
top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)

1. "I am just working here until I graduate from college"
Honestly my honeys, only about 1/4 of those girls telling you that BS are telling you the truth. The ones who really are going to college, don't work weekdays very often, and they usually will give you a rundown of thier courses. If you want to find out if they are lying, just ask all the courses they are taking, you have to take more than one course for a certain career.

2. "I am single" Most of these girls are NOT single. Think about it, if they look good enough (leaving out the few LOL)to work as a stripper, than they are good looking enough to get a man or woman. NOT ALL are lying but most are.

3. "I have a day job" UHM c'mon, unless they are at a hole in the wall club, they are bringing in anywhere from 800 - 3000 a week, do you think they can work all night long, and then go to a day job, then go back to work all night long?

4. "I am lesbian" While there are TONS of bi-sexual girls working at strip clubs, very very few are full fledged lesbians. That line is usually a turn down for a date.

5. "I don't date customers" sad but true that this line is a lie. If you treat a girl with respect and don't try to go OVER the line with her, if she is single, eventually she will date a guy or two from the clubs, its all a matter of time. The more time, money, repsect, and patience you give they will probably date you. Providing you are not a ugly dirty slob. You know what I mean here.

6. "I have never done drugs" Ouch does this hurt my ego to tell you. More than half do some sort of drug, they may not be addicts, but they are mostly social druggies. The choice drugs for most of them is Marijuana,speed, and alcohol ( I personally think alcohol is a drug). There are very few coke, crack, and heroin addicts anymore. I really do mean very few.

7. "give me a call, here is my #" Most of the time it is thier number but its MOSTLY just a cell phone that was purchased just for customers to call. Some will give you home #'s but half of the time they screen thier calls, or they are single and they don't need to have a cell phone because there isn't a boyfriend there to pick up the phone.

8. "You are my favorite customer" out of the hundreds of men she sees a week you think you are the only one she favors? remember there is alway another regular who may spend more than you. They just might not be there that night. so she should be saying " you are my favorite customer today" that would be truthful then.

9. "I was thinking about you today" I am sure you already know this is a lie. but unless she has your phone # and gave you a call to talk, she wasn't thinking about you. OR its a holiday and she got you a gift, she was propably think of you when she bought it.

10. "If I don't make X amount of money tonight, I won't be able to pay my bills" just re-read # 3 its will re explain it to you.

Ok now here is the fun part, I am going to play devils advocate for a minute, if you think you have had a lie told to you, and its not on this list, I will ask the girls at the club if they have used that one, and tell you if its a lie or not. Since people on here think we are all self procalimed liars, I will give you as much insight as I possibly can. So you aren't Fooled anymore. K

Oh and this was a christmas present for RL, he can qote this discussion about how strippers lie for years to come. Merry Christmas RL!!!!

Love sara


  • davids
    20 years ago
    FONDL: I think you're lying in your last post.
    20 years ago
    Davids, I think you need to grow up. First of all, EVERYBODY tells lies. And if you don't think you do, then you're lying to yourself, just like we all do. In fact most of us tell ourselves more lies than we tell anyone else. We all shade the truth to make ourselves look better, and we all shade the truth when it's in our own best interests. Dancers aren't any different. They're selling a fantasy which requires them to stretch the truth. They tell you what they think you want to hear, just like a good salesperson does in any other field. That's their job. If it bothers you that much, stay out of strip clubs.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago

    Hmmm . . . I've got this 19-22 year old hottie with a PERFECT body and face. She does a great job for $10 per dance and does some minor extras *before* I start spending and *after* I stop spending. Heaven forbid she lies to me! I'm sooooooooo upset. Why the fuck would I really care?

    She's doing a great job and she got ASSETS which are fairly rare. The $$$ she earns off of me is extremely inexpensive compared to what she does for me. She could tell me she's a doctor or lawyer/judge (often the true filth of society) or an airline pilot or any other fantasy she wishes to create. My concern is does she do a good job at a good value? Perhaps in a different society I'd be upset about her penchant for lying, but when in Rome do as the leaders do.

