
Comments by Toplessdancer

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Seeking a little advice
    I have been dancing for a little over 6 years now. Every time you get into a new club it is very nerve racking. Remember there is one girl for every guy in the place, and while some may not like you, some will like you best. Now for the name Candy, I have not worked in a club yet that there wasn't already a Candy working there. I am sure you can be more creative than that. I think Candy, Sugar, Ginger, Amber, and Jade are the most popular Stipper names ever. Just thought I would fill you in on that since you want to stick out, not be in the shadows.
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    21 years ago
    Looking for some advise on shoes to pass along...
    I have had guys who brought in catalogs for me, and while I thought it was nice I also thought it was creepy. My question is, why is she even doing pole tricks if her shoes are flying off? She must not be the brightest crayon in the box, if she hasn't figured out she needs shoes with a ankle strap. I would much rather fix my shoe than look like an idiot flying my shoe off into the audience. Doesn't she know, those shoes are only plastic, one of these times its going to hit the floor and the damn heel is going to break off.
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    21 years ago
    Black Dancers & White Customers
    No not all customers are the same. I don't want to look like a bitch or anything, but some customers you know are going to try to lick you, or bite you just by looking at them. It doesn't always mean race either. The skanky girls usually take care of those kinds because they figure that its just money. No matter who it is. But I for one will not dance for just anyone. They have to be nice to me and want to have a conversation first. Sorry I know I sound like a prude but I have been dancing way too long to get unwanted fondling. So like I said I will not just dance for anyone.
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    21 years ago
    Do strippers have kids by different fathers more than the general population?
    My best friend has 2 kids by 2 different fathers, but thats only becuase her first husband, was killed by a drunk driver on his way home from work. I only know one girl who has 2 kids by 2 different fathers than her and she is not a stripper. I think the whole different baby daddy thing happens more outside the stripper world.
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    21 years ago
    As a newbie, is it better to be Alone or in a Group?
    I prefer the man who sits alone. When men come as a crown they tend to be there more for each others amusement than accually being there for a dance. Most groups ususally are the over hyper, over drunk, half retarded types. They like to yell and let thier opinion be know while sitting back broke with no intention of even getting a dance. I am the dancer who like to sit and talk for a while, for free, and show my cutomer that I am here for emotional support if they need it and always there to fulfill thier fantasy, well they are in a strip club right? I hate the "wanna dance" pick up that some many new dancers use. I would much rather have a regular than a one time one song dance.
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    21 years ago
    Where are the strippers who've EVER LIED, CHEATED, STOLE, or MANIPULATED custome
    I am ashamed to admit it, but some dancers Do lie and cheat to get money. Not once but a few times I have heard of girl who will tel the customer that they have been dancing for more song than they really have. Or they will include the song that was playing while they were bringing the customer to the private dance area. Most of the time if I see a girl doing this, or a customer will tell me they are getting no more dances that night because a girl has done that to them, I will go tell the management right away. Most girls will get fined for that behavior. The management does not want that kind of word going around about thier club. I have to agree, more customers try to cheat the dancers, by telling them, "oh I thought the dances were only 10.00 a song, I didn't bring enough" or " I tought I had more money than I really did" If they can pay most of it, I will cut some slack, but if they can't pay for hardly any of it, is when I show them where the ATM is or the bouncer. Sorry I had to dance for you, you have to pay me Just like any other service on this earth.
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    21 years ago
    MANY strippers have met their BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND while he was a CUSTOMER
    Why are you dating someone you met at the club anyhow? I find it to be extremely unprofessional, and most clubs frown on that behavior. Some will even fire or fine the girls that give out thier #, let alone date a customer. I don't care if you didn't accept a red cent from the guy. Dating a club goer is just wrong. I have met some girls that have dated a clubber, and it turned out to be a disaster, obviously if they met you at the club, most of the time, they will only think of you as a stripper, no matter if you have danced for them or not. Chances are they DID see you on stage and that image has been burned into thier mind for the entire relationship.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I started dancing because I thought it would be fun to tryo ut for ONE WEEKEND!! lol I ended up staying, and thats all there is to it! I told my friend. I think I will dance and she told me I didn't have the guts, well I proved it to her, and she started the weekend after me.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I am a lurker lol
    Question # 1 "You stated that you "tend to pick customers over others" - Why? well because some men are nasty and they think since I am a Stripper I will let them fondle me, lick me or bite me. If they have no respect for me, I do not need thier money. Question # 2 - You stated that "due to many bad experiences you've encountered" that you dont trust men? Were you ever asked to perform a sexual or fetish act to a customer? I don't remeber saying I don't trust men at all. I do trust men. If I had a nickle for everytime some drunken fool ASKED me to do a sexual favor I would be a millionaire. Most of the time they ask, I say, "if you ask me again, I will stop dancing for you" or I just walk away. Question # 3 - Do you hate men? The reason why I'm asking this question is due to the fact that many dancers have told me that they were abused by their fathers, uncles and priests!! Any truth to that? Or is this some sort of "stripper folklore tale"?? I can't speak for all dancers, but I think if they are upfront to tell you that, I would take it as a line of bull shit. The Woa is me sort of thing. I don't hate men at all. I love men! I am not down with the poonani. Question # 4 - Do you feel working at a strip club may have turned you against society or turned you into a bisexual? Uh why would it turn me against society? I do everday things like every one else. Like I said before, I am not down with the pootang, therefore I am not bisexual. If you are refering to my other post, I guess I should have clarified, I would date a stripper, a male one! I hope this wasn't too hard for you to read, and I havent seen you on this board before, my question was more refered to RomanticLover and Clean and Sober.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    A Challenge!
