I am a lurker lol

avatar for Toplessdancer
Hi Everyone, I have been lurking this site for about a month or 2 now, Most other stripper/ stip club sites I participate in do not have so many woman haters. Sometimes you will find one or 2 but they do not spend all of thier time bashing like some of the people here. My question is,to the stripper haters, Why do you have a problem with the girls of this trade? Have you been Hurt by one or two? Have you ever really been to a strip club, or are you one of the people who have a delusional thoughts about what you think stip clubs are like opposed to what they are really like? I am just curious becuase I do tend to pick some customers over others, from the expiriences I have encountered with some. I am very picky who I dance for. So you could say I have my own premonitions of certain types of people. I would really know why some of you HATE us so much?


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avatar for Toplessdancer
21 years ago
O.K. lol I am picky, I am sorry. I choose not to dance for certain people because, some of the types all they wan't is EXTRAS. I have not and will never do them. I would rather not make my job stressful. So I avoid them all together. LOL NA I am sure I would love you though Wink Wink. I am not mean and I never intend to be, I hae to think of myself sometimes and thats just one of they ways I keep a good mental status is just to avoid certain situations.
KingPin, grow up.
avatar for verfolgung
21 years ago
DUSTY & NA: On the topic of being picky. Sure I would say that I am picky. When I go to a club, there are certain things I look for. Now, I tend to be an active tipper to most dancers on stage, and I believe that most dancers who have the courage to get up on stage deserve at least something; however, some dancers will certainly be tipped more and some less. In regards to private dances, here is where I can be really "picky", and I usually only get them from one or two dancers. Sometimes I will leave a club without getting any because I haven't found what I'm looking for.

Basically it boils down to the idea that I like to meet beautiful women who are beautiful people, and I enjoy a great conversation with some "get to know ya" time. On the flip side, the types of dancers who I gravitate towards also tend to be "picky" and deserve to be so. They are looking for gentlemen who have a healthy attitude, have realistic expectations, will treat them like a lady, and will tip them well for excellent service. When I find these dancers & they find me it makes for a great time.

[PS: DUSTY, please do not feel the need to reply to the KP post above. He seems to enjoy knowing that he can agitate people, and you certainly don't need to defend yourself to him or his kind.]
avatar for Kingpin
21 years ago
Dusty I can't understand why you'd have a hard time with guys who don't speak english. What's so difficult about understanding "AAhh you fucky and ahhhh sucky"? Then you just nod your head yes and say the dollar amount. Done deal. Then when you get home the family never has to know you're a prostitute. Of course you'll always know. But that's another story. I hope you don't have a daughter. She'll probably grow up to be just like you. I mean, you are raising her aren't you? Noooooo, that's right, her father is. Well, maybe she'll be a Mr.Mom.
avatar for dusty
21 years ago
I would have to say I was somewhat picky as a dancer.. it wasn't intentional, I don't think... but there were a few people I would avoid.. my main problem was dancing for people who couldn't speak english.. so I would avoid them when possible.. ifthey pulled my over and asked for a dance.. either I would give them a dance.. or tell them I already had a guy waiting... I know it sounds mean... but the guys who couldn't speak the language, usually didn't understand DO NOT TOUCH!!!
avatar for casualguy
21 years ago
talking about being picky, I didn't really think of myself as being picky but I had a dancer tell me very recently that I must be picky. She accused me of getting dances from only the prettiest girls. Lol, I can't help it if the hottest girl in the club wants to dance for me the minute I arrive. It was a fun night.
avatar for niceass
21 years ago
>>>I do tend to pick some customers over others, from the expiriences I have encountered with some. I am very picky who I dance for. So you could say I have my own premonitions of certain types of people. I would really know why some of you HATE us so much?

ToplessDancer, first of all welcome to the board. As far as the haters, I don't think it's a hatred for strippers per se. Rather, it's a disapproval of the entire concept of stripping in general based on their own religious, political, and philosophical ideas which they hold so earnstly that they have the burning need to force they're own values on others. Because of lack of intelligence, they can't understand that uniformity of opinion isn't attainable. C&S is a prime example of this sort of narrowminded thinking. He is a holy roller who posted, about ten times, some drivel which emphasised, "There can only be one dominant view [for al of society]." RomanticLover is very similar. I believe her to be an angry, militant feminist out to clense the world of heterosexual relationships. Both are so emotionally weak that they can't bear the thought that the world doesn't comform that they have choosen for it. Personally, I've always thought that there was enough room for both churchs and stripclubs and that "good fences make good neighbors."

I have to give the point to FONDL on Homer Simpson who simply wants attention and gets it by stirring the pot like a developmentally arrested adolescent. He's really harmless. If you don't like sarcasm, just ignore him while I have fun sparing with him.