    And, I really could care less if she does illegal drugs (as long as it doesn't get *me* in trouble) or if she's a lesbian or if she's on welfare (in this country, *I hate to say it*, but welfare should be an absolute right) or if she does or doesn't pay her taxes or even if she believes or disbelieves in dog/god/whatever.

    Since when did strip clubs become some type of venue for finding a "moral" soulmate? What I don't understand is why customers who seem to have such a low opinion of strippers keep going back for more punishment. Perhaps it is an addiction or they just too fucking stupid to say NO without the assistance of the government?

    Anyway, going to strip clubs is usually *voluntary* and I don't mean voluntary in sense the government claims it voluntary to pay income taxes. I'd be really stunned if even 1 out of every 250 strip club customers were *forced* into the strip clubs to look at naked dancers and spend $$$.

  • davids
    20 years ago
    Most 3 years old know what lying is. I guess strippers and the other posters here haven't figured it out yet, though. No wait, they know but don't care.
  • subatomic09
    20 years ago
    Gingersnap, so true. Vegas was my first high-mileage strip club experience so I don't know much, but I know that fantasy or truth, these girls knew how to make the experience about the experience and not about the transaction, ya know. For me it was a rare thing, coming from Chicago where your hands are clamped behind your back and $100 air dances are 2 feet away. Xb
  • Gingersnap
    20 years ago
    I know I am not Sara, but I would like to jump in of at all possible? yeah maybe?
    Casual guy, Just because she didn't ask you for more dances doesn't mean she wasn't lying. But who knows, some strippers are so bad with their money, that even though they make way more than enough to pay their bills, its cash and it burn holes in some girls pockets. So I don't feel bad for her at ALL. Goes to show how some women are that irresponsible, when they don't use the deposit box at their bank at the end of every night!
    subatomic09, Ok my question for you is, even if she was lying to you, would it have made your night any worse? from what it sounds like to me is that she made you feel like the most special guy in the house, and if she had to turn the sexy up to make you feel that way, her lying did exactly what it was intended for, right?
    Ok... sorry for not being Sara, but hopefully I did ok.

    Happy lapping!
  • johnnylingo
    20 years ago
    I had similar experience on the 2nd and 5th dances I ever got (different cities, different girls). Having now done about 20 dances, I can say it is rare but it can happen if you meet the right dancer and things click. Talking to my favorite last week, I get the impression she'd rather spend time with guys she's comfortable with and make modest money rather than be trolling the floor all night, or end up in the VIP room with some a-hole who's going to treat her like crap. Sounds like you have the right attitude - enjoy it for the value you're getting, and nothing more. Just because she's comfortable with you and giving away some extras doesn't mean it's a love story.
  • subatomic09
    20 years ago
    Exactly, johnnylingo! I just wanna feel like the most special man in the club for that night, and a rare girl will make you feel like her only lover without making your wallet feel like her only income. ;) I definitely keep some incredible memories from that night, whether Tori was milking my money or not. :D
  • subatomic09
    20 years ago
    Sara! You're just the kind of dancer I love. Your personality and insights are awesome. If I had a magazine, I'd give you a column. ;)

    Here's the latest life-story I was given by a beautiful girl named Satori last night. It was so crazy it had to be true! If she made this up, strippers are more talented actresses than I thought!! XD

    Satori was her stage name, Tori her "real" name, a sexy 31-year old dancer at Jaguar's in Vegas... great conversationalist and warm personality, and when I mentioned that I was a graphic designer, she said she studied that too, so our conversation definitely convinced me based on her knowledge of the industry, you know. She said a few years back she got a viral pink-eye infection that forced her to quit using computers because the radiation from the monitor aggravated the virus.

