
Comments by Toplessdancer (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do large club managers tell the dancers to go ask certain guys for dances?
    Well, let me tell you there are certain things the Owners/Managers tell the girls to looks for: 1. Age, the older the better, young guys are usually there for the free looks, and older guys are usually there for the fantasy and the attention (per mngr.) 2. Clean Clothes! Guys that just show up after work tend to be there to unwind and enjoy the view, but not really spend the money. 3. Single patrons, most likely they are there for dances only, not to hang out with thier friends 4. Wedding ring, ( bet you would have never guessed that one) Typically these men are here for outside relations with out technically "cheating on thier wives" 6. bachelor parties / Divorce parties / birthdays Usually when its these types of parties, the men taking the honoree will usually pay for that man to get "many" dances opposed to just one! For me a group of men are the best! usually, if a dancer can show the first guy that they are a great lapdance, he will recommend the dancer to the next guy till the whole group has spent money on the dancer! I hope this helped! Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Best Clubs in CHICAGO Area
    I personally LOVE Club O in Harvey, me and my boyfriend have gone there so many times, and have gotten dance with so many of the girls, I could never get a job there. Even though I would like to, that place really rocks my world Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    bringing up extras
    Whenever a guy try to negotiate "etxras" I smack in in the face or grind my heal in his crotch! Hope that helps! Sara
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    20 years ago
    Holiday gift giving
    I actually agree with Daverinstl, If you give her money it will just be like a bonus for the night, if you give her a gift certificate, even like those visa gift cards would be better AND when she uses it whe will think of the person who gave it to her. So it would be just like any other 100.00 bill she has. I didn't accept hardly any of the gifts that have been given to me over the years, because I don't want to give a patron the wrong impression. Especially things like jewelry, stuffed animals, sex toys, flowers, fruit baskets (YUP FRUIT BASKETS) and any other out side of the club type gifts. I probably would accept a gift card, and I always accepted costumes and shoes, and I would always wear them for that paticular patron. Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Would you be friendly with a stripper who picked your pocket?
    OMG, I don't think I would ever be friendly with her again! But to each thier own I guess. Just make sure you keep a tight grip on your wallet when you are around her. Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Is the 2nd or 3rd dance always better than the 1st?
    OK... This is what I did 3 years ago whenI first started dancing. I would always do a kick ass job on my first dance to hook them in, and maybe even the second dance too, but by the third or fourth I would usually start slacking off, I figured I already hooked them in, and I made a chunk of change off of them. BUT NOW, I still give a good dance (or what I think is good) the first dance and I continue to keep trying to make the customer happy until I think they seem like they had enough, I then try to slack off so they won't feel soo guilty about quitting. I know it hard to say no sometimes, I have been on that end too. when you know the girl is trying really hard its hard to get up an walk away. By now I think I have gotten pretty good at reading peoples faces, so when I think they have had enough I let them go (lol) in a way. Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Many Dancers are Wifes or EX-Wives to veterans
    LOL while ignoring what Kyle111 is saying for a moment, In the club I was working at last year, 3 women started withing 4 months of each other and all 3 of them lost thier husbands in war, and now are trying to support thier families by Dancing. I know if I lost my partner in a war or something like that and I was being totally supported by her I would probably resort to the quick fix such as dancing. These poor women are thinking they are going to find love once again by working there too, which makes me even more sad that a girl would actually look for love in a crap hole like a stip club (not saying strip clubs are bad, just a bad way to find a mate) OH and I am not saying all of the guys who come to strip clubs are bad either, but same thing applies at a bar, I would want to find my future partner there either. I hope no one take advantage of thier vulnerablity Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    They will all see you o/s the club
    Doesn't every one go to strip clubs (winks) But as for the EVERY stripper will see you outside the club for a price is ALMOST true. ANYone will go home with anyone for a price, even straight men would go home with a man for a price. I thinks its soooo funny to always say just strippers ha ha. OH and I wouldn't go home with a man for any price under a million ( you know what I am saying) lol I hate penis YUCK! I don't even like the sight of em'. Give me a hot girl, YUMMY I may go home with her for free WINK WINK! Love Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do some strippers "Cockblock" you from another dancer
