Just wondering what kind of crazy things you have heard. One of the craziest comments I believe I heard was when one stripper gave me a strange compliment. She told me she liked my two pointy eye teeth. Maybe she was into the goth or vampire scene but I didn't even know it existed back then. Other strange comments you've heard?
Are you horny? was the best opening line a dancer ever used on me. My response was "Always" and a year later and several thousand lighter I had about the best year of my life.
I'd obviously rather have neither, but if I have to choose between a camera and a bouncer watching I'll take the camera. A camera gives a greater illusion of privacy, plus the ladies all know where the cameras are and can easily position themselves so that the camera really can't see what's going on. Plus when the club isn't very busy nobody's watching the monitors anyway. Club cameras are usually on a continuous loop so there are no pictures being saved.
I once had a girl, a total strager to me, grab me by the arm and pull me toward the back room the minute I walked in the door, saying "Quick, noboday's watching the cameras right now," implying that if I got a dance immediately we could do things that weren't normally allowed (this was a high-contact LD club with small private rooms in back, each with a security camera inside.) I of course thought it was a total hustle but she was cute so I went along with it. Turns out she was telling the truth. I was in and out of that club in half an hour but that half hour was sure fun.
One stripper at the Sapphire in Vegas told me that I had nice teeth. I said to her, "Really? That's odd. I haven't been to the dentist in 10 years." Same girl with you maybe?
Thanks Toplessdancer, I never thought that my teeth could be sexy. I have also noticed that sharp eye teeth on females looks sexy but I wonder if that would also be a bit dangerous if one were into getting extras. I suppose the comment about teeth stands out for me because I've only heard one dancer ever compliment me on my teeth in a club before.
I remember another series of strange comments I heard a dancer start telling me after I agreed to get a dance from her and we were waiting for something. Instead of casual conversation she was telling me she had 3 kids, ages 3, 5, and 7 or something along those lines. Then she went on and on. I found out she was a relatively new dancer which explained to me alot. Most dancers don't tell me all about their personal life when I meet them for the first time.
I had a stripper, my ATF, asked me if I masturbate. She said she plays with her pussy and boobs. I think I got hard thinking about it. I told her yes. She got excited. She proceed to play with herself in front of it. She said she wish she can be closer to me, but there are cameras there.
First thing she asked is if I had braces as a kid. (No) Said that because hers are crooked she always notices people with straight teeth. Personally, I think she could have saved some money on the GIANT boobs and got the braces.
One told me I had nice eyelashes. My eyelashes are very long, and she's the first person I've ever met to have complimented me on it. A little strange, but nice.
Many strippers tell me that I am handsome, sweet, and smart, but then when I then ask them for dates they always say "no". Isn't it strange that they aren't interested in dating handsome, sweet, and smart guys? :-)
Seriously, though, I had one girl who didn't have an ounce of fat on her tell me that she had a baby two months ago... Either a strange lie to tell, or strange that she won't have a bit of fat left to show for it.
I say yes to that question without any warm-ups. My focus is on looks. Personalty and intelligence and manners and etc. is further down on the list. Also, it makes NO difference if a dancer likes me or dislikes me. The key is does she have the right looks and can she do a good job. Of course, personalty, intelligence, etc. are nice bonuses, but it her looks that are most important followed by her ability to do a good job.
I think "wanna dance?" is the strangest thing. Does anyone ever say yes to this question from a girl who hasn't even bothere to take the time to first say hello and introduce herself?
last commentbut it is her looks that are most important followed by her ability to do a good job.
Seriously, though, I had one girl who didn't have an ounce of fat on her tell me that she had a baby two months ago... Either a strange lie to tell, or strange that she won't have a bit of fat left to show for it.
I say yes to that question without any warm-ups. My focus is on looks. Personalty and intelligence and manners and etc. is further down on the list. Also, it makes NO difference if a dancer likes me or dislikes me. The key is does she have the right looks and can she do a good job. Of course, personalty, intelligence, etc. are nice bonuses, but it her looks that are most important followed by her ability to do a good job.