    She was courted by Playboy (and even had a beautiful necklace with a playboy bunny in it when I met her) and even though her hair would be dyed and tattoos airbrushed out, she felt inclined to be honest with her father, who flipped out (OF COURSE!) which lead to her moving from AZ to Vegas. She loves Lake Tahoe, and plans to strip for 3 years and hopefully start a fishing company (she loves to chase marlins in the Gulf of Mexico) or open a club up there.

    She didn't feed me any lines or stroke my ego, but after giving me many extra lap dances, she seemed to really attach her self to my thigh, and I'd like tot hink she really got off quite hard, she was shuddering and sighing heavily in my ear, moaning my name.. I wouldn't be dissappointed if she was faking it, as I sort of consider that a compliment that she cares about me having an amazing experience, but the extra attention and mileage I recieved in the $100 room when $500/hour rooms were right next door really impressed me and left me wondering what I did to deserve this!

    I was so intoxicated with the quality of her time, her personality, her gorgeous rear-end ;) mmm-mmm!... she was so friendly, and not pushy, and really bent the rules in the VIP section, giving me several free lap dances and kissing on the lips, massaging my crotch, and even whispering breathlessly "We should cool it down a little, I'm getting too hot and I'll be fired!"

    This was only the second girl I've ever had a dance from, and I think I'm in love. I know I'll never see her again, I'm from Chicago, and I have a GF so I'm realistic about the fantasy of it all, but I'd like to know if my experience was rare, and if I should spend the rest of my life smiling about that one real treat I had over the X-mas holiday in Vegas. If so, Santa was good to me this year. ;)

    Thanks for the thread, Sara!
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    I thought about saying something about meeting her outside the club. Then I changed my mind. She would want money and I didn't want to pay any.
    20 years ago
    There isn't any way to tell unless she's willing to take you into her private life. I'm sure that sometimes a story like that is false but sometimes it's true. If you really like a girl with a story like that, offer to meet her outside the club to discuss it further and see what happens. Just be aware that it could get very expensive.
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    I can share something one dancer told me one time I was wondering if it was a lie or maybe the truth. I got a dance or two from a dancer. She actually sat down and started chatting with me afterwards. I believe she sighed a little and told me a story about how she was behind in her rent and the landlord was going to evict her tommorrow if she didn't have the money. I asked her how much she was behind (I was curious now.) I forget the exact amount but she said something like $400 ( this was years ago). Then she said it doesn't look like there's going to be enough money in the club tonight (club wasn't crowded at all). Was she telling a story?

    I'm thinking maybe it was true because I don't recall her asking for another dance from me and she looked a bit depressed when she mentioned her story. What do you think?
  • chitownlawyer
    20 years ago
    The very first dancer that I ever got a dance from, at the very first club I went to, told me during the pre-dance SS that her boyfriend was a Houston police officer. As naive as I was then, even I understood that she was telling me to stay in line. She then proceeded on to the most nasty dances I have ever had!!!

    Actually I like it when strippers lie, because it makes it very clear to me that this is all fantasy--it helps keep me out of RIL territory. I see SCs as Disneyland for grown men. As much as you like to play along with the game while you are in the Enchanted Kingdom, when you walk out, the fantasy is over.

    Once a dancer told me that she was going to graduate school in a field that had been my major in college. I asked her some extremely arcane questions about the field--and she knew the answers to all of them. Not all dancer conversation is stripper shit, I guess.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago

    BTW, if she is playing a game it could be a very cruel and heartless one. But, hey if you're going to a strip club in a society where sex workers are routinely denigrated and marginalize and stereotyped, then you shouldn't be too surprised iff'n one or two of the little ones bites back now and again. :)

    IOW, don't keep kicking a dog and just expect the dog will always run or take it. Every once in a while bloody justice or bloody injustice may be done in the kingdom of god.

