through the peep hole, I'd have called the front desk to report a couple of drunks knocking on my door and causing a commotion.
This is where I'm tempted to get on my soapbox about SESTA/FOSTA. If this sort of thing was more out in the open, ladies could probably only get away with this once or twice before they got a bad review on TER and everyone got really leery going forward. I haven't engaged in the non-club version of "the hobby" since TER went away because I simply refuse to see a woman at least a few others have vouched for. I didn't do it that often when it was around, anyhow, because clubs tend to have far better talent at more affordable prices, anyhow, and so many reviews are so bad. But without it, I just don't trust anything I see.
I tried SA briefly and it didn't afford me the kind of anonymity I wanted. Sorry, also not for me.
I think, if you do this enough times, you get ripped off once or twice on occasion just because the odds say you will. I had a woman in a Vegas club promise me the moon and the stars and delivered nothing, earning her a spot in my ROB Hall of Fame. Even when you do what you can to keep it from happening, it still happens sometimes.
Takeout. One spa-type place. The occasional trip to Detroit. I've found those are the easiest ways to get off with the least chance of bad stuff happening. You do what you can.
But @RandomMember is spot on. I never pay in advance (anymore) and I always insist on a preliminary f2f meeting in public and specifically tell her there will be no intimacy and no allowance. Starbucks is your friend here. If we meet and she's pushing to go back to my place asap, I pass. That's the biggest red flag there is.
Reporting her to SA is probably useless, or even potentially bad for you. I'll guess her profile was fairly new, and it was probably gone (deleted or she blocked you) by the time you got back online to look. It's easy to create a new one. And, although I've been burned in this and other ways several times on SA over the last few years, I only reported a ROB once with no action from SA. But consider from the SA team's POV if there is a SD who reports multiple SB over time. They are likely going to start thinking that you are the problem.
Other ROB set ups to avoid:
1. She wants you to pick her up and asks if it's OK to have her "cousin" come along for (safety, more fun, whatever) reason. No way am I going to have her and some other stranger get into my car.
2. She asks for an Uber on your account to get to you from a pubic address/intersection. Once she's in the Uber she can divert the car to anywhere she wants, potentially costing you huge $$.
3. She asks for money for a hotel room. Of course, she will ghost you.
4. Her profile pics are stolen from someone else's IG account.
Well you get the idea.
But to be clear, this is not criticism. When the little head is doing the thinking, the path of least resistance feels like the right choice and it's damned tough to exercise discipline. But over many years I've learned that if a girl absolutely insists on payment upfront, despite my objections and showing her that I have it, then she was inevitably running a game to begin with. It's better to let her yell, cajole and ultimately stomp away without your money than to run out the door with it.
I would not chase the ROB in that situation. I would just write it off to the stupid tax all us horney PL's have to pay.
For SA type encounters, I do meet them for a meal before any adult fun is discussed and do hotel time on the same day. Ive had decent luck with this.
The girl is worth more than the money.
I've thought..... what could I do in the future to protect myself?
1. Never pay upfront. Honestly, it's never came up in conversation before getting to the room. I should just make sure they know it in advance.
Clearly, there are girls that have been burned in this as well..... they are probably just as worried about not getting paid.
2. A wingman would help. But my work travel is alone.
3. I thought about some sort of lie where I tell the girl that I need to make sure my brother is out of the room before we head up. It would plant the idea that theres someone else watching out for me.
Any time you introduce something unusual to the mix in a new OTC encounter, it creates a defensive reflex in a girl who already has her head on the swivel with a new guy. She'll be hearing your goofy story about your brother and imagining being ambushed for gang rape, arrested or something else bad.
You're best bet is to just pay them after the deed is done. If she has already come that far and knows you have the money, she'll do the act if she's serious about it. I'm speaking from ample experience with these situations. The ones who make it a deal breaker weren't going to perform anyway. Also, don't believe a sob story about her getting burned before because it's most likely a lie - men rarely want that kind of drama in their own hotel rooms.
If she's not into that, then find another girl. If that's not an option, then don't get laid. We all want to get laid, but I'd rather not get laid than risk getting robbed, beat up, or worse.
Your choices, though.
Dont ever see why people make a mountain out of a hill.
Skibum had a good point
All the recs above are good ways to protect yourself, but it’s good for all of us to remember that much of what we do will never be 100% safe no matter how many precautions we take.
“Pics or it didn’t happen.”
I am glad you are OK after this bad experience, hopefully it makes you appreciate the good experiences more and continue, use this experience as a lesson on how to improve your behavior the next time.
Seriously, post pics in SA (anonymously) of the girl to warn other about her criminal activity, probably she has done this many times.
You can also anonymously tip her crime to the local police. LEO doesn’t want local criminals to rip-off visitors, tourists etc, it is bad business for their community.
You ended your post with this sentence:
“Sobered up and considered my foolish self lucky.”
Yet another reason why I advocate not drinking and “operating heavy machinery”, “driving”, “engaging in games/activities/hobbies that require all the senses to be able to perform”.
I hope you consider this a learning experience, this hobby is like a poker game, you win sometimes and you loose sometimes. I approach it that way and always play with money I can afford to loose. I pay up front if requested politely and my Spidey Sense tells me is OK. So far so good.
I have considered showing the money and ripping the bills on half and giving the girls one half, if she insists on money up front, but so far I haven’t had the need to do that.
We should keep our guard up all the time regardless how comfortable we might feel, yet enjoy the exhilarating game we play.
One more observation, in my opinion OTC (Outside The Club) is more appropriate for strippers, for Sugar Babies, is more of a First Date/Interview/Encounter/Meeting.
I agree that the first meeting with potential sugar babies should be to see if there is “chemistry” and if it is a “match”, with no other compensation than paying for the meal, coffee, and cab ride/transportation. This is a good way to weed out some bad elements.
Believe or not I have seen some high end escorts to use this approach to screen clients.
However in your case, a traveler, this first job interview requires more time than you might have available.
Again thank <insert deity of choice> you are OK!
Had to cancel a date. I THINK she wasnt a scammer.... but she wanted paid at dinner.
I declined to make the date.
She was pissy about it, but I kept my money.
I understand the girl's fear of not getting paid too. I mean, if she doesnt have a pimp.... who's gonna come after a guy that fucks and then refuses to pay?
I would never not pay for service rendered... but some of them guys out there are scammers too.
Basically in this arrangement, someone has to be trusting. And it ain't me.
When I used to read StripperWeb I would read a lot of complaints from dancers about custies but very rarely were they about not getting paid after rendering services - yet on TUSCL it's fairly common to read reports of custies getting ripped-off.
Now I will never drink more than a single drink - a beer - on a date. If she downs a lot - I’m out. I don’t want a drunk whore in my room.
If she wants payment at the start - it’s stopped immediately. That’s a red flag. Either she’s going to develop a quick illness or she’s just going through the motions.
If anything feels off - it’s over. It’s easier to see stuff that’s off - and to not discount it - when you are sober.
I don’t need to get laid badly enough to be robbed or beaten up by thugs - so the decision to stop is easy.