As far as myself, because I've been lumped in with the haters on occaission, I'm a picky customer. So, while I wouldn't hate you, you on the other hand would most likely hate me. The stripper is in control of the show. The customer is in control of his wallet and makes all purchasing decisions. Doubtlessly, since you are picky and so am I, we wouldn't transact any business. I wouldn't hate you. I'd simply accept it and move on to the next club were they have strippers who understand that it's an exchange i.e. money for performance.
avatar for WhtUHvBnWtng4
21 years ago
Good to have you aboard. I don't posthere often, but its nice to see more dancers here to protect each other from the stupid fuckers who think its funny, to make fun of you all, but still go to, or claim to have a strip clubs. Just ingnore people like KP,CS,HS,And RL. All they do is make the board unpleasant.
avatar for FONDL
21 years ago
As I've said before, I'm convinced that some of the bashers are just kids fooling around. The best way to deal with them is to just ignore them.
avatar for WiseGuy
21 years ago
Toplessdancer, be advised, the women haters like Clean and Sober, Kingpin, Homer Simpson, etc... insult, provoke and bait dancers with questions. They then take what the dancer posts, twist their meanings, and feign ignorance to get dancers pissed off.
avatar for Clean and Sober
Clean and Sober
21 years ago
Why do you have a problem with the girls of this trade? I'm not sure that I do. I call em like I see them
Have you been Hurt by one or two? I did naively fall for one years ago.
I would really know why some of you HATE us so much? I don't hate you

Toplessdancer, when someone that you refuse to dance for asks for a dance, what do you say?
avatar for casualguy
21 years ago
Welcome lurker, it's nice to see someone else with a sense of humor. I kind of fade in and out of discussions along with my visits to strip clubs.
avatar for JungleMan
21 years ago
I've noticed in the few days that I've been reading posts here that there is a lot of fighting about the dancers about who they or aren't. I guess I understand where some of them come from. I've been ripped off and I know I was being ripped off, but my only alternative was to paying her was to confront her, Get her pissed, have to beat up the bouncer, get arrested, and never be able to come back. So I just paid and never messed with her again and told everyone I knew to stay away. No big deal. I'm not gonna post here and cry about it.
Plus, I don't know about any of the other guys here. But I'd be a stripper damnit. No clubs in my area for guys, plus from what I've seen I need some steriods before I can do it. lol
avatar for token
21 years ago
TD, come back often girl! I'm very new here as well. Please.....let me know of anyother strip club sites or stripper posting venues. We're not all jerks.
avatar for verfolgung
21 years ago
TOPLESSDANCER: Thanks for joining the discussion and especially having the courage to post responses speak openly. As for CS & RL, some feel that they make their posts simply to elicit a response, and most feel it is just better to ignore them. Please don't let the "haters" discourage you from posting. Thanks again.
avatar for Toplessdancer
21 years ago
Question # 1 "You stated that you "tend to pick customers over others" - Why?

well because some men are nasty and they think since I am a Stripper I will let them fondle me, lick me or bite me. If they have no respect for me, I do not need thier money.

Question # 2 - You stated that "due to many bad experiences you've encountered" that you dont trust men?
Were you ever asked to perform a sexual or fetish act to a customer?

I don't remeber saying I don't trust men at all. I do trust men. If I had a nickle for everytime some drunken fool ASKED me to do a sexual favor I would be a millionaire. Most of the time they ask, I say, "if you ask me again, I will stop dancing for you" or I just walk away.

Question # 3 - Do you hate men? The reason why I'm asking this question is due to the fact that many dancers have told me that they were abused by their fathers, uncles and priests!! Any truth to that? Or is this some sort of "stripper folklore tale"??

I can't speak for all dancers, but I think if they are upfront to tell you that, I would take it as a line of bull shit. The Woa is me sort of thing. I don't hate men at all. I love men! I am not down with the poonani.

Question # 4 - Do you feel working at a strip club may have turned you against society or turned you into a bisexual?

Uh why would it turn me against society? I do everday things like every one else. Like I said before, I am not down with the pootang, therefore I am not bisexual. If you are refering to my other post, I guess I should have clarified, I would date a stripper, a male one!

I hope this wasn't too hard for you to read, and I havent seen you on this board before, my question was more refered to RomanticLover and Clean and Sober.

avatar for Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson
21 years ago
Toplessdancer asked - "Do certain customers have a problem with a girl's trade"? - ANSWER: No! ALL men NEED strippers!

Question #2 - "Have you ever been hurt by one or two strippers"? - ANSWER: No, however I have been "ripped off" by them while they were in their "druken state".

Question #3 - "Have you ever been to a stip club"? - ANSWER: Yes! Since the tender age of 17.

Question # 4 - "Why do some of you men hate us"? - ANSWER: No man hates a stripper, sometimes they just get a little pissed off at them when they bother you all night long for free drinks.

Now, IF I may I'd like to ask YOU Toplessdancer a few questions.

Question # 1 - You stated that you "tend to pick customers over others" - Why? Are you looking for a "old fart sugar daddy"?

Question # 2 - You stated that "due to many bad experiences you've encountered" that you dont trust men?
Were you ever asked to perform a sexual or fetish act to a customer?

Question # 3 - Do you hate men? The reason why I'm asking this question is due to the fact that many dancers have told me that they were abused by their fathers, uncles and priests!! Any truth to that? Or is this some sort of "stripper folklore tale"??

Question # 4 - Do you feel working at a strip club may have turned you against society or turned you into a bisexual?

Hope these questions weren't too hard - if you'll answer them at all.....
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