  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi Jpac73,

    It may make sense to keep spending money on a fantasy if that is what it takes to keep it purrring. :)

    To me one of the highest highs is meeting a super hot woman who is skilled in the arts of predation. The woman I was writing about earlier in this thread who appears to be a poor victim is super special and stimulating, ***if*** she's just playing a game. The fine acting and nuanced subtleties. Wow, wow, wow. It gets my blood lusting over just comtemplating the complexities and it makes me want more! You pay for what you get? ;)

    I remember this one little adorable scammer who took me for a ride. After catching her dead center she was shocked that I wasn't angry and that I wanted to buy more. She refused to sell claiming that if the john knows the game the game is not worth playing. I wished I'd kept my big mouth shut. That is the type of dancer I love to do business with--unless of course I actually fall in love with her . . . like getting addicted to chocolate and then having chocolate taken away for good. :(

    So if you not enjoying a woman's conversation, then I really think you are missing out on a lot of the erotic thrill that some women have to offer. I have a lot of admiration for a woman who is skilled sexually--I'll be thinking I wish I was even 5% as good as her in the love department. Similarly when I meet a woman who has a lot skill in selling herself or a story I feel in awe.

    The main problem is 1) finding the woman and 2) getting her to start a new game once she's been exposed. I remember this one black woman who had me eating out of her hand with slurring sweet schoolless southern speech. Then I told her please cut the crap and speak at least like a white girl. She was a polished speaker like she's out of Yale or some fancy finishing school. She laughed and said that was what she thought I wanted to hear. :)

    I liked the phony talk best, but both were beautiful. :)
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi Jpac73,

    Thank you, I'm glad you liked the story. They're definitely not for everyone. I was once offered a significant amount of cash upfront to write radical revolutionary tracts. I turned the offer down and the gentleman making the offer thought I was playing some type of game. His original offer was more than generous and was great for my ego. :) He said Kyle you don't have a job and you're poor, what's to discuss??? I said nothing 'cause I ain't writing nothing even if you doubled or tripled your original offer which was excellent. :)

    I use to drink non-stop even getting to point where I eliminated the OJ from my screwdrivers. Besides the orange juice was getting too expensive. :) Full and empty vodka bottles were everywhere and my fridge and cupboards were empty. A friend from out of town came to visit and he wanted excitement. I just wanted to drink and drink and drink (but I still did find time to look for hot women :) ). He started telling me these insane stories wherein I supposedly played a major or minor role. Nothing sounded true and everything sounded farfetched like drugs had fried whatever few brain cells he had. The guy was a dumb blood and guts thug who loved feeling pain and inflicting pain. (He was like brass knucks. A necessary evil in a jam.) How could he invent such stories or even remember them for that matter? He kept talking and talking providing more and more details to try and get me to remember. Suddenly my mind was being flooded with images. The crazy unbelieveable stories were true. I didn't even like booze. I was drinking to forget and had succeeded!!! Yes!!! :) Now, my friend was bringing it all back and wanted more "good times." :(

    If I make a mistake or do something that is wrong (even minor) or see something painful it will be replayed over and over and over again in complete clarity. It is a living hell. Booze, lots of it, helped. Now my memory is more average.

    It is funny. His girlfriend, like many people, said that I was full of shit--that it was all stupid lies and couldn't be true--after I told her a few of the tamer stories. Her eyes got big quick when her boyfriend told her I was telling the truth. He wasn't known for lying or telling entertaining stories, or saying much of anything (one of his few good qualities).

    So, I've forgotten many of the best stories (only to be recalled if I perchance meet an old friend who likes to yippity yap yap about the past). It is too much for me. Like the stunning woman that can make my heart beat so fast that I have trouble breathing or staying calm. Heck, the tamer stories usually are met with disbelief and or contempt and thus place me in a very negative light. I sure as hell wouldn't believe them unless I witnessed the events, first hand. :) And, it can make people upset if they think you're lying or crazy- so water it down or hoe the party line.