    I will admit I am sort of a "cockblocker" LOL I do have a few regulars that everyone want to get thier hands on, because of how well they treat me. BUT I don't do it with people that aren't usually there for me, or people that are comming to the club for the first time. I think the big thing is, if the customer is up front and tells the girl that they are going to get dances with someone else, or if they say they have an eye for some one else, we "usually" but not always respect that. I do know a few girls who will throw a major temper tantrum if the guy turns them down (HOW SAD). But saying that also has a back lash if you are not truly honest about saying that. Because whenever a guy tells me that he would like to get a dance with jane stripper, I will go get her and have her go to him. So if he was lying, he gets put on the spot. at least I tried to help evil laughter lol Sara
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    20 years ago
    Adult Clubs/ Toys for tots
    oh and Kyle darling, you are right, you can discriminate against whomever you want too, BUT should needy kids get less because someone thinks YOU (general you) Are not "as great of a person" as they would like you to be? Do you think those children who would normally get nothing care about where they got it from? Do you think that they would value the gift less if it came from a stripper, or a gay? I don't think so. I would hate HATE HATE to see children get even less than what they do because, Joe Government does not want it to come from a strip club. Just think of the hundreds of gifts that come in to the club, that no one will accept, and the hundreds of kid who didn't get a gift this year because it came from a stripper/ club patron. This is what make me sick about the narrow minded people today. OH and I know stripping is not an admireable proffesion to most, and I know most people think that we degrade ourselves everyday for drugs and alcohol and whatever else they want to think, I am not in the dark. But unless its a church denying the toys, the government should have no bias to where the toys came from. Just my opinion! Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Adult Clubs/ Toys for tots
    SQUID, If you want to go to that site its up to you, lol. Its only women so good luck if you end up posting! www.babyzone.com its under the message boards link, then on the HOT TOPICS Board you will see it. and if you go soon you will see even more garbage they are saying.. Good luck! Love Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    They will all see you o/s the club
    silly silly boy [spank spank] Does sara need to teach you what happens when you lie to her? LOL, I haven't worked in GA since 02, I work in central IN. so if you want to make a drive I may let you in to my whereabouts! LOVEY LOVEY [smooch smooch] Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    Hi, back again, I am getting addicted to this sight again, I may end up having to take off for a while lol! Ok, JPac? I think you are the one who asked why my girlfriend can't work? right? I may be wrong BUT.. I don't want her to work, we just had our first son, and she is so nurturing and loving that I just can't see my son going to a day care for 8 hours a day so she can work, when I make more than enough money to support us. But if you must know she did work until our baby was born, then I asked her not to go back to work, at least for a while, and definately not until she is done breastfeeding him. I think that is a big part of why some women get with women ya know, we know what important to each other. Not to mention, when I have our next child she will be going to work while I stay home. (but not for a few years from now) Davids maybe? not sure again, I don't have a deadbeat boyfriend, I have a beautiful life partner (female), that one day I will marry, (when it becomes more PC). I know "some" of the men here think its wrong to say I am single at the club, (if thats what you mean by self proclaimed liar) but what works for me is saying I am single. You may not be one of those discriminating men who won't get dances from married women, But why should I take a change when there is a man who after talking for a while asks ME for the dance and says, "Oh by the way, are you single"? while walking to the PD area. I say, "No I am with someone" MORE than Once did a man say, "You know, I would rather get a dance with some one I may have a chance with" or along those lines. Does that burn my ass! So if that makes me a liar... eh, so be it. this is a discussion board, and I don't know you. so think what you will. wink wink Love Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    damnit! I read through it again, and wanted to make one more comment. "Actually if a club has that rule, then it's probably just so the girls can have a convenient excuse to turn down customers. " By Davids You are mostly right! but 2 of the clubs I worked at were VERY adamant about that rule, and if they even caught a girl giving a # they were thrown out at the end of the night. BUT I think you are right, I think its a helpful excuse. I usually just say I do not date customers if they ask. And half the time they accept that the other half I simply tell that I am lesbian, but I am not even lying when I say that. But half of those men don't accept that either lol... Its hard to tell someone who is pretty drunk, a lot of them don't take no very easily. Love sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    Casualguy she was probably bi-sexual and really didn't know it yet. I have dated 3 men.. scratch that 2 BOYS and one man in my lifetime, they were both back in high school, and both relationships shortlived. I didn't have sex with either of them, because the thought of having sex with a man. didn't appeal to me in the least bit, actually it was kind of appauling. So I started dating women when I was 17, my first girl friend was 20 at the time, and what a sexy PSYCHO she was, I thought I was never going to date another human again lol.. I figured I don't like men in that way, and women were crazy! Well I tried again when I was 21 she was dancing at the same club as me, and we