    I don't know who he is but he sounds like a rotten person. I will not reply to anything he says. I don't need. lol he is a waste of time anyways.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I am a lurker lol
    O.K. lol I am picky, I am sorry. I choose not to dance for certain people because, some of the types all they wan't is EXTRAS. I have not and will never do them. I would rather not make my job stressful. So I avoid them all together. LOL NA I am sure I would love you though Wink Wink. I am not mean and I never intend to be, I hae to think of myself sometimes and thats just one of they ways I keep a good mental status is just to avoid certain situations. KingPin, grow up.
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    21 years ago
    who are you??
    Nice to meet all of you! I will check back whenever I can, and post a much as I can. I hope you all are doing well. Its always nice to know a little about the people you chat with!
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    21 years ago
    What's the most disrespectful thing ?
    OMG I have seen so many poor girls get bitten in the poon area. One time this gril was on stage and was sitting on the side with her legs dangling over, when the guy sitting in front of her went at her and bit her. She started crying she said it hurt so bad. The worst part was when she told the bouncer he didn't do anything. She told all the girls what he had done, and no-one went up to him the rest of the night. So he just left. Thw worst part is, that what if he had something and she were to bleed? What if she would have caught something? That would scare the hell out of me.
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    21 years ago
    Would you pay a stripper for CONVERSATION if she had EVER been FUCKED FOR MONEY?
    How would you know. first off. Secondly you never should have to pay for conversation. Its always a nice gesture, but I won't accept money for just sitting there.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Read this quote and respond
    Dancers have to smile while working. I know for damn sure if I was getting a dance from one of the ladies, and she looked like she was bored, I would be like thanks, but no thanks, and be on my way. But Since you (RL) only want to pay 5 dollars for a dance, I can understand why no one smiles at you
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    21 years ago
    Body Glitter, Lipstick and Strong Perfume
    OK. Let me in on this one. Sorry, I agree body glitter is a NO NO, Not only does it come off on any one and anything, It also gets on the pole and makes it very slippery when trying to do a pole trick. On Dummy left lotiony body glitter all over the pole, I fell off and nearly broke my neck. As for lipstick and body sprays. Honestly, some girls look funny if they don't have thier lip coloring on in the dark lights. I don't think they should be getting it all over the patrons, but sorry fellas not all girls have that natural beauty. Body sprays have pheremones in them, and are part of the attraction for some men. I have had men say, I love that one scent you were, can you go put some more of it on for me. I have men who ask what flavor of scent I have on, because they want to get it for thier significant other. Sorry boys but the girls have to wear body spray. Otherwise they would be stinking up the place after sweating all night long.
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    21 years ago
    SUPPOSEDLY fully nude clubs where the girls DON'T go fully nude
    Oh my goodness there is another dancer who posts here?!?! I have only worked at 5 clubs 3 were nude and 2 topless. There was no rule at any of the clubs saying we had to get nude on stage. Management actually didn't want us to do it every time. There are a lot of cheap people who come to clubs, just tip at the stage, so they can get a pussy shot. How many of you will show me your penis, or asshole for one dollar? Not to mention, Yes Incase you all don't know this, but when women work with each other for a while, they usually get thier periods at the same time. So if you notice that one time you go to the club most dancers take off thier bottoms, and another time hardly any, that might be your answer. Sorry this is a touchy subject to me, since it sounds like you would give a club a lower rating for a girl having a little more respect for herself and not spreading legs for a dollar, if you have to see pussy that bad get a damn private dance. Not to mention, at least 75% of the nude clubs I have patroned the girls do not get completely naked on stage. Who cares!!!! I will put my bottom dollar on that the girls were in fact getting nude for thier private dances. What are you a detective to make sure they are. Please!!! Hey I am just like the men here. ALL LESBIAN!!! I like to see a little cooch, but I would never bitch and complain about something so asinine as this. Come on, it really sounds pathetic to me. I can't help but say it, but it sounds like if you can't see it for free or a dollar you are going to rate a whole club as bad!!! Grow up
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    21 years ago
    Taxes, do exotic dancers report their income?
    I would say MOST do not file thier income. The few who do don't file the whole amount they make.
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    21 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Did you still want to use this board?
    I work everyday, and when I get home I want to sleep. So I don't get to come here very often. I will try to post whenever I can.