    That's why I stay away from real writing because it is better if I forget and I don't like the pressure to make the stories sound more plausible. Besides I still like to play a micro bit and even many minor mini-indulgences are criminal . . .

  • davids
    20 years ago
    I think a better rule would be: don't talk to them. Just get dances.
    20 years ago
    These broad generalizations are totally useless. As I've said elsewhere, strippers are human beings jjust like most of us, and they're all different. Find a girl who has the qualities that you're looking for and stick with her. And ignore those girls who have qualities that you dislike. And if you can't find any who you like, why do you bother going to clubs?
  • davids
    20 years ago
    You guys (girls) can post all the crazy rationalizations you want. The strippers lie to make more money off those customers inexperienced enough to beleive them. That is their primary motivation. Strippers are as sleazy as anyone else who lies, and you can try and pretend otherwise but that's the bottom.
  • Jpac73
    20 years ago
    Kyle your should be a stroywriter man.
  • Jpac73
    20 years ago
    Kyle you should be a story writer. You have had plenty of experiences in life.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Speaking of stories/experiences/lies the last few days have been a whirlwind. Too many details and beyond strange (so I'll leave out the good stuff. :) ).

    Last night I was being stuffed with fine foods and wine and good company (didn't do any drinking--don't have the body for it anymore). The people around me were from like another planet. Was this be kind to a bum day? How can I be living it up in luxury when just the night before I was in a slum on a nasty filthy mattress with a super hot woman? (You should have seen the "wash cloth" and worse how it was used. Truly disgusting--perhaps part of the act. :) ) The culture shock is an overload--I dream of the white trash days where at least there was a constant day after day. Bad and more bad. Stupidity heaped upon stupidity. And, the worse thing is I have this insane notion that, that time and people are where I belong. No, I didn't belong there either. But, I could act less civilized and was more respected. :)

    I don't trust/like the "free lunch." Too good to be true is also how I would desribe the people I was with. I was thinking how if I had money I would much rather be with the hot woman even if she was a total fraud. Extreme physical beauty versus people who seem to good to be true and my focus is solely on looks. Sad, but that is how I work.

    I would rate this story a definite lie, but it is true.

  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi Sara,

    Well she does tell a lot of lies. You can't believe the filth she services her customers in (she says it is only for a few more weeks so no big deal). Her boyfriend has at least 2 other girls who are super hot as well. His truck is top of the line too.

    The comments I overheard as I was leaving bothered me. I was on my way out and stopped briefly to speak with a bum/wino?--She had left and closed the door to a different room of the house. Bascially it was a pep talk. Very depressing. Of course, the pep talk could have been for my benefit as well . . . but, seems sort of silly unless they just practicing their act for a customer that has money.

    Anyway, unfortunately there won't be any future business. I told her that if she was telling the truth about having to PROVE her loyalty and worthiness, then I felt sad for her. She got all upset and said if you want the good life then there is nothing wrong with proving you deserve it. I said OK if that if what you want to believe, but really you are too damn hot not to be treated like a total superstar by your boyfriend. She starts, He is letting me earn my way, blah blah blah . . .

    Bought some dances, but she complained that although she couldn't say NO (to the dances or other requests) that I should be able to see she was very unhappy and that I should stop. I said why do you care? I'm just a customer. She says I'll do whatever you say and with a smile, but I'm a person. So I stopped and she seemed a little happier.

    From my experience that is the end of the road--She will not willingly do business with me in the future. Hopefully, I'm wrong--yes, that is very selfish-- Bottom line I can't help her (too old & too poor & wrong color).

    Thank you for answering the question. :) I was hoping they might be familar with the story, but I think it is a poor dancer experience/story/lie.


  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    I absolutely have to agree with Shadowcat about the "You've got a big dick" line. Do they have X-ray vision?
  • Toplessdancer
    20 years ago
    "You have a big dick".
    Well... do you?