were together for close to 2 years. we split up when I moved. I dated a few more girls, THEN I dated a MAN OMG I KNOW. we had sex one time, and I split, it was in my mind the most disgusting thing I have ever done. So after not dating for 3 years I met my life partner 3 years ago and we just had our first baby (Titus) back in August, and couldn't imagine my life with out her, she really is my rock! I have NO clue why I just told you that whole story, I guess I am just reminising about my past. lol.. Boy IF I told you about when I told my mom I was GAY!!! ha ha ha .. thats a funny story all in its self. LOVE Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    shadowcat "You have a big dick". Well... do you? kyle1111 "The latest story is that her boyfriend lives in this big beautiful home (perhaps just a regular middle class home) and he will allow her to live there with him once she PROVES her loyalty and worthiness and . . . " -I think this is the one you want me to have answered right? Sounds like a big ole lie to me, and I called a few of the girls to ask what they though and they agree with me. BUT on the small left pinky of my other hand, she sound like she has very poor self worth, and if its true, he is just feeding her this lie to get what he wants until he is done with her. Sorry this one was a tough one, but the general consensus out of the 10 girls I spoke to, is this is some sort of lie, and why she would be telling this one... we have NO CLUE. kyle1111 "Too often I see dancers craving LOVE that includes a strong man and a family. Many that I've met have relatively little interest in money" -You are right about the companionship thing with the single girls, I agree a lot of them are just looking for love, and if I might add.. in all the wrong places unfortunately. Davids -I don't even need to quote you, most must remember that a strip club experience should only be thought of as PURE fantasy, and nothing more. If that fantasy is one huge lie, its should still be a fantasy, there is absolutely no reason you "need" to know any truth about any of these girls. Its not real. And if you must know the truth, take your coat off and stay a while, get to know the girl, show her you are interested, and that you are not a stalker. Once she gains YOUR trust, trust me she will let you know what ever you want. I don't know how to convince you that this is a "different" business than most. These girls are sometimes lusted after so strongly by a man that, some men become obsessed, and over bering some time just scary. I know, if you need a story, I will provide it. maybe then you will understand. Otherwise, you never get the girls to stop lying, no matter how much you complain about it. As the old saying goes, if you don't like it, then don't go to it. FONDL "For example, my current favorite tells me every time I come in that I'm her favorite and she treats me that way too. " - that is exactly why the girls say it, we do aim to please. If we were rude and didn't say nice thing to our men, how would we make money? berman333 I am a single and I am a Virgin. -and she is dancing? Well that's a new one, I have never met a virgin dancer, nor have any one of my stripper friends. Yikes I actually think that's kind of funny. lopaw -I don't even need to quote you, very very very well said! Jpac73 "?? I don't go to a stripclub for conversation with a woman. I go to have a few drinks and lapdances that's it" -you are a strippers dream lol Love sara!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Boyfriend is the guy who's really getting played
    "Does her significant other know she is grabbing on customers dicks, grinding on them, kissing them on the lips and various other acts which some strippers engage in. I bet if her husband or boyrfriend knew about these things he would be very pissed off." Unfortunately most do know, but they don't care as long as they are keeping him fed, well dressed, and a roof over his heads. But not all dancers are like that either. I don't know if I can say most, but I will say a slight majority who are married or with some one try to stay on the cleaner side of dancing. For fear of disrespecting thier SO. Love sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    first off thank you SuperDude, you really are SUPER! Maybe one day, but not in the next 4 years I know for sure lol. Although me and my SO did vote for GWB, but our other issue out weighed marriage, right now a certificate saying we are together is meaningless when there are so many more depressing issues at hand. Casualguy, As for that alien thing, she is more crazy than I would care to comment about, how strange lol. I don't know if its because I am a woman that dates a woman that make them more cazy to me. Sometime in same sex relationships since we are the gender we are like magnets, same + or - we push each other in different directions. Here is an example of her craziness... One morning, she was up getting ready for work, and I was still in bed, she came into our room, and started screamin at me for leaving the curling Iron on all night long. OK. Well mind you I was dancing then too, and I wasn't even home to use it. She actually turned it on, and went and got a cup of coffee, then went back to the bathroom forgetting she turned it on, and literally screamed at me like i was her sister or child for a half an hour about how I don't respect her, and I don't love her, because I could have done it on purpose to burn the house down while she slept, so I didn't have to be with her anymore. OH MY... I think thats when I should have left.. but NOOOO not Sara, I stay for six more months and heard that junk the whole time.. LOL I am a sucker for a sexy girl with big tah tahs. WINK Love Sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How Much Money do Strippers Spend Anyway?
