If you’re new to a club (once you’re a recognized regular this no longer applies) is it better to visit alone or in a group? In which case is a dancer more likely to sit down and spend some time with you? My experience has been that groups of men, even if they were sitting back and rarely tipping the stage, would have at least one dancer sitting with them, while individuals tended to have to sit alone. I just figured that this made sense just as a practical business matter – sit down and try to work the entire table. However, I recently had a conversation with a dancer who told me that guys who were alone made for better prospects simply because they did not have anyone else to monitor their spending. So which is it? With all else being equal, do dancers prefer to sit down with a group, or with a guy who is alone?
Thanks again to everyone for all the great feedback. I used to feel at a disadvantage whenever I visited a new club on my own. Thanks for providing some perspective on how individuals vs. groups can be viewed.
I prefer the man who sits alone. When men come as a crown they tend to be there more for each others amusement than accually being there for a dance. Most groups ususally are the over hyper, over drunk, half retarded types. They like to yell and let thier opinion be know while sitting back broke with no intention of even getting a dance. I am the dancer who like to sit and talk for a while, for free, and show my cutomer that I am here for emotional support if they need it and always there to fulfill thier fantasy, well they are in a strip club right? I hate the "wanna dance" pick up that some many new dancers use. I would much rather have a regular than a one time one song dance.
I don't like mobs either. I like to be able to sit down without searching all over for a seat. However, weekends are often good if not mobbed but just crowded. There are usually alot more girls working when they expect crowds. If you just want to watch without getting asked for dances every 5 minutes, you can often hide in the crowd and blend in a little. I once sat in the wrong spot and was asked if I wanted a dance by every single dancer in the club I believe and there must have been over 40 dancers that night. Now if they just sit in my lap before they ask, that isn't so bad.
One other piece of advice - if you want to meet a girl go during off hours. Afternoon is best, early evening also usually OK, and early in the week is best. If you go when the place is busy the girls will ignore you and stick with people they recognize. I never go clubbing on a Friday or Saturday night - most good places are mob scenes and that's not my thing.
A shy dancer is more than likly to head to a group, so she will not have to make as much conversation as she would if she were with and individual, The Old Pro's as I like to say usually know how to make conversation and would prefer and individual in hopes of conversation and dances. I prefer individuals in hopes they will come see me again, But I love bachelor parties (at the strip club, not home shows), if you can snag one guy and give him an incredable dance he is more than likely to buy the "groom to be" a dance as well, and if you work really hard, the word will spread and you could be getting dances with the entire group. But for some reason that only works with bachelor parties. LOL Dusty Good Luck!!
Alone....always alone. Tip the 1 or 2 (on stage) that interest you the most--you really don't have to tip em all. Show interest and the ladies will eventually get to you. Please remember, many ladies have "regulars" and need to spend an appropriate amount of time with each of them before (hopefully) adding to their core of admirers. Being out with 5-6 friends is cool for a Lite Beer commercial but sucks in a strip club.
As a general rule, if the dancer is looking to hustle drinks, she will more likely gravitate toward groups. If she is looking to sell dances, she will look for individuals.
Definitely alone. The dancers will be more interested in you then. Groups tend to be overly obnoxious for the dancers. Of course, if it's just you and a buddy, they don't seem to mind that too much as long as you aren't crude and wasted.
I would prefer going in a group as a newbie since I never really had trouble getting dancers to come over to my table, in fact sometimes it seemed like every single dancer would come over as soon as a chair was empty. Your friends can also save your seat and beer while you roam the club.
I've heard dancers say the same thing as above^. I suppose the dancers think it's easier to talk a guy into dances alone without friends interrupting etc. I haven't any trouble getting dancers to stop by my table with or without friends though. Friends are very helpful though for watching beer and saving seats, along with chatting.
last night, sitting in my favorite cub-alone, three drunken idiots sitting about 3 feet from me kept ogling, whistling and trying to grab every dancer that walked by. The three idiots spent the night with only themselves for company, I spent the night with 3 of my favs and was never alone for more than a few minutes in about 3 hours. I didn't even do any dances with 2 out of the 3 favs. I'd like to thank all of the high-fiving, whistling, snorting, drunken A-hole 20 somethings of the world for making a middle aged old fart like me look good ...
I remember the first time I went to a strip club. Some guys from work almost insisted I go with them. I'm not sure if I would have ever gone by myself to start with. I also remember the guys telling me to bring lots of cash. I think I actually asked if 10 or $20 dollars was enough. They told me to bring 50 so I wouldn't run out. To relax and have fun with the guys and enjoy the eye candy, it's fun in groups but if you want to talk one on one with the girls, alone works fine too. Just a word of caution, always ask for dance prices ahead of time, some places and girls charge different prices within the same club.
It depends on what you're looking for and what kind of place it is. If you're looking to just have some drinks and laughs without spending too much, going with your friends can be a lot of fun. But if you're looking to spend quality time with one of the girls, definately go alone. I always go alone and rarely have trouble getting a girl to join me - just be polite and reasonably well dressed. Many girls would rather spend time with just one guy because she's more likely to get a bunch of private dances. Single guys are often more polite too, where sometimes groups will make fun of the girls to try to impress each other with how cool they are. The girls don't enjoy that very much and so will often avoid groups.
last commentLOL
Good Luck!!