    "The latest story is that her boyfriend lives in this big beautiful home (perhaps just a regular middle class home) and he will allow her to live there with him once she PROVES her loyalty and worthiness and . . . "
    -I think this is the one you want me to have answered right?
    Sounds like a big ole lie to me, and I called a few of the girls to ask what they though and they agree with me. BUT on the small left pinky of my other hand, she sound like she has very poor self worth, and if its true, he is just feeding her this lie to get what he wants until he is done with her. Sorry this one was a tough one, but the general consensus out of the 10 girls I spoke to, is this is some sort of lie, and why she would be telling this one... we have NO CLUE.

    "Too often I see dancers craving LOVE that includes a strong man and a family. Many that I've met have relatively little interest in money"
    -You are right about the companionship thing with the single girls, I agree a lot of them are just looking for love, and if I might add.. in all the wrong places unfortunately.

    -I don't even need to quote you, most must remember that a strip club experience should only be thought of as PURE fantasy, and nothing more. If that fantasy is one huge lie, its should still be a fantasy, there is absolutely no reason you "need" to know any truth about any of these girls. Its not real. And if you must know the truth, take your coat off and stay a while, get to know the girl, show her you are interested, and that you are not a stalker. Once she gains YOUR trust, trust me she will let you know what ever you want. I don't know how to convince you that this is a "different" business than most. These girls are sometimes lusted after so strongly by a man that, some men become obsessed, and over bering some time just scary. I know, if you need a story, I will provide it. maybe then you will understand. Otherwise, you never get the girls to stop lying, no matter how much you complain about it. As the old saying goes, if you don't like it, then don't go to it.

    "For example, my current favorite tells me every time I come in that I'm her favorite and she treats me that way too. "
    - that is exactly why the girls say it, we do aim to please. If we were rude and didn't say nice thing to our men, how would we make money?

    I am a single and I am a Virgin.

    -and she is dancing? Well that's a new one, I have never met a virgin dancer, nor have any one of my stripper friends. Yikes I actually think that's kind of funny.

    -I don't even need to quote you, very very very well said!

    "?? I don't go to a stripclub for conversation with a woman. I go to have a few drinks and lapdances that's it"
    -you are a strippers dream lol

    Love sara!

  • Jpac73
    20 years ago
    I know Strippers are there to make money and portray a fantasy but what sense does it make to keep spending money on a fantasy? Some of you talk about buying gifts for your favorite dancer but why give gifts if it's not real?? I don't go to a stripclub for conversation with a woman. I go to have a few drinks and lapdances that's it. I now feel it's my right to speak up when I feel a dancer is not doing a good job during a lapdance. If I am paying my hard earn money and she is giving me some lame ass airdance and I am paying 20 or 30bucks she needs to be told that she isn't living up to expectations. I will still pay her but from now on when something like that happens I will let her know that she poor job. If she doesn't really care about my feelings then why should I give a hoot about hers???
  • lopaw
    20 years ago
    Ok...so the following is now official:

    1. strippers lie
    2. strippers want our money.

    This is like a class from Customer 101. We all know this stuff already. Anyone who walks into a SC with an open heart & an open wallet is gonna get burned (we probably have all done that at least once in our early clubbing days). You just pick up what's left of your heart/ego & your bank account, dust yourself off, and head back to the club another day - more cautious than before, but hopefully not bitter & cynical (like "davids" appears to be).