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    21 years ago
    Yeah, um Romanticlover, some dude obviously made that quote up. Get real
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    21 years ago
    SUPPOSEDLY fully nude clubs where the girls DON'T go fully nude
    I forgot you dancer right???!?!?! Since you expect to see pussy for a dollar, my guess is that you are not. I want to know what club stage tipping is a BIG part of our income? NOT, that is so far from right its left. Stage tipping makes up hardly anything so get it right. Yes most stage tippers are cheap, what I mean by this is YOU may spend MOST of YOUR money at the stage, but that goes to MANY dancers not just ONE. So you may think you are blowing your load, on stage tipping, the girls are going to think your cheap. OOOPS did I hurt your sorry feelings? While it may be NUDE most NUDE clubs do not require the girl to go NUDE on stage. Rightfully so, I NEVER went nude on stage, I never spread legs for a dollar. I did go nude for VIP dances though. I think you are being over rational when you are saying that some girls NEVER go nude and they work at a NUDE club.. Darling that is not allowed at any NUDE club I have ever been too, OR and NUDE club any of my friends work at. I think you are so full of shit your eyes must be brown. Sorry, but until you get a dance with every girl and know thier routine you can just shut your mouth now, you have no Idea what you are talking about. Sorry to be blunt but c'mon GROW UP!!! for real, get a girlfriend so you don't have to pay to see pussy at all if you can't understand the working of a woman.
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    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    YAY YAY I have to get in on this one!! To who ever said a majority or the girls are single mother is SOOOOO right on the money! At ALL of the clubs I worked at way way way more than half of the girls were single mothers, and would not want to date some one from the club, because of exactly the source. Regardless of who the woman is she isn't going to want to date an avid strip club go-er RIGHT? So why should she date one that she already knows he is, and bring that into a relationship with a child, who may also get hurt in the process. Secondly, I am not single, I do have a life partner, and I tell every man/ or woman that come to visit that I am single, WHY you ask. Because there are MANY MANY MANY men and women who do not want a dance with a partnered or married stripper. I think it take some of the fantacy out. I can see why too. When I am getting a dance I don't want to think about thier possible spouse at home, I want to think they are soley into me even if its just for a moment. And to who ever said that these girls may have quite a few boy friends, or girls friends, Most of the single ladies do have more than one person they are seeing at one time. This business does something to the girls doing this job, it makes them money driven [In all aspects] not just at thier job, so most of them think, the more men I date the more things I am going to be getting. I won't even lie we get kind of on the greedier side! LOL Now to whoever said that these girls get asked out by the patrons alot is SOOOOOOO true, I would say I get asked out at least 3 times a night, and when you work a full schedule like I do, it gets sooo old, and I will admit that after a few date offers I begin to think stip club patrons who look for date are PL. But then my days off come, and I get over it, lol until the new week starts. Not to mention if you are a big ole dyke like me lol, I really hate getting asked out by customers, but I love them none the less. They keep my bills paid my partner from not working and our child with clothes on his back and food in his stomach. Well... I think I said all I wanted to... I hope at least lol Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What are the strangest comments strippers have said to you?
    Eye teeth that are pointy are sooo sexy.. lol not a vampire thing, but sooo sexy. Love sara
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    20 years ago
    Is it Ever Wrong For A Stripper to Lie?
    Makayla, I was going to say what GS said the first time I seen you post something here, but I kept it to myself. But hey now that she said something, what the hell. "I don't waste my time with customers I don't find attractive but I can find something attractive about most people " Yeah, and you make money how? I know damn well, there aren't enough "attractive" people in the club that you can "only" dance for them and still make a profit. "My stagename is Makayla, my real name is Mandy and if a customer asks my real name I either tell them if I'm comfortable with them or I tell them I don't feel comfortable answering that" I don't think she was saying your name was Nikki, re-read please. "? Is it possible to dance because you enjoy it? " Hey I like dancing, I have been doing it forever! If I hated it I would have gotten out years ago! But NO ONE dances For a Hobby. "Yes I dance one day a week as a hobby, but I also make a profit and intend to continue increasing my average profit" A lot of girls only work one day a week, but as a hobby, Nah... I don't believe it ". I don't need to lie to customers to convince them to get dances from me. My husband loves that I dance and it's not because of the money. He loves me doing things I enjoy and expressing my sensuality (and he gets the benefits when I get home). First off, he would be a pussy if he didn't tell you no, to getting yourself turned on by other guys, WAKE UP WE'RE NOT BUYING IT! he gets the benefits when you get home huh, so he likes the fact you get turned on by lots of other men, so you will give him some? OK lets here another one... too funny "And I certainly don't need to waste my time explaining myself to a dancer online who I've never met, never seen and don't even know. Nice to meet you too." Then why did you, and you really come off soooo defensive, that makes you sound like a bigger fake. Here's a tip, make sure there are no seasoned strippers (because no "dancer" in the club calls herself a dancer, we know we are strippers) posting on the same board, so you won't get called out again. You don't have to be ashamed to be a customer. Female customers are welcome here too! Love sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    No fun for me now, but I agree with GS, as long as she made you feel good, I think she pulled off her end of the bargain. See that is the OK kind of lying, not the woa is me type. What am I telling you for, I am sure you all already know this. I definately want my customer to feel good about themselve when I am done with them, thats the making of a IN HOUSE friend, a Regular, and best of all, a good referal. Right, we are businessmen/women a happy client is a repeat client. Love sara