    Well when I first started dancing, I am not going to say how long.. I will be aging myself then, I mostly spent my money on shoes and out fits for work. I was horrible with money lol. I haven't bought a new costume in so long, Oh it has to be at least 3 years ago. Now a days ALL my money goes to my SO and son. I seriously am not trying to sound mean in any way to makayla, but more than half do, do drugs, way more than half are greedy gold diggers, and half of them are sluts, and more than half are single mothers. I have worked in over 15 clubs across the US, from the dingiest to the most upscale and I know what I am talking about. I am not on here trying to be some stripper crusader by any means, but I want people to know how it really is. Working at one or 2 clubs in the same geographical area is not going to make a case. in some areas I have worked in had NO drug users, and most were just paying thier way through college. But trust me those clubs are further and farther away than you may think. Love sara No hard feelings what so ever please.
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    20 years ago
    Hearing Lots of Hardluck Stories in the Club These Days
    I HATE it when I walk past a girl talking to her customer and i hear her hard up, no money stories! I know that lots of girls use them as thier gimic, but come on! who is realy buying it! We make way more than the average blue collar worker, and that mainly who we are getting our money from!.. Sorry sensitive subject for me. Love sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What Kind of Sleazy Shit Do Customers Pull?
    I do have quiet a few stories, but here is the one that will ALWAYS stick out in my mind. One night when I got off of work, I went to my car and locked the doors. I noticed to the left at the end of the parking lot was an empty car, and it wasn't one of the girls'. So I decided to be careful, I just had a bad feeling. Well anyhow, I started towards the interstate, and noticed that very car was about 2 cars behind me. I kept going hoping it was just that the person leaving the club was going to the interstate to go to thier home as well. Let me also remind you that I lived 1.5 hours away. This car was around 30 feet behind me the whole way home. So I slowed down enough to get the liscense # just in case. Well this car got off at my same exit. Now I was freaking out!! I wasn't even about to go straight home, so I was driving in store parking lots, and in neighborhoods that weren't mine, and this car was still following me. I ended up driving to the police station and calling them from my car and asking that an officer come out to my car and walk me in. The cop came out walked me in and I told them what was going on, they ran the liscense # and turns out the car was from 2 hours NORTH of where I worked, and I lived 1.5 hours SOUTH of the club. The cops drove me to my friends house and I left my car there over night. If that isn't sleazy I don't know what is!! I still get scared to death that someone is following me home. Love sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Question for Toplessdancer and maykala
    I have met some really exceptional Men and women over the years. I used to move around so much, (like 2 times a year). Sometimes I would really miss some of my old "club friends" (I would just say friends, but some people don't think strippers and customers can really be friends .. whatever). Not all dancers are "soleless" like Davids thinks. There are more girls that do have friendship feeling toward thier customers, and do have an open friendship with them, and do let them in on thier personal life. We know that not all men that come in are sleazy, just like we want the men who come in to know we aren't all sleazy. Believe me there are more "nice" dancers then "evil" ones. MANY of us are saddened when one of our AFC leave. Not because that money isn't comming in anymore, but the fact that it is so hard to trust the people who come in, when we do find our diamond in the rough, we actually cherish them. I think I have mentioned this on here before, but.. I had this one customer, who was in the closet gay. He came with his brother 2 times a week, he only got dances with me, because I didn't make him pay. We only went to the booth and pretended he got dances, In hopes it would throw off his brother. But when it came time to become open about his preference, I was sooooo sad that he wouldn't be comming in anymore, I mean to the point of me crying. I bought him a gold necklace with a gold horseshoe on it for good luck, and gave him my phone #, for a shoulder to cry on, and still to this day he is one of my best friends, he is actually my sons godfather. It doesn't matter where you work, you will always be able to get close with some one, even int he strangest situations. Love sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Most Outrageous Lie a Stripper Has Ever Told You
    We want a naked babe pic over here!!! lol... My SO was reading this board, and told me to put that on here lol. Love sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why Do Some Customers Become Regulars?
    I don't know if I count in this conversation or not, but here goes! I became a regular at a club called Ricks when I was 18 (with fake id, and fake boytoy), it was the first strip club I have ever been to, and the girl who gave me a dance was just awesome, even was a outside friend with benefits of mine for a little while. I would go every wednesday night, because it was slow and I knew she worked just so I could make sure I would get as much time with her as possible. to make a long story short, I ended up dancing because of her. Damn her! lol.. Just kidding, I enjoy what I do, mostly. Love sara
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    where did everyone go?????
    I am here, but haven't really been posting much, I have been volunteering at the red cross for a week now and have been to tired to get on the cpu. I KNOW A STRIPPER VOLUTEERING!!!!! it happens, shut up ... lol I am just kidding. Andrea and I are taking turns at the red cross, and even on the days I am not there, our son is pooping me out. I will try to post more, but today was the first day neither of us did anything. love sara