    It may be a stretch, but I equate dancers and their "lying" with actors.....I pay both to pretend that they are someone else, and to entertain me for a given period of time, whether it is in a movie theatre or a SC. I may find the movie's leading lady hot, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go home and hunt her down and try to ask her out! She's off-limits, like the ladies in the SC should be.
  • berman333
    20 years ago
    I am a single and I am a Virgin. Felt for that one before
  • davids
    20 years ago
    They lie by saying they go to school or have other jobs when they don't to protect themselves? WTF? More likely they do it to seem more attractive (and hence make more money) and to protect themselves from being seen as being PLs in the customers eyes. (Oh wait, I'm sure Yoda or someone is going to chime in and say the dancers really don't care what the customers think of them. Right?)
    20 years ago
    Dancers lie for two reasons: they tell guys what they want to hear to make more money (they see that as part of their job), and they lie about their personal lives to protect themselves. Once you get to know most dancers and earn their trust, they won't bother to lie to you anymore. Most of them would rather not have to do it.
  • davids
    20 years ago
    "If it doesn't result in me spending more money and it does result in me having more fun, whare's the harm?"

    No harm if you tell an untruth that the other party isn't going to beleive. In that case it's more of a joke. A lie is when you have the intention of misleading the other person. In should be obvious why that is not good.
    20 years ago
    I actually enjoy the lies, I think it adds to the fun. If it doesn't result in me spending more money and it does result in me having more fun, whare's the harm? I believe what I choose to believe (just like everyone else only most people don't do so consciously).

    For example, my current favorite tells me every time I come in that I'm her favorite and she treats me that way too. So what do I care if she tells 15 other guys the same thing? That isn't hurting me at all. And you know what else I've found? If she keeps saying stuff like that and I keep believing it, sometimes it eventually comes true. Thoughts and words have a lot of power.
  • davids
    20 years ago
    Truly pathetic. Strippers tell so many lies and then they call the customers the PLs! And then people like Yoda worship them like they are goddesses. I'm not impressed by all the lie telling. Why not just tell the truth like normal people? Is money really that all imortant to you?
  • Jpac73
    20 years ago
    Most of the dancers at the club I visit regularly don't try to hide the fact that they are married or have a boyfriend or girlfriend. There is only 1girl whom I know has told a lie about not having a boyfriend. I know cause she is one of the best looking girls there. Also a few of them have admitted that they like smoking Marijuana.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago

    When a dancer tells me all the wonderful things her *man* is going to do for her financially it is like HELLO?! Most seem to understand that they are the ones generating the $$$ that can accomplish all these wonderful dreams they have . . .

    I'm thinking that just like I need to pay for sex (to keep my feelings in check) that some dancers need to pay for love or dreams and a man (for some reason). I get really disgusted when I read all the posts that all dancers are just in it for the $$$. Too often I see dancers craving LOVE that includes a strong man and a family. Many that I've met have relatively little interest in money. Hot dresses, friends, music, drugs, paying the rent (remember poor dancers), keeping the boyfriend happy, etc. are far more important . . . the $$$ is almost an abstraction where to get these wonderful things they have to work and some time in the future their man will take care of them and make their dreams come true . . .

    I've met so many really sweet dancers, but this need of some to pay for a man is depressing. Of course, my friends think my paying for sex is depressing. :) And, this nonsense that he will provide in the future. It is like PLEASE wake up! You are the valuable person. You are one bring home the $$$. You deserve to have the man working and earning on your behalf. The man needs a *little help*? Fine as long as he is willing to do most of the work most of the time.

  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi Sara,

    Great JOB! :)

    I was seeing this stripper for 2 years over at the old Baby Dolls (the only time I saw her outside the club was once as as a favor to her--non-business nor sex related). Some of her fellow dancers approached me near the very end of that time frame. They were extremely upset. (Her pimp was increasing his demands and the stress was showing on her. She used to tell me all the wonderful things he was going to do for her in the future.) Anyway, her friends thought it was my duty to take charge or at the very least talk to her. Very reluctantly I did talk with her and there were lots of tears and yelling and I'm surprised she didn't hit me. Bottom line I wouldn't help her. (My talk did seem to shed a little reality on her.)

    I really would like to help--if possible--when I run into this type situation in the future.

    Although the police have generally treated me very well, with a few HUGE exceptions, I work very diligently to try and stay out of trouble. Mainly it is doing the right thing that gets me involved with the police so now that I'm old and wimpier there is no more hero in me that will place me in the bright lights. Say there is this young highly attractive stripper. She lies and she does good work. She is extremely grateful for the slightest non-cash favor like giving her a stick of regular chewing gum. It is this last part that bothers me. Her eyes actually light up. (The cash goes to her boyfriend/pimp.) Anyway, I will leave out some important details like how I know what is and isn't a lie. The latest story is that her boyfriend lives in this big beautiful home (perhaps just a regular middle class home) and he will allow her to live there with him once she PROVES her loyalty and worthyness and . . .

    So have your stripper buddies told this one? I grew up with strippers and prostitutes and criminals. So far I've been able to help zero girls, even those who I was very close to (just friends no business allowed). I have NO interest in free sex or a real girlfriend.

    Please remember I'm dealing with poor people and that my background is white trash. Perhaps I'm too close to what I perceive to be a problem. If a woman wants to support her man, then although I think the man should be doing that it is really not germaine. What I see as a problem is taking a girl's $$$ with a bunch of phony dreams she's desperate to believe.

    I've had the opportunity a few times to play pimp and refused. So I do know that part of the game. I just do NOT know how to "deprogram" a woman who believes all the wonderful bullshit she's been fed--it is religious. Reasoning is useless against religion. Perhaps I need to search for books on the subject . . . more likely I just need to do nothing.

    Who knows maybe there is some simple solution . . .

    Thanks for the great post Sara. I wish I could write so well. Also thanks for the xmas present. :)


    20 years ago
    To return to the original topic, great list Topless. I think I've heard every one of those, except maybe the lesbian one. I tend to think of these as exaggerations rather than outright lies. For example, when she says "you're my favorite customer" I hear "you're one of my favorite customers" which is probably true since I'm one of her best customers. Or when she says "I need to make $X tonight to pay my bills," I hear "Damn I didn't make as much as usual this week so I might have to skip getting my car detailed tomorrow so I can pay my rent." Like most professions, strippers speak their own language and you have to know how to interpret it. One key to interpreting the language - remember they're always talking about them not you. To me that's part of the charm.
  • Toplessdancer
    20 years ago
    No fun for me now, but I agree with GS, as long as she made you feel good, I think she pulled off her end of the bargain. See that is the OK kind of lying, not the woa is me type. What am I telling you for, I am sure you all already know this.

    I definately want my customer to feel good about themselve when I am done with them, thats the making of a IN HOUSE friend, a Regular, and best of all, a good referal. Right, we are businessmen/women a happy client is a repeat client.

    Love sara
    20 years ago
    Which part?
  • farmerart
    11 years ago

    Are you from Toronto?
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Nothing like waiting 9 years to vent. :)
  • ime
    11 years ago
    Is JaneFnch really Alucard? Both have crazy long profiles and love to do the CAPS on certain words.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Shadow-Revenge is a dish best served cold.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    no need for men to lie. It only fuels the woman's ego
  • metrocard11
    11 years ago
    What really is your point to all of this, Jane? Or did you feel compelled to complain all of a sudden?

    You posted this at a great time as I've been doing some extensive research on this very topic. The fact is that the business has changed, and in a very good way for guests.

    Men generally don't go to strip clubs to look--they go to get serviced, and that has a lot of different interpretations, be it paying to talk, lap dances, or full on sex. While they may be significant components of the experience, the stage show and socializing are not the primary agendas for most guests if extras are available.

    Pussy is, always has been, and always will be a commodity, and today's clubs are merely a reflection of that reality. Why would a man drop 100 to watch someone dance half naked when he could fuck someone else in the club for the same price?

    The real problem here is that women--strippers or not--do not like that reality very much as prostitution lowers the price of pussy and erodes a woman's ability to extract cash without having to give it up in return.

    I intend to address some of things you mentioned in your profile in a future post.
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